Task #2: In the Beginning: The Rise of the Nazi Party

Task #1: Anne and the Secret Annex1. Describe how the people housed in the annex kept their presence a secret.2. Who were the people most responsible for helping those who were hiding?3. Who shared the annex with Anne and the Frank family?Task #2: In the Beginning: The Rise of the Nazi Party1. How did the end of WWI leave Germany open to follow a man like Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party?2. When did Hitler become the official leader of the Nazi Party?3. What was Mein Kampf?4. What reason did Hitler give for attempting to annihilate the Jewish people?Task #3: Nazi Propaganda1. What was the object of anti-Semitic films?2. Examine the cartoons. Pick one of them and do a quick sketch of it. Explain what it means.Task #4: The Nuremberg Laws1. List four restrictions these laws placed on German Jews.Task #5: The 1936 Olympics1. What was Hitler's goal in hosting the 1936 Olympic Games?2. How many gold medals did Jesse Owens win?3. Who was the only Jewish athlete to compete for Germany in the 1936 Winter Games?4. Who was the only Jewish athlete to compete for Germany in the 1936 Summer Games?Task #6: Kristallcaht1. What happened on the night of Kristallnacht?2. What was the German reason for taking such drastic action?3. How many Jews were sent to concentration camps as a result of that night?4. What happened to the Jewish businesses?Task #7: The Final Solution1. What was the Madagascar Plan?2. Why didn't the process of emigration (leaving Germany) work for the Jews?3. Describe how the Jews were transported to the death camps.4. Who was in charge of transporting the Jews to the death camps?Task #8: The Concentration Camps1. Chelmno was one of the first death camps. Describe how the gas vans worked.2. Describe the living conditions at any of the concentration camps.3. Forced labor is part of the concentration camps. How many hours are the prisoners forced to work each day?4. Describe the food given each day to a prisoner at Auschwitz.5. How many people eventually lost their lives at Auschwitz?6. Using a map, name the six extermination camps that were located in Poland.Task #9: Medical Experiments1. There are three broad classes of medical experiments done at Dachau. What are they?2. Why were the freezing/hypothermia experiments carried out on prisoners?3. Why did Josef Mengele do so many experiments on twins?4. List three other medical experiments that were carried out on the Jewish prisoners.Task #10: Children and the Holocaust1. Why did the Nazis consider children to be unproductive?2.What was the fate of most Jewish children?3.What was Kindertransport?4. Using the link Biographies of Children, choose a child and tell what happened to him/her.Task #11: The Rescuers1. Alexander Roslan2. Cathie Poirier-Prous3. Varian Fry4. When Paul Gruninger allowed Jews to cross the border to safety in Switzerland, what happened to him? How was he able to accomplish this?5. What does the term "Righteous Gentile" mean?Task #12: Famous Nazis1. Adolf Eichmann2. Hermann Goring3. Joseph Goebbels4. Heinrich HimmlerTask #13: Jewish Resistance1. How long did it take General Himmler to put down the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto?2. How many prisoners were able to escape from Auschwitz?3. Why was it more difficult for prisoners to resist after being placed in concentration camps?4. Name three methods Jews used to try and resist their fate at the hands of the Nazis.Task #14: Holocaust Statistics1. How many Jews were murdered during World War II?2. How many non-Jewish civilians were murdered during World War II?3.What other groups of people were persecuted and murdered by the Nazis?4. What country lost the largest percentage of their Jewish population?5. What countries lost over 50% of their Jewish population?Task #15: Holocaust Art and Literature1. Look at the art work of Yehuda Bacon and Waldemar Nowakowski. Pick one picture from either artist, copy it and paste it into a Microsoft Word Document. Below the picture, in your own words, write how it makes you feel. What is the artist trying to say?2. Go to the poetry site and pick one poem. Copy one verse like you did in question 1, and paste it on the same piece of paper that you did for the art work in question 1. Below the verse explain in your own words how this poem makes you feel. When you are finished, get permission from your teacher or Mrs. Truxton to print this out. ................

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