Behavioural Environment Checklist

Needs Analysis |Techniques | |

|School ethos |Ethos indicators |

|Environmental |Behaviour environment checklist |

| |Environment grid |

|Class teacher views |Pupil Enquiry form |

| |Behaviour checklists |

| |ABC Charts |

| |Factors that influence |

|Classroom management techniques | |

| | |

|Observable behaviour |Observation schedules |

| |Rating scales |

| |Verbatim observation record |

| |Record of non verbal communication skills |

|Pupil views |Interview schedules |

|Parents views |Interview schedules |

|Problem prioritise |

|List the strengths and weaknesses |

|Create a menu of options based on the needs analysis |

Behavioural Environment Checklist

|Pupil |      |Class |      |Date |      |

|Guidelines |

|This checklist is designed to help you look at the environment(s) in which problem behaviour is occurring (eg classroom, playground etc).|

|The SENCO/HT will usually complete this checklist, although it may be useful for the whole school to be involved. |

|You do not have to consider every statement: some may not apply to your situation. |

|For each relevant statement circle the appropriate number on the scale. |

|The completed checklist can give the basis for a Behavioural Environment Plan. |

|Section A: Classroom Organisation |disagree | |agree |

|Equipment is easily accessible |1 |2 |3 |

|Furniture arranged most effectively |1 |2 |3 |

|Appropriate ambient temperature |1 |2 |3 |

|Ventilation sufficient |1 |2 |3 |

|Lighting sufficient |1 |2 |3 |

|No glare |1 |2 |3 |

|Materials and resources well labelled and located |1 |2 |3 |

|Ease of movement in room |1 |2 |3 |

|Appropriate storage of pupils' belongings |1 |2 |3 |

|Pupils are grouped appropriately |1 |2 |3 |

|Pupils are placed with regard to social relationships |1 |2 |3 |

|Room organisation meets differing curriculum demands |1 |2 |3 |

|Good visibility of chalk board and/or white board |1 |2 |3 |

|Furniture suitable |1 |2 |3 |

|Classroom looks like a good work environment |1 |2 |3 |

|Sufficient space |1 |2 |3 |

|Quiet external environment |1 |2 |3 |

|Other (please specify) | | | |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | | | |

Behavioural Environment Checklist (continued)

|Section B: Classroom Management |disagree | |agree |

|Teacher arrives at lesson/classroom before pupils |1 |2 |3 |

|Teacher's voice is clear |1 |2 |3 |

|Instructions are clear |1 |2 |3 |

|Good behaviour is noticed and acknowledged |1 |2 |3 |

|Small achievements are recognised |1 |2 |3 |

|Individuals' good behaviour is named and reflected back |1 |2 |3 |

|The teacher acts as a role model for desired behaviour |1 |2 |3 |

|Materials and equipment are prepared |1 |2 |3 |

|Pupils bring correct equipment |1 |2 |3 |

|Lessons are well prepared |1 |2 |3 |

|Curriculum delivery is varied |1 |2 |3 |

|Curriculum delivery is differentiated |1 |2 |3 |

|Timetable is arranged to best effect |1 |2 |3 |

|Peer support is used where appropriate |1 |2 |3 |

|Adult support is used where appropriate |1 |2 |3 |

|Other (please specify) | | | |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | | | |

|Section C: Out of Classroom | | | |

|Routines for movement around school site are clear |1 |2 |3 |

|Break time rules are understood by pupils |1 |2 |3 |

|Break time systems are adopted by all staff |1 |2 |3 |

|Break time rewards/sanctions system is clear |1 |2 |3 |

|Behavioural policy is adopted by ancillary staff |1 |2 |3 |

|Problem site areas are identified and overcome |1 |2 |3 |

|Suitable activities/equipment are available for break times |1 |2 |3 |

|There is an effective system for resolution of pupil conflicts |1 |2 |3 |

|Other (please specify) | | | |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | | | |

