Trade shows and craft fairs - Stars and Stripes Tupperware



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|Reach New and Stranded Consumers! |

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|Fairs and special events are an effective way to reach a large number of people in a concentrated time frame. The purpose of |

|entering into such an enterprise is access! |

|Reaching more consumers to recruit, sell and date, filling up your date book and insuring a strong party line up. With planning, it|

|is possible to sell enough of your products to offset your initial investment and to make a profit. However, the best return of |

|your investment is the opportunity to generate a considerable number of leads for new recruits and parties. If your investment in |

|the table or booth is small think more of generating new party chains and new consultants than selling a quick shake to the |

|customer walking by. Think of it this way. You have a limited time to chat with anew customer. Do you want to be talking about a |

|quick shake sale or the great gifts hosts receive and our five star opportunity? |

|Think of the return of your investment = $2.75 profit on a quick shake vs $100+ for a party or lifetime compensation on a new |

|recruit. |

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|Use the list below to help you think of ways you can be an entrepreneur in your own business |

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|Special Event Ideas! |

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|State Fairs | |Women’s Show |

|County Fairs | |Lifestyle Show |

|Craft Fairs | |Holiday Show |

|Job Fair | |Food Show |

|Church Bazaars | |Trade Show |

|Sidewalk Sale | |Kitchen show |

|Bridal show | |Family Show |

|Boat show | |RV show |

|Home show | |*Please no flea markets |

|A great idea to share |

|A manager did a craft show and her table was right next to another party plan table. This manager came prepared to draw the crowds!|

|She brought her quick chef and chip’n dip bowl. She made batches of salsa all day long. People stopped to see the quick chef spin |

|it’s magic and taste the salsa. Her datings from the day were amazing. The table next to her had a very quiet day! Check with |

|organization that is running your event and see if you can do something similar. |

|Here are some great word choices to try! |

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|Be prepared for these comments: “Wow! Tupperware has really changed over the years!” |

|Your reply: “Yes, we are very proud of the fact that we stay current with today’s trends.” Then show a new concept such as Ice |

|Prisms. |

|“I have cabinets full of Tupperware.” |

|Your reply with a BIG SMILE “Wonderful! What’s something you use the most?” Listen. Then show a product that might be of interest. |

|“I haven’t seen Tupperware in years. I didn’t even know it was still around.” |

|YOUR REPLY: “Well I’m so glad you found us today. I’m __________ (shake hands). I’d love to be your Tupperware connection!” |

|Follow up with, “I’d like to add you to my contact list to keep you updated on new products and specials” as you hand her the |

|registration form. |

|Do not say, “Do you want to sign up or register?” (Why not? It is a YES or NO question ) |

|Remember to end with, “Thank you…for your purchase, for being a Tupperware user, for stopping by.” |

|The goal is to have a conversation to make a connection! Write notes on their slip after They leave the booth to help with your |

|follow up phone call. |

|Preparation is the key to success! |

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|θ 3 weeks before the event: do a supply order of: full line catalogs, monthly flyers, party packet envelopes, shopping order forms,|

|pens and citrus peelers. |

|θ A trip to the copy store to make copies of the door prize coupon. |

|θ Designate a container that you will use to put the door prize coupons in. |

|θ Think of your display! You want it to be new product that just screams “look at me”!! We want the product to be fresh and clean, |

|not tired and worn! |

|θ Tablecloths– Who will supply them? |

|θ You want to be sure that you tablecloths do not detract from your display. |

|θ Clipboards are helpful for customers to use to write on for the door prize coupon. |

|θ Be sure that all your literature is stamped with your name, phone and website address |

|at the event if set a time when you will call them to set up their party! |

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|Get ready to see your date book bulge with new business!! |

|Prepare yourself! |

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|Practice your introduction! You have about 10 seconds to 2|Ice Prisms are wonderful show stopper! |

|minutes to attract a person’s attention and communicate |Have them displayed and invite people to touch. |

|with them. |They will not believe it is Tupperware!! |

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|You may wish to say something like: |Date book or an index card with your next available party dates on it. |

| |Set party dates right at the event if set a time when you will call them|

|Would you like to register for FREE Tupperware! We will be|to set up their party! |

|giving away Tupperware at the end of the event | |

| |Helpful Hits |

|Or...compliment their child. Everybody | |

|has cute kids!! It is a great way to start |Put a small flag on the citrus peelers. One side reads |

|a conversation! |your name, phone and website address. The other |

| |side of the flag reads: show special. Place your order in the next 2 |

|Or...if friends are walking together….just say to them: “ |days and receive FREE shipping on your order. |

|How long has been since you have seen Tupperware!” | |

|Or...Come and see our host’s gift for this month”…. |Another idea is on one side of the flag: |

| |Date your party within the next three |

|Show special – date your party today and receive 1 item at|weeks and receive an additional product |

|25% off at your party in addition to all your host gifts |or set of your choice at 25% off |

