ClassDojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers monitor ...

Our class will be using an interactive system to monitor behavior. This system is called ClassDojo. Please read below to find out what ClassDojo is and how it will be used this year.

What is Class Dojo?

ClassDojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers monitor behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. It also captures and generates data on behavior that teachers can share with parents. ClassDojo makes it easy to engage parents in their child's classroom performance, by allowing teachers to provide them with data from the classroom - with just one click!

How does it work?

ClassDojo is a fully confidential and online behavior system. Each student is assigned an avatar to represent them. When students demonstrate positive behaviors, the teacher simply clicks on their avatar, chooses the appropriate behavior from the list, and awards the student with a positive point. When a student demonstrates a negative behavior, the teacher can subtract points from the student’s overall point total.

How do I know how my child is doing?

The great part about ClassDojo is the fact that it provides parents with current and specific information regarding their child’s behavior at school. Parents receive a login code which allows them to access their child’s Dojo account anytime and view a report outlining exactly why their child is receiving positive and negative points. These reports can be viewed on a daily basis, weekly basis, or monthly basis. After parents have registered for a Dojo account, ClassDojo will send them an email every Friday, detailing their child’s weekly behavior.

How can my child be involved?

Students are also given a Dojo login code that allows them to access their avatar. They can go online and create and modify their avatar. They can also view their behavior reports.

How will ClassDojo be used in my child’s classroom?

Prior to the first day of school, each student will be assigned a Dojo avatar. Parents and students will receive a login code at open house, which will allow them to register for their own Dojo accounts. PARENTS MUST REGISTER FOR AN ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO RECEIVE WEEKLY EMAIL BEHAVIOR REPORTS. If you do not have access to a computer and would like for me to send home weekly behavior reports, please just let me know.

Throughout the school day, students will receive positive and negative Dojo points. Positive behavior will be rewarded based on a points scale. Students will be allowed to choose from a variety of rewards once they have reached specific point increments.

Positive Behavior Rewards:

25 Points: Homework pass, computer time, or treat from the treat box

50 Points: Bring a stuffed animal to school, bring a toy to recess (NO electronics), or chew gum in class

75 Points: Wear a hat in class, sit in a special chair for the day, or keep your shoes off in the classroom

100 Points: Have lunch with the teacher (dessert included), sit with a friend for the day, or get a drink from the vending machine

100+ Points: Ice cream sundae party

Points will be reset at the end of each month. This allows students to have time to earn as many positive points as possible. Positive behavior will also be rewarded on a weekly basis. If students receive less than 3 negative points throughout the week they will visit the treat box on Friday.

When students display negative behaviors, they will lose a Dojo point. They will also receive a checkmark on the clipboard. The clipboard will give me a way to document misbehaviors. This clipboard will also travel with students around the school, allowing other teachers (specials teachers, lunchroom monitors) to document any misbehavior. Negative points will result in a variety of consequences.

Negative Behavior Consequences:

1 Negative Point: Warning

2 Negative Points: Lose 5 minutes of recess

3 Negative Points: Lose all of recess or have silent lunch

4+ Negative Points: Parent phone call

***Anytime a child demonstrates a negative behavior, I will write a note in their agendas detailing their actions. This note will need to be initialed by a parent or guardian and returned the following day.

Negative points will be reset at the end of each day. Each student has the opportunity to start each school day with a clean slate. I reserve the right to skip any of these steps and take immediate office referral action at any point, based on the severity of the behavior.

1. Show respect to everyone (teacher, classmates, and other adults in the school)

2. Follow directions quickly

3. Raise your hand to speak

4. Keep your hands, feet, and negative comments to yourself

5. Be a caring friend (no picking on others)

Please initial next to the statement indicating that you have read and understand our classroom rules and behavior plan. Please also choose a statement indicating whether you would like to receive your behavior reports via email or would like a paper copy sent home weekly.

I have read and understand the rules and behavior system. _____________

I have created a ClassDojo account and will be receiving my behavior report via email. _____________

I do not have computer access and would like for you to send me a behavior report each Friday. _____________


Please initial next to the appropriate statements indicating that you have read and understand our classroom rules and behavior plan. Please also choose a statement indicating whether you would like to receive your behavior reports via email or would like a paper copy sent home weekly.

I have read and understand the rules and behavior system. _____________

I have created a ClassDojo account and will be receiving my behavior report via email. _____________

I do not have computer access and would like for you to send me a behavior report each Friday. _____________






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