Behavioural Environment Checklist (continued)

|Section D: Classroom Rules and Routines |disagree | |agree |

|Rules … | | | |

|are few in number and clearly phrased |1 |2 |3 |

|are negotiated with, and understood by, pupils |1 |2 |3 |

|are regularly referred to and reinforced |1 |2 |3 |

|are positively phrased |1 |2 |3 |

|are clearly displayed in the classroom |1 |2 |3 |

|Behaviour that meets rules is taught |1 |2 |3 |

|Rewards … | | | |

|are valued by pupils |1 |2 |3 |

|are awarded fairly and consistently |1 |2 |3 |

|are clearly related to positive behaviour |1 |2 |3 |

|are small and readily achievable |1 |2 |3 |

|link with school reward system |1 |2 |3 |

|Sanctions … | | | |

|are related to behaviour |1 |2 |3 |

|are administered fairly and consistently |1 |2 |3 |

|are understood by pupils |1 |2 |3 |

|are understood by parents and carers |1 |2 |3 |

|are within a clear hierarchy of severity |1 |2 |3 |

|Routines are established for … | | | |

|entering or leaving the room |1 |2 |3 |

|distribution and collection of materials/equipment |1 |2 |3 |

|gaining teacher's attention and help |1 |2 |3 |

|changing activities |1 |2 |3 |

|gaining quiet/silence/attention |1 |2 |3 |

|clearing up |1 |2 |3 |

|Other (please specify) | | | |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | | | |

Behavioural Environment Checklist (continued)

|Section E: Whole School Policies |disagree | |agree |

|Rules and implications | | | |

|A behaviour policy exists and is effective |1 |2 |3 |

|Staff have clear understanding of the policy |1 |2 |3 |

|Rules are communicated frequently and effectively to pupils, staff (including non-teaching), |1 |2 |3 |

|parents and governors | | | |

|Staff know the range of rewards that are available to pupils |1 |2 |3 |

|Staff know the range of sanctions that can be used |1 |2 |3 |

|Staff are aware of a good range of techniques that can be used to deal with behaviour problems |1 |2 |3 |

|Pupils, as far as they are able, know the reasons for rules |1 |2 |3 |

|Behaviour problems are dealt with effectively in the light of equal opportunity issues |1 |2 |3 |

|Support for staff | | | |

|There is collective responsibility for behaviour management |1 |2 |3 |

|Staff feel confident acknowledging difficulties |1 |2 |3 |

|Staff have clear means of gaining help |1 |2 |3 |

|Staff have effective guidance on dealing with conflict |1 |2 |3 |

|Behaviour problems are recorded fairly and efficiently |1 |2 |3 |

|Staff roles are clearly defined |1 |2 |3 |

|Support services are used systematically, efficiently, and effectively |1 |2 |3 |

|Parents and governors | | | |

|Parents are effectively involved in helping with problems |1 |2 |3 |

|Parents are routinely told of pupils' good behaviour |1 |2 |3 |

|Governors have agreed written principles |1 |2 |3 |

|Governors are appropriately involved in issues relating to behaviour |1 |2 |3 |

|Other (please specify) | | | |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | | | |

Behavioural Environment Checklist (continued)

|Section F: Staff Development |disagree | |agree |

|We have no training needs in … | | | |

|use of circle time |1 |2 |3 |

|use of counselling techniques |1 |2 |3 |

|development of youth and community work |1 |2 |3 |

|teaching Personnel, Social and Health Education |1 |2 |3 |

|developing pupils' social skills |1 |2 |3 |

|raising pupils' self-esteem |1 |2 |3 |

|developing multi-agency involvement |1 |2 |3 |

|planning and practical problem solving |1 |2 |3 |

|Other (please specify) | | | |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | | | |

|Section G: Further issues (not covered in sections A-F) | | | |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | |1 |2 |3 |

| | | | |

|Acknowledgements to: New Outlook, Birmingham City Council |

Behavioural Environment Checklist Results

| |disagree |

Behavioural Environment Priority Analysis Sheet

|Guidelines |

|Take the information recorded on the Analysis Sheet (previous page) and record priority areas within each section. |

|If there are large numbers of staff who register ratings of 1 or 2, they are indicating a need for development in that area. |

| |Section |Priority for development? |

|A |Classroom Organisation |( |yes |( |no |

|B |Classroom Management |( |yes |( |no |

|C |Out of Classroom |( |yes |( |no |

|D |Classroom Rules and Routines |( |yes |( |no |

|E |Whole School Policies |( |yes |( |no |

|F |Staff Development Needs |( |yes |( |no |

|G |Further Issues |( |yes |( |no |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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Pupil Enquiry Form

|Pupil's Name |      |School |      |Form |      |

|Subject/Teacher | |

Please place appropriate number in boxes:

