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+ILoveVocabularyWord, part of speech ~ definition: synonym#1Vitriolic, adj,~ harsh in tone; causticFutile, adj ~incapable of producing results; useless, ineffectiveEstrangement, n ~state of being separated or kept at a distance, alienation Obstinate, adh~ keeping to one’s opinion or course, stubbornStunted, adj ~ slowed or stopped in growth or developmentVociferous, adj ~ crying out noisily: ClamorousGaffe, n, ~ a social blunder: faux pasProvincial, adj ~belonging to a particular area: localTherapeutic, adj ~ having to do with the curing of disease or injury: healingProvoke, V ~ to anger or enrage: aggravate#2Rhetoric , n ~ persuasive speaking or writing, often exaggerated: bombastEbullient, adj ~ overflowing with excitement; enthusiasticSalutatory, adj ~ promoting good health or some beneficial purpose: healthyAbstinence, n ~ denial of an indulgence or appetite: self-restraintHabitable, adj ~ capable of being live in: livablePretension, n ~ having an attitude of dignity or importance: conceitExonerate, v ~to clear from guilt or blame: pardonCapricious, adj ~ subject to led by whim: whimsical, erraticArrogant adj ~ acting superior: conceitedDissolution, n ~ breaking into fragments or parts: disintegration #3Pensive, adj ~ dreamily thoughtful,: contemplativeDecorous, adj ~having proper dress, speech or behavior: respectable;Impugn, v ~ to challenge as false: denounceDeficient, adj ~ lacking in some characteristic or trait: defective, inadequateInhibit, v ~to restrain or hinder restrictedScrutiny, close searching or examination: review, analysisImplacable, adj ~not to be appeased or pacified: relentlessDevoid, adj ~ not possessing: lackCulpable, adj ~ deserving blame: guiltyNovelty, n ~state of being new or unique: originality#4Imperturbable, adj ~incapable of being upset or agitated: composedWhimsical, adj ~marked by a sudden or changing desire: playful, fancifulDeprecate, v ~ to express disapproval of: belittleServile, adj ~slavishly submissive groveling Discord, n ~lack of harmony: dissentDilemma, n ~ a difficult situation or problem: difficultyImpudent, adj ~ having or showing offensive boldness: insolent Reticent, adj ~reserved or reluctant: bashfulBelittle, v ~ to regard as less impressive or less importantUnassailable, adj ~ protected from attack or assault#5Copious, adj ~ large in quantity or number: plentifulElation, n ~ a feeling of great joy and pride: exhilarationPlurality, n ~ majority, great number majorityWistful, adj ~characterized by longing: yearningWaver, v ~ to sway, shake, or tremble : falterAllude, v ~ to refer casually or indirectly : imply, hintDivergent, adj ~ moving apart from a common point: differingProlific, adj ~ producing abundantly: productiveProphetic, adj ~ having the abilities of a prophet, to predict what will happen: predictiveAffable, adj ~ east to approach or talk to: agreeable#6Reciprocity, n ~ a mutual exchange: exchangeAugment, V ~ to make larger: enlargeReclusive, adj ~ living apart from society: antisocialAltruism, n ~ unselfish concern for others: goodwillComplement, v ~ something that completes or makes perfect: enhancementIntuition, n ~ insight not depending on reason: hunchParadox, n ~ a statement that seems self-contradictory, but expresses truth : contradictionSubtle, adj ~ delicate in meaning and intent: restrained. Wary, adj ~on guard against danger: watchfulRelevant, adj ~ relating to the matter at hand: pertinent #7Empirical, adj ~ provable from experiment or experience : factualCaptivate, v ~ to attract or hold the interest of: enthrallAlleviate, v ~ to make easier to endure: lessenEmbody, v ~ to express or exemplify in concrete terms: manifestIntransigent, adj ~ refusing to agree or compromise: uncompromisingIndignant, adj ~expressing a strong displeasure at something offensive: resentfulAmiable, adj ~ showing pleasant or good-natured qualities: agreeableSatire. N ~ the use of ridicule in order to point out weakness: mockery Mercenary, adj ~ motivated purely by money: greedyResigned, adj ~ submissive#8demise, n ~ death or decrease: endcurt, adj ~ rudely brief or abrupt in speech or manner: abrupt slovenly, adj untidy or unclean : sloppy indulgent, adj ~ to give in to a desire in an excess manner: lenientPedantic adj ~ having a narrow focus on small details of a subject: bookishChronicle, v ~ a record of history: accountAdroit, adj ~ expert, skilled: adeptGullible, adj ~easily deceived or cheated: na?veAccessible, adj ~ easy to approach or enter: reachableElaborate, v ~ to develop thoroughly: expand upon#9Embellish, v ~ to beatify or enhance: enhanceCamaraderie, n ~ a spirit of friendliness or good-fellowship: comradeshipEarnest, adj ~ serious in intention or effort: diligentTemperment, n ~ natural character or personalityMuted, adj ~ of low intensity or volume: softenedRudimentary, adj ~ relating to basic facts or principles: basicLackluster, adj~ lacking brilliance or radiance; dullDilatory, adj ~tending to delay or procrastinate: delayingCerebral, adj ~pertaining to the brain or intellect: intellectualVilification, n ~ the act of verbally abusing or harshly criticizing: slander#10Prudent, adj~ wise or judicious in practical affairs: wiseAesthetic, adj ~ related to beauty: artisticExcoriate, v ~to criticize or berate: Restraint, n ~ an influence that controls or checks: constraint, limitationAlacrity, n ~ cheerful willingness: eagernessCondescending, adj ~ looking down upon someone or something; disdainful, patronizingMitigate, v ~ to lessen in in intensity: moderateDiscrimination, n ~ treatment against a particular group: prejudiceVenerable, adj ~ demanding respect due to dignity or age: admirableAdvocate, v ~to speak or write in favor : support ( can be noun too)#11Sarcasm, n ~sneering or cutting remarks: Regimen, n ~ a strict pattern of living: system, regimeVerbose, adj ~having or using too many words: wordyRefute, v ~to prove wrong: rebutImpecunious, adj ~ having little or no money: poorComplacent, adj ~pleased with oneself: self-satsifiedStatic, adj ~ having a fixed or stationary position: motionlessInterminable, adj ~ annoyingly long: never-endingPolarize, v ~to divide into opposites: separatePenchant, n ~a strong inclination or liking: tendency #12Demure, adj ~ shyness or modesty: reservedCatalyst , n ~ something that causes an event or change: impetusAntagonistic, adj ~ acting in opposition to another: unfriendly, hostileExplicit, adj ~ fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated: clearUnderstated, adj ~ restrained in design or presentation: subtleAnimosity, n ~ a feeling of strong dislike: hostilitySonorous, adj ~ deep, resonant: boomingProcrastinate, v ~ to defer action: delayNegligible, adj ~ not important: triflingPompous, adj ~ characterized by a display of importance: arrogant#13Denounce, v ~ to condemn openly or publicly: condemnTemperate, adj ~ moderate, not extreme: mild, pleasantGregarious, adj ~ enjoying the company of others: sociableConjecture, n ~ an opinion or theory that is unproven: guessworkDiligent, adj ~attentive and persistent: careful Inured, v ~ accustomed to hardship and difficulty: hardenRationale, n ~a statement of reasons: justificationContext, n ~ the facts or situation surrounding a person or thing: situationQuerulous, adj ~ full of complaints: disagreeableImpulsive, adj ~ done without thinking, swayed by emotional reasoning; spontaneous#14Cavalier, adj ~ showing arrogant disregard: dismissiveRedolent, adj ~having a pleasant odor: fragrantCompromised, v ~ to make vulnerable: revealedPartisan, adj ~ influence or controlled by a certain group: biasedDiversity, n ~ of different kind, form, or character: varietyPessimist, n ~one who expects a negative outcome: complainerMarginal, adj ~ on an edge or border: insignificantCapitulate, v ~ to give up resistance: surrenderAtypical, adj ~ not typical, not conforming: unusualReverent, adj ~ having or showing respect: respectful#15Remonstrate, v ~ to say or plead in protest or disproval: protest Consecration, n ~ dedication to the service or worship of god: glorificationSubsidy, n ~ a grant or contribution of money: grantIronic, adj ~ opposite of what is intend or expected: satiricTerse, adj ~ abruptly concise: curtEmpathy, n ~ to fee another person’s desires or feelings: compassionVolatile, adj ~ threatening to break out into violence: explosiveDisposition, n ~ natural outlook or mood: characterDuplicity, n ~ having deliberate untruth in speech or behavior: deceitCoerce, v ~use of force or intimidation to get results: persuasion#16Exacerbate, v ~ to increase in severity: aggravateIntrepid, adj ~ resolutely fearless: courageous: courageousRefinement, n ~ fineness or elegance of feeling, taste, manners etc; eleganceContentious, adj ~ tending to argument or conflict: quarrelsomeQuiescence, n ~ being at rest; calmDomestic, adj ~ of, or pertaining to the home: householdForesight, n ~ care or provision for the future: forethoughtPerplex, v ~ to puzzle or bewilder: confuseAcclaim, n ~ enthusiastic approval or welcome: celebrateVersatile, adj ~ capable of adapting easily: adaptable#17Pristine, adj ~ pure, uncorrupted:Prosperity, n ~ wealth, monetary gain: wealthSuppress, v ~ to keep in or repress: hold backRegenerate, v ~ to bring into existence again: restoreFallible, v ~liable to be wrong or false: liable, faultySpellbinding, adj ~ holding interest as if by a spell: enchantingEvasive, adj ~ intentionally vouge or ambiguous: indefiniteEntrenched. Adj ~ firmly established or set: fixedDormant, adj ~ inactive, as if asleep: inertCoherent adj ~ logically connected or consistent: clear#18Disparity, n ~ lack of similarity or equality: differenceDeleterious, adj ~ harmful or injurious: harmfulInnocuous, adj ~ harmless or inoffensive in effectIneffable, adj ~ incapable of being expressed in words: indescribableDebilitating, adj ~ to make weak or feeble: disablingConvey, v ~ to bring or communicate: expressDispassionate, adj ~ devoid of feeling or bias: impartial Eccentric, adj ~ deviating from customary behavior: bizarre, unusualNomad, n ~member of a tribe that has no permanent home: wandererSomber, adj ~ gloomily, dark: dreary#19Collaboration, n ~ the act of working together: teamworkPerfidy, n ~ deliberate breach of trust: treacheryFallacy , n ~ a deceptive or false notion: misconceptionDefinitive, adj ~ complete, satisfy all criteria: completeEndorse, v ~ to approve or support: recommendImplicate, v ~ to sow to also be involved, generally in crime; involveMandate, n ~ a command or authorization act in a certain way: orderCryptic, adj ~ mysterious or ambiguous in meaning: puzzlingExemplary, adj ~ worthy of imitation: commendableDearth, adj ~ an adequate supply: lack#201.despondant, adj ~ profound hopelessness: depressed2. discretion, n ~ freedom of judgment or choice3. nostalgia, n ~ longing for the past: longing4. adept, adj ~ skilled: able5. anachronism, n ~ something out of place in historical time6. depravity, n ~ moral corruption7. serene, adj ~ calm or peaceful: undisturbed8. laud, v ~ to praise,9. retaliation, n ~ return of like for like: revenge10. morbid, adj ~unwholesomely gloomy: grim#21Impose, v ~ to establish as a requirement: enforceMetaphor, n ~ a direct comparison between two dissimilar: comparisonToxic, adj ~ having the effect of a poison: poisonousPotentate, n ~ a person who possesses great power, a rulerAutonomy, n ~ independence or freedom of willAbstruse, adj ~ hard to understand: complexSullen, adj ~ silently ill-humored: surlyParagon, n ~ a model or pattern or excellence: idealProdigious, adj ~ extraordinary in size, amount, or degree: hugeInclined, adj ~ having a tendency: likely#22Underscore, v ~ to stress or emphasize: featureSubstantiate, v ~ to establish by proof or evidence: proveIntricate, adj ~ complex: difficultSolicitous, adj ~ concerned or anxious: worriedObjective, adj ~ not influenced by feelings: unbiasedExclusive, adj ~ omitting from consideration, not including: limitedNa?ve, adj ~ lackng experience: innocentRenowned, adj ~ celebrated, famous: distinguishedAnecdote, n ~ a short, amusing story: taleExtracting, adj ~ rigid or severe in requirement: demanding#23Obscure, adj ~ unclear, hard to understand: Conventional, adj ~ conforming to accepted standards: properUnprecedented, adj ~ never before known or experienced; exceptional Burgeon, v ~to grow or devlop quickly: flourishPedestrian, adj ~ lacking in imagination or distinction: dullElitist, adj ~ belief that certain people or groups are superior; Elicit, v ~ to draw out or bring forth: evokeAppropriated, v ~ to take possession: stolenResolute, adj ~ firmly, determinedAnimated, adj ~full of loife or spirit: lively#24Cantankerous, adj ~ disagreeable to deal withRespite, n ~ a delay or temporary rest: breakCandid, adj ~ frank, open, honest in speech: honestCalculated, adj ~ carefully thought out or planned: consideredBolster, v ~ to support or hold up: boostMyriad, n ~ a great number of people or things: multitudeFacetious, adj ~ not meant seriously or literally: comicNebulous, adj ~ hazy, vague, indistinct: obscureObliterate, v ~ to destroy completely: eradicateExasperation, n ~ state of being irritated, extremely annoyed: irritation#25Vestige, n ~ evidence of something that longer exists; remainsMunificent, adj ~ great generosity in giving: generousAmbiguous, adj ~ open to several meanings or interpretationRepress, v ~ to keep under control: suppressTenacious, adj ~ holding fasdt, stubborn; determinedSublime, adj ~ supreme or lofty: splendidDivisive, adj ~ creating division or discord: