El imperativo los mandatos informales (tú) - La Sra. Lederer Pioneer ...

[Pages:10]Soy _____________________________la fecha es_______________________La hora_______

El imperativo ? los mandatos informales (t?)

? The imperative is the ____command__________________form of a verb.

Complete the following statements regarding the imperative.

1.) An affirmative command tells someone to_____do something_______________.

2.) An informal command tells only_____one_______person, that you know to do that activity.

Ejemplos: ?Habla?



2.) What is the formula to form regular affirmative commands?

Use the _T? (2nd person singular informal)_form of the _verb__ minus the ____s____.

Or just use the _?l, ella, Ud. (3rd person singular)______ form of the ____verb________.

Los verbos regulares

t? form infinitive (present indicative)



comer comes



Mandatos afirmativos




You drink


you eat


you live


Meaning drink! eat! live!

Pr?ctica: Escribe los mandatos afirmativos en la forma de t? de los verbos que


1. Play!

2. Work!

3. Cook!

4. Run!

5. Listen!

6. Cut!

7. Warm up!_____

8. Drink!

9. Combine!

10. Dance!

11. Walk!

12. Practice!

13. Participate!__________________

14. Eat!______________________

Se contin?a en la p?gina dos

informal_comm_2ac 2015


LOS Mandatos negativos

1.) A negative command tells someone _to not do something_______________. Ejemplos: ?No tomes! ?No bebas! ?No escribas! 2.) What is the formula to form regular negative commands?


Verb in the infinitive

Ending ar,er, ir

Opposite endings

For ?ar verbs For ?er/ir verbs

__es_ __as_

t? form infinitive (present indicative)



tomas you drink, take



you eat



you live

Negative command ?no tomes! ?no comas! ?no vivas!

Meaning Don?t drink / take!

Don?t eat! Don't live!

Practica: Escribe los mandatos negativos en la forma de t? de los verbos que siguen: 1. Don't look at my quiz!_____________________________________________________________________ 2. Don't eat the cabbage!__________________________________________________________________ 3. Don't bake the chicken!__________________________________________________________________ 4. Don't run in the hall (corredor)!____________________________________________________________ 5. Don't eat in class!________________________________________________________________________ 6. Don't drink the water!_____________________________________________________________________ 7. Don't yell (gritar)!_________________________________________________________________________ 8. Don't play baseball!______________________________________________________________________ 9. Don't cry (llorar) after the game!__________________________________________________________ 10. Don't practice martial arts!______________________________________________________________ You've just had a terrible day and people have been telling you what to do and what not to do all day.

1. Tu madre o padre_________________________________________________________________ 2. Tu mejor amigo/ a_________________________________________________________________ 3. Tu profesor de ingl?s_______________________________________________________________ 4. La mujer de la cafeter?a________________________________________________________________ 5. El entrenador (coach) _____________________________________________________________

informal_comm_2ac 2015


Soy _____________________________la fecha es_______________________La hora_______

Los mandatos irregulares

Part I. Vin Diesal verbs

Infinitive meaning


to come

decir salir

to say, tell

to leave, go out


to do, make


to have


to go

poner to put, place


to be

+ (do ) command

ven di

sal haz ten ve pon s?

meaning come! say! tell!

leave, go out! do! make! have! go! put / place! be!

- (don't do) command ?no vengas! ?no digas!

?no salgas! ?no hagas! ?no tengas! ?no vayas! ?no pongas! ?no seas!

meaning Don't come! Don't say/tell! Don't leave, go

out! Don't do, make!

Don't have! Don't go!

Don?t put, place! Don't be!

To remember these irregulars: In your best German accent say.....

Vin Diesal has ten weapons, eh!

A. Pr?ctica: Escribe los mandatos irregulares en la forma de t? de los verbos que siguen:

1. Put the book here!__________________________________________________ 2. Tell the truth (la verdad)!_____________________________________________ 3. Make the bed!______________________________________________________ 4. Leave (from) the house!______________________________________________ 5. Don't make the beds!________________________________________________ 6. Be kind!______________________________________________________________ 7. Don't leave now!______________________________________________________ 8. Go quickly!____________________________________________________________

B. Your little sister or brother is super annoying tell them what to do and what not to do to get

them to stop doing annoying things. (use the irregulars above) 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________________

informal_comm_2ac 2015


A. You are doing certain things and you want to tell somebody else to do the same things: Ejemplo: Miro el programa de televisi?n. Mira el programa de televisi?n.

