Working Group Meeting Minutes - SBCTC

Working Group Meeting MinutesFebruary 19, 2020SBCTC Olympia, Bonanza Room and WebExTara Keen, FacilitatorMeeting ParticipantsVoting Members?Kathy Disney, Tacoma? Pat Daniels, Highline ? Krista Francis, Peninsula (Absent, Cheryl has vote)? Beth Farley, Edmonds ? Sabra Sand, Clark (Absent, Char has vote)? Chantel Black, Spokane? John Ginther, SBCTC ? Christyanna Dawson, SBCTC? Ana Ybarra, SBCTC? John Henry Whatley, SBCTC? Shon Dicks-Schlesinger, SBCTC? Brian Lanier, SBCTC? Sanjiv Bhagat, SBCTC? Sandy Main, SBCTC ? Venkat Gangula, SBCTC? Carmen McKenzie, SBCTCNon-Voting Members?Christy Campbell, SBCTC ?Tara Keen, SBCTC?Cheryl Fritz, Wenatchee?Charlene Rios, Big Bend?Johnathan Rider, SBCTC?Ray Gartner, SBCTC?Janelle Runyon, SBCTC?Dennis Colgan, SBCTC?Roger Curry, SBCTC?Dani Bundy, SBCTC ?Reuth Kim, SBCTC?Kristy Snow, SBCTCMeeting MinutesReview & Approve Meeting Minutes from 1/22/2019 and Status Updates on Action ItemsWebEx Recording Time Frame 03:29 – 17:38Tara Keen introduced Dani Bundy’s new position with the support organization as the ctcLink Customer Support Director. Dani will continue with Working Group as a non-voting member, but this may be adjusted due to this new role. However, the intent is to keep a shared vote between the support and project teams.Reviewed meeting minutes from 1/22/2019 and they are approved.Tara explained that there has been an approval for the Deployment Group 3 (DG3) go-live that directly impacts the number of outages for the ctcLink production system. There will no longer be outages during the 2/16 or 2/23 weekends for the DG3 historical conversion. Assessment with the schedule is still needed for the May 11 go-live group to see if a historical move will be needed. Carmen McKenzie shared that her team was looking forward to the historical conversions so that colleges could look at their data in Data Link and better assess their deltas. Tara explained that this change was specifically for the DG3-A group, but may be different for the DG3-B group. The prior planned outages in February was going to negatively impact DG2 colleges and their spring enrollment because the system was going to be down for multiple weekends. However, there’s enough time to look at impacts to the live colleges if there’s a historical conversion for the DG3-B group.Enhancement Requests (ER) & Other UpdatesWebEx Recording Time Frame 17:39 – 28:17Review Process to Working Group CommitteeDani shared that the support and project teams have reviewed Clark’s requests, but they have not had time to discuss these yet and will need more information to get the entire picture around the requests. Support and project teams will need to meet and discuss these requests. When these requests are brought to Working Group (WG) Clark’s Executive Sponsor (ES) will be invited to that specific meeting.Typically the person who presents the requests is the one who brought the request forward, which in this case is the Clark ES. Dani asked if the ES is not available, could Clark’s Project Manager (PM) bring the request to WG. Tara said yes that is acceptable.There was clarification that if there’s a request and the only changes are local configuration items, those would need to be submitted as a support desk ticket and not an enhancement request (ER).Working Group Log (Export/Excel Spreadsheet)Reuth Kim explained that college PMs have been struggling with searching the Working Group Log due to the amount of information in the log. The Spokane PM, Matt Connelly, suggested exporting the log into an Excel spreadsheet for easier search ability. Reuth has pulled an export of the log and posted it in Project Web Application (PWA) for folks to access. Reuth will update this export every couple weeks to ensure the link stays updated.Sherry Nelson and Kristy Snow also provided feedback that it may be beneficial to be able to filter by pillar, however that would add another field for entry in the WG Log. Pat Daniels mentioned that some of the titles have the pillar name at the beginning of the title names already and asked if we could make that standard. Tara stated that if we add another field, someone would have to go in and update each item that is already in the log, but if we standardize the naming convention of the titles to have the pillar acronym at the beginning, it would take less work to update the log. It was agreed that if there was a cross-pillar item, the title will put “all pillar” at the beginning of the title.Steering Committee Relevant UpdatesWebEx Recording Time Frame 30:11 – 43:41DG3-A and DG3-B College Readiness & Go-Live DatesTara provided an update that the Steering Committee (SC) allowed the DG3 go/no-go decision process to happen. During this process, it was determined that due to the challenges with the Student Financials (SF) conversion execution approach, needing to fully test the tuition calculation for the go-live term and also needing to ensure we have the technical resources to run these tests, the DG3 group was needing to split into two different groups. It was decided and approved that DG3-A would consist of Olympic & Lower Columbia Colleges who will still move forward and go live on March 9, 2020 while the DG3-B would consist of Cascadia, Pierce & Peninsula Colleges who will go live on May 11, 2020. This was not the preference for the colleges, but understanding the resource constraints the project team is facing, they