1 : No concern

2 : Mild concern

3 : Serious concern


|1A |Presentation of work | |1C |Truants from lessons | |

|2A |Care of own books and work | |2C |Arrives late for lessons | |

|3A |Task completion | |3C |Leaves coat on | |

|4A |Classwork – written assignments | |4C |Fails to bring books/equipment | |

|5A |Classwork – discussion | |5C |Packs away early | |

|6A |Classwork – practical/group work | |6C |Fails to observe school uniform rules | |

|7A |Homework completion | |7C |Fails to do punishment/detention | |

|8A |Homework quality | | |NON-VERBAL INTERACTIONS | |

|9A |Interest in subject | |1D |Leaves classroom | |

|10A |Aptitude for subject | |2D |Wanders about classroom | |

|11A |Settling to work | |3D |Changes seat in classroom | |

|12A |Following written instructions | |4D |Fidgets in seat | |

|13A |Following verbal instructions | |5D |Inattention to instructions | |

|14A |Requesting help when appropriate | |6D |Refuses to follow instructions | |

|15A |Accepting guidance/advice | |7D |Chews in class | |

|16A |Work without direct supervision | |8D |Engages in classroom horseplay | |

| |VERBAL INTERACTIONS | |9D |Damages/takes pupils' property | |

|1B |Refuses to follow instructions | |10D |Damages/takes teachers' property | |

|2B |Talks when teacher is talking | |11D |Damages/takes school property | |

|3B |Talks to pupils as they work | |12D |Physically abuses/threatens pupils | |

|4B |Talk to teacher instead of working | |13D |Physically abuses/threatens teacher | |

|5B |Requests help inappropriately | |14D |Makes inappropriate noises | |

|6B |Shouts out | | |Please return this form to: |

|7B |Mimics others | | | |

|8B |Abuses/threatens other pupils | | |By: |

|9B |Abuses/threatens teacher | | | |

|10B |Makes inappropriate noises | | |Thank you for your time and co-operation |

Pupil Enquiry Form Collation Sheet

|NAME: | |SCHOOL: | |FORM: | |

|SUBJECT |1 |2 |3 |

|Year group |      |Completed by |      |

|Behaviours in school |Frequency* |With |Without |Priority to be|

| | |support |support |targeted** |

|Can arrive on time for school | | | | |

|Can hang up his/her coat | | | | |

|Can enter the classroom quietly keeping hands and feet to him/herself | | | | |

|Can follow initial routines, | | | | |

|eg sits at desk keeping hands and feet to him/herself | | | | |

|Can answer the register appropriately | | | | |

|Can sit still and quietly while instructions are being given | | | | |

|Can repeat instructions | | | | |

|Can follow a one-part verbal instruction | | | | |

|(eg 'Stop what you're doing') | | | | |

|Can follow a two-part verbal instruction | | | | |

|(eg 'Stop what you're doing and put your pencil down') | | | | |

|Can follow a three-part verbal instruction | | | | |

|(eg 'Stop what you're doing, put your pencil down and close your book') | | | | |

|Can follow a four-part verbal instruction | | | | |

|(eg 'Stop what you're doing, put your pencil down, close your book and look this | | | | |

|way') | | | | |

|Can collect and organise equipment for a task | | | | |

|Can begin a task quickly, eg at the same time as other pupils | | | | |

|Can stay on task for more than 5 minutes | | | | |

|Can stay on task for more than 10 minutes | | | | |

|Can stay on task for more than 15 minutes | | | | |

|Can stay on task for more than 30 minutes | | | | |

|Can complete a task | | | | |

|Can complete a task within a given time | | | | |

|Can complete a task before moving to another | | | | |

|Can value and take care of completed work | | | | |

|Can value and take care of the work of others | | | | |

|Can follow routines when work is completed | | | | |

|Can gain the attention of adults appropriately | | | | |

|eg by putting up his/her hand | | | | |

|Can get undressed for PE quickly and quietly | | | | |

|Can help to set out PE equipment safely | | | | |

|Can follow instructions in PE | | | | |

|Can take part in group activities in PE safely | | | | |

|Can wait his/her turn on apparatus | | | | |

|Can show his/her work in PE to the rest of the class | | | | |

|Can get dressed quickly and quietly | | | | |

*Always = A Frequently = F Occasionally = O Never = N ** 0 - 3, 3 = high priority

