Duval County Public Schools

AP United States History Summer Assignment 2019Ms. Kenya M. Smarr-WhiteDue First Day of Class Monday August 12, 2019Welcome to AP United States History commonly referred to as APUSH. In this rigorous college level course, you will study the cultural, economic, political, and social developments that have shaped the United States from 1491 to the present. You’ll analyze texts, visual sources, and other historical evidence and write essays expressing historical arguments. This information will be studied in 9 units and in order for you to prepare for this level of study and for us to be able to cover the entire content of material, there are a few assignments that you need to complete and have ready on the first day of school.If you have any questions please email me I will try to respond quickly. HYPERLINK "mailto:Smarr-whitek@" Smarr-whitek@.Assignment 1: Please purchase United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination,2020 edition ISBN-10 1531129129ISBN-13 9781531129125 at the link below 2018 edition can be purchased on Amazon or any book source of your choice.This book will serve an important role in your upcoming year in AP US HISTORY so it is extremely important that you purchase/procure one. Read the first 3 chapters and complete the multiple choice and short answer questions.Chapter 1- pg. 1-21Chapter 2- pg. 24-44Chapter 3- pg. 45-64This is to be turned in during your first day of class.Assignment 2:Memorize the 15 historical time periods in US History including the name of the era/period and the dates that are linked to them. It is important to connect the presidents to the era they were executive in. Assignment 3:Know all 45 U.S. Presidents!! Yes, I want you to memorize all 45 U.S. Presidents in order. In addition, you must memorize the dates that they were in office, as well as under what political party they were elected. You will have to look for the information on the current president, Donald J. Trump. Example: George Washington (None) 1789-1797 John Adams (Federalist) 1797-1801 Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican) 1801-1809(Note: the start date for the Presidents is based on when they actually take position of office.)On the first day of class you will have a quiz on the U.S. Presidents. You need to memorize the U.S. Presidents in chronological order. So, why do you have to memorize all of the U.S. Presidents? By knowing all of the Presidents and eras at the start of the school year, it will make it that much easier for you to focus on the issues that each of these leaders faced. The mental knowledge of knowing the presidents will provide a framework for additional concepts and topics. So in building our “body” of U.S. History, the presidents and eras are the initial “skeleton”, and events, issues and concepts like the Embargo Act (Jefferson), the Trail of Tears (Jackson), or the League of Nations (Wilson) are the “organs”. In other words, you will be a little bit ahead of the game and will do that much better on the AP exam in May!!! The U.S. President handout will greatly help and it is included at the end of this packet.Assignment 4 - “Failing to Prepare Is Preparing To FailThis assignment is easy. Purchase your supplies for this class before school starts and bring them with you on the FIRST DAY!Here is what you will need...* Notebook: Composition book and it must be one you can use for ONLY this class!!!*1 inch Binder for JUST this class with dividers and at least one folder* 3x5 note cards for vocabulary*Paper--I will always have some, but so should you* Blue or black pens and pencils--again, I will always have some, but so should you (YOU CAN NOT USE ANY OTHER COLOR)*Coloring pencils and markers for projects* Project board (you do not have to bring on the first day of class but you need to have it on hand for your project)United States Historical Eras (15 total historical time periods)1607-1770 Colonial1770-1781 Revolutionary 1781-1800 New Republic (Critical Period and Federalist period 1800-1812 Jefferson Age 1815-1824 Era of Good Feelings 1828-1860 Compromise, Sectionalism, & Manifest Destiny 1860-1865 Civil War 1865-1877 Reconstruction 1866-1901 Gilded Age 1901-1920 Progressive Era 1920-1929 Modern Age 1929-1941 New Deal Era 1941-1945 World War II 1945-1989 Cold War, Great Society/ New Frontier 1980- Conservative EraU.S. Presidents -- Background and DatesYou may use this presidential website as well as the list that is provided in the attachment.about/presidents ................

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