10th Grade English Course Overview – Leventhal

10th Grade English Course Overview – Mr. Leventhal & Ms. Turdo

Course Objectives

• Students will further develop critical reading skills through studies of multiple authors and genres.

• Students will further develop writing skills in five focus areas as well as argumentative/persuasive, narrative, and expository modes.

• Students will employ quotations as an integral part of supporting details in each of those five modes

• Students will further develop knowledge of grammar and usage for practical application.

• Students will further develop vocabulary through reading and direct study.

• Students will further develop strategies for success in academic settings and real world environments.

Daily Expectations

• Attitude- Come with an open mind. Be prepared to discuss your thoughts on works of literature, your classmates’ writing and current issues.

• Attendance- Your regular attendance habits will be an integral part of your success in this class. A portion of almost all assignments will be completed using class time. If you are here, you will limit the amount of homework you have and maximize the resources at your disposal (technology, classmates, teacher, library, etc.) We attend school, on average, less than 20 days a month. Get the most out of those days and you will deserve the extra free time you have. Be on time to class every day. Be advised, twenty (20) total absences from a full year course may result in credit denial. Accumulated lateness and cutting will result in an office referral.

• Materials- Each student must have the following items every single day: all class texts, a notebook, a pocket folder or three ring binder, any handouts, and a pen or pencil.


• Daily class participation- warm-up activities, class discussion, materials

• Regularly scheduled readings, study questions and homework assignments

• Fully processed and early stage writing assignments

• Group discussion and presentations

• Announced and unannounced tests and quizzes on reading, vocabulary and grammar

• Final exam


• 20% Vocabulary

• 80% Written Work, Tests, Quizzes, Presentations, Participation and Homework based on total point values

• Late homework will be accepted in most cases for 50-75% of the assignment’s original value. Formal writing assignments may be penalized one letter grade for each day that they are late. Getting work in on time is your responsibility; I will not chase you down for missing assignments.

Vocabulary and Grammar

• Completion of Sadlier-Oxford vocabulary program level E

• Preparation for commonly used vocabulary and for the SAT

• Cost $12.00 to CRHS South Activities – English

• Grammar skills focused on improving writing style and clarity

• Study of usage and punctuation based on most commonly understood concepts and for the SAT


I recommend students purchase copies of the following texts whenever possible. Note-making and reaction writing in books allows readers to interact directly with a text and is proven to enhance overall comprehension and critical reading skills.

• Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury

• The Merchant of Venice- William Shakespeare

Al Pacino in The Merchant of Venice – Rated R – Permission Slip to be distributed prior to viewing

• Catcher in the Rye- J.D. Salinger

• All My Sons- Arthur Miller

• Short Stories- Assorted Authors

• Engage – College Reading and other Selected Non-fiction (no need for text purchase)


Council Rock School District strongly encourages parents to survey the outstanding collection of challenging literature contained within our program.  Much of the content presents important and complex ideas that encourage critical thinking.  Any connection discussed in class is made that much stronger by the conversation and connections that are made at home.  We invite you to discuss any of the elements of our courses with your child’s teacher.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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