Behaviour Checklist

|Pupil's name |      |Class |      |

|Year group |      |Completed by |      |

|Behaviours in school continued |Frequency* |With |Without |Priority to be|

| | |support |support |targeted** |

|Can settle to work quickly after physical activity | | | | |

|Can sit quietly and still during story time | | | | |

|Can work safely during a practical activity | | | | |

|Can take part appropriately in discussion activities | | | | |

|Can take part appropriately in musical activities | | | | |

|Can sit and listen quietly in assembly | | | | |

|Can take part appropriately in class assemblies | | | | |

|Can do a responsible job during assembly | | | | |

|Can carry out requests made by adults | | | | |

|Can adapt to a change in routine if given an early warning | | | | |

|Can adapt easily to a change in routine | | | | |

|Can understand classroom rules | | | | |

|Can follow classroom rules | | | | |

|Can follow classroom routines | | | | |

|Can understand when movement is and is not allowed in the classroom | | | | |

|Can seek permission before leaving the classroom | | | | |

|Can respond appropriately to praise | | | | |

|Can respond appropriately to quiet praise | | | | |

|Can understand that behaviour incurs positive consequences | | | | |

|Can understand that inappropriate behaviour incurs negative consequences | | | | |

|Can take responsibility for one classroom job | | | | |

|Can tidy up when asked | | | | |

|Can line up keeping hands and feet to him/herself | | | | |

*Always = A Frequently = F Occasionally = O Never = N ** 0 - 3, 3 = high priority

Behaviour Checklist

|Pupil's name |      |Class |      |

|Year group |      |Completed by |      |

|Social communication skills |Frequency* |With |Without |Priority to be|

| | |support |support |targeted** |

|Can make appropriate eye contact with adults (consider cultural differences) | | | | |

|Can greet adults appropriately eg Hello | | | | |

|Can make eye contact with peers | | | | |

|Can greet peers appropriately | | | | |

|Can stay on task when working in a pair | | | | |

|Can stay on task when working in a group of three | | | | |

|Can stay on task when working in a group of more than three | | | | |

|Can initiate conversations with peers | | | | |

|Can take turns in conversation with peers | | | | |

|Can take turns in a pair | | | | |

|Can take turns in a group | | | | |

|Can share with one peer | | | | |

|Can share with a group of peers | | | | |

|Can make positive comments to peers | | | | |

|Can leave appropriate body space when working with peers | | | | |

|Can use an appropriate tone of voice to peers | | | | |

|Can be polite to peers, eg Ask to borrow equipment; say thank you | | | | |

|Can understand the effect his/her behaviour has on peers | | | | |

|Can understand the effect his/her behaviour has on adults | | | | |

|Can approach a group in the playground using appropriate non-verbal skills | | | | |

|Can use the appropriate verbal skills to gain entry to a game on the playground | | | | |

|Can play one game safely with others on the playground | | | | |

|Can play two games safely with others on the playground | | | | |

|Can resolve conflict situations safely | | | | |

|Can remove his/herself from conflict situations before losing his/her temper | | | | |

|Can use a passcard to exit from difficult situations before losing his/her temper | | | | |

|Can stay calm and tell an adult if called names | | | | |

|Can initiate friendship | | | | |

|Can maintain friendships | | | | |

*Always = A Frequently = F Occasionally = O Never = N ** 0 - 3, 3 = high priority

Behaviour Checklist

|Pupil's name |      |Class |      |

|Year group |      |Completed by |      |

|Playground behaviour |Frequency* |With |Without |Priority to be|

| | |support |support |targeted** |

|Can play alone keeping hands and feet to him/herself | | | | |

|Can play safely with others keeping hands and feet to him/ herself | | | | |

|Can follow instructions from midday assistants | | | | |

|Can carry out requests made by midday assistants | | | | |

|Can line up keeping hands and feet to him/himself | | | | |

|Can use appropriate table manners at the dining table | | | | |

|Can follow dining room routines eg clears up plates after eating his/her meal | | | | |

|Can stay within agreed boundaries | | | | |

|Can follow playground rules | | | | |

*Always = A Frequently = F Occasionally = O Never = N ** 0 - 3, 3 = high priority

