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Pierce, Michael D. -- Andrew Johnson and the South, 1865-1867 -- Scroggs

Shook, Robert W.--Federal Occupation and Administration of Texas, 1865-1870 -- Scroggs

FALL 1971

Goode, James H. -- The Fashoda Crisis: A Survey of Anglo-French Imperial Policy on the Upper Nile Question, 1882-1899 -- Healey


Baggett, James A. -- The Rise and Fall of the Texas Radicals, 1867-1883 -- Scroggs


Graham, Stanley S. -- Life of the Enlisted Soldier on the Western Frontier, 1815- 1845 -- Stephens

Ledbetter, Billy D. -- Slavery, Fear, and Disunion in the Lone Star State: Texans’ Attitudes Toward Secession and the Union, 1846-1861 -- Scroggs

FALL 1972

McLeod, Joseph A. -- Baptists and Racial and Ethnic Minorities in Texas -- Smallwood


Dwyer, Thomas R. -- The United States and Irish Neutrality, 1939-1945 -- Healey

Luna, Jesus -- The Public Career of Don Ramon Corral -- Huddleston


Glover, Robert W. -- The West Gulf Blockade, 1861-1865: An Evaluation of Effectiveness - - Scroggs

Smith, Steward D. -- Schools and Schoolmen: Chapters in Texas Education, 1870- 1900 -- Scroggs


Brock, Euline W. -- Black Political Leadership During Reconstruction -- Scroggs


Tompkins, Rosemary C.—Anglo-Russian Diplomatic Relations 1907-1914 --Lowry


Ilori, Joseph A. -- From Colony to Dominion Within the British Empire, 1941-1931 –


FALL 1975

Hardi, John T.-- Santos Degollado and the Mexican Reforma, 1854-1861 -- Chipman

Ledbetter, Patsy S. -- Crusade for the Faith: The Protestant Fundamentalist Movement in Texas – Smallwood


Joseph, Harriett D. -- Church and State in Mexico from Calles to Cardenas, 1924- 1938 -- Chipman

Sanders, Gary B. -- Freud and Clio: A Historiographical Inquiry into Psychohistory


Zimmerman, John D. -- Reforming the Church of England, 1895-1919 -- Lowry

FALL 1976

Potts, Helen Jody -- Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Humanist Approach to Feminism -- Scroggs

Thompson, Lloyd K. -- The Origins and Development of Black Religious Colleges in East Texas -- Smallwood


Blackman, Joseph A. -- Leonardo Bruni and the Renaissance of History in Italian Humanism -- Painter


Partin, Michael W. -- United States-Iranian Relations, 1945-1947 -- Kamman

Pierce, Walter R. -- Herr and Herr: The German Social Democrats and the Officer Corps, A Reappraisal -- Healey

FALL 1977

Teague, William J. -- “An Appeal to Reason”: Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and Whig Presidential Politics, 1836-1848 -- Vaughn


Leiren, Terje I. -- National Monarchy and Norway, 1898-1905: A Study of the Establishment of the Modern Norwegian Monarchy -- Healey

Mangrum, Robert G. -- Edwin M Stanton’s Special Military Units and the Prosecution of the War, 1862-1865 -- Scroggs


Adedeji, Moses -- Crossing the Colorline: Three Decades of the United Packinghouse Workers of America’s Crusade Against Racism in the Trans-Mississippi West,

1936-1968 -- Smallwood

Brown, Nettie Terry -- The Missionary World of Ann Eliza Worcester Robertson -- Pickens

El Nairab, Mohammed M. -- Petroleum in Saudi-American Relations: The Formative

Period, 1932-1948 -- Kamman


Daniel, Edward O. – Sam Rayburn: Trials of a Party Man

Milner, Elmer Ray – An Agonizing Evolution: A History of the Texas National Guard,


Saxon, Gerald D. – The Politics of Expansion: Texas as an Issue in National Politics,


