Glossary Resource

GLOSSARYThis list includes a selection of commonly-used medical terms, research jargon and other complex words paired with suggestions for plain language alternatives. The list is provided from the PRISM Readability Toolkit, Third Edition and further edited for Seattle Children’s Hospital. It is a compilation of original entries* and entries selected from a variety of plain language word lists publicly available on the internet:Simple Words and Phrases ()Writing Style Guide and Dictionary of Plain English (Duncan Kent & Associates Ltd.)This list is by no means exhaustive, and we encourage you to refer to other resources as needed. For definitions of more specialized medical terminology, try the University of Michigan Medical School Simplification Guide to Medical Terms.Navigation links: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y HYPERLINK \l "_Z__TOP"ZInstead of …Try this …(You may need to use different forms or combinations depending on how the term is used) A TOPabdomenstomach, tummy, bellyabrasionscrape, scratchabsorbtake in fluids, soak upabstain fromdon't, don’t use, don’t have, go withoutaccompanygo (along) with, come withaccomplishcarry out, doaccordinglyso, for that reason, as a resultaccrueadd, gain, build upaccumulateadd, build up, collect, gatheraccuratecorrect, exact, rightacquiregetactivatebegin, startacutesudden, new, recent; intense flare-up, serious pain; short-termaddictivehabit-formingadditionaladded, extra, more, otheraddresstalk about, discussadequateenoughadjacentnext to, byadjuvantan extra treatment that is used in combination with the main treatment to lower the chance of the disease coming backadministergiveadvantageoushelpful, usefuladverseharmful, badadversely impacthurt, set backaffirmativeyes, positiveaggravatemake worseaggregateall together, added together, combinedagitationanxiety, restlessness, nervousnessailmentsickness, illness, health problem, complaintallergensomething that causes allergiesallergic rhinitishay fever alleviateease, decrease, lessenallocatedivide, give based on a planallowletalopeciahair lossalternativechoice, optionameliorateimprove, get better, make betterambulatewalkambulatoryable to walkamendchangeameliorateimproveanalgesicpain killer, pain relieveranalyzelook at, study, examineanaphylaxisshock or serious allergic reactionanesthetic (general)a drug that puts you to sleepanesthetic (local)a drug that numbs an area of your bodyangina (or angina pectoris)chest painanteriorfrontanticipateexpectanticoagulantblood thinneranti-inflammatoryhelps swelling go downapparentclear, plain, show upappreciate, appreciationthankful, thanksappriseinform, tellappropriate(ly)correct(ly), proper(ly), rightapproximate(ly)about, around, roughlyarrhythmiairregular heartbeat, when the heart doesn’t have a steady beatarteriosclerosis (or atherosclerosis)hardening of the arteriesarticulatesay, state, tellascertainfind out, learn ascorbic acidvitamin Casphyxiate, asphyxiationchoke (ing), suffocate (tion)aspirate, aspirationfluid in the lungsassaylab testassesslearn about, studyassessmentreview, quiz, rating, report, test, interviewassist, assistancehelp, aidassociated withlinked to, related toasymptomaticwithout symptomsatopic dermatitisitchy red rashattainmeet a goal; getattempttryauditreview, inspect, look atauralhearingB TOPbacteriagermsbeneficialhelpful, goodbenefit (noun)good effect, advantagebenefit (verb)help, be useful tobenignisn't harmful, not cancerbilateralon both sidesbiopsysample of tissue from part of the bodyblood glucoseblood sugarblood profileseries of blood testsBMI, body mass indexusing your height and weight to measure if you’re overweightbradycardiaslow heart beatbuttocksbutt, backside, rear, rear endC TOPcalculateadd up, figure outcapable, capabilityable, abilitycarcinogensomething that can cause cancercarcinomacancercardiac (of/in/related to) the heartcardiologistheart doctorcardiovascularheart and/or blood vesselcarpalwristcategorykind, class, groupcathetera tube for (putting fluids into/ taking fluids out of) the bodycatheterizeput a tube into (part of the body)caveatwarning; detail to think aboutceasestopcell culturetissue sample or a study of the tissuecellulitisskin infection?Central Nervous System (CNS)brain and spinal cordcerebral hemorrhage (or cerebral accident or cerebrovascular accident or CVA)stroke, blood clot in the braincessationending, stop, pausechemotherapydrugs to treat cancerchest filmchest X-raycholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesteroltypes of fat found in the blood, HDL is good cholesterol, LDL is badchroniclasting a long time, life-longclaviclecollarboneclinical(related