Novel Scrapbook Project - Ms. Preibisch

Ms. Preibisch’s “Novel Scrapbook” Project

Your Task: You will create a “Scrapbook” based on your silent reading novel (This may or may not look like a traditional scrapbook – you have some creative license here, but it should be in a bound booklet or in a digital format that has been pre-approved). The finished product will be creative and unique to your personal voice, style, and originality. The parameters what the finished project will look like are wide!

The Goal:

• To reveal your insight and analysis of the novel in a creative fashion.

• The finished scrapbook should reveal your deep understanding of the themes, characters, symbols, figurative language, setting and plot.

• Explanation is extremely important. The scrapbook should also show connections to the outside world. For example: connections to world events, personal experiences, novels, articles, famous quotations, music, facts, statistics, etc.

Scrapbook Must Haves: Total items: 25-30 items creatively presented.

❑ The scrapbook must be in a bound journal or book.

❑ Have a creative front cover/title page and table of contents.

❑ Items from both sections: 12 MUST be from the creative writing section.

❑ Make sure you properly explain and provide a rationale for the “creative expression” section.

❑ An “about the author” page (you are the author of the scrapbook!). This page requires a picture of you and a write-up about yourself (for examples, see any back cover/inside flap of a novel).


**NOTE: the amount of effort put into the project is considered in all aspects of the marking scale including visual appeal and depth of understanding.

Creative Expression Pieces: Make sure to explain each piece.

1. ___A new front cover and back cover of the novel.

2. ___An advertisement for a movie/play that will be produced based on the novel.

3. ___A timeline of major events in the novel or a character’s life.

4. ___Choose a song, provide the lyrics, and relate the song to the novel. Explain.

5. ___Create “Action Figures” inspired by the book. Draw or computer generate a picture of them and consider what their accessories will be. Explain.

6. ___Create an itunes/Spotify play list for the main character. Explain each choice.

7. ___Create a facebook page for a character. It must reflect the character’s personality (See me for a template).

8. ___Create an Instagram account for your character that reflects the character’s personality and explain.

9. ___What are the contents of a character’s purse/bag? The items must reveal information about the character’s personality. Explain your choices.

10. ___A relevant pop-up of a scene (It must be a real pop-up –Google some ideas)

11. ___Visually represent the symbols in the novel and explain what they mean and how they contribute to the novel as a whole.

12. ___Find a real news article that would interest one of the characters. (Include the article and explain why it would interest or impact the character).

13. ___Disney connections. Which Disney characters have similar character traits? Why?

14. ___Create a mask the character would wear. You may choose to show both sides: what the character is really like, and who he/she pretends to be. Make sure to explain. (See me if you need a template).

15. ___A collage of the novel’s events or what the novel reminds you of (Explain).

16. ___A Mind Map or diagram of the major events, themes, symbols etc.

17. ___A family tree (provide a bit of info about each character and how they are connected).

18. ___Examples of figurative language in the novel. You must provide the answers.

19. ___A crossword/word search related to the novel. (minimum 15 clues).

20. ___Plot diagram with illustrations.

21. ___iPhone/Android Applications: What apps would the character(s) have downloaded onto their phone(s)? Draw/print a picture with a list of the relevant “apps” and provide reasons for your choices. Make sure to choose Apps that aren’t automatically on every iPhone! For example, having a “contacts” App doesn’t reveal much about the character and is on everyone’s phone!

22. Create a new App that is essential to your character’s life. Explain what the App is, how it would be used, and why it is essential for your character(s) or how it would better their situation.

23. Cookbook/Recipe list. What essential recipes would your character have in his/her personal cookbook? What does this reveal?

Creative Writing Options: (The writing for this section is longer than the Creative Expression pieces)

24. ___Write a letter to the author or the characters.

25. ___You are the director of the movie or play that will feature your novel. Who will be your cast? Write memos to the actors/actresses explaining why they should play the role you have in mind for them. (Make sure this is for a new production).

26. ___Do a “you are there” news report on a particular scene, character, or event.

27. ___Draw/paint a detailed picture and explain the connection to the novel (it’s best if you are artistically inclined to choose this one).

28. ___Make connections to what you are studying in other classes: Psychology, Social Studies, Science, Math, Drama, Art, etc.

29. ___A 20/20 interview with one of the characters. Pretend you are a famous journalist. Create 20 intriguing questions and provide the character’s 20 answers.

30. ___Rewrite a longer section of the book from a different point of view.

31. ___Make a comic strip/graphic novel section of the book which retells the novel’s major events.

32. ___Diary entry: pretend that you are one of the characters. It should be “in-role” – so use the voice and vocabulary of that character.

33. ___Explain what would happen if a character from this book met a character from another book you have read.

34. ___The missing character: create one more character for the novel: who would it be and why?

35. ___Create metaphors for the characters: which______ (kitchen gadget, childhood game, colour…) would he/she be and why?

36. ___Create an extended metaphor for one of the characters.

37. ___Change something important in the novel and explain the effect it would have on the story. For example, change the villain, the protagonist, or the setting.

38. ___Matchmaker: name another character from a different book, movie, or short story that would be a good match or a “nightmare match” (the worst possible match) for the protagonist. Explain.

39. ___Write a letter to the editor of a local magazine about a situation from your novel.

40. ___Write an obituary for a character.

41. ___Write a character’s horoscope and explain how it affected him/her that day.

42. ___Make a prediction about a possible sequel to the novel.

43. ___Rewrite the ending of the novel.

44. ___Write about how the novel relates to your life.

45. ___Provide your impression/critique of the novel. Provide specific reasons.

46. ___Write a comparison between the novel and a movie version of the book.

47. ___Write about the significance of the title.

48. ___Find a poem related to the novel and analyze it.

49. ___Create the front page of the town’s newspaper depicting major events.

50. ___What would YOU do in a similar situation? Predict the outcome.

51. ___Gossip revelation: write a gossip piece about an event in the story.

**Review the first page to make sure you have included all the “Must Haves” in your Scrapbook.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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