How to find Fairs & Shows

Events, Fairs and Expo Ideas and Suggestions

First, Policies and Procedures about Events: If you would like to participate in a special event, following this procedure will ensure you protect both the good Scentsy name, and your own investment.

1. Identify an event.

2. Contact the event promoter/manager.

3. Ask if another Scentsy Consultant is already contracted to do the event.  If there is somebody contracted already, contact that consultant and ask if you can share time and expenses.   If s/he doesn't have room for you, find another show. 

4. If the show has no other Scentsy booth, ask the promoter/manager if s/he has a policy against allowing more than one direct selling company in the show.  If they allow more than one, the show is probably not worth doing.

5. Show the promoter/manager a copy of Scentsy's new policy 4.7.2.  Have them acknowledge their understanding.  This will help you if someone later "double-books" on purpose, or put Scentsy in a "non-Scentsy" booth.

6. Keep a copy of your receipt and contract.  If another Scentsy consultant is in the show, as I see it, you have 4 choices.  1.  Ignore it, put your head down, and go to work.  2.  Complain to the promoter/manager to have the other consultant removed. (This will work if you were indeed the first to contract, and you had the promoter/manager review and acknowledge our policy before hand.)  3.  Demand your money back.  (This will work if you were not the first to contract, and you had the promoter/manager review and acknowledge our policy.)  4.  Ask the other consultant to work together with you.  Split the time and expense, and insist the promoter/manager refund the cost of one of the booths.

7. If you are the second to contract, it is your responsibility to either work with the other consultant, or get your money back from the promoter/manager and not do that event. 

8. If you feel someone has deliberately "double-booked" your event (exhibited with knowledge you were contracted first), get confirmation in writing from the promoter/manager that you were contracted first and submit a complaint in writing through support@.

Remember, the real work of doing a show is always done after the event.  Without following up on your leads, the experience will rarely be worth the booth rent.  Knowing this, it will usually be worth your while to share the expenses and cooperate rather than getting into a turf war with another consultant.  If there is a dispute, Scentsy will arbitrate based upon the principles outlined in the revised policy 4.7.2. 

A promotional display may be exhibited in a commercial establishment for the generation of leads or the collection of orders in conjunction with a ScentEvent.  Such promotional displays shall consist of no more than one Scentsy Warmer, one Scentsy Bar, one Room Spray, and one Car Candle.  All other display materials must be approved.  Such items would include promotional materials downloaded or purchased through your Consultant Workstation, or from Scentsy Success.

Trade Shows, Fairs, Expositions and Other Sales Forums (draft)

Consultants may display and/or sell Scentsy products at fairs, trade shows, professional expositions, and other temporary retailing events such as boutiques, craft shows, and holiday bazaars with the duration of no more than 17 calendar days. 

Events that are set up in a temporary, non-retail location will be distinguished from other Commercial Outlets identified in policies 4.7.1. 

Mall Kiosks, Base Exchanges, or permanent Swap Meets are not approved locations because they are set up within a retail establishment.  Scentsy strongly encourages adherence to the following policies relative to participation in these events.

1. Only one Scentsy booth per show or event.  It is the Consultant's responsibility to check with the show manager/promoter that there are no other Scentsy Consultants previously contracted before contracting for space.  Consultants who deliberately "double-book" a show or event are subject to disciplinary action.

2. Only Independent Scentsy Consultants in good standing can contract for booth space exhibiting Scentsy products.  The contract is between "Your Name, Independent Scentsy Consultant" and the event.  Scentsy, Inc. is not a party to a contract between an event organizer and an Independent Scentsy Consultant.

3. In the "Items to be Displayed" section of the application/contract, "Scentsy Products, wickless candles, warmers and accessories" must be used.

4. Scentsy products must be exhibited exclusively.  Non-Scentsy products must not be exhibited with Scentsy products, and Scentsy products must not be exhibited with other products.

Second - Where To Find Events, Fairs & Shows

Note:  One of the best ways to locate events in your area is to contact your local Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitors Bureau, County Fairgrounds Manager and also the Community Editor of your local newspaper to inquire about the monthly or yearly events calendar.  Ask to be added to their mailing lists, etc.

Also use a search engine, such as Google, to look for more.  Search Google for your local city, and craft shows, etc.

- Check for shows in several states, such as Georgia, Florida, etc.

Locate and contact Craft Show events across the USA and reserve event space. You can also list and advertise your crafts and events through this website for free!

