The Western Talk Show - Weebly

The Exploration and Expansion Talk Show


For this group project you get to be actors/actresses and create and act out a talk show interviewing explorers, political, and/or scientific figures of Europe in the 1500s and 1600s.

Planning Guidelines

• You will work in groups of 5 in this activity to role-play a talk show on “Exploration and Expansion of Europe.” Each person will be assigned the role of an explorer, political, or scientific figure of Europe in the 1500s and 1600s. One person in each group will be the host.

• Create a unique and creative name to your Talk Show

• Working in your group, you will research the people assigned and compile a list of interview questions for a talk show. The questions and answers should allow each talk show “guest” to tell important information about himself. Questions should cover accomplishments, ideas, their impact on society, etc.

o Each group member should compile at least 5 questions to choose from about their person. The host should create 5 questions that are more broad about the time period and the people he/she will be interviewing.

o Each person should also have a visual for the audience to see representing what made them important in history. (examples: an explorers route or a scientists’ achievements)

• Each group will then create a script and act out the talk show, during which the talk show host will ask each guests selected questions.

• Everyone should take notes during the talk show interviews so that you may benefit from your classmates’ research and are prepared for questions that may appear on the test


Grading will be out of 30 points and based on group participation and on the amount of information that your talk show has. Don’t be afraid to get creative with these and add humor, just try and make the information as accurate as possible. Good luck!

List below who will be playing each part in your skit:

Talk Show Host:_________________________

Guest 1:______________________________________________

Guest 2:______________________________________________

Guest 3:______________________________________________

Guest 4:______________________________________________

Guest 5:______________________________________________

List of Guests for Interviews/Talk Show

Scientific Revolution

1. Roger Bacon

2. Nicolaus Copernicus

3. Johannes Kepler

4. Galileo Galilei

5. Isaac Newton


1. Andreas Vesalius

2. William Harvey

3. René Descartes

4. Francis Bacon

5. Robert Boyle


1. Prince Henry

2. Bartolomeu Dias

3. Vasco da Gama

4. Ferdinand Magellan


1. Christopher Columbus

2. Amerigo Vespucci

3. Ponce de Léon


4. Hernán Cortés

5. Francisco Pizarro


1. Charles V

2. Philip II

3. Queen Isabella

4. William of Orange


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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