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| |Your smile attracts people. Make eye contact. Chat as they walk by – you|

| |will pull people over to your booth! People attract more people! Our |

| |kids will have more fun at home than hanging out at the booth! |

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| |Trade a catalog for a |

| |name – that is the game! |

|Do’s and Don’ts |

|DO bring catalogs, fliers, hostess and recruiting packets as well as your date book and EXPECT to date events and sign recruits! |

|DON'T just leave the catalogs and information sitting out at your booth. People will come to these events and pick up whatever |

|paper is not nailed down. In their mind, they are doing you a favor by taking your brochure. Your materials cost money and while |

|you don't want to be stingy in handing things out. NEVER give out a catalog without getting a name and phone number in exchange for|

|following up! Here's a possible script to use: |

|Customer - "Can I have a catalog?" |

|YOU - "Sure, I've got them right under my table, do me a favor and fill out this information card while I get it." |

|People will do as they are told honest, they will especially if you say this with confidence, the same way you tell your children |

|to put on their coat and shoes because it's time to leave. |

|DO have some kind of tablecloth or skirting for your display table if none is provided. |

|DON'T use a tablecloth that is wrinkled, stained or uneven at the bottom. This looks tacky and unprofessional. |

|DO wear comfortable shoes and clothes. |

|DON'T wear a tee shirt and jeans. The exception might be if you are wearing a clean nicely pressed logo apron. We recommend a polo |

|shirt or blouse vs. a tee shirt. Dockers are definitely preferable to blue jeans. Remember, you want to look professional, but |

|depending on the event, you don't want to be overdressed (for example, a 3 piece suit at the local YMCA might be overkill). Use |

|your best judgment. |

|DO have some type of information sheet for customers to fill out. The less information a customer needs to fill out the better. |

|Your company probably already has something in print. Having these cards on a clipboard can be helpful. |

|DON'T stand in your booth holding your clipboard. People will run the other direction. You’ll look like those survey people at the |

|mall! |

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|Top 10 Ways to NOT Make Friends and Get Leads at Vendor Fairs! |

|10. Dress in sweat shirt and jeans or athletic attire. Try to look like the |

|people attending the event. |

|9. Don’t identify yourself or your company with name tag, tablecloth, banners, or signs. Assume everyone knows you and the company |

|you represent. |

|8. Take as little product as possible. If potential buyers are really |

|interested, they can see it in the catalog. There probably won’t be that many buyers anyway! |

|7. Sit in your chair reading a book, yawning, or with your arms folded across your chest. Don’t smile or seem enthusiastic about |

|being there. |

|6. Be low-key. Don’t show any interest in the people that walk up to your |

|display. If you do decide to talk to them, talk about how disappointed you |

|are in the turn-out, how much your feet hurt, and what you wish you were |

|doing instead. Don’t ask questions to determine their needs and interests. |

|Don’t offer seasonal tips or gift-giving suggestions. |

|5. Explain that your colors are outdated because you haven’t had the chance to get the latest. |

|4. Explain that your catalogs are very expensive and that you can’t afford to |

|give one out. Do offer the small booklet, but explain that you are using up |

|your July flyers before buying more for the holidays. |

|3. Complain about your company policy, your up line, and your boring meetings. |

|2. Don’t be prepared to party plan or give recruiting information. You can |

|always get back to a host or potential recruit later. |

|1. Don’t network with other vendors. After all, they are the competition, and |

|what could you learn from them anyway???? |

|“An Event is only as good as the follow-up” |

|The follow-up part of the special event is the most important part of the whole process. A wealth of business can result from |

|prompt, professional follow-up practices, both in parties and new recruits. |

|Suggestions for achieving good follow-up results: |

|1. Plan your schedule so you can follow-up on leads promptly (within a week). Even though some leads may be viable several months |

|later, prompt follow-up is critical for maximum results. |

|2. For quick mailings, have packets, cover letter, etc. prepared in advance of the event. |