ABC Chart

|Pupil |      |Lesson/ Subject |      |Teacher/ Observer |      |

|Date |Antecedents |Behaviour |Consequences |

| |When and where did it happen? |What did the pupil actually do? |What happened afterwards? |

| |Who was involved? | |What was done? |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

Verbatim Observation Record

|Pupil's name |      |Date |      |Location(s) |      |

|Curriculum area |      |

|Task(s) set |      |

|Adult(s) involved |      |Observed by |      |

|Pupil(s) involved |      |

|Time |Observation |

| | |

| | |

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Record of non-verbal communication skills

Using tally marks, count the number of times the pupil is observed attempting to interact with peers as described in the first column.

|Pupil's name |      |Class |      |

|Year group |      |Completed by |      |

|Attempted interactions |Location |Location |Location |Location |Location | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Date |Date |Date |Date |Date | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Time |Time |Time |Time |Time | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Totals |

|Approaches from behind | | | | | | |

|Proximity: too far away/too close | | | | | | |

|Inappropriate leg/arm movements | | | | | | |

|Lack of/too much eye contact | | | | | | |

|Inappropriate facial expressions | | | | | | |

|Inappropriate head movement | | | | | | |

|Inappropriate tone of voice | | | | | | |

|Holding, gripping, touching peers | | | | | | |

|Solitary play | | | | | | |

|Successful interactions | | | | | | |

|Priority skills to be targeted | | | | | | |

Primary Pupil Meeting Guidance

This questionnaire is used in partnership between the child and the school to:

a) involve the children in considering their situation and seeing possible solutions;

b) begin the process of planning for change;

c) encourage a conversation about how the pupil feels about themselves and the current situation which will help the change process.

Assumptions underpinning the use of this questionnaire are:

• that it will be completed in partnership with a supportive adult familiar to the child;

• the individual questions can be used in the wider sense, moving towards understanding, helping and problem solving;

• the questions will encourage the pupil to reflect on their situation, and possible solutions;

• the child has a right to stay silent if they feel uncomfortable. If this recurs the pupil could be offered the chance to speak to another adult or continue to stay silent.

The responses should help with the process of planning, taken together with the parent/carer's information. The responses may also be used for information if a referral to outside agencies is sought, and can also be used to gauge progress.

Pupil Meeting

|PUPIL |      |CLASS |      |DATE |      |

| | | | | | |

|TEACHER/TA |      | | |

|Prompt: "We are going to talk about school. I would like you to think about these questions and tell me what you really think. There |

|are no right or wrong answers, these are your ideas." |

|What things do you like about school? |

|      |

|Draw a face for how much you like each part of school |

| | | | | | |

| |Lessons |Playtime |Lunchtime |___________ |___________ |

| | | | | | |

| |Teachers |Headteacher |___________ |Friends |___________ |

|My favourite teacher is: |

|      |

|I also like (other adult): |

|      |

|Other pupils think I am … |

|      |

|Things I don't like in school: |

|      |

Pupil Meeting (continued)

|I am not so happy when: |

|( |      |

|It is hardest to behave well when I am in/doing _________________________ because: |

|      |

|I don't work well so well at: |

|      |

|Three things which would say how I am in school: |

|      |

|If my teacher were here now, three things they would say about me are: |

|      |

|Things I do which get me into trouble: |

|      |

|Who is most like me in class? How come? |

|(A prompt may be needed, such as: most like the way I learn, most like the way I play etc.) |

|      |

|Who do I like to sit next to? How come? |

|      |

|Who do I like to play with? How come? |

|      |

|I don't like to sit near ______________________________ How come? |

|      |

|I don't like to play with ______________________________ How come? |

|      |

Pupil Meeting (continued)

|Things would be much better if I: |

|( |      |

|Things would be much better if the adults in school: |

|      |

|Things would be much better if the other children: |

|      |

|The people at home could help me by: |

|      |

|How would I know things were getting better? |

|      |

|I work best at: |

|      |

|I know I have behaved well when: |

|      |

|It is easiest to behave well when I am in/doing _________________________ because: |