1. Voy al gimnasio.

2. No fumo (smoke).

3. Tomo mucha agua.

4. Visito la exhibici?n en el museo.

5. No bebo los refrescos.

6. Estudio la lecci?n para ma?ana.

7. Juego deportes.

8. No hablo en clase.

9. No como comida con grasa.

10. No calentar la comida en la microonda.

B. Now tell your classmate to do the following: 1. ser sano.

2. decir los ingredientes de la receta.

3. hacer ejercicio.

4. tener una dieta balanceada.

5. no salir del partido de baloncesto.

6. no ir a dormir tarde.

7. poner la camiseta de f?tbol.

C. Escribe los mandatos seg?n las indicaciones: (you may have to add articles)

informal_comm_2ac 2015


1. llegar / a / escuela / puntualmente

Llega a la escuela puntualmente

2. no / entrar / clase / con tanto ruido

3. no / sacar /tu m?vil en clase

4. escribir/ problema n?mero dos / en / pizarra

5. estudiar / vocabulario nuevo

6. no/ leer / tiras c?micas / en clase

7. venir / aqu? / para / hablar conmigo / sobre / tarea

8. no/ ayudar / Carlos / con/ su composici?n

D. Use the situations that follow to give logical commands (negative or positive) 1. Siempre entras en mi cuarto y usas mis cosas sin permiso.

?No entres en mi cuarto sin permiso! 2. No ayudas nunca con los quehaceres dom?sticos. Por lo menos (at least) puedes poner la mesa. ?No? 3. Siempre quieres hacer las cosas r?pidamente. Nunca tienes paciencia ni cuidado. 4. No me escuchas nunca. ?Qu? te pasa? ?Por qu? no me prestas atenci?n? 5. T? hablas mucho por tel?fono y no haces la tarea de espa?ol.

informal_comm_2ac 2015


M?s mandados irregulares

Part II. Irregular "YO" verbs

A: yo- go verbs: verbs that have a "go" form in the "yo" form of the verb.

(caer, o?r, traer, poner, decir, tener, venir) ? Irregularity is in the negative form only.

Affirmative command: You use the same formula as you use to form the commands with regular verbs.

Negative command: With these verbs, use the "yo" to help form the negative command.

caer o?r

traer poner decir tener venir



* * * *

*los verbos irregulares (Vin Diseal verbs )

yo caigo oigo traigo pongo digo tengo vengo


Practica: Escribe los mandatos en la forma de t? de los verbos que siguen: 1. Hear the music! 2. Don't leave(from) the room! 3. Don't set the table now! 4. Don't make the bed! 5. Don't bring your books! 6. Say something! 7. Don't tell lies! 8. Come here!

informal_comm_2ac 2015


Part III. Los verbos de car/ gar/ zar:

? Irregularity only occurs in the negative form.

Affirmative command: You use the same formula as you use to form the commands with regular verbs.

Negative command: car _________, gar__________, zar _________




practicar practic


pagar pag


empezar empiez


Pr?ctica: Escribe los mandatos en la forma de t? de los verbos que siguen:

1. Eat lunch now!

2. Look for the book!

3. Turn off the lights!

4. Don't pay the bill!

Part IV. Los verbos "estar" and "saber" o Estar has an accent in the negative form! o Saber only irregular in the negative from only






no est?s

saber sab

no sepas

Practica: Escribe los mandatos en la forma de t? de los verbos que siguen: 1. Be happy! 2. Don't be sad! 3. Know that I believe in you!

informal_comm_2ac 2015


1 El director de esta pel?cula est? enojado. Un amigo le dice a un actor lo que no tiene

que hacer. Completa las oraciones con el verbo entre par?ntesis. 1. Nunca__________________________ tarde. Al director no le gusta eso. (llegar) 2. No le ________________________problemas. (dar) 3. No_________________________ todo el tiempo de ti. (hablar) 4. No _____________________a ning?n otro lugar. (ir) 5. Tampoco __________________________con su tiempo. (jugar)

2 Escribe oraciones completas con lo que el director le dice a cada persona.

1. no /tocar _______________________________________las c?maras 2. no /almorzar ___________________________________en horas de trabajo 3. no /estar _______________________________________delante de la c?mara 4. no /jugar _______________________________________con el maquillaje

3 Escribe los consejos que te da tu abuela con la forma correcta del imperativo.

1. No decir / mentiras ____________________________________________________________________ 2. No ser / descort?s_______________________________________________________________________ 3. No comer mala comida___________________________________________________________________ 4. No estudiar / tarde todas las noches_________________________________________________________ 5. No salir / mucho con tus amigos___________________________________________________________

informal_comm_2ac 2015



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