Craft Master News

A Show Guide for Artists, Crafters, and Vendors. Looking for art and craft shows, street fairs, festivals, and more? You've come to the right place! 

Crafters Bazaar

Online and nationwide offline shows. To view their live events, click on "Craft shows by state". 

Event Lister

All kinds of shows and events across North America

Festivals and Events

Events and festivals across the USA

Festival Network Online

Listings of festivals, craft shows and fairs in the USA and Canada.

Huge list of local events.

Southern Shows, Inc.

Listing of shows across the southern states.

Crafts Fair Online

HUGE show directory and tons of resources!

Large website offering a variety of information on trade shows of all kinds.

- Events in Colorado, Oklahoma and a few other areas.

Third - Before the Show

Order Product…

• Order top 20-40 Scentsy Bars

• Top 10-12 Warmers

• Car Kits (Car Candle & Matching Room Spray)

• Decide where to have the order shipped ( Home or Event)

• Decide how to handle left over product (dividing stock)

• Place to ship product home if needed

• As a team, decide how to share leads, parties booked & recruits.

• Label products as you go….Take turns & work together

• Ask Show promoter if they offer a bingo

• Create a vendor special flyer to pass out to fellow vendors

Practice your 2 minute commercial…

Scentsy “The hottest candles on the market.” Our Candle Bars are highly fragranced, each candle bar the scent will last 70-100 hours of on time. They are leadless, wickless, flameless & smokeless. Scentsy Warmers are heated by a 25 watt light bulb. The wax is warmed at a low temperature. Therefore, you never have to worry about the dangers of an open flame or anyone getting burned. Scentsy Warmers are available in dozens of styles & we offer over 80 Scentsational scents to choose from.

Invite people to fill out your door prize slip by telling them you are giving a free warmer & a free bar as a prize. When people are filling out the door prize slip give them your 2 minute commercial. Also, make sure to explain & encourage them to answer the questions on the bottom of the door prize slip.

You can earn free products by…

• Hosting an Open House

• Hosting a Basket Party or Catalog Party

• Being notified of specials

Explain our “Making Perfect Scents Newsletter. Share with them the Scentsy Business Opportunity.

• Be Professional

• Dress in Scentsy Logo Wear

• Wear a name tag if possible

• Dress for the weather

• Do not have food on your table

• Pack snacks & a drink

• Wear comfy shoes

Have fun! Be positive & excited about sharing the Scentsy Scentsation!

Fourth – Show Checklist


• Tables _______

• Chairs _______

• Tablecloths _______

• Extension Cords _______

• Power Strips _______

• Banner _______

• Door Prize Entry Holder _______

• Party Testers _______

• Basket Testers _______

• Hostess Binder _______

• Coffee Beans _______

• Pens _______

• Calendar _______

• Notepad _______

• Calculator _______

• Money Box _______

• Change _______

• Gift Wrapping _______

• Scissors _______

• Extra Light Bulbs _______

Print Material…

• Labels _______

• Catalogs _______

• Business Cards _______

• Mini Catalogs _______

• Hostess Packets _______

• Recruiting Packets _______

• Copy of the Map of Consultants _______


• Enter to Win _______

• Show Pricing _______

• Recruiting Sign _______

• Vendor Special _______

If you have internet access at your show, it is great to bring your computer to sign consultants up right there. If you can’t use internet you can encourage them to sign up on there computer at home or have them fill out the “New Consultant enrollment” form below.

New Consultant Enrollment Form for Events/Shows

First Name_________________Middle Initial________Last Name___________________

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) _____________SSN (Taxid/EIN)______________________

Choose Password_____________________Confirm Password______________________

Name on Checks__________________________________________________________

(Name you would like on your checks)

Shipping Information …

Address Line 1:___________________________________________________________

Address Line 2:___________________________________________________________


Tax Information …

Billing Information (Check Mark if same as address above)_________

Address Line 1:___________________________________________________________

Address Line 2:___________________________________________________________


Contact Information …

Email:_____________________________Confirm Email__________________________



Personal Website – Check if you would like more information on a personal website:____ (Free for the 1st 90 days, then $10 each month thereafter)

Payment Information …

Name On Card________________________Card Number__________________________

Address (City/State/Zip)_________________________________________________________

Expiration Date___________________Card Security Code_____________________

(Print off a copy of the Terms & Agreement and attach to enrollment form)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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