discussed and agreed on the split of the colleges along with who was in which group and the date of both go-lives. This is what was presented to the SC and approved.In order to ensure DG3-A colleges are fully ready for their go-live, the project team has extended their User Acceptance Testing (UAT) support so college Subject Matter Experts (SME) can complete their testing. Currently, Lower Columbia is at 89% completion and Olympic College is at 86% completion. The project team is currently working on the SF testing and will be doing the DG3-A dry run next weekend. After DG3-A is up and live on the system, the project team will be pivot their focus to the DG3-B group to ensure those colleges are ready for their May 11 go-live. Tara facilitated multiple security walkthroughs last week for each of the pillars/modules. If anyone is interested in this information, this is all available in the ctcLink Reference Center. This includes the WebEx recordings for each of these sessions. There were some groups that had multiple walkthroughs and Tara suggested listening to the second one in those cases because the materials flowed better due to familiarity of the materials and comfortability with presenting on the materials. Each recording ranged from 30 minutes to 2 hours.The project team is meeting with the DG3 groups this afternoon to discuss the project plan for each group. There is one piece for DG3-B that is uncertain and that is around historical conversion to determine if this will be needed and when that will happen if it is needed.Christy Campbell shared that the DG5 start and go-live dates will be presented at the next SC meeting.Online Admission Application (OAA) UpdateWebEx Recording Time Frame 43:42 – 54:59Christy presented at the Washington State Association of College Trustees (ACT) and communicated where we are with the project program, each deployment group, and the outstanding remediation items. She also discussed the pain points of this project and was very transparent about why DG3 was split into 2 different groups.The president from Lower Columbia, Luke Robins, was also present and provided his perspective, which helped with this discussion. There were also questions and comments from the presidents at Cascadia College and Bellingham Technical College.By the end of the meeting, there was one trustee who voiced their frustrations with the communication that the project is still not running perfectly and felt that we should end the project. However, the other trustees immediately mitigated that trustee and asked questions of each other as to what they are all doing to ensure they’re ready for ctcLink and what can they be doing now to make sure their colleges are ready. Christy was asked by the presidents to share the costs that colleges have already spent for travel and participation with project activities. This information is expected to help DG5 & DG6 colleges better prepare for their budget and planning project activities. In regards to the remediation items, the items still outstanding include: cash reconciliation from the book to the bank, OAA, CampusCE and the Budget Planning Tool.The Budget Planning Tool is no longer waiting for governance approvals, but is waiting for a Sole Source procurement to be approved by the state procurement office. The vendor is hoping to start work as soon as the contract is signed, but the college participants needed for this implementation will not be ready to participate until at least the summer because they are currently working on their FY 2021 budget. However, we will work with the vendor to determine any preliminary tasks the colleges can get done to help prepare them for the implementation effort. The first colleges that will implement the Budget Planning Tool will be the DG2 colleges, but since the DG3 colleges will be live by then, we may have to look at including them. There will be more discussion on this with the implementation team.For OAA & CampusCE, these solutions will have ongoing maintenance costs that the colleges will have to pay. Although the SC was able to approve the solutions, they do not have the authority to approve the maintenance costs. Therefore, Christy will be bringing these solutions to the Business Affairs Commission (BAC) tomorrow in hopes of them making a recommendation to go to the presidents. Christy will present the money involved, the process the SC took to approve the solutions, etc. so the BAC members will have all the information needed to make an informed recommendation.Each of these solutions were recommended by work groups that had representation from 10 or more colleges per work group.Pat shared her concern around CampusCE and that there is a single amount that will be divided among the colleges, but since the colleges can opt-in/opt-out, the college decisions will directly impact how much each college pays for this solution. Given this, she expressed that she understands the difficulty of presenting on this solution when we do not know exactly how much each college will be paying since we do not know exactly which colleges will opt-in/opt-out.Christy agreed that this does make it difficult. She also shared that there have been 3 colleges who have already signed their contracts to implement CampusCE and there’s another college (Renton Technical College), whom Christy did not expect to have a continuing education program, they decided that they want in on this also. Peninsula