Wilson, Gary E. – American Prisoners in the Barbary Nations, 1784-1816--Vaughn


Nash, Carolyn Sue -- British Socialism and the Second International, 1885-1914 -- Lowry


Hollingsworth, Ann P. -- Pedro de Moctezuma and His Descendents -- Chipman

Lowry, Kathleen O’Brien -- Portrait of an Age: The Political Career of Stephen W. Dorsey, 1868-1889 -- Scroggs

Walker, Richard P. -- Prisoners of War in Texas during World War II -- Marcello


Adams, Larry E. -- Economic Development in Texas during Reconstruction, 1865- 1875 -- Scroggs

Peebles, Robert H. -- Technology as a Factor in the Gulf Coast Shipbuilding Industry, 1900-1945 -- Smallwood


Park, Hong-Kyu -- American-Korean Relations, 1945-1953: A Study in United States Diplomacy -- Detrick

FALL 1981

Lewis, Monte R. -- Chickasaw Removal: Betrayal of the Beloved Warriors -- Vaughn


Gammage, Judie K. -- Quest for Equality: An Historical Overview of Women’s Rights Activism in Texas, 1890-1975 -- Scroggs

Hummel, Michael D. -- The Attitudes of Edward Bok and the Ladies Home Journal Toward Woman’s Role in Society, 1899-1919 -- Pickens

Lindig, Carmen E. M. -- The Woman’s Movement in Louisiana: 1879-1920 -- Scroggs

Pate, J’Nell LaVerne Rogers -- Livestock Legacy: A History of the Fort Worth Stockyards Company, 1893-1982 – Stephens

FALL 1982

Ratledge, Wilbert H. -- Evangelicals and Social Change: The Social Thought of Three British Evangelical Preachers, 1850-1900 – Lowry


Cook, Lowell A. -- Luther, Herder, and Ranke: The Reformation’s Impact on German Idealist Historiography -- Painter

Yeilding, Thomas D. -- United States Lend-Lease Policy in Latin America -- Kamman


Lowe, Billie Lynne -- The Reforms of Beauford Halbert Jester’s Administration, 1947- 1949 -- Stephens

Stringer, Tommy W. -- The Zale Corporation: A Texas Success Story – Vaughn


Bowman, Kent A. -- The Muse of Fire: Liberty and War Songs as a Source of American History -- Seligmann

FALL 1984

Ackermann, Ann T. - Victorian Ideology and British Children’s Literature, 1850- 1914 -- Lowry


Dalzell, Timothy W. -- The Anabaptist Purity-of-Life Ethic -- Painter


Georgekutty, Thadathil -- India's Nonalignment Policy and the American Response, 1947-1960 -- La Forte

FALL 1987

Scogin, Katie E. -- Britain and the Supreme Economic Council, 1919 -- Lowry

Smith, David P. -- Frontier Defense in Texas, 1861-1865 – Stephens


Echeverria, Jeronima -- California-ko Ostatuak: A History of California's Basque Hotels -- Seligmann

Lowry, Montecue Judson -- The Role of Theodor Blank and the AMT Blank in Post-World War II West German Rearmament -- Lowry

FALL 1988

Harper, Cecil, Jr. -- Farming Someone Else's Land: Farm Tenancy in the Texas Brazos River Valley, 1850-1880 -- Campbell


Urie, Dale Marie -- Rebecca West: A Worthy Legacy -- Lowry

FALL 1989

Perez, Joan Elizabeth Jenkins – David Hume and the Enlightenment Legacy -- Painter

FALL 1991

Swisher, Samuel J. -- Humanism and the Council of Florence, 1438-1439 -- Painter

Vess, Deborah L. -- Humanism in the Middle Ages: Peter Abailard and the Breakdown of Medieval Theology -- Painter


Blackburn, Robert M. -- Mercenaries in Service to America: The "More Flags" Foreign Policy of the United States -- Smallwood

Cullen, David O'Donald -- A New Way of Statecraft: The Career of Elton Mayo and the Development of the Social Sciences in America, 1920-1940 -- Pickens