|      |

|I am happiest when: |

|( |      |


My primary school

|I am a girl |( |I am a boy |( |

|I am in class |____________________ | | |

| |I agree |I agree to |I disagree |

| | |some extent| |

|Sometimes I do class work in pairs with a friend | | | |

|Sometimes my class is divided into groups for work | | | |

|I help my friends with their work when they get stuck | | | |

|My friends help me with my work when I get stuck | | | |

|My work is put on the walls for other people to see | | | |

|My teacher likes to listen to my ideas | | | |

|My teacher likes to help me with my work | | | |

|I like to help my teacher when she or he has jobs that need doing | | | |

|I think our classroom rules are fair | | | |

|Some of the children in my class call others by unkind names | | | |

|Sometimes I am bullied in the playground | | | |

|When I feel unhappy at school there is always an adult to look after me. | | | |

|When children in my class quarrel, the teacher sorts it out fairly | | | |


My primary school (continued)

| |I agree |I agree to |I disagree |

| | |some extent| |

|I think setting targets for the term helps my work to improve | | | |

|Sometimes my teacher lets me choose what work to do | | | |

|I feel pleased with myself when I've done a good piece of work | | | |

|When I have homework I usually understand what I'm supposed to do | | | |

|My teacher likes me to tell her or him about what I do at home | | | |

|My family thinks this is a good school | | | |

|If I am away from school my class teacher asks me where I have been | | | |

|The three things I like best about my school are: |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|The three things I don't really like about my school are: |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|Thank you for your help! |

Learning Styles Questionnaire

|Complete the following questionnaire by ticking the appropriate box to discover your preferred |Often |Seldom |Sometimes |

|learning style* |Scores |Scores |Scores |

| |5 |3 |1 |

|1 |Can remember more about a subject through listening than reading | | | |

|2 |Follow written directions better than oral directions | | | |

|3 |Like to write things down or take notes for visual review | | | |

|4 |Bear down extremely hard with pen or pencil when writing | | | |

|5 |Require explanations of diagrams, graphs or visual directions | | | |

|6 |Enjoy working with tools | | | |

|7 |Am skilful and enjoy developing and making graphs and charts | | | |

|8 |Can tell if sounds match when presented with pairs of sounds | | | |

|9 |Remember best by writing things down several times | | | |

|10 |Can better understand and follow directions using maps | | | |

|11 |Do better at academic subjects by listening to lectures and tapes | | | |

|12 |Play with coins and keys in pockets | | | |

|13 |Learn to spell better by repeating the letters than by writing the word on paper | | | |

|14 |Can better understand a news article by reading about it in the paper than listen to the | | | |

| |radio | | | |

|15 |Chew gum, smoke or snack during studies | | | |

|16 |Feel the best way to remember a picture is in my head | | | |

|17 |Learn spelling by 'finger spelling' the words | | | |

|18 |Would rather listen to a good lecture or speech than read the same material | | | |

|19 |Am good at working and solving jigsaw puzzles and mazes | | | |

|20 |Grip objects in my hand during learning periods | | | |

|21 |Prefer listening to the news on the radio than reading about it in a newspaper | | | |

|22 |Obtain information on an interesting subject by reading relevant materials | | | |

|23 |Feel very comfortable touching others, hugging, handshaking, etc | | | |

|24 |Follow oral directions better than written ones | | | |

Learning Styles Questionnaire 2

(One per group member)


Award yourself five points for OFTEN, three for points for SOMETIMES and one point for SELDOM. Complete the grid by filling in the values and totalling each column. Hence, if you rated yourself as 'sometime' on question two you need to enter three points in the grid.

|Visual |Auditory |Kinaesthetic |

| | | |

|Points |Points |Points |

|2 |1 |4 |

|3 |5 |6 |

|7 |8 |9 |

|10 |11 |12 |

|14 |13 |15 |

|16 |18 |17 |

|19 |21 |20 |

|22 |24 |23 |

|Total: |Total: |Total: |

Transfer your score to the 'tripod' to get a visual display of your preference.




*Adapted within:

Barsch Learning Style Reference Form, Manitoba Education, Winnipeg, MB, Canada










In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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