|3. Indicate on the lead slip what information you gave to the person on site so you can personalize the call as much as possible. |

|4. Remember these phone tips when you make the all: |

|Your greeting should always be designated to get a positive response, even if it is “yes” |

|People generally appreciate it when you ask if they had a good time or enjoyed seeing Tupperware at the show |

|When you tell someone the reason you are calling, you open the door. |

|If you did not talk personally to the lead, simply mention anything they checked on the door prize coupon for you reason for |

|calling. |

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|More on finding Vendor Fairs in your area |

|ϖ Check with your local chamber of commerce |

|ϖ Check your local newspaper for press releases on upcoming events and call the organizer of the event |

|ϖ When you attend an event (fairs, festivals, etc;) talk to the vendors who are there. Ask them how they found out about the event |

|(for next year) and ask them what other events they will be working in the area this year. |

|ϖ When you are driving, be sure to have pen and paper handy. Often churches, schools and park districts post event information on |

|their signs. |

|ϖ Contact local fundraising organizations (Jr. Women's League, Lion's Club, VFW, etc.) often they sponsor these types of events. |

|ϖ Go online and use “Google” or other search engines using keywords and phrases relating to the specific type of event you are |

|interested in. |

|ϖ Check online with the local TV and radio station web sites. Sometimes these events are advertised there. |

|ϖ Keep your eyes open where ever you go. Remember, organizers of these types of events want people to attend so if they are doing |

|their job properly, they will be advertising with fliers, on local cable TV channels, and with bulletins and press releases. They |

|may have last minute slots available or get your foot in the door for next year. |

|ϖ Who else in your area is a consultant for your company? Check with them and see if they are already working area events and are |

|looking for people to purchase shift time. Consultants who organize particularly long running events (like the state and county |

|fairs or Farmer's Market), usually always need help. |

|Please check all that apply: |Please check all that apply: |

|I’m Interested in: |I’m Interested in: |

| | |

|Hosting a Tupperware Party |Hosting a Tupperware Party |

|Fundraising |Fundraising |

|Selling Tupperware |Selling Tupperware |

|Catalog Party |Catalog Party |

|I need Customer Service for |I need Customer Service for |

|I would like to be emailed all sales |I would like to be emailed all sales |

| | |

|Name |Name |

| | |

|Address |Address |

| | |

|City Zip State |City Zip State |

|( ) ( ) |( ) ( ) |

|Home Phone Work Phone |Home Phone Work Phone |

| | |

|E-mail Address |E-mail Address |

| | |

| | |

|Best Time to Contact |Best Time to Contact |

| | |

|Please check all that apply: |Please check all that apply: |

|I’m Interested in: |I’m Interested in: |

| | |

|Hosting a Tupperware Party |Hosting a Tupperware Party |

|Fundraising |Fundraising |

|Selling Tupperware |Selling Tupperware |

|Catalog Party |Catalog Party |

|I need Customer Service for |I need Customer Service for |

|I would like to be emailed all sales |I would like to be emailed all sales |

| | |

|Name |Name |

| | |

|Address |Address |

| | |

|City Zip State |City Zip State |

|( ) ( ) |( ) ( ) |

|Home Phone Work Phone |Home Phone Work Phone |

| | |

|E-mail Address |E-mail Address |

| | |

| | |

|Best Time to Contact |Best Time to Contact |



|Before you begin you will need a check list: |

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|Here is a check list of things you need to do before you even get there the more time you have the better. |

|An inventory list of what you will be bringing to sell. List what the retail price|Table cloths, table skirts |

|is and what you will be selling it for. Make sure to put the numbers if items you |Mark Boxes with big maker so you know what’s |

|are bring with you. List 3 of Product number #777 Be sure to have your selling |inside( pack back into those boxes saves time |

|price is Highlighted |next time |

|Leads slips (different color paper if there more than one consultant) Color coding|Risers |

|helps speed clean up at the end. |Props, ribbons, confetti, fruit. Seasonal, or |

|Tickets for drawings (or you can use the lead slips) |theme |

|Party Packets made up ahead of time / both home and book party |Business cards/ holders |

|Extra loose order forms, catalogs and flyers |Sheet protectors for flyers |

|Drawing gifts done up nice in Cellophane |Drawing container for tickets or lead slips |

|Tent cards for pricing |Calculator |

|Signs for cash n carry, recruiting ect… |Date Book |

|Clip boards for customers to have something to lean on |Theme items if it’s a theme a show (props |