FALL 1992

Jenkins, Ellen J. -- Organizing Victory: Great Britain, the United States, and the Instruments of War, 1914-1916 – Lowry

Tang, Kung -- The Search for Order and Liberty: The British Police, the Suffragettes, and the Unions, 1906-1912 -- Lowry


Elam, Richard L. -- Behold the Fields: Texas Baptists and the Problem of Slavery -- Pickens


Johansson, M. Jane Harris -- Peculiar Honor: A History of the 28th Texas Cavalry (Dismounted), Walker's Texas Division, 1862-1865 -- Lowe

Woestman, Kelly A. – Mr. Citizen: Harry S Truman and the Institutionalization of the Ex-Presidency -- Seligmann

FALL 1993

Riggs, Timothy B. -- Geoffrey Dawson, Editor of the Times (London), and His Contribution to the Appeasement Movement -- Pickens

FALL 1994

Peterson, Rebecca -- Early Educational Reform in North Germany: Its Effects on Post-Reformation German Intellectuals – De Carvalho


Kim, Nam Gyun -- American-Japanese Relations During the Korean War -- Kamman

Uglow, M. Loyd – Standing in the Gap: The Subposts, Outpost, and Minor Military Posts on the Texas Frontier, 1866-1886 -- Stephens


Brantley, Janet G. -- Defense Industries in Northeast Texas, 1941-1965: The Social and Economic Impact on Bowie County -- Pickens

FALL 1995

Jones, Jerry – U.S. Battleship Operations in World War I, 1917-1918 -- Kamman

Kumler, Donna -- They Have Gone from Sherman: The Courthouse Riot of 1930 and Its Impact on the Black Professional Class – Campbell


Coulter, Matthew -- Beyond the Merchants of Death: The Senate Munitions Inquiry of the 1930s and Its Role in Twentieth-Century American History -- Pickens

Cruz, Richard A. -- Andre Malraux: The Anticolonial and Antifascist Years -- Lowry


Pearcy, Matthew -- A History of the Mississippi River Commission, 1879-1928: From Levees-Only to a Comprehensive Program of Flood Control for the Lower Mississippi Valley – Marcello

FALL 1996

Igo, William S.-- Gerhart Hauptmann: Germany Through the Eyes of the Artist -- Lowry

Tisdale, John Rochelle -- Medgar Evers (1925-1963) and the Mississippi Press: A Content Analysis of News Coverage in 1963 -- Pickens

FALL 1997

Cross, Thomas Clinton -- The Life and Works of Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna: Anglican Evangelical Progressive -- Paz

Morris, Mark -- Saving Society Through Politics: The Dallas, Texas Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s - - Wilson


McLemore, Laura Lyons -- Creating a Mythistory: Texas Historians in the Nineteenth Century -- Campbell


Breashears, Margaret H. -- An Analysis of Status: Women in Texas, 1860-1920 -- Campbell

Gottwald, Carl H. -- The Anglo-American Council on Productivity -- Lowry

Hudson, Linda S. -- Jane McManus Storm Cazneau: A Biography -- Campbell


Lester, Carole Nancy -- Tinstar and Redcoat: A Comparative Study of History, Literature, and Motion Pictures Through the Dramatization of Violence in the

Settlement of the Western Frontier Regions of the United States and Canada -- Pickens

Rowe, Beverly Jane -- Changes in the Status of Texarkana, Texas, Women, 1880-1920 -- Campbell

FALL 1999

Detels, Polly Elizabeth -- When “The Lie Becomes Truth”: Four Historiographic Novels of the Twentieth Century -- Pickens & Campbell

Mann, Georgia A. -- John Buchan (1875-1940) and the First World War: A Scot’s Career in Imperial Britain -- Lowry


Stuntz, Jean A. -- His, Hers, and Theirs: Domestic Relations and Marital Property Law in Texas to 1850 -- Chipman

Weldin, Sandra J. – A.P. Giannini, Marriner Stoddard Eccles, and the Changing Landscape of American Banking -- Pickens & Marcello


