Can drinking coffee cause acid reflux


Can drinking coffee cause acid reflux

For some people, coffee can be a trigger for acid indigestion. If you're afraid that's you, but you love coffee, there may be ways to enjoy coffee without suffering for it every time. Here are some tips about managing heartburn and some ideas for reducing the likelihood of experiencing acid reflux when you drink coffee. Unique Trigger Management There's no single cure for acid indigestion. It's likely that a combination of factors are contributing to each case of heartburn a patient experiences. There are also dangers of having chronic acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Be sure to talk to a doctor if you're experiencing heartburn multiple times every week. GERD, like acid reflux disease, is a symptom of damage caused when stomach acid comes up from the stomach into the esophagus. Certain foods and lifestyle choices are considered to contribute to GERD, however changing the diet to manage this does not have a lot of supporting evidence. Foods that may contribute include coffee, alcohol, chocolate, acidic foods, fatty foods, and spicy foods. Weight loss, moderate (but not strenuous) excercise and elevating the head of the bed may all help manage or alleviate GERD symptoms. Learning to identify your triggers will help to reduce acid reflux. Try to experiment with one potential trigger at a time. If you suspect that coffee is a trigger, you may need to take a break from coffee, reduce the coffee you consume, or change the kind of coffee or brew system that you enjoy. A Complex Cause No two cases of acid reflux are the same. It turns out that the acidity in the stomach is determined by a variety of factors over a period of time. Dietary Causes For some people, the problem is too much acid. For example, if you eat a lot of sugars, unhealthy fats, and heavy foods, more acid is needed to break them down in the stomach. If you add coffee on top, you're adding more acidity and risk acid indigestion or heartburn. Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco products are often considered triggers, especially when consumed in excess. But high acidity can also be caused if you don't have enough healthy acids in your diet. For some people, eating an apple, or even using apple cider vinegar in their salad dressing, can reduce their heartburn or help them to avoid it. This is because these are acids the body can recognize. If you have some healthy acids in your diet, your stomach won't release as much acid when you eat meals. Some people even find that drinking a small coffee reduces the likelihood of heartburn along with a healthy diet. Mechanical Causes There are also many physical causes of heartburn. Tight clothing, especially around the waist, can cause the pressure system of the intestines and stomach to be out of balance. Bending over repeatedly after a meal can cause acid to leak back up into the esophagus, causing acid reflux. Lying down too soon after a meal can have the same effect. Eating too fast doesn't allow the esophageal sphincter to open and close at a healthy rate. Exercising too soon after a meal can cause heartburn. And eating or snacking often can also allow stomach acid into the esophagus and cause heartburn. Coffee Varieties and Brewing Processes That Reduce Acidity Coffee lovers who need to manage acid reflux have discovered that there are factors that make a difference when they make their morning cup. Coffee Types First, find a coffee bean with low acidity. The darker the roast, the better. Mexico and Sumatra coffees are known to be lower in acidity. Decaf, when processed with the Mountain water method, is lower in acid due to the water process caffeine extraction. Brew Methods The ideal method for people with acid reflux is the Toddy coffee brew method. Toddy makers reduce the oils in the coffee. Toddy makes a cold water extract coffee that is easy to make and is convenient and economical. And when preparing your normal brew coffee, make a single cup at a time and drink it fresh. The fresher, the better. Want to Try a Low Acid Coffee? Our Recommendations: We have a brand-new sampler we've put together for our customers that cannot tolerate high acid coffees. If you experience frequent heartburn or acid reflux, our low acid coffees may allow you to enjoy a great cup of organic coffee without the irritation. Now 10% Off & Free Shipping! Here are some additional low acid recommendations: Fair Trade Sumatran Easy Does It!: Half the Caff Blend Regular Roast Decaf Conclusion There's no guarantee that you'll be able to kick acid reflux by never drinking coffee or by using these ideas. But it's always worth a try and if you love coffee, you'll be glad that you did. (image courtesy Flickr / CC2.0) This guest post was written by David Gray, an acid reflux and GERD expert?and daily coffee lover?who writes over at . In this article, you'll see how David resolved his coffee-related heartburn without quitting coffee. As a long-time lover of coffee, it was hard devastating for me to hear that once I developed acid reflux, that I must stop drinking coffee completely. It was a like a morning death sentence. Little did I know, I didn't have to stop enjoying coffee. There were other things I could