Fill out this table to help you grow your ideas for your own fantasy.Your NAME:ElementClueMy ideas in dot points.Hero/heroes Your story will need a hero or a team of heroes.QuestEvery Fantasy story involves a quest. This could be a task that needs to be completed in order to avert danger to the world.The worldLet your imagination run wild here…. Good description of the setting helps to build the world in the mind of the reader.Magic users and powersSome characters will have some sort of magical ability.Mythical creaturesThese could be involved in the plot either helping the heroes or hindering them on their questMagical item or weaponDescribe this and who will use it and what forIn your story, when you deal with magic, think about these questions…. Try to come up with something imaginative and new.Where does magic come from?How is magic used?Is there good magic and evil magic?Is magic hereditary or can anyone get it?What is the secret to defeating magic? ................

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