disruptiveRetention, n ~ ability to recall or recognize things learned or experience: recollectionBereft, adj ~ deprived and made desolateDogmatic, adj ~ asserting opinion in an arrogant manner: arrogant#26Allegation, n ~ an assertion made with little or no proof; accusationCharisma, n ~ personal magnetism or charm: Pernicious, adj ~ causing harm or ruin: harmfulTorpor, n ~ sluggish inactivity or indifference: apathyNihilism, n ~ total rejection of laws or institutionsImpartial, adj ~ not biased: fair, justMollify, v ~ to soften in feeling or temoer: appeaseProsaic, adj ~ commonplace or dull: unimaginativePromising, adj ~ likely to develop positivity: hopefulSpontaneity, n ~ coming from a sudden impulse or tendency: impulse#27Reconciliation, n ~ winning over friendliness, making peace: accordParody, n ~ a humorous imitation of something serious: satireTenet, n ~ a principle held as true by a group or movement: teachingDepict, v ~ to represent or characterize: portrayPortend, v ~ to indicate in advance: foreshadowDeride, v ~ having or expressing contempt or mocking: mockDiffident, adj ~ lacking in self-confidence: UnconfidentDetached, adj ~ separated or disinterested :unemotionalDigression, n ~ something that strays from the central theme or idea:Nonchalant, adj ~ coolly unconcerned: casual, indifferent#28Onerous, adj ~ causing hardship: oppressiveIdiosyncratic, adj: belonging to one’s particular character: peculiarDeplore, v ~ to regret deeply or strongly: Smug, adj ~ contentedly confident in oneselfBenefactor, n ~ a person who gives a benefit: sponser, patronTrivial, adj ~ of little importance or value: insignificantArdent, adj ~ having intense or passionate feeling: enthusiasticConvoluted, adj ~ intricately involved: complicatedInnovative, adj ~ ahead of the times, like nothing ever seen: inventiveDejected, adj ~ depressed inspirit: disheartened#29Compelling, adj ~ having a powerful or irresistible effect: urgingEminent, adj ~ high in station or rank: distinguishedCompatible, adj ~ capable of living in harmony: fittingPragmatic, adj ~ practical: sensibleContrive, v ~ to plan or scheme: deviseCultivate, v ~ to develop through education or training: acquireAbstract, adj ~ apart from actual, specific, concrete ideas or events: unspecificPresumption, n ~ assumption or supposition: Disgruntled, adj ~ displeased or discontented: dissatisfiedAssuage, v ~ to make miler or less severe: ease#30Cathartic, adj ~ emotionally purging: Sagacious, adj ~ having keen practical sense: shrewdIllusory, adj ~ causing illusion, deceptive: misleadingDisparage, v ~ to belittle, discredit or reproach: mockSpurious, adj ~ not genuine, authentic or true: false, fakeAcquiesce, v ~ to submit without protest: agreeCaustic, adj ~ severely critical or sarcastic: harshUniformity, n ~ the state of being the same or homogenous: similarityIdentify, n ~ the condition of being oneself: individuality, characterAuthenticity, n ~ the quality if being authentic or genuine: #31Squander, v ~ to spend or use wastefully: wasteDismay, v ~ to cause to lose courage or resolution out of fear or anxiety:Iconoclastic adj ~ pertaining to image breaking or an attack on beliefs: irreligious Cosmopolitan, adj ~ at home in all the world; sophisticated: worldly, culturedStark, adj ~ harsh, grim: severeExpedient, adj ~ suitable for the purpose: efficientContemporary, adj ~of the present time period: modernPrecursor, n ~ a person or thing that precedes: forerunnerValidate, v ~ to make valid, confirm: approveComprehensive, adj ~ of large scope: complete#32Patronizing, adj ~ an offensively condescending manner: Precarious, adj ~ dependent upon the will of another, unsure: unstableAmbivalent, adj ~ uncertainty or fluctuation, mixed feelings: unsureRetribution, n ~ something given as repayment, often punishment: revenge, justiceSedulous, adj ~ persistently or carefully maintained: diligentPious, adj ~ having a spirit or reverence for God: religiousUnparalleled, adj ~ unequalled or unmatched: matchlessVoracious, adj ~ craving or consuming large quantitiesTenable, adj ~ capable of being maintained against attack or dispute: defensibleRoutine, adj ~ customary or commonplace: regular#33Scrupulous, adj ~ having strong principles: honestSupplant, v ~ to replace one thing with another: substituteInvoke, v ~ to call for or pray for: appealFelicitous, adj ~ apt or appropriate for the occasion: suitableVeiled, adj ~ covered or concealed as if by a veil: hidden, Affluence, n ~ abundance of wealth: prosperityEnhance, v ~ to