Chapter 47 Circulatory and respiratory Systems

Section 1 The Circulatory System

1. What does the circulatory system act as?

2. What two fluids move through the circulatory system?

3. List the parts of the cardiovascular system.

4. List the parts of the lymphatic system.

5. What is the central organ of the cardiovascular system?

6. Where is the heart located?

7. What is the function of the pericardium?

8. What is the difference between an atrium and a ventricle?

9. Name the one-way valves in the heart and state where they are located.

10. Trace the path of the blood as it circulate through the heart. (Fig. 47-2)

11. What is the sinoatrial node?

12. What is the function of the sinoatrial node?

13. Name and describe the two phases of a heartbeat.

14. Why is the circulatory system (in humans) known as a closed system?

15. How is a closed system different from an open system?

16. List and briefly describe the three layers of an artery.

17. How is your pulse produced?

18. What is meant by blood pressure?

19. What is the difference between systolic pressure and diastolic pressure?

20. What is hypertension?

21. What is the difference between an artery and an arteriole?

22. Describe the structure of a capillary.

23. What happens in capillaries? – What is exchanged?

24. What is the difference between a vein and a venule?

25. Describe the structure of a vein.

26. Compare arteries and veins in terms of the direction of blood flow in relation to the heart.

27. Name and briefly describe the two subsystems of the circulatory system.

28. Trace the path of blood through pulmonary circulation. (Fig. 49-9)

29. Trace the path of blood through systemic circulation. (Fig. 47-9).

30. What is coronary ciculation?

31. What causes a heart attack?

32. What is renal circulation?

33. What is the function of the kidneys?

34. What is hepatic portal circulation?

35. What is one function of the lymphatic system?

36. What is lymph?

37. Describe lymph vessels. – Contrast them to blood vessels.

38. Describe lymph nodes.

39. What is the function of lymph nodes?

Section 2 Blood

40. What is blood?

41. What are the two main functions of blood?

42. Describe the composition of blood.

43. Describe plasma.

44. What are the functions of protein in plasms?

45. What is albumin and what is its function?

46. What are antibodies and what is their function?

47. Describe red blood cells (erythrocytes).

48. What is hemoglobin?

49. Where are red blood cells made?

50. Describe white blood cells (leukocytes).

51. Where are white blood cells made?

52. Contrast white blood cells with red blood cells.

53. What is a phagocyte and what do they do?

54. Describe platelets.

55. What is the function of platelets?

56. Describe the process of forming a blood clot or scab.

57. How is blood type determined?

58. What is an antigen and what do they do?

59. Name the four types of blood.

60. What happened when samples of two different blood types are mixed together?

61. What is the Rh factor?

62. When is the Rh factor a problem?

Section 3 The Respiratory System

63. What is the function of the respiratory system?

64. What two forms of respiration does the respiratory system involve?

65. What happens in the lungs?

66. Describe the structure of the lungs and tell where they are located.

67. Trace the path of air from the atmosphere to the capillaries in the lungs. (Fig. 47-16)

68. What is the function of the cilia in the nose and nasal cavity?

69. What is the function of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity?

70. What is the function of the epiglottis?

71. How is sound produced?

72. What gasses are exchanged in the lungs?

73. What causes the gasses to be exchanged?

74. How is 97% of the oxygen transported?

75. How many oxygen atoms can each hemoglobin molecule carry?

76. How is carbon dioxide transported in the body – list the three ways?

77. What is breathing?

78. Describe inspiration.

79. Describe expiration.

80. How is the rate of breathing controlled?


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