Use Case ID:

|Use Case ID: |1 |

|Use Case Name: |Import Record |

|Created By: |Dean Rzonca |Last Updated By: |Dean Rzonca |

|Date Created: |12/19/06 |Date Last Updated: |12/19/06 |

|Actors: |Cataloguer |

|Description: |A record is added to the system |

|Trigger: |There is a new record to be added |

|Preconditions: |The record exists within a file in an XML format |

|Post conditions: |The record is present in persistent storage |

|Normal Flow: |The user invokes the “Import Record” functionality in the UI |

| |The user is prompted to select a file containing the record to be imported |

| |The user selects a file and directs the UI to import it |

| |The XML data is parsed into a usable form |

| |Authority-controlled fields are normalized |

| |The parsed, normalized data is added to persistent storage |

|Alternative Flows: |1-3A. an automated script or batch job locates files to be imported |

|Exceptions: |4E. The selected file is not properly formatted XML |

| |The file is rejected |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: |Highest |

|Frequency of Use: |Very Frequent |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |

|Use Case ID: |1.1 |

|Use Case Name: |Import Authority Record |

|Created By: |Dean Rzonca |Last Updated By: |Dean Rzonca |

|Date Created: |12/19/06 |Date Last Updated: |12/19/06 |

|Actors: |Cataloguer |

|Description: |An authority record is added to the system |

|Trigger: |There is a new authority record to be added |

|Preconditions: |1. The record exists within a file in XML format |

|Postconditions: |1. The record is present in persistent storage |

|Normal Flow: |See 1. with following differences: |

| |1. User invokes “Import Authority Record” functionality from UI |

|Alternative Flows: |See 1. |

|Exceptions: |See 1. |

| |E2. The record is not an Authority record |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: |Highest |

|Frequency of Use: |Very Frequent |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |

|Use Case ID: |1.2 |

|Use Case Name: |Import Bibliographic Record |

|Created By: |Dean Rzonca |Last Updated By: |Dean Rzonca |

|Date Created: |12/19/06 |Date Last Updated: |12/19/06 |

|Actors: |Cataloguer |

|Description: |A bibliographic record is added to the system |

|Trigger: |There is a new bibliographic record to be added |

|Preconditions: |1. The record exists within a file in XML format |

|Postconditions: |1. The record is present in persistent storage |

|Normal Flow: |See 1. with following differences: |

| |User invokes “Import Bibliographic Record” functionality from UI |

| |2. The record is marked as unprocessed |

|Alternative Flows: |See 1. |

|Exceptions: |See 1. |

| |E2. The record is not a bibliographic record |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: |Highest |

|Frequency of Use: |Very Frequent |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |

|Use Case ID: |1.3 |

|Use Case Name: |Batch Import |

|Created By: |Dean Rzonca |Last Updated By: |Dean Rzonca |

|Date Created: |12/19/06 |Date Last Updated: |12/19/06 |

|Actors: |Cataloguer |

|Description: |Multiple records are imported from within a folder |

|Trigger: |Multiple records need to be imported |

|Preconditions: |1. There are multiple records present in XML format |

|Postconditions: |1. The records are present in persistent storage |

|Normal Flow: |The user selects Batch Import functionality from the UI |

| |The UI prompts the user to select a record type |

| |The user selects either Bibliographic or Authority record |

| |The UI prompts the user to select a folder |

| |The user selects the folder containing the records |

| |The system imports the records, per 1. |

|Alternative Flows: | |

|Exceptions: |E1. An imported file does not contain properly formatted XML |

| |The file is ignored, an error is displayed, and the batch operation resumes |

|Includes: |1. Import Record |

|Priority: |High |

|Frequency of Use: |Very Frequent |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |

|Use Case ID: |2.0 |

|Use Case Name: |Match Record |

|Created By: |Dean Rzonca |Last Updated By: |Dean Rzonca |

|Date Created: |12/19/06 |Date Last Updated: |12/19/06 |

|Actors: |Cataloguer |

|Description: |Contents of authority controlled fields in a record are checked against authority record |