Guzman, Jane B. -- David Lefkowitz of Dallas: A Rabbi for all Seasons -- Seligmann

Hess, Lucinda H. -- Male Army Nurses: The Impact of the Vietnam War on Their Professional and Personal Lives -- Marcello

Strickland, Kristi T. -- The Significance and Impact of Women on the Rise of the Republican Party in Twentieth Century Texas -- Marcello


Carlisle, Jeffrey D. -- Spanish Relations with the Apache Nations East of the Rio Grande -- Chipman

Thomason, Lisa -- Jacksonian Democracy and the Electoral College: Politics and Reform in the Method of Selecting Presidential Electors, 1824-1833 -- Seligmann

Townsend, Stephen -- The Rio Grande Expedition, 1863-1865 – Lowe


Stott, Kelly McMichael -- From the Lost Cause to Female Empowerment: The Texas Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1896-1966 -- Lowe

FALL 2001

Barloon, Mark Charles -- Combat Reconsidered: A Statistical Analysis of Small Unit Actions During the American Civil War -- Lowe

Hammond, Carol Delean -- Richard Thompson Archer and the Burdens of Proprietorship: The Life of a Natchez District Planter -- Lowe


Henderson, John -- The Crater of Diamonds: A History of the Pike County, Arkansas, Diamond Field, 1906-1972 – Campbell

Johnson, Ken Rhon -- Lucca in the Signoria of Paolo Guinigi, 1400-1430 – Stern

Lipscomb, Carol A. – Burying the Hatchet: Spanish-Comanche Relations in Colonial Texas, 1743-1821 – Chipman


Smylie, Eric Paul – Americans Who Would Not Wait: The American Legion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1917 – Paz

Stillwell, Stephen Joseph Jr. – London, Ankara, and Geneva: Anglo-Turkish Relations, the Establishment of the Turkish Borders, and the League of Nations – Hilliard


Culberson, James Kevin – “For Reformation and Uniformity”: George Gillespie (1613- 1648) and the Scottish Covenanter Revolution – Morris

FALL 2003

Bridges, Kenneth William – The Twilight of the Texas Democrats: The 1978 Governor’s Race – Cantrell

Koontz, Christopher Noel – The Public Polemics of Baldur von Schirach: A Study of National Socialist Rhetoric and Aesthetics, 1922-1945” – Mierzejewski

Pinkney, Kathryn C. -- From Stockyards to Defense Plants, the Transformation of a City:

Fort Worth, Texas, and World War II – Marcello

FALL 2004

Wilson, Mary Lee – The Confederate Pension Systems in Texas, Georgia, and Virginia: The Programs and the People – Lowe


Crager, Kelly Eugene – Lone Star Under the Rising Sun: Texas’s “Lost Battalion,” 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery Regiment, During World War II – Marcello

FALL 2005

Parnell, John R. -- Baptists and Britons: Particular Baptist Ministers in England and

British Identity in the 1790s -- Morris


Clampitt, Brad -- Morale in the Western Confederacy, 1864-1865: Home Front and Battlefield -- Lowe

FALL 2006

Mitchener, Donald Keith -- The American Doctrine for the Use of Naval Gunfire in Support of Amphibious Landings: Myth vs. Reality in the Central Pacific of

World War II -- Lewis


Bean, Christopher B. – “A Stranger Amongst Strangers”: An Analysis of the Freedmen’s Bureau Sub-Assistant Commissioners in Texas, 1865-1868 -- Lowe


Morales, Lisa R. – The Financial History of the War of 1812 – Campbell

FALL 2009

Bennett, Elizabeth S. – Negotiating Interests: Elizabeth Montagu’s Political Collaborations

with Edward Montagu; George, Lord Lyttleton; and William Pulteney – Morris


Ball, Gregory W. – Soldier Boys of Texas: The Seventh Texas Infantry in World War II –