|Ink pens |ect...) |

|Tape |Apron |

|Scissors |Name tag |

|Stapler |Small gifts (citrus peelers ect… for placing and|

|Money bag |order or buying from you that day.) |

|Cash and change |Coupons, gift certificates, punch cards |

|Recruiting packets |Display only tent card |

|Bridal show packets |Display demo products (in kit bag) |

|Fundraiser packets |Push pins |

|Food for you to eat while there. Water |door bag hangs |

|Table cloths, table skirts |ballons |

|Mark Boxes with big maker so you know what’s inside( pack back into those boxes | |

|saves time next time | |

|Table cloths, table skirts | |

|Table cloths, table skirts | |


|Make sure you have your tables clothes, skirts out first, (this is your store make it look like one) You may have theme. If it’s |

|say a bridal show of course it’s a bridal theme ect… |

|Risers, props, tent cards |

|Set up one of each of what you have to sell |

|Keep it simple don’t over crowd you can always add to the table once something sells You can also say you may have in your stock |

|if its not on the table. |

|Choose the best spot for other items not for sell. Place a tent card that says display only in this area. This can be where your |

|Drawings, Host Gifts and Recruiting and any other info is. Keep this area where you can see it and Customers will notice it first. |

|Place props out around set up place flyers and drawing gifts. |

|Place inventory under tables with the marked side towards you. |

|Place lead slips behind the table with you if you are doing this with more than one consultant a long with your catalogs date books|

|money bag ect... |

|This way you have control of the leads and who gets your catalog. (you don’t want children picking them up for mom or dad you want |

|to get heir name and number if you are giving them a catalog you want something in return.) This way you can take turns with the |

|leads and it ends up being fair to everyone. |

| Sorting Leads |

|As a customer/lead comes to the table ask them if they would like to enter the drawing you can then hand them the info you want |

|them to have along with a lead slip. |

|I like to have bright colors for each consultant lead slip. This will speed up the process when packing up and also you will know |

|who get what leads. |

|Having colored ink does not work as well because you will then need to open every lead to see who’s lead it is. Color coding is a |

|lot faster. |

|Pastel papers sometimes makes it hard to see who’s lead is who’s. |

|Pick bright color papers that are easy to read. Use black or blue ink pens for easier reading. |


These are suggestion only you do not have to try any of them

|Redemption Coupons for Catalogs, You can give a refund with there first order. (just like JC Penny does) |

|Door price drawing for anyone who stops by |

|Door price for all paying customers |

|Door price for all Parties dated into your date book that day |

|Door price for signing up to sell |

|Sign up sheet for E-mailing list. ( use the party info sheet) |

|Raffle ( make sure you have what is being raffled in plain view ) |

|Featured product for booking a party. (host gifts ect…) |

|Punch Cards (customer Rewards cards) (Business Cards Size) |

|Sign for today only, sign up to sell Tupperware (your wording for what ever you want to offer) Or if your focus in on parties, |

|custom kitchens, ect… |

|Tickets for every dollar sold drawing. (offer a surprise pack) |

|Invitations to hand out to next meeting. |

|Bring a friend that loves Tupperware that may help you if you are alone you may end up recruiting them. |

|Bring a consultant to train how to do a show, fair, ect… let them help you give them some leads or Tupperware for their kit. You |

|don’t have to have the consultant there all day just an hour or two. This is training so they get the idea how to do this in there |

|area. (Just suggestions if you plan on inviting one have them come to set up and stay. This helps set up faster and she gets an |

|idea of how it should look. Break down is faster because you don’t have as much to take home. |

|Birthday Club, Preferred Hostess Club, Frequent Buyer Club |

|Bring a few cash n carry items small items that you can group easily in a basket or mega bowl. (Space Saver) You may just want to |

|put one together as a gift, wrap in cellophane place on table with a tent card with price. Today only. $2. to $5.00 items. I like |

|to do this to re-coop my table cost and gas money. You want to make it easy for them to buy and give up their money for 2 or more |

|of these. Bring a tub filled so you can have plenty or if you don’t have enough of one item bring several items |

|Grab Bags You can do these at low cost also $5.00 to $10.00 Another tub will be need for these. Remember how much room you have. |

|If its only a 8 ft table? Or… do you have a 10 by 10 ft area places to hide your tubs and kit bags. |


Go where the People are!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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