Springfield Public Schools

Holocaust WebquestGo to the following website: on Ghettos1. What were the ghettos used for by the Nazis during World War II?2. About how many ghettos were created by the Nazis during World War II?3. How many Jews were forced to live together in the tiny Warsaw Ghetto?4. List some of the ways Jews resisted the Nazis from within the ghettos:Click on Mobile Killing Squads5. How many Jews within the Soviet Union were killed in mass shooting operations between 1941 and 1944 by the Nazis and their supporters?6. What did the Germans typically do with property taken from the victims of the mass shootings?7. List several ways local people helped the Nazis with the mass murder of Jews and others in Eastern Europe:Click on Killing Centers8. How were Nazi killing centers different from their concentration camps?9. How were most people murdered at the killing centers?10. How many Jews were murdered between March 1942 and November 1943 through Operation Reinhard? 11. What was the largest killing center during the Holocaust? 12. How did the SS try to hide the mass murders at the killing centers?Click on Victims of Nazi Persecution13. Who were some of the first political victims the Nazis sent to concentration camps?14. What concentration camps were the first political prisoners sent to?15. How many Poles were deported to work in German territories during World War II?16. How many non-Jewish Poles were murdered by the Nazis during World War II?17. How were captured Soviet soldiers mistreated by the Nazis?Click on Jewish Resistance20. Why did Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto revolt in 1943?21. List several ways that Jews fought back against Nazis during World War II:22. What did Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz blow up in October, 1944?Click on Rescue23. How many Danish Jews were saved by the resistance in Denmark?24. List at least one way that some Jews were rescued or saved during World War II?Click on Death Marches25. Briefly summarize the three main reasons why the Nazis evacuated the concentration camps:26. List several of the ways prisoners died during the Death Marches:Click on Liberation27. What did freshly liberated prisoners suffer from?28. What did the Nazis force most of the prisoners of Auschwitz to do before Soviet forces arrived?29. List some of the shocking discoveries Soviet troops made at Auschwitz:30. How many of the 60,000 prisoners at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp died within a few weeks of being freed?31. Why were many of the concentration camps destroyed by the Allied forces at the end of World War II?Click on Emigration32. Why did many Jews not want to move back to countries in Eastern Europe?33. List several ways that countries and organizations tried to help victims of the Holocaust:34. What country was created on May 14, 1948? ................

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