Gorge (v) to swallow greedily or to stuff with food

1. Gouge (v) to create a groove in something or to swindle

2. Grave [adj] serious or solemn

3. Guile (n) cunning, sly behavior

4. Haggard [adj] having an exhausted appearance from strife

5. Harangue (n) a long angry speech/tirade [v] to give a harangue

6. Ignoble [adj] of low birth or humble station (poor, but in relation to social status)

7. Ignominious [adj]shameful or disgraceful

8. Impetuous (adj) impulsive

9. Indignation [n] a strong displeasure at something unjust or offensive

10. Infernal (adj) something hellish or fiendish

11. Insatiable [adj] not able to be satisfied

12. Insolent (adj) rude and/or disrespectful

13. Irreproachable (adj) blameless

14. Lavish (adj) abundant, generous

15. Libation (n) a liquid offering (usually wine or alcohol)

16. Limpid (adj) clear or transparent; or emotionally calm

17. Lithe [adj] flexible

18. Loamy [adj] fertile or ready to produce

19. Lustrous [adj] shiny or luminous

Part One

Use the context of the sentences to fill in the blanks with the given vocabulary words.

1. It was the furrows surrounding her eyes and the cockled push of her mouth that made her look xxx.

2. xxxs are not unusual at dinners in Europe, even for adolescents.

3. The charlatan, though dressed as a gallant, was truly xxx; however, he was deft at feigning good breeding.

4. The necklace was truly xxx after being burnished.

5. Her xxx after I was late from curfew left me feeling as if I was a child being chided for breaking a toy.

6. I remember my xxx geometry class in high school. My teacher, Mr. Moses, looked like a shiny Mr. Peanut; however, instead of a cane and top hat, he might as well have been donned in horns and a trident. I didn’t fathom a theorem he spouted.

7. You always think that the festal spread at prom will be xxx. I hope you like cold wings and a chocolate fountain that the guy from third period you saw picking his nose last week was playing in earlier that evening.

8. Though I used to be xxx because I practiced yoga, I am now as limber as an eighty-year-old arthritic.

9. After Mr. Abraham broached the fact that Marly was never going to pas his class, a mysterious curse word was xxxed on the passenger’s side of his car.

10. Because she did not choose her consorts wisely, she was arrested with the rest of her crew—even though her actions were truly xxx. She really did not know they were stealing earrings from the mannequins.

11. My son truly xxxes on anything cooked with garlic: potatoes, spinach, okra, chicken, squid, or fois gras.

12. One would think that an elderly woman would shirk at the xxx of taking surprise photographs of us in the shower. My grandmother is not that woman.

13. I could tell by his xxx response that he hadn’t processed his father’s death; hence, he comforted those who were obviously distraught and cleaving to his lapels.

14. The prognosis was xxx. She was going die in three weeks.

15. I don’t understand the point of being xxx toward those who are only trying to help you.

16. I made a(n) xxx decision when I shaved my head; please keep all clippers away from me during life changes.

17. When we mixed mushroom compost and cow manure into the soil, the ground became xxx and my herbs sprouted in no time.

18. Killing someone over nothing more than a few hundred dollars is a(n) xxx act.

19. Once I buy one thing at the store, I suddenly become xxx and buy so many things that I will never use.

20. Although his manner was brusque and his words seemed callous, he truly had no xxx. It was all a front.

Part Two

Create your own sentences. You may change the tense of the word.

Part Three

Match the synonym with the word. Be sure to write the letter.

|Gorge | Despicable, Abhorrent, Abominable |

|Gouge |Faultless, Innocent, Guiltless |

|Grave |Channel, Scoop, Furrow |

|Guile |Incandescent, Radiant, Glittering |

|Haggard |Damned, Accursed, Heinous |

|Harangue |Lucid, Apparent, Serene |

|Ignoble |Cadaverous, Drawn, Aged |

|Ignominious |Abundant, Bountiful, Fecund |

|Impetuous |Abrupt, Spontaneous, Fervid |

|Indignation |Grim, Heavy, Dour |

|Infernal |Contemptuous, Impudent, Abusive |

|Insatiable |Devour, Glut, Guzzle |

|Insolent |Diatribe, Discourse, Lecture |

|Irreproachable |Copious, Opulent, Impressive |

|Lavish |Pliable, Malleable, Pliant |

|Libation |Umbrage, Wrath, Ire |

|Limpid |Abject, Base, Common |

|Lithe |Wine, Offering |

|Loamy |Duplicity, Trickery, Artifice |

|Lustrous |Voracious, Ravenous, Greedy |

Part Four

Illustrate the vocabulary words. All words must have hand-rendered drawings.

Part Five

Be ready for the quiz on Friday.


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