Most Dangerous Game- Talk show example

Most Dangerous Game- Talk show example

Talk show host: Hello everyone and welcome to the _______________ show. We are here today to tell you about a fascinating story that came to our attention just recently. With us, to share their perspectives are __________, ___________, and __________. We also have well known psychic _____________ with us to get the story from the spirits of those who are no longer living.

Talk show host to _______: Welcome _______________, could you please tell us what happened?

Character: (character describes what happened)

Talk show host: That sounds (terrible, horrible, fascinating etc). I understand that you (describe something that happened to the character). How did that make you feel?

Character: (describe how they felt and why)


Keep up making questions that allow us to find out what characters went through, what they thought about what happened, what they thought about each other and why they feel the way they do.

Brainstorming for a creative writing assignment

When brainstorming for a creative writing assignment you need to identify the things you want to talk about with regards to plot, feelings, emotions etc. Go through the assignment and make a chart that lists what you need to talk about. Then brainstorm a list of possible things you could talk about in the assignment.

|Characters to talk about |Plot details to include |Feelings characters had about |Reasons for characters feelings |Extra details to include |

| | |what happened and about other | | |

| | |characters | | |

Outlining and organizing for a creative writing assignment

Go through the brainstorming chart and put things in an order that makes sense for what you are writing.

Rough copy

Use the chart to create sentences to put in your assignment. Then add details and descriptions as necessary.


Use the editing chart to make sure you have correct grammar and sentence structure. Create your own topics on the left hand column based on the assignment. Improve your vocabulary. Also ensure that you have all the requirements of the assignment taken care of.

Good copy

Use the editing to improve your writing and fix mistakes. Then write your good copy.


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