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Tees LPC Meeting

24th June 2020

Virtual Zoom Meeting

Officers Present:

Jay Badenhorst (JB)

Brent Foster (BF)

Pete Horrocks (PH)

Members Present:

Lisa Jobson (LJ)


Sally Coates (SC)


Anna Brookes (AB)

Sarah Ramshaw (SR)

Ross Hepplewhite (RH)

Employed Officers Present:

Sandie Hall (SJH)

1. Introduction and purpose of meeting

To identify any key factors within the PSNC/LPC review and to put a plan of action in place to agree/reject the recommendations.

2. Initial thoughts from all

Lisa Jobson – not had time to look at the review as yet.

Many not yet had time to read the detail and gain feedback on the recommendations

3. Regional plans

A Region wide meeting has been held (attendance: Sandie Keall, Jay Badenhorst from Tees with all chief officers and chairs from S Tyne and Durham also present)

Discussions around the local aspects of the review were undertaken and a range of options for reconfiguration of geographies within the area.

Regionally there was support for being proactive in relation to the review recommendations. What could a new LPC look like and how would it be implemented. Options outlined.

Working group to be set up. This should include at least 2 per LPC but no more than 3 as the more people included the

Sandie Keall presented a range of 3 options to the group as attached. There are other options we can consider including a joining with a neighboring LPC for example Durham or Cumbria.

Discussions followed:

Preference. Will 10 lpc members represent the who contractor base in Option 2 which is ICS wide.

The Wright review has not been accepted as yet. The large ICS level is very big, especially considering there is a lot of local commissioning happening. There is a lot of localism we need to consider. The reason it is included is that a lot of what we do is done on that level anyway. It is not currently formalized but this could be configured within the constitution.

The discussion should be that we look at the options available and then we can make an informed decision.

The working group needs to be set up. There were some additional pieces of work that needs to be done within the working group. Chief Officer and one other person to represent the LPC can then act as liaison between the two groups to ensure that the LPC are considered within the workstream. The same can then discuss further, this was agreed by the group but as not quorate we will put this to a vote to all.

Who should be involved in the working group. Decisions need to be made. SK to send out an expression of interest and nomination process for places on the group. First meeting is Tuesday 30th June.

2 people are better than 3 which makes it more difficult to then have discussions. In the current group there is healthy differences of opinion. There needs to be equal representation from AimP, CCA and Independents. LPC will be represented rather than the individual contractor. The split between CCA/Aimp/Independents are mixed across the region.

Pete – Jay do you want to join the group – yes happy to be involved as has been involved in the group during the COVID crisis. Group has now expanded its remit to include the Wright review and other regional topics.

A further recommendation within the review is there is a maximum of 3 terms – you will lose a lot of experience. Question for the Wright review – is this 3 terms from now or 3 consecutive terms or 3 terms ever.

Working party – including the 3 chairs to ensure that one is CCA one is Aimp and one is Independent.

We as an LPC need to have a motion that LPCs vote on the recommendations. It is important that the recommendations need to direct the flow of Wright Review. There will be some cross over in order to develop this system.

Governance discussions – competence on LPCs and you cannot manage people out because it is an elected position. Training standards etc have been highlighted for further discussion.

Views from all members to be obtained.

Any other questions to raise of the Wright review meeting which Jay and Sandie will attend on 8th July.

We absolutely need a working group. This is important to move ahead. We need to be really clear about when that is meeting and the outputs and that we are quorate.

Working group provides recommendations but if any one does not agree then there are other options.

Suggestions – send to the LPC with four plus SK had meeting. 4 voting members agree with working group. Wright review outputs with ways of working. Recommendations for the LPC to support with yes/no. Second resolution – open to challenge – recommend 2 people to be on the group. Who will be the second one? Expressions of interest.

Remuneration should be made for that person for locum fee for work carried out which will allow time to be allocated.

Wright review – independent review – go through a period of change. It was independent and has looked at a broad picture. We must consider all of the options and recommendations within the review.

Recommendations – Tees to start reaching out to N Yorkshire – patch that could fit with ours. Jay to reach out to Chair of N Yorkshire LPC.


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