Lesson: English (Video)

Class: 9/A Intermediate Subject: The Flintstones Duration: 45(

AIMS: At the end of the lesson students will be able to;

• see, hear realistic natural speech of English in video,

• use English in their own life in real contexts by making role- play,

• develop their comprehension,

• use their imagination to guess,

• improve their listening skills,

• learn accurate pronunciation, stress and intonation,

• learn vocabulary usage in context,

• use body language and gestures,

• practice speaking,

• Make up the dialogue.

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| |Activity 1 |

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| |Brainstorming |

| |In pre-viewing part, as a warm-up activity, we choose brainstorming about films. Our aim is to learn their background |

| |information about films especially cartoon films and raise their curiosity about subject. First of all we draw a |

| |speech balloon and write “films” in it. |

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|15 minutes | |

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| |And want students say what kind of films come to their minds. As our video is a cartoon film, we turn to this point. |

| |By using question and answer technique, ask them some questions about their thoughts and feelings related to our |

| |video. |

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| |These questions are: |

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| |Do you like cartoon films? |

| |Which cartoon films do you like most? |

| |Do you see anyone who has extraordinary or supernatural features? |

| |Do you want to be such a person? Why? |

| |Do you think you could live in a stone age? |

| |Do you think how it would be? |

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| |Activity 2 |

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| |Guessing& Speaking |

| |For this activity, we want to make them use their imagination and express themselves with their own words. While doing|

| |this, we want to support the lesson with the board usage. We paste a picture of the “Flintstones" on board and want |

| |students interpret the characters they remember one by one. If there is missing or wrong, we compensate it. Here are |

| |the characters: |

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| |Fred Flintstone |

|20 minutes |Wilma Flintstone |

| |Pebbles Flintstone |

| |Barney Rubble |

| |Betty Rubble |

| |Bam-bam Rubble |

| |AND |

| |Samantha |

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| |Viewing |

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| |We decide to show the video first without stopping. By this way they may understand the main idea. The second watch of|

|10 minutes |video is for doing some while viewing exercises. By this way they may see the details better. |

| |We make clear unknown words in video by writing them to the board. |

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| |Activity 3 |

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| |Filling the Missing Part |

|10 minutes | |

| |We prepare a handout for the students. We stop the video to give handouts to students before they watch the part. We |

| |want them to listen to the part carefully and fill the missing parts in the dialogue in handouts we give. |

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| |We may listen to the part for the second time if students need. We check students’ answers one by one. We write the |

| |missing word to the board. They are in bold in the dialogue. |

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| |Dialogue |

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| |Samantha: By the way let’s put the tent up here, girls. |

| |Wilma: And I have for the children. |

| |Fred: They wouldn’t have. They couldn’t have. |

| |Barney: They would. They could, and they have. |

| |Wilma: Well, hello boys! We imagine, think you’re here. |

| |Betty: We don’t want your help. |

| |Wilma: And we don’t need it. We would go home first. |

| |Fred: Go and if you leave now, you could go back and start. |

| |Betty: We’re staying. |

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| |We choose the words which can be understood easily. By this way they may realise the words accurate pronunciation in |

| |real context. |

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| |Activity 4 |

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| |Guessing |

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| |In while-viewing part, we want to visualize the video in their minds. For this reason, we want them to guess the |

|15 minutes |continuation by asking the question; |

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| |What will happen next? |

| |Can you guess? (at the scene of fishing) |

| |Who will be able to catch fish? How? Why? |

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| |Then we take their ideas. |

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| |Activity 5 |

| |Exchanging Information and Acting out a dialogue |

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| |First of all, we organize the students to work in pairs. One of the pairs listens without watching, while the other is|

| |watching without listening. We make clear that which pairs will watch; which will listen. |

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| |We prepare a handout which includes a dialogue in a wrong order. We give the handouts to students to be a source for |

| |this activity during watching/listening. |

|25 minutes | |

| |After watching/listening the part of the video, we want them to exchange their information, and put the dialogue given|

| |on handouts in a correct order. For this activity we give them 3 minutes to share their ideas. We give them the |

| |dialogue to make understanding easier. One of pairs explains what he sees, while other explains what he listens. |

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| |And then, we want them to dramatize the dialogue with their own words. (They choose their own words. By this way they |

| |would be freer, and they express themselves easily in their real life. In that time we keep the ordered dialogue as a |

| |source by reflecting on OHP.) (By dramatizing, we consider kinaesthetic learners, because they move around, use |

| |gestures and mimics.) |

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| |At the end of activity we show the exercised part to whole class by providing scene and voice both. By this way they |

| |may compare their performance and the exact scene. Dialogue is: |

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| |FRED: Wilmaa! I’m coming from the door. |

| |I’ve got no food in my stomach. |

| |WILMA: La la laa laa … |

| |FRED: Hey Wilmaaa! |

| |WILMA: Aaa. Hi Fred! |

| |FRED: Where is my dinner? |

| |WILMA: I threw it into trash. Just for FUN. |

| |So forget it. |

| |FRED: Oh my god! |

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| |Activity 6 |

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| |True – False Activity |

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| |In post viewing part, we prefer true-false activity to check their comprehension. We prepare a handout, which is also |

| |reflected by OHP for students. We give ten sentences some of which are true, while some of which are false. We want |

| |the explanation for false ones not to leave chance factor. We use transparencies for this activity to make our |

| |presentation more effective and save time. |

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| |Here are the sentences: |

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| |Fred and Barney went to the camp with their wives. F |

| |They preferred going alone. |

|15 minutes | |

| |Samantha made hocus-pocus although she promised her husband to not make any magic. T |

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| |Samantha, Pebble and Bam-bam couldn’t catch any fish. F |

| |No, they could catch fish while Barney and Fred couldn’t. |

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| |Fred and Barney were frightened even by a cat after seeing the dinosaur. T |

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| |Samantha couldn’t go to the camp because her husband didn’t let her go. F |

| |Samantha was the adviser to go camping, so she went too. |

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| |Fred and Barney went to help their wives to set their tents after finishing theirs. F |

| |They didn’t help their wives in any works. |

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| |Samantha turned skateboard into the car to go to the camp area. T |

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| |Samantha realized that the frightening noise was coming from Fred and Barney. T |

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| |Wilma made very delicious meals for her husband, but Fred was unwilling to eat these meals. F |

| |No, Wilma threw his meal into trash. |

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| |Although Fred and Barney thought that going to camp was a man job, Wilma and Betty didn’t mind them and went to camp. |

| |T |

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| |Activity 7 Wrap –up |

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|8 minute |To make a summary of the lesson and the video, we ask a question. |

| |Did you find what you guess in video? |

| |Did you enjoy it? |

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|2 minute | |

| |“If you had magic powers in stone age, what would you do?” |

| |Write a composition. |










science fiction



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