Alexis Delgado - Brian Jeffrey

Alexis Delgado

Mr. Jeffrey

English I-P, Period I

4 -1- 03

Formal Outline


1 Set the mood

1. Reflective lead on: Question toward the audience

2. Plot: Charlie, a freshman in high school meets Sam and Patrick and become best friends. Likes Sam a lot but she just wants to be friends.

3. How major crushes in perks are like real life crushes.

4. Thesis: Major crushes for Charlie, his sister and I ended up being devastating.

Body supports paragraphs

A. Supports the structure of the thesis:

1. Statement: the first time Charlie had a major crush.

2. Example: “Sam then asked me if I thought she was pretty…” (Chbosky 22).

3. Explanation: this show that Charlie’s first major crush was on his best friend Sam.

B. Supports the structure of the thesis:

1. Statement: when you have two crushes the one that is more intense is the one you will always go for.

2. Example: “Kiss the prettiest girl…” (135).

3. Explanation: Charlie liked Sam first but then Mary Elizabeth came into his like and now there were two girls he likes. The one he liked more even loved was Sam.

C. Supports the structure of the thesis;

1. Statement: crushes end up being devastating when you least expect it.

2. Example: “but I love him.” (25).

3. Explanation: Charlie’s sister did not think that her boy friend would ever hit her again because she could not see past the intensity of her crush. and it turn out to be devastating

D. Supports the structure of the thesis:

1. Statement: even when you have problems w/ your boyfriend or girlfriend that crush you have on them has a grater effect.

2. Example: “That’s when she told me she was pregnant.” (117).

3. Explanation: even though Charlie’s sister was pregnant she was willing to get an abortion to stay with her boyfriend.

E. Supports the structure of the thesis:

1. Statement: jealousy gets the best of people.

2. Example: “i know that you know that I like Craig…” (75).

3. Explanation: Charlie knew that Sam did not like him in the same way so jealousy got the best of him and turns out to be devastating for Charlie.


F. Close the mood:

1. Restate thesis: As a result the major crushes Charlie and his sister had were the same for me as well because they were extremely devastating.

2. Explanation: when you like some as much as Charlie, his sister and I and find out that they do not like you in the same way or cannot accept you for the way you are they can be pretty devastating.

3. Analogy:


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