The following list gives the meaning of prefixes, suffixes, and stems that are commonly used to form scientific terms. Whenever you encounter a new term in your study of biology, break it apart and try to find the parts in this list. Such a habit will greatly simplify your mastery of biological vocabulary.

As an example, you might take the word nephrology . the stem nephro- is derived from the Greek word nephros, meaning, kidney, while the stem log- is derived from the Greek work legos, meaning thought or study of. You might later encounter the word nephrolith, and you would then only have to determine the meaning of the suffix – lith, since you would already know the meaning of the first part of the word.. Or when you ran across such words as bacteriology and zoology, you would probably have a good idea, of what they mean. After some practice, you will be surprised how many new words you can define without looking them up.

It has often been necessary to add a vowel to combining forms for pleasing pronunciation. For example, bacteri + logy becomes bacteriology. For the same reason it has been necessary at times to drop or change a vowel in a prefix, suffix, or stem. For example, gastro becomes gastric, and adjective pertaining to the stomach.

Most scientific terms are derived from either the ancient Greek or Latin because either of these languages is in use now so that they are unchanging, and also they are studied universally. As a result, you will find that Latin noun endings are often used in biology.


1. a no, lacking ; none

2. ab – away from; out from

3. ac – to; toward

4. -aceous; - accous of or pertaining to

5. ad- to; toward

6. adeno- gland

7. agri- field, soil

8. -al having the character of

9. alb- white

10. -algia pain

11. alto- high

12. ameb- change; alternation

13. amphibi- leading a double life

14. ampho-; amb both

15. an- not; without

16. ana- up

17. andro- masculine; man

18. anemo- wind

19. angio- vessel

20. ante- before; ahead of time

21. antero- front

22. antho- flower

23. anti- against

24. anthropo- man

25. ap- to; toward

26. aqu- water

27. archaeo- primitive; ancient

28. arthro- jointed

29. aster-; astr- stars

30. -ate used in forming verbs from nouns

31. - ation used in forming nouns from verbs

32. atom- vapor

33. audi- hear

34. auto- self

35. bacter- stick; club

36. barb- beard

37. baro- weight

38. bath- depth; height

39. bene- well; good

40. bi- two; twice; double

41. bio-; bi- life; living

42. -blast sprout; germ

43. brachi- having arms

44. brev- short

45. bronch- windpipe

46. calor- heat

47. carb- coal; carbon

48. cardi- heart

49. carn- meat

50. carp- fruit

51. carpal- wrist

52. caud- tail

53. cell- storeroom; chamber

54. - cene new; recent

55. centi- hundredth

56. centr- center

57. cephal- head

58. cervic- neck

59. chem- referring to chemistry

60. chloro green

61. chrom-; -chrome color

62. chym- juice

63. -cide killing

64. circum- around; about

65. cirru- hairlike curls

66. co- with; together

67. cocc- seed

68. coel- hollow

69. coll- glue

70. com- with; together

71. con- with; together

72. coni- cone

73. contra- against

74. corp- body

75. cosmo- world; order; form

76. cotyl- cup

77. counter- against

78. crypt- hidden; covered

79. -cule; -culus added to nouns to form diminutive

80. cumul- heaped

81. cuti- skin

82. cyan- dark blue

83. -cycle; cycl- ring; circle

84. cyst- bladder; pouch

85. cyt-; -cyte cell; receptacle

86. dacty- finger

87. deca- ten

88. deci- tenth

89. deliquesc- become fluid

90. demi- half

91. dendr- tree

92. dent- tooth

93. derm- skin

94. di- two; double

95. dia- through; across

96. digit finger; toe

97. din- terrible

98. dis- apart; out

99. dorm- sleep

100. dors- back

101. du-; duo two

102. -duct lead

103. dynam- power

104. dys- ill; bad

105. ec- out of; outside

106. echin- spiny; prickly

107. eco- house

108. ect- outside; without

109. electro-electric; electricity

110. en- -in; into

111. -en -made of

112. encephal- brain

113. end-; ent- within; in

114. enter- intestine

115. eous nature of; like

116. epi- on; above

117. -er wander; go astray

118. erythro- red

119. ethno- race

120. eu- well; good

121. extra- beyond, outside of

122. ex- out of

123. – fer -bear; carry;

