The Comparison and Contrast EssayGreek and Norse MythologyDirections: In MLA format, write a short essay (500+ words) comparing and/or contrasting two parallel elements of Greek and Norse mythology. By parallel elements, I mean two similar things, one from each myth. For examples are listed below:Two similar characters: Zeus and Odin, Hermes and Loki, Frigg and Hera, Thor and Ares, Cerberus and Fenrir, etc.Two types of beings: giants and titans, the Fates and the Valkyries, monsters, other creatures Two similar stories: two stories of magic, two stories of disguise, two stories of creation, two stories of betrayal; two stories of battles, two stories of trickery, etc.Two similar settings: the two underworlds, Olympus vs. Asgard, etc.Two ideas or values: two ideas of wisdom, of justice, of duty, of love, of family, of hospitality, etc. Two other similar things you think up yourselfOrganization: Typically, writers organize C&C essays in one of two ways: the block form or the alternating form. In the block form, one writes (after a proper introduction of course) first all about one of the two things to be compared, and then all about the second thing. Usually, in the section wherein the second thing is written about, the writer repeatedly refers back to the section wherein the first thing is dealt with. In other words, the writer uses language such as this in the second section: “Whereas Gandalf uses his powers only to do good and help people, Saruman uses his to do evil and destroy people.” In this example, the writer discusses Gandalf first, without reference to Saruman, and then makes the comparison between the two men explicit in the second section (dealing with Saruman). In the alternating form, the writer moves back and forth between the two things under comparison, dealing first with an aspect (called a point of comparison) of one thing, then the same aspect (point of comparison) of the second thing. Sometimes, this is done all in one long body paragraph, in a three—paragraph essay (intro, body, conclusion). Sometimes, each element to be compared between the two things is treated in its own paragraph. So, if the writer were to compare three aspects of the two things, the resultant essay would be five paragraphs long (intro, body paragraph 1, body paragraph 2, body paragraph 3, and conclusion). The two approaches can be illustrated graphically like this:Block FormAll about GandalfUse of powers for good (point of comparison I)Loyalty to friends (point of comparison II)Selfless dedication to cause (point of comparison III)All about Saruman Use of powers for good (lack of)Loyalty to friends (lack of)Selfless dedication to cause (lack of)Alternating Form Gandalf’s use of powers for goodSaruman’s lack of use of powers for goodG’s loyalty to friendsS’s lack of loyalty to friendsG’s selfless dedication to cause S’s lack of selfless dedication to cause Of course, in such a paper, the writer must pay close attention to coherence, employing sensible transitions to move the reader back and forth between the two topics, and in a way to suggest the nature of the comparison (to show likeness, or difference). So transitions such as the following would be useful: on the other hand, by contrast, in stark contrast, similarly, on the contrary, whereas Gandalf is ___________, Saruman is ____________, etc. Purpose and Thesis: Finally, you should make a point with your C&C essay. Most often, writers compare and/or contrast topics for one of four purposes: 1) to evaluate the two items and declare one superior; 2) to explain a lesser known topic by showing it next to a better known topic; 3) to teach about the different or similar natures of the two topics, without arguing superiority or inferiority; 4) to understand a larger topic related to the two items (that is, in our case, to understand mythology in general by examining an element of Greek and Norse myth together. ................

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