Advanced Placement United States History

Advanced Placement United States HistorySummer Assignment for the 2017-2018 School YearMr. Jáuregui(805) 937-2051 x 2602ajauregui@righetti.usWelcome to AP U.S. History! A.P.U.S.H. is a course that is meant to emulate an entry-level course in history and is meant to help prepare you for college.This class is very fast paced so that we can grasp everything in order to prepare you for the AP Exam in May 2017. Due to the limited time that we have, a summer assignment is required to help you get a handle on things and to help prepare you for this class. This preparation is to be done before you arrive in August. The goal of these assignments will be to introduce you to the pace of this class, the level of work that will be expected, and keep your minds fresh with historical thought. The expectation is that these assignments will be completed and turned in on the first day of class in August. The activities on those first days of school will be connected to the summer material.No late assignments will be accepted.The Summer Homework assignment is also available on the class website:: Complete the following assignments in the order that they are listed. Each assignment will build off information from the previous section. You will be responsible for reading Chapters 1-3 and responding to the Multiple Choice and Short Answer Questions in this packet. Once you select an answer for the Multiple Choice portion, you must provide a detailed analysis that supports why you chose that specific answer. For the Short Answer portion, you must use the information you’ve gained from the Summer Reading (Chapters 1-3) and write a brief (4-5 sentence) response. This entire packet is to be turned in on the first day of school.Presidents Quiz Cheat Sheet – You will be responsible for knowing the Presidents (Name Only) in CHRONOLOGICAL order by the 1st week of school.center1016000224028010795to do your Summer Homework!00to do your Summer Homework!*If any issues should arise, please email me and we can make optional arrangements.Chapter 1 – The Collision of Cultures – Pages 1-34Part 1: Multiple Choice + Analysis3657602951480Circle / Highlight your answer.020000Circle / Highlight your answer.Analysis for Question #1 – Analysis for Question #2 – 1323975-164465Analysis for Question #3 – Analysis for Question #4 – Analysis for Question #5 – Analysis for Question #6 – Analysis for Question #7 – Analysis for Question #8 – Analysis for Question #9 – Chapter 1 – The Collision of Cultures – Pages 1-34Part 2: Short Answer ResponseResponse for Questions 1(a) – Response for Questions 1(b) – center7620Response for Questions 2(a) – Response for Questions 2(b) – Response for Questions 2(c) – Response for Questions 3(a) – Response for Questions 3(b) – Response for Questions 3(c) – Response for Questions 4(a) – Response for Questions 4(b) – Response for Questions 4(c) – UNITED STATES PRESIDENTS ‘CHEAT SHEET’Directions: You will be required to know the following information regarding the U.S. Presidents, the years they were in office, the years elected, and the political party they represented. There will be a Presidents Quiz during the 1st week of school.YRS. IN OFFICEPRESIDENTPOLITICAL PARTY YR(S) ELECTED1789-1797George WashingtonNone 1789, 17921797-1801John AdamsFederalist17961801-1809Thomas JeffersonDemocratic-Republican1800, 18041809-1817James MadisonDemocratic-Republican1808, 18121817-1825James MonroeDemocratic-Republican1816, 18201825-1829John Quincy AdamsNational Republican18241829-1837Andrew JacksonDemocrat1828, 18321837-1841Martin Van BurenDemocrat1836 1841William Henry HarrisonWhig18401841-1845John TylerWhigfilled Harrison’s term1845-1849James K. PolkDemocrat18441849-1850Zachary TaylorWhig18481850-1853Millard FillmoreWhigfilled Taylor’s term1853-1857Franklin PierceDemocrat18521857-1861James BuchananDemocrat18561861-1865Abraham LincolnRepublican1860, 18641865-1869Andrew JohnsonNat’t Union (Democrat)filled Lincoln’s term1869-1877Ulysses S. GrantRepublican 1868, 18721877-1881Rutherford HayesRepublican1876 1881James A. GarfieldRepublican18801881-1885Chester ArthurRepublican filled Garfield’s term1885-1889Grover ClevelandDemocrat18841889-1893Benjamin HarrisonRepublican18881893-1897Grover ClevelandDemocrat18921897-1901William McKinleyRepublican1896, 19001901-1909Theodore RooseveltRepublican filled term, own 19041909-1913William Howard TaftRepublican19081913-1921Woodrow Wilson Democrat1912, 19161921-1923Warren HardingRepublican19201923-1929Calvin CoolidgeRepublicanfilled term, own 19241929-1933Herbert HooverRepublican19281933-1945Franklin D. RooseveltDemocrat 1932, 1936, 1940, 19441945-1953Harry S. TrumanDemocratfilled term, own 19481953-1961Dwight EisenhowerRepublican 1952, 19561961-1963John F. KennedyDemocrat19601963-1969Lyndon B. JohnsonDemocratfilled term, own 19641969-1974Richard NixonRepublican1968, 19721974-1977Gerald FordRepublicanfilled Nixon’s term1977-1981Jimmy CarterDemocrat19761981-1989Ronald ReaganRepublican1980, 19841989-1993George H. W. BushRepublican19881993-2001Bill ClintonDemocrat1992, 19962001-2009George W. BushRepublican 2000, 20042009-2017Barack H. ObamaDemocrat2008, 20122017 - Donald J. TrumpRepublican20161143000115570Please Sign and Return this page to your instructor to ensure placement in A.P. U.S. History00Please Sign and Return this page to your instructor to ensure placement in A.P. U.S. HistoryWe have read the information for the 2017-2018 AP U.S. History course and are committed to support the requirements and the completion of the assignments in full.Student Signature____________________________________Date ________________Print Student’s Name ____________________________________________E-Mail Address (legibly!)_________________________________________________10th grade History teacher’s Name:____________________________Parent Signature ____________________________________Date ________________E-Mail Address____________________________________________Dear Parents, Righetti High School requires parental permission for your student to view movies in our curriculum, which are rated PG-13 or R. In social studies I believe showing your son or daughter excerpts or full showings from movies such as The Patriot, Schindler’s List, Michael Collins, Killing Fields, Saving Private Ryan, etc. enables your child to have another medium as a resource in their study of current events and history. Movies, along with our hands on activities, reading, research projects, etc. give your son or daughter the fullest opportunity to discover the world of history. Movies go beyond just dry facts and help bring events “alive” to students. You can be assured I have previewed every part of any movie I will show and that, as a parent myself, I will use the proper discretion with your child. Student Name____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view PG-13 or R-Rated movies for educational purposes.____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view school-appropriate excerpts of the types of movies mentioned in this letter. I understand alternate learning experiences for my child will be provided while the movie is being watched. ? ? Guardian Signature/Date ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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