| |sources and replaced with their authorized forms |

|Trigger: |There is an unprocessed record |

|Preconditions: |There is an unprocessed record in persistent storage |

|Postconditions: |1. The record is displayed with correct, authorized data in authority-controlled fields |

|Normal Flow: |The user invokes the “Match Record” option in the UI |

| |The UI directs the user to select a record |

| |The user selects a record to match |

| |The system attempts to match data in authority-controlled fields to authority data |

| |If the degree of certainty in the match is above a specified system setting for a threshold,|

| |the data in authority-controlled fields is replaced with its authorized form |

|Alternative Flows: |4. The degree of certainty in a possible match is below a specified threshold |

| |5. No record is displayed; the result is stored and marked for later review |

|Exceptions: | |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: |Highest |

|Frequency of Use: |Very Frequent |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |

|Use Case ID: |2.1 |

|Use Case Name: |Match All Unprocessed Records |

|Created By: |Dean Rzonca |Last Updated By: |Dean Rzonca |

|Date Created: |12/19/06 |Date Last Updated: |12/19/06 |

|Actors: |Cataloguer |

|Description: |Records which were previously imported but not matched are processed in a batch |

|Trigger: |There are unprocessed bibliographic records in persistent storage that need to be processed |

|Preconditions: |1. There are unprocessed bibliographic records |

|Postconditions: |1. All unprocessed bibliographic records are processed |

|Normal Flow: |User directs UI to process all unprocessed bibliographic records |

| |The system attempts to match each unprocessed bibliographic, as per 2.0 |

|Alternative Flows: | |

|Exceptions: | |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: |High |

|Frequency of Use: |Very Frequent |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |

|Use Case ID: |3. |

|Use Case Name: |Generate Report |

|Created By: |Dean Rzonca |Last Updated By: |Dean Rzonca |

|Date Created: |12/19/06 |Date Last Updated: |12/19/06 |

|Actors: |Librarian |

|Description: |Generate a report of usage statistics |

|Trigger: |A report of usage statistics is needed |

|Preconditions: |None |

|Postconditions: |Statistics are reported |

|Normal Flow: |User directs UI to generate usage report |

| |UI requests date range from user |

| |User enters date range |

| |UI requests report type |

| |User selects report type |

| |The requested report is generated using statistics from the selected range |

|Alternative Flows: | |

|Exceptions: | |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: |High |

|Frequency of Use: |Somewhat frequent |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: |This behavior has not yet been specified in detail, will defer to R3 |

|Use Case ID: |4.0 |

|Use Case Name: |Review Possible Match |

|Created By: |Dean Rzonca |Last Updated By: |Dean Rzonca |

|Date Created: |12/19/06 |Date Last Updated: |12/19/06 |

|Actors: |Librarian |

|Description: |Review possible matches for authoritative names that were identified by the system |

|Trigger: |Matching has been performed and results need to be reviewed |

|Preconditions: |Matching has been performed and possible matches have been identified with a probability |

| |below a specified threshold |

|Postconditions: |If the user approves a match, the original record is displayed in its original format, with |

| |all authority-controlled fields substituted with an approved, authorized form of their |

| |contents |

| |If the user rejects a match, ????? |

|Normal Flow: |The user directs the UI to list all possible matches below the specified probability level |

| |A report is generated showing all possible matches, along with evidence for the match |

| |The UI requests the user to accept or reject each possible match |

| |The user accepts or rejects |

|Alternative Flows: |4A. The user selects “Approve” |

| |4B. The user selects “Reject” |

|Exceptions: | |

|Includes: | |

|Priority: |Very High |

|Frequency of Use: |Very Frequent |

|Business Rules: | |

|Special Requirements: | |

|Assumptions: | |

|Notes and Issues: | |


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