Daniel Webster Middle School

WEBSTER MS8th GRADE UNITED STATES HISTORY and GEOGRAPHY MS. BENJAMIN-TEACHERkja6292@Throughout the 8th Grade United States and Geography History course, students will study the major events that have shaped our idea of freedom and democracy. ?What is the promise of our Declaration of Independence? How and why did the Constitution become the driving force of our nation? Lastly, why was there an American Revolution, westward expansion,?and a Civil War? The answer to these questions will be discovered among other topics, as well.LEARNING TARGETS:*Common Core Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies and/or Writing Standards ?1I can cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. *RH 1 ?2I can determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. *RH 2 ??3Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and avoiding plagiarism. Follow standard format for citation. *WHST 8 ??4I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific domains related history/ social studies. *RH 4 ??5I can integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. *RH 7 ?6 I can write an informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events or technical processes. *WHST 2??????ASSESSMENTSThere are two types of assessments. ?One is FORMATIVE AND THE OTHER IS SUMMATIVE Students who are not able to complete FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS in class will have an opportunity to complete them at home. This is a part of your work habits grade and possibly your cooperation grade, as well. The SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT is a FINAL GRADE.INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK- This notebook can be a 70 page spiral notebook or a digital copy. It will be used to understand help you stay organized. At times, it will be used to receive feedback on formative assessments, keep important resources that include rubrics, criteria charts, Cornell notes, maps and written reflections pertaining to your progress. This notebook will be collected spontaneously. PARTICIPATION- You are expected to participate on a regular basis. ?Your goal is to improve and master communication skills. Speaking and listening skills will be assessed.? ???REQUIRED MATERIALSSpiral Notebook(If not a digital one)SEVERAL PENS AND PENCILS (BLUE, BLACK or PURPLE)AGENDA/PLANNER2 HIGH LIGHTERS WATER BASED MARKERS2 GLUE STICKSDESCRIPTION OF GRADESWork Habits WORK HABITSEXCELLENTSATISFACTORYUNSATISFACTORYTardiness to class(unexcused)0-1 tardy in a semester2-3 late infractions in a semester4 or more late infractions in a grading periodAbsences(Unexcused)No more than 3 in a semesterRegular attendance in class consist of no more than 5 absences in semester5 or more absences in a grading periodBrings required materials to classConsistently brings required materials, including agenda bookBrings required materials to class including agenda book most of the time.Frequently comes to class without materials (5 or more times in a grading per.)Participation in classConsistently participates in class discussions and tasksMakes an effort to participate in class discussions and taskMakes no effort to participate in class or task. AssignmentsConsistently brings assignments done correctly and on timeBrings most of the assignments done correctlyFrequently (5 or more) comes to class without assignmentsEffortConsistently makes an effort to improve work based on teacher feedback.Tries to improve work in a timely manner based on teacher feedbackClearly shows no effort in trying to improve based on teacher/student feedbackCOOPERATIONCOOPERATIONEXCELLENTSATISFACTORYUNSATISFACTORYSocial RelationsConsistently demonstrates leadership and positive relations with teacher and other studentsDemonstrate the ability to work with others and the teacher most of the timeDemonstrates a careless attitude and lack of consideration for others.ConductConsistently obeys rules and respects personal and public property.Obeys rules and respects personal and public property most of the time.Shows disregard for rules; has little respect for personal and school propertyImprovementAssumes responsibility for actions and rarely needs correctionsIf redirection is needed, accepts responsibility for actionsMakes little effort to improve and shows indifference to correctionsMASTERY LEARNING and GRADINGIn order to accommodate student diversity in learning, I will be using a Mastery Learning approach to grading. ?The key components to this Mastery Learning and Learning are: GRADES WILL BE DETERMINED SOLELY ON ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING TARGETS. Students are not expected to have immediate mastery, but are expected to show progress through the course.Students will have multiple opportunities to show what they know and understand.Students work habits, behavior, and cooperation will be reported separately from achievement (Will not influence the letter grade)How will I get a grade in each Learning Target?The overall level of proficiency for each learning target will be determined by the four most recent summative assessments for that learning target. Remember, the level of proficiency of these assessments will not be averaged. The level that appears most often will determine the grade earned.Mastery Rubric: All graded assignments include rubrics to help you understand what level you have demonstrated on each Learning Target.RubricGrade Meaning Description 4Mastery I am able to show that I know the LT and I can accurately teach to others. My work ?goes above and beyond the requirements.3Competent I know the standards/LT but not in great detail. I can perform the skills or process the information without making significant errors. 2ApproachingCompetent I know parts of the standards/LT but I have some significant gaps in my understanding and I may need to reference my notes. My work needs revision for improvement. 1Not YetCompetentI know very little about the standards/LT and I need significant re-teaching 0 ????No attemptI did not submit any work to be assessed GRADING SCALE: The end of term Grades are determined by level of mastery as described below:GradeRequirements ???AStudent has demonstrated Mastery in at least ?5 of the 6 Learning Targets and competent in the rest. ???BStudent is Competent in at least ?3 of the 6 Learning Targets and at least Approaching Competent in the remaining Learning Targets. ???CStudent has earned at least Approaching Competent in at least 3 of the Learning Targets. ???DStudent has earned at least Not Yet ?in all 6 Learning Targets ???FStudent has not yet demonstrated at least Not Yet in all 6 Learning Targets.Remember the four ?B’sBE RESPONSIBLE!BE RESPECTFUL!BE ?POSITIVE!BE ON TIME! ................

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