Meeting minutes

SCC MEETING FOR CARPENTER HIGH SCHOOLMinutesFebruary 7, 20187:00 PM STAFF ROOM Type of meeting Monthly MeetingFacilitator AnnetteNote taker Tracey Gorskiregrets Jen, Lisa. L, Tammy, Kendra, Cathy, Michele, Jesse, Debbie, Lisa TAttendeesAnnette, Terri, Trevor, Scott, Tracey M, Tracey G1 & 2 & 3. CALL MEETING TO ORDER, ADDITIONS TO AGENDA,APPROVE MINUTES FROM LAST MEETINGDiscussion Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM. No additions to add to agenda.motionScott made motion to accept minutes from previous meeting2nd by AnnetteAll in favor.4. TREASURER REPORT Discussion No current report for meeting, but should be the same as last month’s balance.5. PRINCIPAL’S REPORT DISCUSSIONTrevor presented the SCC with a Special Request for an upcoming band trip.Approx. 30 students will be heading to Calgary on a band trip from May 9th till May 12th. Performing lots. All SCC members were in favor of this special request. Now Trevor will take to the Director for final approval.Semester 1 Breakdown: Trevor very happy with results. Mr. Paylor working hard with grade’s 10’s, 11’s and 12’s.Live Different presentation coming up for all students. Request made to see if SCC would purchase lunch for the guests presenting. Yes all SCC members agreed. Trevor to order soup and sandwiches for the group.School attendance is a problem in our school. Trevor and his staff continue to strive to improve on this.Currently there is a program running in New Zeland with success, Mallary Program.1 of his staff members to be taught and then come back and coach/mentor the remaining staff on how to implement the program. French Immersion now has a teacher hired to start in Sept 2018, and will teach gr. 10 & 11.Theatre needs to have some maintenance done, such as updated seating, additional seating, sound dampening, upgrade to sound system. Pending Budget. Heating and cooling system to be fixed in spring time by Prairie Controls. Next Thursday, Trevor and 8 students are going to Flying Dust school to look at cultural décor and bring back ideas for Carpenter. Wish to have a more welcoming feel for all who come into our school. SCC CONFERENCE in Saskatoon on Mar 16th and 17th. Province wide invites, with numerous workshops. Anyone wishing to attend? 6. FUNDRAISING IDEAS DISCUSSION No Spring Banquet this year. Would like to get a head start on next year’s planning for this event. Idea would be to have some things in place for Sept 2018. Would like to have half of the SCC organize Spring Banquet (subcommittee) and the other half organize Color Run (subcommittee). From there, then everyone can help put the events together. COLOR RUN tentative date is Thursday May 31/18. Need to get sponsors, whom buy tables and throw colors onto the runners. Goal would be to have 5 or 6 sponsors.Have a little food and drink booth, make a little extra money, nothing fancy.Annette to talk to Michele about ordering balloons for the event. 7. LIBRARY RENOS DISCUSSION Would like the library to be a place, students feel welcome and comfortable in. Maybe allow food and drink. Using the new VR system to look at new designs.New paint, new furniture, and accessories. SCC members to help out when needed. Trevor will advise us as to when this may be.Trevor will also ask Superintendent for some cash support for this project.SCC would maybe hold another small fundraiser before school year over to help out with costs. Parent/Teacher Interviews are on April 11th & 12th/18, perfect time to have a BBQ and sell burgers and drinks, and have all money go to renovations for library.Not much work and not much cost. Also have a donation basket, maybe even raffle item.8. TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK DISCUSSION February 12th to 16th is teacher appreciation week.Order lunch for all the staff one day this week. Trevor to organize and order. SCC to purchase the lunch. NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY MAR 7TH AT 7:00PM MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:05 PM ................

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