to) medical careclinical triala research study that tests new drugs or devices on participantscoagulateclot, stop flowingcognitivelearning, thinkingcognizantaware (of)coitussexcollaborate withwork withcolon/colorectallarge intestinecolonoscopyan exam of the inside of the large intestine that uses a flexible tube with a camera at the endcommencebegin, startcommitmentpromisecommonlymost oftencommunicatewrite, tell, talk, let you knowcompensate, compensationpay, give money completefinish, do, fill out, take part incomply withfollowcomponentpart, section, phasecompriseform, include, make upcomputed tomographyCT scan or imaging test, 3-D X-rayconceal(ed)hide (hidden)concerningabout, onconcomitantat the same timeconditionhow you feel, health problemconduct(ing)do(ing)congenitalpresent at birth, born withcongenital anomalybirth defectcongestive heart failurewhen the heart can’t pump enough blood for the bodyconjunctivitispink eyeconsequenceresultconsequentlyso, because of this, as a resultconsiderthink aboutconsolidatecombine, join, put togethercontainshasconstitutesis, forms, makes upconstructmake, build, designcontingent uponifcontinuego on, keep (on)contraceptivebirth controlcontract(ing) [a disease]get(ing) [a disease]contraindicatednot recommended, can cause a bad reaction, not allowedcontrast mediumdye that helps show areas where there might be issues in the bodycontributegive, helpcontrolled triala study that compares one intervention to another interventioncontusionbruiseconvenemeetconvenienthandy, works wellconversionchangeconvulsionseizure, shakingcoronary(in/of/related to) the blood vessels that bring blood to the heartcoronary thrombosisheart attackcorrelationlinkcorrespondsimilar to, be in agreement withcrucialvery importantcurrentlynowcutaneous (in/of/about/related to) the skinD TOPdebilitatingweakeningdecisionchoicedecreaselower, reducedeemthink, believe, considerdeep vein thrombosisa blood clot deep in the veindeficiencynot enough?deficitshortagedegenerationgetting or gets worsedeleteremove, take out, cut, dropdemonstrateprove, showdepartleavedescribingtell aboutdesignatechoose, name, select, appointdetectfind (out)determinedecide, find (out), learn (if)detrimentalharmful, baddevelopoccur, start to get, happendiabeticperson who has diabetesdiagnose, diagnosis(find the) problem or conditiondiagnostic procedurea test to look for a problemdiaphoresissweatingdifficultiesproblems, troublediffusewidespread, scattereddigitfinger or toediluteadd liquid, make less strongdiminish(ed)go down, decrease, less (of), lowerdiscloseshare, tell, showdiscolorationchange in colordisconnectunhook, separate, dividediscontinuedrop, stopdiscoverfind (out), learn ifdiscrepancyconflict, difference, error, splitdisseminate(d)give, share, send, pass on, (spread out)diureticdrug that makes you urinate (OR pee) morediverticulitiswhen your large intestine is swollen or infecteddonategiveDNASee Language Resource Textdose escalation to increase the amount we give of the study drugdouble blinda study where the researchers and the participants don’t know what drug the participant is gettingdressingbandagedue to the factbecausedysfunctionnot working?dysmenorrheapainful period crampsdyspepsiaheartburn?dysphagiatrouble swallowingdyspneatrouble breathingE TOPechocardiography, echocardiogrampictures of the heartedemaswellingefficacyhow well (an intervention) workselectchoose, pickelectrolytessalts in the blood that control the balance of fluids in the bodyelevatehigh, higher, raiseeliminateget rid of, remove, cut, end, go to the bathroomelucidateexplainembolismlump of blood, clotembolist/embolusclot that blocks a blood vessel or arteryemesisthrowing up, vomitingempirical evidenceproofemployuseemploymentworkenableallow, letencountermeet, meetingencourageurgeendeavortryendometriumlining of the uterusenlargeget biggerenrollbe in, joinensuefollow(ing), occur after, happen nextensuremake sureenumeratecountenuresisproblems controlling urine, bladder control problemsepidemiologistscientist who studies diseases??episodebout or attackequilibriumbalanceequivalentequal, the same asequitablefaireradicateget rid oferuption (skin)rash or breakoutespeciallymainly, mostlyestablishset up; also, show, proveetiologycauseevaluatelook at, study, measure, rateevidence ofproof of, signs ofevidentclearexacerbatemake worseexaminationexamexaminelook at, studyexciseremove by cutting, cut outexhalebreathe outexhibitshowexpedite, expeditiousspeed up, make (something) go faster, make (something) easier, (fast, quick)expendspendexperiencingfeeling, going through, havingexpire, expirationend (date), run outexplicitplain, clearextensiveA