College is also on hold with their decision.Christy is hoping that BAC will have a creative solution to help the colleges make their decisions.Follow-Up/Action ItemsItemDescriptionPersonDateStatusReach closure on GDR items/governance approval requests and properly track the items and update. Finalize global configuration guides and receive complete approval.Tara, Reuth, delegates1/23/20192/6/19: In Progress: No updates at this time. Tara & Reuth will be meeting on this soon.3/20/19: Reuth & Tara will be meeting next week. DG2 Global Configuration Guides are being sent out for review.4/17/19: Tara and Reuth will need to continue to work on this. 5/1/19: Global and Local Configuration Guides are located in cDR. 6/26/19: Reuth needs to loop back with Tara regarding this.1/22/2020: Covering the guide at next meeting.Create questions to bring back to BAC around OUs to gain more information about this request.Notes: Expenditures tracking incorporates some of the department/multiple OUs information. Action Item: Track as Delegate Input Decision ItemChristyanna Dawson and John Ginther3/20/19In Progress4/3/19: Emmett has a preliminary list of questions, but still needs to loop around with Char.4/17/19: Questions and concept of expanded set of operating values created and received initial feedback from BAC, need to figure out next steps, how to support it and measure it by risks/impacts (potential impact to CoA). Bring this info to BAR in June to gather feedback and further refine recommendation. *This is currently tracked in PWA with John G. original request for OU Enhancement Request.5/15/19: Charlene heard from Choi, and waiting for Emmett.5/29/19: Emmett will speak with BAC next week.6/26/19: Reuth to follow up with Emmett for update. We are unsure if Emmett provided the June update to BAR/BAC.7/17/19: Emmett presented to BAR in June, no vote taken. 8/7/19: Christyanna will loop back with Emmett to get an update on this.9/4/19: Write up synopsis of the June BAR presentation and define next steps. Will bring back to next WG meeting. 10/2/19: Emmett provided a verbal update and recommended next steps11/27/19:Re-assign to Christyanna and get update. 12/11/19: Christyanna will work with Finance team and John Ginther to work further on this. 1/8/2020: Christyanna received more information from FIN team and will follow up with John Ginther.2/19/2020: need to meet with all parties to continue this work.Email Delegated Decision Tara Keen5/15/19Update WG on full analysis when ready.9/4/19: Tara to add to WG agenda.10/2/19: New resource will need to lead this effort.11/27/19: Lead returns we will work on specifications for functional and tech design changes and prep Enhancement Requests. Notifications on W2 for HCM pillar was not included.12/9/19: Tara will work with HCM team on W2 notifications.1/8/2020: Team has not began the development analysis work due to conversion activities. 1/22/2020: Tara will have an update by next meeting.2/19/2020: Resource is available to start this work with Tara.3/4/2020: Resource will focus on this after DG3-A go live.HCM Payroll M-O45 PSHUP Load Process Modification –Enhancement Request tabled –Shon to work with Brian /HCM team and update working group on 7/10/19Brian Lanier and Dani Bundy6/26/197/24/19: Meet to discuss. 8/7/19: Brian & Shon met and discussed. This will be a customization. More work needed on this.10/2/19: Needs to be looked at after go-live.12/9/19: Support organization will review intended delivery timeframe before DG3 cutoff. John Ginther will follow up to ensure resources.1/8/2020: A request to PMO needs to be made for resource support from project team.2/19/2020: Dani will gladly go back and check with the team.Working Group Log ID#28, split these itemsAna Ybarra6/26/197/24/19: In Progress 8/7/19: Waiting until after Guided Pathways because this will impact these.9/4/19: Still meeting on the GP votes. Next meeting 9/12 to discuss how to implement the decisions of the votes.12/9/19: Proof of concept is going to CMB 12/12 and will be vetted and tested to move forward for DG4 and work with project.1/8/2020: Proof of concept is in the works.Update Travel Auth/Adv/Exp CPW Process FlowPat Daniels9/4/19Pat will update and bring to next WG meeting.10/2/19: In Progress with CPW team. 1/8/2020: Reuth will follow up with Daniel, Carrie & Pat on status of CPWs and bringing requests forward. 2/19/2020: Reuth and Pat to finalize.3/4/2020: Pat has drafted the ER form. Create ER for the 2 recommendations from the Travel Auth/Adv/Exp CPWPat Daniels9/4/19Pat will work with Daniel to get formal ER submitted to WG. 10/2/19: In Progress with CPW team. 1/8/2020: Reuth will follow up with Daniel, Carrie & Pat on status of CPWs and bringing requests forward. 2/19/2020: Reuth and Pat to finalize.3/4/2020: Pat has drafted the ER form. Close out past CPWsPat Daniels9/4/19Pat will work with Daniel & Ligia to determine the CPW and Project liaisons for each CPW to start completion of them. 10/2/19: Ongoing conversations with CPW facilitators. 1/8/2020: Reuth will follow up with Daniel, Carrie & Pat on status of CPWs and bringing requests forward. 2/19/2020: Reuth and Pat to finalize.3/4/2020: Reuth and Pat began this discussion. Gold Change Refresh (GCR) process for production configuration changes.Tara Keen1/23/20202/19/2020: Tara, Sandy, Carmen & Dani will meet to discuss. ................

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