Commack Schools

Name: _______________________________IB HistoryProject: Cold War CrisisFrom the list below, select ONE Cold War crisis (hot spot) and complete the chart based upon your research. The information should be put into your own words. Any cells found to be plagiarized will earn a “0” for that section of the chart. Cold War CrisesSelect ONEBerlin Blockade (1948)Korean War (1950)Hungarian Revolution (1956)Berlin Wall (1961)Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)Prague Spring (1968)Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (1979)Crisis: __________________________________Location: ______________________ Date (start-end): __________________ [1]Historical BackgroundExplain the events that led up to the crisis. [15]Significant People Associated with the CrisisSelect 4 prominent people who were actively involved in the crisis and explain their role.Person [1]Position [1]Role/Legacy in the Crisis [4]Key Words Associated with the CrisisSelect 5 words that are associated with the crisis and provide a historical definition.Vocabulary Word [1]Definition [2]Cultural SignificanceResearch how the crisis impacted the arts/leisure at the time period or how the event has been portrayed in contemporary pop culture.Examples [1]Description [4]Ending of the Crisis [15]Explain how and why the crisis came to an end. In addition, explain the historical legacy with regards to the Cold War. Be sure to include people, vocabulary words, and key events. Global Perspective [10]Explain how the international community reacted to this crisis(ex: United Nations, NATO, Warsaw Pact, individual countries).HistoriographySelect 2 historians who have researched your crisis. Provide their name, work, and thesis.Historian [1]Title of Work [1]Thesis [3] ................

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