The Circulatory System, Heart and the Blood - PDST

The Circulatory System, Heart and the BloodSelf-AssessmentThe Blood and CirculationRedOrangeGreen1Can you explain the term 'Closed Circulation System'2Can you list the main parts of the human closed circulation system3Can you explain the difference between the Pulmonary Circuit and the Systemic Circuit4Can you draw the human heart showing the internal structure5Can you fully label the diagram of the human heart6Can you mark the path followed by blood through the heart7Can you mark the path of blood through the pulmonary circuit8Can you mark the path of blood through the systemic circuit9Can you explain the term Portal System and give an example10Can you identify the Hepatic Portal Vein on a diagram of the human circulation system11Can you describe how the muscle in the wall of the heart is supplied with blood12Can you give a simple explanation for the heartbeat and how it is controlled13Can you list the four main parts of blood and give the function of each part14Can you give the main differences between red cells and ordinary body cells15Can you name the chemical in red blood cells that has a high affinity for oxygen16Can you name two types of white blood cell and give the function of each type17Can you describe the main properties of white blood cells18Can you give the structural differences and the reason for these differences between arteries, veins and capillaries?19Can you draw diagrams of arteries, Veins and capillaries?20Can you state the effect of smoking on the circulation system giving details of three substances in cigarette smoke and their individual effects on circulation21Can you give two beneficial effects of exercise on the circulation system22Can you describe how to investigate the effect of exercise on the pulse rate in the laboratory23Can you explain how fat and salt and being overweight affect the circulation system24Can you explain what causes pulse and state the average pulse rate in humans25Can you explain Blood Pressure26Can you list the three main parts of the lymphatic system and give the function of each part27Can you describe how to identify the Ventral and Dorsal sides and the Left and Right sides of the heart prior to beginning a dissection28Can you describe how the heart is dissected29In a dissected heart can you identify the exact position where blood enters the coronary arteries in the heart?30Do you know the precise location of the SA node?31Do you know the precise location of the AV node?32Can you explain the term Systole?33Can you explain the term Diastole?34Can you name the specialised muscle tissue in the heart wall?35Can you describe one specialisation of the heart muscle?36Can you explain the role of systole and diastole in the cardiac cycle?37Can you list the sequence of events in the cardiac cycle in the correct order? ................

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