lot (of), wide-spread, throughout the body externaloutside (the body)exudeoozeF TOPfacilitatehelp, ease, make (something) easierfailed todid notfeasiblecan be done, possible, workablefebrilefeverfemurthigh bone, bone that connects the hip and kneefetusunborn babyfinalizecomplete, finishforfeitgive up, loseformulatework out, form, makeforwardsendfracture(d)break, (broken)frequentlyoften, a lotfructosefruit sugarfunctionact, role, workfundamentalbasicfurnishgive, sendG TOPgastric (of/in/related to) the stomachgastroenterologistdoctor who treats problems with digestiongastroesophageal reflux (GERD=gastroesophageal reflux disease)heartburngeneralizedwide-spreadgerontologicalage-related, (related to) aginggestationpregnancyGI specialistdoctor who treats problems with digestionglucosesugargraduallyslowly, over timegynecologistdoctor trained in women’s healthH TOPhazardousdangerous, not safehearing impairmenthearing loss or deafnessheart failureheart isn't pumping hard enoughhematocritamount of red blood cells in the bloodhematomabruisehemorrhageheavy bleedinghencesohepatic(of/in/related to) the liverheritable, hereditarygenetic, traits that are passed down in familiesherpes simplex type 1cold soreherpes simplex type 2herpesherpes zostershinglesheterogeneousdifferent, mixedhirsutismunwanted hair growthhomogeneoussame or similarhoweverbuthyperopiafarsighted(ness)hypersensitivityvery sensitive tohypertension (hypotension)blood pressure that’s too high (blood pressure that's too low)hyperthyroidism (hypothyroidism)overactive thyroid, too much thyroid hormone (underactive thyroid, not enough thyroid hormone)hypothesisidea being testedhypoxianot enough oxygen in the bloodI TOPidenticalsame, exactly alikeidentifiedfoundidentifyfind (out), pinpoint, name, showidiopathicwe don’t know what causes itimmediatelyright away, now, at onceimmersecover in, dip inimmunotherapytreatment to make the immune system work better (boost immune system)impactchange, affectimpedeslow, make it harder toimplantput into the bodyimplementcarry out, put in place, startimpotent, impotencewhen a man either can’t get or can’t keep an erectionin additionalso, too, andinvitehave the optionin vitroin a test tube or labincapacitatemake it hard or impossible to doinceptionstart, beginningincidencenumber of new cases, how many times it occursincisioncut, slitincludingalong with, like, such asincorrectwrong, not rightincrease, increasedraise, higherindicatemean, show, suggest, tell us, fill in, write downindicationsign, symptomineffectualdoesn’t work, useless, of no useinfectious (disease)passed from one person to the nextinfectionillness, sickness, diseaseinfertile(women) not able to get pregnant(men) not able to get a partner pregnantinflammationswelling, painful swellinginfluenceaffectinformtellinformed consentthe process of deciding to be in a research study after thinking about the pros and cons infusionputting a substance into the body through the bloodingesteat or drinkinhalebreathe ininhibitstopinhibitordrug that slows down or stops something from happeninginitialfirstinitiatebegin, startinjectionPoke, needle pokein lieu ofinstead (of)innovationnew idea, new wayinquireaskinstitutestart, set upinstrumenttoolinsufficientnot enough, too littleintakewhat you eat or drink; what goes into your bodyintent, intentionaim, goal, purposeinterface meet, work withintermittentoff and oninternalinside (the body)interiorinsideinternistdoctor of internal medicine interruptstopintramuscularin a muscleintravenousin a veinintubateput a tube down your throat into your airway so you can breatheinvasive diseasedisease that (can or has) spread to other parts of the bodyinvasive procedureto go into the body through a cut, slit, or punctureinvestigationstudyinvestigator(s)researcher(s), people doing the studyissuegiveJ TOPjaundicewhen the whites of the eyes and the skin look yellow juvenile (condition)childhood (condition)K TOPL TOPlacerationcut, tear, slitlactationbreastfeedinglactosea sugar found in milklarynxvoice boxlateralside, on the sidelethargicsluggish; very sleepylimbarm or leglingualtonguelipidsfats in the bloodlipid profile (or lipid panel)lab test to measure the amount of fats in the bloodlocalityplacelocally, localizedin one arealocatefindlocationplacelymphomacancer of the lymph nodes (or tissues)M TOPmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI)pictures of the inside of the body taken with a special machine, like an x-ray but more detailed (also See Resource Text)magnitudesizemaintainkeep, supportmalaisegeneral feeling of being sick, feeling badmalignant, malignancycancer cells that won’t stop growing and spread to other