Phrasal Verbs (6 pages)

Everyday Phrasals

As you watch TV series about ordinary people at home/work/shcol, try to pick everyday phrasals with an example of how to use them in context! Practice Listening and Repeating for fluency & accuracy. Tick the ones whose use you’ve mastered!

□ What’s up?

□ I’m out of here!

□ Get out!!

□ I’ll look it up!

□ Do check it out!

□ Keep it up!

□ Cheer up! / Perk up!

□ Pick me up at six, please.

□ Are you trying to pick me up?

□ We need to talk this over.

□ We spend the whol evening chatting/talking away.

□ And it turns out it’s my mother! – which is very weird because…

□ Ring me up at six!

□ Did you find out where they live?

□ Did you find out how much it cost? (past, cf. it costs. How much is it? How much does it cost?)

□ I’m afraid he doesn’t want to get on with his work. (continue doing)

□ Do you get on/along with your partner? (have a good relationship)

□ Could you hold on a moment? I’ll see if Ippy is in. (wait) (be there)

□ I’ll put you through to Mr Smith’s office. (connect on the phone)

□ Hi, is Jane in?

□ Hold on. Let me check. Sorry, she’s away.

□ She’s not in at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?

□ Extension 248? I’ll put you through.

□ Let’s get away from work this weekend! (escape)

□ I’m really tired. I need to get away from work and take a holiday.

□ I was turned down for the new job, but I don’t really care! (rejected) [Opposite: I’ve been shortlisted!]

□ The CIA is taking on 200 new translators. (hiring)

□ “How Did I Get Away WITH Killing One of the Biggest Lawyers in the State? It Was Easy”, by Alice Walker (the author of The Color Purple)

□ We need to cut down the amount of fat we are eating. (reduce)

□ Can you water my plants, while I’m away on holiday? (leave the place where one lives)

□ Can you look after my cat while I’m away on holiday? (care for)

□ I’ve just come up with a solution! (think of; ocurrírseme)

□ We’ll come up with something. Don’t worry.

□ After some brainstorming, we came up with a great idea for his present.

□ I’ll have to put the meeting off until next week. (postpone)

□ No, I can’t see how–it doesn’t add up! (make sense)

□ I can’t believe that – it just doesn’t add up, you know. It’s quite fishy, actually.

□ People always turn up late.

□ Let’s get on with the work. It’s getting late.

□ That was it! I blew up! – and then, we had this huge argument.

□ No, I did not copy it – I made it up. (invent)

□ Come on, children – make up. (reconcile)

□ I don’t usually make up.

□ Battered women sometimes put on make up to cover up their bruises. (wear)

□ I should see an eye doctor. I can’t make out the number of buses!

□ We ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere! It was kind of scary. (were deprived of)

□ We’ve run out of salt. Can you get some, sweetie?

□ I’ve used it all up. I’m sorry.

□ I can’t understand why people are always telling off each other. (giving reprimands)

□ They broke up. They don’t speak to each other any more. (separated for good)

□ Why don’t you give up telling yourself you’re no good? (stop doing)

□ I’d love to take up dancing – It feels so physical! (start doing)

□ “Take it back! Take it back, you, hairy lizard!”

“OK, I’m sorry. I take back everything I said about you.”

□ I can’t put up with all this noise. Why don’t we move to the countryside? (tolerate, stand, bear)

□ Can we go over the past tenses? (review) See Education in the UK/USA at Website (Topics)

□ I’m bringing up this issue because we need to organize/organise that, too.

□ Don’t leave this out! It’s really important!

□ Put it away somewhere safe.

□ In her talk, she brought up several interesting issues.

□ She also pointed out we were running out of resources to address those situations.

□ Can you go over (review) this list and tell me if there are any typos or something?

□ The other day I ran across/bumped into an old high school friend.

□ I need to catch up with my course.

□ I’m looking forward to seeing you all later.

□ Can’t anybody come up with a great idea?!

□ I’ll come over tonight and we can talk it over. (drop by, drop for a visit at your house)

□ In Spain, people can show up an hour after the arranged time! It drives me nuts!

□ I need a pen! I need to take this down!

□ It’s up to you.

□ What are you up to?

□ Did you get over your flu?

□ I’m in! / I’m out / Are you in?

□ Where do you usually hang out?

□ Did you get away with it?

□ Keep on trying, come on!

□ Keep it up!

□ Let’s eat out. It’s too cold in the kitchen to cook now!

□ I’m late because my car broke down. I’m sorry.

□ Let me make it up to you. (lemme)

Follow-up: Listen and repeat & Gathering Useful Language

I put together about 4 episodes based on the language I took down from TV Series, in case you’re interested:

You’re welcome to send in similar episodes or your collection of sentences for me to record.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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