Getting Started on Canvas

嚜澶etting Started on Canvas

Username and Password

To find you username, you will need to know your

@ email address. Your username is the

first part of your student email, before the @ symbol:


Email Address: denise.123456@

Don*t Know Username/Password?

If you do not know your username and/or

password, you will need to go to:

Username: denise.123456

Password 每 same as email account

Once you know your username and password, you

are ready to log in to Canvas.

To access your online classes in Canvas, go to

Click on Student


Then login with

your username

or Google


Find the red Canvas icon and click on it to go

to Canvas.


Once you log in, you will see your

student dashboard.

Each square/tile is a class. To

enter the class, simply click on the

name of the class.

When you click on a class, you will

be taken to the homepage for the


You can return to the student

dashboard at any time by clicking

on the ※Dashboard§ button on the


On the homepage, you will find

these important items:




A Google Meet button 每

use this button to attend

the live lesson for each


A button to get help

from you teacher during

office hours. Use this

link to talk with your

teacher or get extra help

during the scheduled

office hours.

A button for Modules 每

this button will take you

to the content for the

class. This is where any

readings, videos, and

assignments will be





Still Need Help?

If you still need help, try these options:

1. Watch the Virtual Orientation video on the school website -

2. Email your teacher 每 their email address is listed in the Canvas class or on the school website

3. Email your counselor 每 their email addresses can be found at

4. Call the school at (702) 799-7207 每 office staff will be answering the phones between 7:30 AM and

3:30 PM, Monday through Friday.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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