raise to a higher degree: improve, intensifyMisanthrope, n ~ one who hates mankind: cynicContrite, adj ~ showing sincere remorse: apologeticAspect, n ~ a part, feature, phase:#34Apprensive, adj ~uneasy or fearful: nervousStrident, adj ~ having a harsh, grating sound: shrillReserved: adj ~ formal or self-restrained: conservativeFlippant, adj ~ frivolously disrespectfulAbase, v ~ deprive of self-esteem: belittleIndifference, adj ~ having no interest or concern: uninterestedLegitimate, adj ~ according to law, lawful: authenticSpeculative, adj ~ characterized by conjecture or abstract reasoning: theoreticalUndermine, v ~ to injure or destroy: damageLament, v ~ to feel or express sorrow or grief: wail#35Languid, adj ~ lacking energy or vitality: relaxedVignette, n ~ a small, pleasing sketch or view: sceneCircumscribe, v ~ to draw a line around or enclose; encircleExhilarating, adj ~ to enliven or exhilarate: stimulateRigorous, adj ~ severe or harsh, allowing no deviation from the standard: severeLicentious, adj ~ unrestrained by law or moralityCite, v ~ to reference an authority: referenceLassitude, n ~ weariness of body or mind: listlessnessEnumerate, v ~ To number or list: add upIndispensable, adj ~ absolutely necessary: essential#36Palliative, n ~ something that relieves symptoms without curing disease: remedyDeferential, adj ~ showing deference or respectAdulation, n ~ excessive adoration or admiration: worshipAdherence, n ~ faithful attachment, obedienceAustere, adj ~ severe in manner or appearance: strictConcise, adj ~ expressing much in a few words: briefIncisive, adj ~ remarkably clear and direct: sharpSensationalistic, adj ~ meant to produce starting or thrilling impressions: excitingConformist, n ~ a person who follows a group without questioning: followerPlasticity, n ~ capable of being molded or shaped: flexibility#37Mediocrity, n ~ the state if being average or unremarkable: ordinarinessEfficacy, n ~ capacity for producing a desired effect: effectivenessDubious, adj ~ doubtful: uncertainArticulate, adj ~ using language easily or clearly: eloquentProponent, adj ~ a person who argues in favor of something: Erudite, adj ~ learned or scholoarly: educatedRally, v ~ to organize or inspire: encourage, inspireHypothesis, n ~ an explanation for the occurrence of a process or event: theoryFormulaic, adj ~ made according to a formula: standardHavoc, n ~ great destruction or devastation: ruin#38Plausible, adj ~ appearing ruthful or reasonableErroneous, adj ~ containing an error, incorrect: mistakenGenre, n ~ a category of art: style, categoryEradicate, v ~ to remove or destroy completely: eliminateEphemeral, adj ~ lasting a short time: sort-lovedEquivocal, adj ~ doubtful, uncertainPliant, adj ~bending readily: flexibleTacit, adj ~understood without being spoken: impliedFlamboyant, adj ~ strikingly or brilliant: flashyCommerce, n ~ business in buying and selling: industry, trade#39Dismissive, adj ~ indicating dismissal or rejection: indifferentClandestine, adj ~ done with secrecy or concealment: secretAssertion, n ~ a statement or declaration, often without reasoning or support: Plagiarism, n ~ using another’s work as one’s ownEpitome, n ~ the perfect example of a type: idealMeticulous, adj ~ showing extreme care about small details: detailedExorbitant, adj ~highly excessive: extremeInevitable, adj ~ unable to be avoided; certainRebut, v ~ to refute by evidence or support: disproveItinerant, adj ~ traveling from place to place: roaming#40Extraneous, adj ~not pertinent or relevant: irrelevantConscientious, adj ~ careful, painstaking: thoroughConnoisseur, n ~ a person with expert knowledge or taste: expertFabricate, v ~ to create or make something up, to lie: tell a lieComplaint, adj ~ complying or yielding in a submissive way: submissiveRecrimination, n ~ a retaliatory accusation allegationExtravagant, adj ~ spending more this wise or necessary: indulgentCacophony, n ~ harsh, loud, discordant sounds:Evoke, v ~ to call up or produce: elicitDisconsolate, adj ~hopelessly unhappy: inconsolable#41Incorruptible, adj ~ incapable of being morally corrupted: honest, honorableDecry, v ~ to denounce as faulty or worthless: Incorporate, v ~ to put into or introduce as an integral part; integrateFormulate, v ~ to devise or develop as a method: conceiveMundane, adj ~ uninteresting, common: boringImpede, v ~ to stop or hinder progress: encumberPopulist, adj ~ supportive of the rights and power of the people: democraticStringent, adj ~ extremely strict or severe: rigidDaunting, adj ~ discouraging through fear: intimidatingBenign, adj ~ havin a kind disposition: gracious#42Critique, n ~ detailed evaluation or review: analysisApathetic, adj ~having or showing little emotion: uncaringTractable, adj ~ easily managed or controlled: docileInherent, adj ~ existing as a inseparable quality or element: Disdain, n ~ a feeling of contempt or scorn: Bureaucratic, adj ~ rigfidly committed to procedure or routine:Immaterial, adj ~ of no consequence, unimportantRedundant, adj ~ unnecessarily repetitiveContempt: n ~ to regard something as worthless: scornQuixotic, adj ~ dreamily, impulsive and unpredictable: fanciful;#43Distinguish, v ~ to mark as different:Predecessor, n ~ someone who precedes another in position, office, etcPerusal, n ~ a survey or reading: study, surveyVulnerable, adj ~ capable of being wounded or hurtIrate, adj ~ extremely angry: enragedPrevalent, adj ~ widespread: commonProvident, adj ~ providing carefully for the future: preparedSustained, v ~ to support, hold, or bears up: maintainExploit, v ~ to use selfishly for profit: capitalizeObsolete, adj ~ no longer in use: outdated#44Frank, adj ~ direct in speech: straightforwardSanctimonious, adj ~ making a false show of religious devotion: hypocriticalEnterprise, n ~ an important or difficult projectDispel, v ~ to drive off: eliminate: disperseDisseminate, v ~ to scatter or spread widely: disperseCohesive, adj ~ united, integrated, unified:Polemical, adj ~ involving dispute or controversy: controversialObfuscate, v ~ to confuse, bewilder, stupefy: obscureDebunk, v ~ to expose as false: exposeDiatribe, n ~ a bitter attack or criticism; tirade#45Cynical, adj ~ distrusting the motives of others: jadedDifferentiate, v ~ to perceive the difference between: discriminationCredulous, adj ~ willing to believe or trust too readily: gullibleDiscredit, v ~ to injure the credit or reputation of: disprove, rebutDiscern, v ~ to perceive or recognize: distinguishDemeanor, n ~ conduct, behaviorResilient, adj ~ springing back, recovering readily: reboundingModerate, adj ~ not extreme, excessiveTransient, adj ~not lasting or permanentIngenuous, adj ~sincere, truthful: honest#46Exempt, adj ~ to free from an obligation; excludedIndisputable, adj ~ not subject to argument or dispute: undeniableSkeptical, adj ~ having or showing doubt: doubtfulFoster, v ~ to promote growth or development: encourageImprovise, v ~ to compose, play on the spur of the moment: extemporizeInitiative, n ~ an introductory act or step: actionDistinction, n ~ marking off or distinguishing as differentDenuded, adj ~ to make naked or bare; stripDidactic, adj ~ inclined to teach or lecture to much: preachy, academicMalevolent, adj ~ showing ill will, evil: malicious, harmful#47Banal, adj ~ lacking originality: unoriginal Perfunctory, adj ~ performed merely as routine: superficialMock, v ~ to attack or treat with ridicule: Vindication, n ~ something that clears from suspicion or accusation: exonerationLoquacious, adj ~ tending to talk to freely or too bitterly toomuch: talkativeScathing, adj ~ bitterly severe:Inconsequential, adj ~ of little or no importance: trivialOvert, adj ~ open to view, not concealedBelie, v ~ to show to be false: contradictPlacid, adj ~ pleasantly alm or peaceful;#48Incongruous, adj ~ out of place, unbecoming, inappropriateRepulsive, adj ~ causing repugnance or aversion: disgustingVitality, n ~ physical or mental stength of vigorBelabor, v ~ to explain or work at something beyond what is necessary: overworkCredible, adj ~ worthy of belief or confidence: believableRepudiate, v ~to reject as false; denyJocular, adj ~ joking Constraint, n ~ limitation or restriction:Concede, v ~ to acknowledge as true or proper: admitQualified, adj ~ having the abilities that fit a person for a task or job competent#49Diversion, n ~ to turn aside from a purpose; detourPicayune, adj ~ trivial, of little value: pettyOfficious, adj ~ eagerly offering unwanted help: intrusiveRenounce, v ~ to give up voluntarily: relinquishAstute, adj ~ having practical intelligence: shrewdRevival, n ~ restoration to life or health; rebirth, renewalTedious, adj ~ long and tiresome: dreary, dullSuperfluous, adj ~ more than is sufficient or required: excessive, unnecessaryBleak, adj ~ bare and desolate: cheerless, drearyOstentatious, adj ~ intended to attract notice; flamboyant#50Tentative, adj ~ not definite or positive; timidEnigmatic, adj ~ mysterious, perplexing: unknowableDissent, v ~ to disagree or act against: dissatisfactionDominant, adj ~ having authority or influence: controllingColleague, n ~ an associate: coworkerEclectic, adj ~ coming from several sources: diverseComment, v ~ to present as worthy of notice or praiseAssiduity, n ~ open, honest, sincereInsular, adj ~ isolated, an island unto itselfPanacea, n ~ a cure all#51Pellucid, adj ~ clearly understandableSalient adj ~ something that stands out and is obviousStaid, adj ~ dignified and with decorumSurfeit, n ~ the quality of overabundanceTaciturn, adj ~ honorable highly regardedCandor, n ~ open, honestExtol v ~ to give high praiseIntrepid, adj ~ bold or braveLithe, adj ~ supple, bending easilyModicum, n ~ a small token amount#52Abstruse, adj ~ difficult to comprehendCantankerous, n ~ difficult or irritating to deal withCompunction, n ~ anxiety from guilt, twinge of misgivingDenizen, n ~ inhabitantPolemical, adj ~ controversialBaroque, adj ~ 17th century art style, overly ornate, bold ornamentationEmpirical, adj ~ based on observation or experienceTangential, adj ~ relating to a tangent, divergent, digressiveTruncate, v ~ short by, as if cutting offVirtuoso, n ~ one who excels at something#53Anomaly, ~ a deviation from the normal, type, arrangement, formKerfuffle, n ~ a disturbance, fussEnigma, n~ a puzzling experience or situationRambunctious, adj ~ difficult to handle/controlPedantic, adj ~ overly concerned with small detail, rigid adherence to the rules/detailsStigma, n ~ a mark of disgraceVet, v ~ to verify, confirm facts, check for accuracyQuixotic, wildly romantic, impractical Simian, adj ~ of or pertaining to a monkey or apRancor, n ~ bitter, having hatred/ill will or hatred#54Amenable, adj ~ willing, capable, yieldingInscrutable, adj ~ incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or understoodDraconian, adj ~ severe or cruel rigorMisogynist, n ~ person who hates womenBucolic, dj ~ pertaining to an idyllic rural lifeDoyenne, n ~ woman who is senior in age or rankMilieu, n ~ surroundings especially pertaining to culture or social classLevity, n ~ lightness of behavior, not seriousVociferous, adj ~ crying out noisilyRapscallion, n ~ rascal, rogue, troublemaker#55Frenetic, adj ~ frantic, frenziedCensure, n ~ official reprimand, strong expression of disapprovalPetulant, adj ~ sudden irritation over something minorNinnyhammer, n ~ a fool, simpletonGasconade, n ~ extravagant boastErudite, adj ~ having great knowledge, learned, scholarlyMisanthrope, n ~ person who hates mankindCulpable, adj ~ deserving blameOssify, v ~ to change to bone, to become hardened to one’s waysGuttural, adj ~ articulation in the throat#56Dander, n ~ anger, temperChimera, n ~ mythical creature, grotesque monster having different parts, Vestige, n ~ mark, trace, evidence of something no longer present, Illustrious, adj ~ highly distinguished, renowned, famousVernacular n ~ expressed or written in native language, pertaining to common everyday languageVitriol, n ~ very severe criticismSophistry, n ~ using a false argument or reasoning to deceiveVerisimilar, adj ~ having the appearance of truthCrux, n ~ vital, basic, decisive pointAberration, n ~ a deviation from the normal#57banal, adj ~ trite, not originalcommensurate, ~ having the same measure, proportionateextrapolate, v ~ to infer from something known docent, n ~ a knowledgeable guideSardonic, adj ~ mocking, critical, bitterUnequivocal, adj ~ clear, absolute, only one meaning/interpretation Salvo, n ~ a sudden burst, a spirited attackValiant, adj ~ courageous, braveDeleterious, adj ~ harmful, injurious to healthVex, v ~ to irritate, distress, annoy#58Doppelganger, n ~ ghostly double or counterpart of a living personConstrue, v ~ to giv the meaning or intention of, to deducePrelude, n ~ a preliminary to an action, event, condition, any action before something elseVenerable, adj ~ commanding respect, hallowed, relgiiosu title of a Catholic rchdeaconHabeas corpus, n ~ that you gave the boydy; A writ of habeas corpus seeks a ruling on a matter when someone has been imprisoned or otherwise detained by the governmentStigma n ~ Stigma nActa non verba ~ Deeds not wordsSavant n ~ One with exceptional knowledge/understanding in specialized fieldBehoove v To be advantageous/necessary/properFraught adj Causing or characterized by emotional distress or tension#59Onus n Burden or obligationIncorrigible Not refor able, not manageable, unrulyEponymous of a person; giving their name to something.of a thing; named after a particular person.Litigious adj unreasonably prone to go to law to settle disputesAd hoc, ~ improvise/devised/applied spontaneously or purely for the purpose ( just for thiis)Caveat emptor, ~ let the buyer bewareCanard, n ~ an unfounded rumo or storySalacious adj ! ( of writing, pictures, or talk) treating sexual matters in an indecent way and conveying undue interest or enjoyment in the subjectApoplectic, adj ~ overcome with anger, extremely indignant Pensive, adj ~ reflecting deep or serious thought#60Sedulous, adj ~ showing dedication and diligenceMea culpa, phrase ~ my faultExculpatory, adj ~ tending to clear from a charge of fault or blameRecidivism, n ~ repeated or habitual lapse into crimeSonorous, adj ~ rich or full in soundRepartee, n ~ quick, witty replyLiturgy, n ~ customary repertoire of ideas, phrases, observancesStygian, adj ~ extremely dark, gloomy, forbiddenStipple, v ~ engrave my means of dots, dashes, flecks Sedition, n ~ incitement of resistance to insurrection against law ad authority #61Resplendent, adj ~ brightly shining, gleaming, Progenitor, n ~ biologically related ancestorTutelage, n instruction especially of an individual, guiding influenceEarwig, v ~ to annoy or attempt to influence by private talkVicissitude, n ~ state of being changeable, unexpected change, redacted, v ~ revise, editImmured, v ~ to shut in, imprison, entombSycophant, n ~ a self-seeking servile flattererInterred, v ~ to place a dead body in a grave or tombInsolent, adj ~ boldly rude, disrespectfulNefarious, adj ~ extremely wicked or villainous#62Circuitous, adj ~ having a circular or winding course, no forthright or directBadinage, n ~ light playful banter, teasingPersiflage, n ~ light talk or writing, a frivolous flippant style of treating subjectMarginalize, v ~ to place at the lower, or minimal levelMayhem, n ~ random or deliberate violence or damageAppendum, n ~ a thing to be added, addition, appendix to a bookCongenial, adj ~ agreeable, suitable, Canoodle, v ~ caress, fondle, to touch amorouslyUnctuous, adj ~ excessively pious or moralisticAd nauseum, phrase ~ to a sickening or disgusting degree #63Vigilant, adj ~ keenly watchful to detect danger, ever awake and watchfulVigilante, n ~ a person who takes the law into their own hands, done violently and without lawful recourseGarner, v ~ to gather, acquire, gainQuid pro quo, phrase ~ one thing in return for another, something for something Machination, n ~ crafty schemes, plots, or intriguesPell mell, adv ~ in a disorderly way, in a confused jumbled messFlummox, v ~ to bewilder, confuseCoxcomb, n ~ conceited, foolish personMorass, n ~ marsh, soft low ground, or troublesome situationUmbrage, n ~ offense, vague feeling of suspicion#64Machiavellian, adj ~ from Machiavelli’s The Prince, means characterized by deception, cunning and dishonestyImpertinence, adj ~ unmannerly interruptionContemptuous, adj ~ showing disdain or scornGravitas, n ~ seriousness, sobrietyNascent, adj ~ beginning to exist developSaturnine, adj ~ sluggish, gloomyPerspicacious, adj ~ observant, perceptiveCoruscate, v ~ to emit flashes of light, sparkle, gleamPrecatory, adj ~ pertain to entreaty or supplicationEpistolary, adj ~ pertaining or consisting of letters#65Bacchanalia, n ~ revel, partySolace, n ~ comfort in sorrowContumacious, adj ~ stubbornly rebelliousMacabre, adj ~ gruesome, horrifyingRapine, n~ the violent seizure and carrying of another property Supercilious, adj ~ disdainful or contemptuous person or expressionAsunder, adj ~ into separate parts/piecesPettifog, v ~ to bicker or quibble over unimportant thingsTerra firms, n ~ solid groundCoito ergo sum, I think therefore I am#66Prefecture, n ~ office of a person in authorityTranscend, v ~ to rise above, go beyondDilettante, n ~ person who takes up a art/activity in a superficial way OR a lover of fine artPugnacious, adj ~ belligerentCloy, v ~ overfillMoratorium, n ~ suspensionVapid, adj ~ flat, dullExpropriate, v ~ seizeQuadrennial, adj ~ occurring every 4 yearsConclave, n ~ private meeting #67 truculent, adj ~ fierce, cruel, savagely brutalIrascible, adj ~ easily provoked to angerInvective, n ~insulting word or expressionQuery, n ~ an inquiry, a questionSurfeit, n ~ an excessive amount Appertain, v ~ to belong as a part, right, possessionIniquitous, adj ~ characterized by injustice or wickedness, wicked, sinful Anamorphic, adj ~ intentional distortion of an imageDeprecate, v ~belittle, disparage, Nebbish, adj ~ A noun meaning someone, usually a man, who is feeble and scared of stuff:68ReprobateInvigilate ................

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