ENG 200 Drama Exam Spring 2005 Name

WHEN COMPLETED, Attach to an email to: mitchellh@cortland.edu by 2:30 Thursday,

ENG 200 Drama Take-Home Exam Fall 2007 Name _______________________________

(1-30 = 2 points each) Act/Scene references: For example (I, 2) is Act 1, Scene 2; Paragraphs 1-3 are 20 points each

1. When Lear visits Gonerill and Regan (I, 2) what do they take from him?

2. Who gets thrown into the stocks? ____________________________________________________

3. By the way, who is Edgar’s father? ___________________________________________________

4. Whom does Lear and his fool meet living in a little hovel on the heath? _____________________

5. Who encounters Gloucester on the heath and offers to lead him to Dover? ____________________

6. For what purpose does Gloucester want to reach the cliffs of Dover?

7. To whom are both Gonerill and Regan attracted? ________________________________________

8. How does Regan die? ___________________________________________________________

9. In Act V, who fights a duel with Edmund? ____________ Who wins? _______________________

10. What does Edmund reveal about Cordelia as he lies dying?

11. Who agrees to take Cordelia's hand in marriage? (1) ____________________________________

12. How and by whose hand does Gonerill die?

13. How would you best describe the Duke of Albany (circle one) A. nice guy B. baddie C. hard to tell

14. Which character loses his eyesight? ________________________________________________

15. Who wins the “battle of the brothers’? ________________________________________________

16. Which of Cordelia’s suitors refuses to marry her after she is disinherited? __________________________

17. Which character parallels Lear in the subplot storyline? _________________________________________

Multiple Choice (clearly circle one best answer)

18. In Act V, a “gentleman” enters with a bloody knife. Whose blood is upon the knife? (circle one)

Cordelia Lear Edmund Gonerill Regan

19. Gonerill’s nasty, mischievous steward is (circle one) Albany Oswald Kent Cornwall

20. The king of what country invades Britain late in the play? (Spain, Iraq, France, United States, Scotland)

21. Of the following, who survives at the end of King Lear? (Edmund Gonerill Edgar Cornwall Cordelia)

Quotations (Identify the character who says each of the following; the number of the act where each quote originates is provided in parenthesis after each quotation to assist you)

22. Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave

My heart into my mouth. I love your majesty

According to my bond; no more nor less. (I) 22. ___________________________________

23. Thou, nature, art my goddess; to thy law

My services are bound. Wherefore should I

Stand in the plague of custom, and permit

The curiosity of nations to deprive me,

For that I am some twelve or fourteen moonshines

Lag of a brother? Why bastard? wherefore base? (I) 23. ____________________________________

24. O, reason not the need! Our basest beggars

Are in the poorest thing superfluous. Allow

not nature more than nature needs,

Man’s life’s as cheap as beast’s . . . (II) 24. _________________________________________

25. No, I’ll not weep. I have full cause of weeping,

but this heart Shall break into a hundred thousand

flaws, Or ere I’ll weep. O fool, I shall go mad! (II) 25. _________________________________

26. The weight of this sad time we must obey;

Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.

The oldest hath borne most. We that are young

Shall never see so much nor live so long (V) 26. _________________________________________

27. The following is spoken by Gonerill (IV, 2)

My most dear Gloucester.

O, the difference of man and man!

To thee a woman’s services are due.

A fool usurps my bed

To whom is she speaking in the first line? 27a ______________________

To whom does she refer in the last line? 27b _______________________

28. What is Krapp’s professed occupation? _________________________________

29. What does Krapp say he will feel in his hand until his dying day? ______________________________

30. From Krapp’s perspective, who is the “stupid bastard” on the old tape that he listens to?

__ girlfriend who jilted him ___ his sick mother ___ himself ___ Old Miss McGlome

Respond in paragraph form to two of the following three questions (at least half a page each) Please preface each response with the appropriate letter (20 points ea.). Keep your responses part of this document so your paragraphs will follow the bonus question.

A. Analyze and discuss the qualities of between madness and blindness and having nothing (“nothing shall come

of nothing”) in King Lear.

B. Discuss “Hamartia” as it applies to Lear and Creon. Discuss points of comparison and contrast.

C. Discuss how comic elements Krapp’s Last Tape affect our interpretation and literary appreciation of this

play. Use specific examples.

Bonus (5 pts.) How old is the “present” Krapp who listens to the tapes? _____ How old is the Krapp in the punt among the reeds? ______

Email this to mitchellh@cortland.edu no later than 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6.

Thank you. It’s been a pleasure having you in my classes. Keep on reading!


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