parts of the body malingeringpretending to be sickmajority (of)mostmanifestationsignmannerwaymaterializeappearmaximumgreatest, largest, mostmean (statistical)average (statistical)medicationdrug, medicinemenarchefirst (menstrual) periodmenopausewhen a woman doesn’t get any more (menstrual) periods menses, menstruation(menstrual) periodmetabolism, metabolizehow the body breaks down food into energymetastasizespreadmetastaticcancer that has spreadmiliariaprickly heatminimal (minimum)least, smallest, slight (at least)minimizedecrease, lower, reducemobile (mobility)able (ability) to move aroundmoderate (verb)limit, controlmodify, modificationchangemonitorcheck (on), keep track (of), watchmorbiditydisease rate, illness ratemortalitydeath rate, death, dyingmotilitymovement, ability to movemusculoskeletalmuscles and bonesmutation a change in the information carried by a gene; this change can affect how the gene works or may do nothing at all (also see DNA in the Language Resource Text)myocardial infarction (MI)heart attackmyopianearsighted(ness), when it’s hard to see things that are far awayN TOPnausea (nauseous)upset stomach, feeling like throwing up, feel like vomitingnebulousvague, not clearnecessaryneeded, need tonegligiblesmallnephropathykidney diseaseneuralgianerve painneuronnerve cellnodulelumpnoncompliantnot following the plan for the research studynoninvasivewithout using surgery, needles, or cutting the skinnotification, notifyto tell, let knownumeratecountnumerousmanynutrientfoodO TOPobjectiveaim, goalobligate, obligationrequire, bind, means that (you) have to, dutyobserveseeobstructblock or closeobtainget, takeoccasionallysometimesocclude (occlusion)block (blockage)occupation(al)job, workoncologistdoctor who treats canceroncologystudy or treatment of canceronsetstartopen-labela study where the doctor and the person taking part both know which drug (device, biologic) is being givenopportunityOption, choiceoptimum, optimalbest, greatest, mostoptionchoice, wayoral (oral administration)(given) by mouthorthopedic(of/about/related to) the bonesosteoporosisbrittle bone disease, having bones that can break easilyotherwiseif nototolaryngologistear, nose, and throat doctoroutcomesresults, (long-term) changesP TOPpalliativemake feel better but not cure, ease symptomspallorpalenesspalpatefeelpalpitationfast heartbeatparameterlimit, boundaryparesthesiatingling, prickling, or burning feeling on the skin that can’t be explained or doesn’t seem to have any cause participantperson who takes part participate (ing, ion)be, do, join, opt in, take part? (ing)parturitionlabor and delivery, childbirthpathogen(esis)cause of a diseaseperforationholeperformdoperiodicallyfrom time to timeperioralaround the mouthperipheralon the edge, not centralpermit(ted)allow(ed), letpersistlast, keep going, doesn’t stoppersistent?lastingpersonnelstaff, peoplepertaining toabout, of, onperuseread, study, examine with carepervasivewidespreadpharmaceuticaldrugpharmacotherapyuse drugs to treat a disease or conditionpharyngitissore throatPhase I A research study where researchers learn about what the safe amount of a drug is to givePhase IIA research study to learn about if a new drug (device, biologic) will affect a diseasePhase IIIA research study to compare a drug (device, biologic) with treatment that is already used to see which is betterPhase IVA research study done after the FDA has approved a drug (device, biologic) to look at side effects of the drug in a large group of peoplephysiciandoctorphysiologicalhaving to do with the bodypigmentationcolorplaceboa pill that doesn’t have any drugs or medicine; a “sugar” pillplacentapart of the mother’s womb that supplies oxygen and nutrition to her unborn babyplaque (artery)fatty depositplasmathe fluid part of blood?plasma glucoseblood sugarportionpartpositron emission tomographyPET scan or imaging test; test done to look at organs in the bodypossesshave, ownposteriorbackpostoperative (post-op)after surgerypreadolescentpreteenpreclinicalisn’t causing symptoms yet, no signs yetprecludeprevent; rule outpredisposed, predispositionlikely to, inclined toprenatalbefore birthpresentlyright nowpresent withhavepreservekeepprevalence, prevalenthow often it happens, common, happens oftenpreventstop, put a stop to, to keep from happeningprevious, previouslybefore, earlierprincipal investigatorhead researcher, scientist in charge of a studyprior (to)earlier, beforeprioritizerank, order, put in order of importanceproactivetaking action on your ownproceduresomething that is done, a processproceeddo, go ahead, start, tryprocure, procurementbuy, getproficiency, proficientskill, skilledprognosisoutlookprogress (verb), progressiveworsen, get(s) worseprohibit, prohibitive, prohibited fromprevent, restrict(ive), strict, may not, don’t allowpromulgatemake, issue, publishpronelying face down, lying on your stomachprophylaxissomething that prevents disease or infectionprosthesisreplacement for a body part, such as a man-made armprotocolplan of study, rule, processprovidegive (us), offer, sayprovided thatifproviderdoctor, clinician, person who gives health careproximalclose, closer to the center of the bodypsychopathologymental illnesspsychosocialmental and socialpsychotropicmind-alteringpulmonary (in/or/about/related to) the lungspulmonary embolismblood clot in the lungpurchasebuypursuant toby, following, underQ TOPquestionnairesurvey, series of questionsR TOPradiologistdoctor who specializes in reading X-raysradiologyX-ray departmentramificationsoutcomes, problems, resultsrandomized/randomizationassigned to a group by chance, like flipping a coin [if there are 2 groups] drawing names out of a hat [if there are more than 2 groups]random(ly)by chancerandom samplegroup of (people) chosen by chance; like drawing names out of a hatrangearea, between (x) and (y), from low(est) to high(est)receivegetrecurreturn, come back, happen againreferralsend to see another doctorreflectsay, showrefluxheartburnrefractoryhard to treat, hard to manageregardingabout, of, onregardlessno matterregimenplanregulateaffect, controlregulationsrulesrelapseslip, backslide, return of a diseaserelevant (to)about, tied in with, related torelocatemoveremainstay, waitremainderrest, what is left overremainingother, (second, last, final), left, left overremissioncancer that has gone awayrenal (in/of/about/related to) the kidneysrendermake, givereplicablecan be done againrepresentsisrequestaskrequire(d), requirementmust do or have, need(ed)researcherspeople doing the studyresectcut out, take out through surgery, removereside, residencelive, house, homerespirationbreathingrestrictionslimitsretainkeepretinolvitamin Aretrospective studya study looking at things that have already happenedrevise(d), revisionchange(d), newrevealgive us, show, tellroutinelyoften, commonlyrupturebreak open, burstS TOPsarcomaCancer of the bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissuesatisfactoryokay, fine, goodsclerosiswhen certain tissues of the body get hard and thicksedativea drug to make you feel calm or less anxioussedentaryinactive, not activeseldomrarely, not very oftenselectionchoicesensationfeelingsepsisa very serious infection?sequentiallyin a row, in order, by numberseverala few, a number of, somesevereserious, badseverityhow bad?shall willsimilar (to)like, alikesimilaritylikeness sinusitissinus infectionsolelyonlysolicitask for, requestsomnolencesleepinessspecifynamespecimensamplespirometera device that measures how much air you’re able to breathe in and out of your lungsstate-of-the-artlateststenosisgetting more narrowstimulateexcite, triggerstrategy, strategize(make a) planstreptococcalstrepsubcutaneousunder the skinsublingualmedication taken by dissolving under the tongue, under the tonguesubmitgive, sendsubsequent(ly)after, later, next, thensubstantialbig, large, muchsucrosesugarsufficientenough, plentysuggest(s)show(s) there might besupinelying on your backsustainkeep goingsustenancesupport, foodsuturesstitchessymptomatichaving symptomssystemicwhole bodyT TOPtachycardiavery fast heart beat?tapuse a needle to take out fluidtear a ligament (torn ligament)spraintelephonephoneterminalnot curable, causes death, going to dieterminate, terminationput an end to, stop, endthereforeso, as a resultthoracicchestthrombosisblood clots in the blood vesselstopical (application)surface, on the skin, (put on, put on the skin)torsotrunk, main part of your body not including head, arms, or legstoxic, toxinpoisonous, poisontoxicitybad side effectstracheawindpipetransdermalthrough the skintransmit(ted), transmissionsend (sent), spread to, pass ontranspirehappentraumainjury, woundtremorshakingU TOPultimatefinaluncommonrareundergohaveunderstandlearn, seeunequivocalclearunnecessarynot neededurinalysisurine testutilize, utilizationuseV TOPvalidateapprove, confirmvariablefactor, changes over timevaricellachickenpoxvarietymany different kindsvectoran insect or other animal that carries diseasevertigodizzinessviablepractical, workable, possiblevisualizepicture, see, imaginevitals, vital signsheart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and temperatureW TOPwarrantcall for, permitwhereasbecause, sincewithdraw (from)drop, leave, take back, take outX TOPY TOPZ TOP ................

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