Los Mandatos de Nosotros

[Pages:2]Los Mandatos de Nosotros ("Let's" commands)

1. The first-person plural (nosotros) command is the same as the nosotros form of the present subjunctive.

Salgamos. ? Let's go out. Hablemos del viaje. ? Let's talk about the trip. Trabajemos ahora y descansemos m?s tarde. ? Let's work now and rest later. No compremos m?s regalos. ? Let's not buy any more gifts.

2. The affirmative command form of "ir" is "vamos", although the negative command still takes the subjunctive, "no vayamos".

Vamos al cine. ? Let's go to the movies. No vayamos a ese sitio. ? Let's not go to that place.

3. In expressing the affirmative "Let's..." with a reflexive verb, the final ?s of the verb is dropped before adding the reflexive pronoun "nos". An accent is placed on the stressed syllable.

Sent?monos. ? Let's sit down. (Sentemos + nos) V?monos. ? Let's go. (Vamos+nos)


I. Write the nosotros command for the following verbs.

1. dar una fiesta


2. levantarse temprano ________________________________________________

3. estudiar espanol ________________________________________________

4. no practicar mas ________________________________________________

5. no jugar tenis


6. quedarse aqu?.


II. Translate into Spanish.

1. Let's listen to the teacher. __________________________________________

2. Let's sit here.


3. Let's go to the theatre. __________________________________________

4. Let's not go to Colombia. __________________________________________

5. Let's not read the book. __________________________________________

6. Let's not go to bed late. __________________________________________


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