Brannon-Wranosky, Jessica – Southern Promise and Necessity: Texas, Regional Identity,

and the National Woman Suffrage Movement, 1868-1920 – Turner

Machen, Chase E. – The Concept of Purgatory in England – Stern

Welch, Martha Courtney – Evolution, Not Revolution: The Effect of New Deal

Legislation on Industrial Growth and Union Development in Dallas, Texas –


FALL 2010

Cassella, Dean Marcel – Culture and Self-Representation in the Este Court: Ercole Strozzi’s

Funeral Elegy of Eleonora of Aragon, a Text, Translation, and Commentary – Stern

Ivan, Adrien D. – Masters No More: Abolition and Texas Planters, 1860-1890 – Lowe


Stanley, Mark – Portrait of a Southern Progressive: The Political Life and Times of Gov. Pat

M. Neff of Texas, 1871-1952 -- McCaslin

Zemler, Jeffrey Allen – Southern Attitudes Toward the West, 1783 to 1803 – Hagler and



Price, Brian R. – The Martial Arts of Medieval Europe – Stern

FALL 2011

Cervantez, Brian – Lone Star Booster: The Life of Amon G. Carter -- McCaslin

Fish, B. Mark – Mary Jones: Last First Lady of the Republic of Texas – Turner

Hathcock, James A. – A General Diffusion of Knowledge: Republican Efforts to Build a

Public School System in Reconstruction Texas – Campbell

Nelson, Robert Nicholas – Economic Mobility into the Planter Class in Texas, 1846-1860 –



Cowan, H. Lee – Cardinal Giovanni Battissta de Luca: Nepotism in the Seventeenth-Century Catholic Church and de Luca’s Efforts to Prohibit the Practice – Stern

Decoster, Charlotte M. M. – Child Rescue as Survival Resistance: Hidden Children in Nazi- Occupied Western Europe – Citino

FALL 2012

Alburaas, Theyab Mubarak—British Labour Government Policy in Iraq, 1945-1950 -- Stockdale

Antle, Michael L. – The Rise of the Republicans: Party Realignment in Twentieth Century Texas – McCaslin

Rinkleff, Adam J. – American Blitzkreig: Courtney Hodges and the Advance Toward Aachen (August 1-September 12, 1944) – Citino


Blackshear, James B. – Between Comancheros and Comancheria: A History of Fort

Bascom, New Mexico – McCaslin

De Santiago Ramos, Simone C. C. – Showing the Flag: War Cruiser Karlsruhe and

Germandom Abroad – Citino

Liles, Deborah M. – Southern Roots, Western Foundations: The Peculiar Institution and

Livestock Industry on the Northwestern Frontier of Texas, 1846-1864 – McCaslin


Nance, William – Forgotten Glory: U.S. Corps Cavalry in the ETO – Citino


Abel, Jonathan Aaron – Jacques-Antoine Hippolyte, Comte de Guibert: Father of the

Grande Armée -- Leggiere

Folsom, Bradley – Joaquin de Arredondo in Texas and Northeastern New Spain, 1811-

1821 – Smith

FALL 2014

Ginn, Jody E. – Reckoning in the Redlands: The Texas Rangers’ Clean-up of San Augustine in 1935 -- McCaslin

FALL 2015

Hayworth, Jordan R. – Conquering the Natural Frontier: French Expansion to the Rhine

River during the War of the First Coalition, 1792-1797 – Leggiere

Mack, Thomas B. – The Forty-Fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment: The

Washburne Lead Mine Regiment in the Civil War – Lowe

Northrop, Chloe A. – Fashioning Society in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica – Morris


Roberts, Mervyn E. – Let the Dogs Bark: The Psychological War in Vietnam, 1960-1968

-- Citino

Yancey, William C. – Old Alcalde: Oran Milo Roberts, Texas’s Forgotten Fire Eater –


FALL 2016

Coats, Jerry B. – Las Cantigas de Santa Maria: Thirteenth Century Popular Culture and

Acts of Subversion -- Stern


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