124. ferro- iron

125. fibr- fiber; thread

126. -fid; fis-divided into; split

127. -flect; -flex bend

128. flor- flower

129. fluor- fluorine

130. foli- leaf

131. fract- break

132. galact-;galax milk; milky fluid

133. gastro- stomach

134. geo- land; earth

135. -gen; -gine producer; former

136. -gene; gene- origin

137. -gest carry; produce

138. glob- ball, round

139. glottis mouth of windpipe

140. -gon angle; corner

141. -gony offspring; generation; coming into being

142. -grade step; division

143. -gram writing; record

144. -graphy; -graph writing; record

145. grav- heavy

146. gross thick

147. gymno- naked

148. gyn female

149. gyr- ring; circle

150. haem-; hem- blood

151. -hal-;-hale breathe, breath

152. halo- sea, salt

153. hecto- hundred

154. -helminth- worm

155. hemi- half

156. hepat- liver

157. herb- grass

158. hetero- different

159. hex- six

160. hibern- winter

161. hipp- horse

162. hist- tissue

163. holo- entire; whole

164. homo- same; alike

165. hort- garden

166. hybrid mongrel

167. hydr- water

168. hygr- wet; moist

169. hypo- beneath; under; less

170. hyper- above; beyond; over

171. hypha- weaving

172. hypno- sleep

173. –ic added to nouns to form adjectives

174. ichthy- fish

175. ign- fire

176. im- not

177. in- to; toward; into

178. in- not

179. - ine of or pertaining to

180. infra- below; beneath

181. inter- between

182. intra- within; inside

183. –ion state or condition: action

184. -ism a state or condition

185. iso- equal; same

186. -itis inflammation; disease

187. kilo- thousand

188. lachry- tear

189. lact- milk

190. lat- side; flank

191. -less without

192. leuc- white; bright; light

193. lign- wood

194. lin- line

195. lingu- tongue

196. liqu- become fluid or liquid

197. lip- fat

198. lith-; -lite -stone; petrifying

199. loc- -place

200. -logy -study

201. -lysis; -lyte; -lyst- dissolve; decompose

202. macr- large

203. malle- hammer

204. mamm-breast

205. marg- border; edge

206. mast- breast

207. med- middle

208. meg- great; million

209. mela-; melan- black; dark

210. mes- middle; half; intermediate

211. met-; meta- between; along; after

212. meteor- lofty, high, in air

213. -meter; -metry way of measuring, instruments for measuring

214. micro- small

215. milli- thousandth

216. mis- wrong; incorrect

217. mole- mass

218. mono- one; single

219. mont- mountain

220. mort- death

221. mov-; -mot move

222. morph-shape; form

223. multi- many

224. mycel- threadlike

225. mycet- fungus

226. myria- many

227. moll- soft

228. nas- nose

229. nemat- thread

230. neo- new ;recent

231. nephro- kidney

232. -ner- moist liquid

233. neur-;nerv- nerve; tendon

234. noct-;nox- night

235. -node knot

236. -nomy; -nome distribute; arrange; law

237. non- not

238. not- back

239. nuc- center

240. ob- against

241. ocul- eye

242. oct- eight

243. odont- tooth

244. -oid like in form or shape

245. olf- smell

246. omni- all

247. ophtal- eye

248. opt-; opsy eye; vision

249. orb- circle; round; ring

250. orth- straight; correct; right

251. oscu- mouth

252. oste- bone

253. -ous full of; abounding in

254. ov- egg

255. oxy- sharp; acid; oxygen

256. pachy- thick

257. paleo- old; ancient

258. palm- broad; flat

259. pan- all

260. par- beside; near; equal; bring forth

261. path-; -pathy disease;


262. -ped foot

263. pent- five

264. per- through

265. permea pass; go

266. phag- eat

267. pheno- show

268. phil- loving; fond of

269. phon-; -phone sound

270. -phore bearer

271. photo- light

272. phyc- seaweed; algae

273. -phyll leaf

274. physi- nature; natural qualities

275. -phte; phyt- plant

276. plan- roaming;wandering

277. plasm-;-plast form; formed into

278. pleur- rib; lung

279. pneumo-lungs; air

280. -pod foot

281. poly- many; several

282. por- opening

283. port- carry

284. post- after; behind

285. pom- fruit

286. pre-before; ahaead of time

287. pro- forward; favoring; before

288. proto- first; primary

289. pseud- false; deceptive

290. pter- having wings of fins

291. pulmo-lung

292. puls- drive; push

293. pyr- heat; fire

294. quadr- four; four-fold

295. quin- five

296. radi- ray; spoke of a wheel; energy in rays

297. re- again; back

298. rect- correct; right

299. ren- kidney

300. ret- net; made like a net

301. rhin- nose

302. rhiz- root

303. rubr- red

304. saccharo- sugar

305. sapr- rotten

306. saur- lizard

307. scler- hard

308. sci- know

309. scope look; observe

310. -scribe; script write

311. semi- half; partly

312. sept- partition; seven

313. septic putrefaction; infection

314. sex- six

315. -sis condition; state

316. sol- sun

317. solv- loosen; free

318. somn- sleep

319. son- sound

320. spec-;spic- look at

321. sperm- seed

322. spher- ball

323. -spire breathe

324. spor- seed

325. stat- standing; placed

326. stell- stars

327. stern- breast; chest

328. stom-;-stome mouth

329. strat- layer

330. stereo- solid; in three dimensions

331. strict- drawn tight

332. styl- pillar

333. sub- under; below

334. super- over; above; on top

335. sur- over; above; on top

336. sym-;syn- together

337. tachy- quick; swift

338. tarso- ankle

339. tax- arrangement

340. tele- far off; at a distance

341. terr- earth

342. tetr- four

343. thall- young shoot

344. therm- heat

345. -tom cut; slice

346. toxico- poison

347. top- place

348. trans- across

349. tri- three

350. trich- hair

351. trop- one who feeds; well fed

352. -ule diminutive

353. ultra- beyond

354. ur- urine

355. vas- vessel

356. vect- carry

357. ven-; vent come

358. ventr- belly

359. vice- in place of

360. vig- strong

361. vit-; viv- life

362. volv- roll; wander

363. vor- devour; eat

364. xanthin- yellow

365. zo-;-oza animal

366. zyg- yolk

367. zym- yeast


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