try ? and they ended up working. So don't call it quits just yet. Here's how I discovered a way to enjoy coffee and kick the acid reflux. I Cut Coffee From Acid Reflux Cold Turkey... Then I Cheated So many people told me I just had to quit, that there was no other way. So I listened and put coffee in the rear-view mirror (with much bitterness). But I still craved coffee. It only lasted a month. I gave in, savored a rich mug of coffee, and immediately regretted my decision afterwards. The acid reflux came back ? with a vengeance. But I knew I loved coffee too much to just quit. There had to be a better way. Surely there was something I could do. So I started doing some research (read: hours and hours and hours of research). And it started to look like I'd discovered the source of my discomfort: caffeine. Or so I thought. Tried Decaf Coffee To Help With The Heartburn... That Didn't Work I quickly discovered the lower esophageal sphincter muscle (LES) located just above the stomach that's designed to keep acids in your stomach. The problem with caffeine is that it causes this muscle to relax and stay a little bit open. This is what causes acid reflux in some coffee lovers. The solution seemed simple: drink decaf coffee. So I brewed up a cup, enjoyed it, and waited. And then it happened. Decaf wouldn't cut it. There had to be some other cause for the acid reflux other than caffeine. I had to keep looking. I tried different kinds of beans, various milks and creamers... I even experimented with different kinds of water! And eventually, I found the trick that resolved all the upset stomach and reflux issues for me. Actually, there were three. Trick #1: Well, I Actually Still Drink Decaf Coffee It may seem stupid. Why should I even bother with coffee being decaf when it didn't help me before? Well, I prefer to take the option without the caffeine as it should only help with preventing any acid reflux, since many people do report that caffeine specifically is the problem. I'd just rather be safe than sorry. Trick #2: Cold Brewing Coffee Can Nix The Stomach Aches Believe it or not, the best option is cold brewing ? and really it is the only option for someone with more severe acid reflux like myself. The reason is that cold brewing actually reduces the acid levels of your coffee by 67%. This is a significant difference for someone with acid reflux! It's fundamentally a different process, using cold water instead of hot water ? and that results in some chemical changes, like lower acid. This means you can have any coffee you want from your favorite roasters, or you can buy pre-made cold brew bottles (they still taste delicious!). The point with cold brewing is that you're free to use whatever beans you want. Trick #3: Explore Low Acid Coffee Beans Unfortunately, this method isn't foolproof. It often mean trying various coffees until you find one that you enjoy and can drink without any adverse reflux effects. Not all "low acid coffees" are made equal, because it's almost impossible to fully control the acid content of a coffee bean (it comes from a living plant, after all). I've personally had good luck with Volcanica Low Acid Decaf Coffee. This coffee is branded as acid free (but honestly I'm not sure how accurate that is). They use a roasting process called `Z-Roasting' ? it's meant to prevent harmful acids that are normally created during the typical roasting process. They also use the Swiss Water Decaffeination method. This is easily the best method for decaffeination because it doesn't use harmful chemicals which are commonly used for decaffeination techniques. Trick #4: Try A Coffee Alternative Like Four Sigmatic Get this... turns out there's a coffee-like mushroom brew that's rich with natural caffeine, tastes very much like coffee, but doesn't cause tons of tummy troubles. Not to mention, it's dense with vitamins and nutrients. People go nuts over this stuff, and I have many friends who swear by it. If you've tried everything else, but you're still experiencing issues with an upset stomach or acid reflux, this is probably the best non-coffee alternative out there that will still give you a coffee-like experience. A friend got me in touch with the affiliate person at Four Sigmatic, so you can get 10% off your first order if you'd like to give it a shot. Use: CBG10 at checkout. Bonus Trick: Alkaline Water My final recommendation is using alkaline water to make your coffee. If you didn't know, there is a scale for measuring acidity and alkalinity called `pH'. The higher the pH number, the more alkaline it is and the lower the number, the more acidic it is. If you make your coffee with a more alkaline water, it will mean it is less acidic (by a tiny, tiny amount) and therefore slightly less likely to cause you acid reflux. An alkaline water would be anything over a pH of 7, though ideally you would want one that is over a pH of 8. -- Best of luck out there with acid reflux. I know it sucks. I also know it's going to be okay. can drinking too much coffee cause acid reflux. can drinking black coffee cause acid reflux. can coffee cause acid reflux. does drinking coffee cause acid reflux. does coffee cause acid reflux. does coffee make you have acid reflux

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