Curricular - Archdiocese of GlasgowReligious Education ...

Month/Season: September Class: Primary 3 Level: First

|Strands of Faith : | | | | |

|Experiences and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

|Reign of God |I know that my school is a Catholic |Class: Teacher discusses with the class what makes their school a Catholic |School Values and Aims | |

|P3 RERC 1-24a |school which, with God’s help, works |school. How would a visitor to our school know that it is a Catholic school? | | |

|I have considered ways in |together with my family, my parish |How do we care for each other? Teacher shows the children the values and aims | | |

|which the Catholic Christian|and the whole Church to show care for|of their school (example attached to planner) and discusses them with the | | |

|community works together to |the world and for the needs of all |children. | | |

|show care for the world and |people. | |Images of Popular Logos | |

|for the needs | |Class: Teacher discusses with the class the use of logos in advertising and how| | |

|of all people. I have | |a simple image can be very powerful. Teacher shows the class some images of | | |

|reflected on the | |popular logos (attached to planner) and the children work with their shoulder | | |

|implications of this for my | |partner to name the companies they represent. Children continue to work with | | |

|life and that of others. | |their shoulder partner to design a school logo which shows the values and aims | | |

| | |of their school. |Lyrics of How Lucky We Are | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher reaches the class the hymn How Lucky We Are (lyrics attached to | | |

| | |planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that their school works together with | | |

| | |their family, their parish and the whole church to show care for the world and | | |

| | |for the needs of all people. Teacher explains that this is called the Catholic| | |

| | |Christian community and discusses with the children how their class/school | | |

| | |shows care for the world and the needs of all people- prayers, fundraising, and|Catholic Christian Community Venn | |

| | |concerts for senior citizens etc. |Diagram | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children work in cooperative learning groups to complete the school | | |

| | |section of the Venn diagram Catholic Christian Community (attached to planner).| | |

| | |This diagram should be printed A3 size. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Home: Children discuss with their parents how as a family they show care for | | |

| | |the world and for the needs of all people. In class, children work in their | | |

| | |cooperative learning groups to complete the home section of the diagram. | | |

| | | | |Children know that the |

| | |Parish: Teacher discusses with the class how their parish shows care for the | |Catholic Christian |

| | |world and for the needs of all people. If possible a member of SDVP, SPRED, | |community works together to|

| | |etc could visit the class to explain their mission. Children work in their | |show care for the world and|

| | |cooperative learning groups to complete the parish section of the diagram. | |for the needs of all |

| | | | |people. |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that the intersections of the diagrams are| | |

| | |where the school, family and parish work together to show care for the world | | |

| | |and for the needs of all people. | | |

| | | | |Children participate in |

| | | | |actions that demonstrate |

| | | | |care for their school |

| | |Class: Teacher discusses with the class any aspects of the school’s eco review | |environment. |

| |I have responded to opportunities to |that Primary 3 has responsibility for e.g. litter, school garden. Teacher |Paper | |

| |participate in practical action that |explains to the class that they are going to make a poster promoting their |Art Materials | |

| |demonstrates care of my school |commitment to caring for their school environment. Children place these | | |

| |environment and of all those within |posters around the school and are given the opportunity to carry out their eco | | |

| |it. |responsibilities. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher discusses with the class any class or school fundraising | | |

| | |campaigns that will be taking place this school year and how they can | | |

| | |contribute to these initiatives in practical ways e.g. making cakes to sell, | | |

| | |raffles, sponsored activities. | | |

| | | |Paper | |

| |I can identify practical ways to show|Class: Children work in cooperative learning groups to think of practical ways | |Children can identify |

| |how I can also care for the wider |they can show care for the wider community. Groups come together to share | |practical ways to show care|

| |community, particularly during Lent |their ideas with each other. | |for the wider community. |

| |and Advent. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Catholic school, Church, needs of all people | | |

| | | | | |

| |GLP | | | |

| | | | | |

|P3 RERC 1-23a |I have responded to opportunities to |Class: Teacher explains to the class that throughout the day we all have to |Choices Diary Worksheet | |

|I know that God has given me|reflect prayerfully about the choices|make choices. Some of these choices are easy to make and others are more | | |

|the freedom to make choices |I have made throughout the day and I |difficult. Some choices affect only ourselves whilst others affect the people | | |

|about the way I live my |am beginning to recognise that these |we live with, play with and work at school with. Teacher discusses the | | |

|life. I have reflected on |choices affect my relationship with |choices children make on a daily basis- What shoes to wear? What to watch on | | |

|how the decisions of my |God, myself and others. |the television? Who to play with? Who to play with? | | |

|conscience affect my | | |Choices Scenarios | |

|relationship with God and | |Class: Children complete Choices Diary worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

|others. | | | |Children show understanding|

|GLP | |Class: Teacher divides the class into drama groups and gives each group a | |that the choices they make |

|HWB 1-23a | |choices scenario (suggestions attached to planner) to act out. Children | |throughout the day affect |

|I can follow and understand | |perform the scenarios and the class decide if the decision taken was good or | |their relationship with |

|rules and | |bad. Children are given time to amend the drama to show a good choice. | |God, themselves and others.|

|procedures, developing my | |Children evaluate each other’s performances. | | |

|ability to achieve | | | | |

|personal goals. | |Class: Teacher asks the class to think about the characters in their choices | | |

|HWB 1-45b | |scenarios and how they felt when good choices had been made and how they felt | | |

|I am aware of the need to | |when bad choices had been made. Did Becky think it was funny when her bracelet| | |

|respect personal | |went missing? Did Simon enjoy the sweets he had stolen? Children divide into | | |

|space and boundaries and can| |their drama groups and discuss how each character felt. At the plenary, | | |

|recognise | |teacher explains to the children that the choices we make everyday affect our | | |

|and respond appropriately to| |relationship with God, ourselves and others. | | |

|verbal and nonverbal |I know that God has given us 10 | | | |

|communication. |Commandments and in P3 I will learn |Class: Teacher explains to the class that God wants to help us to make good | | |

|RERC 1‐21a I have explored |about the Fourth and the Seventh |choices and so he gave us the Ten Commandments to help us understand how we | | |

|the implications of Jesus' |Commandments. |should act towards Him and one another. Teacher reads out the Ten Commandments| | |

|command to love God and love| |to the class and discusses them with the children: | | |

|my neighbour. | | | | |

| | |1. I am the Lord thy God; you shall not have strange gods before me. | | |

|GLP | |2. You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. | | |

|HWB 1-23a | |3. Remember to keep holy the Lord‘s Day. | | |

|I can follow and understand | |4. Honour your father and thy mother. | | |

|rules and | |5. You shall not kill. | | |

|procedures, developing my | |6. You shall not commit adultery. |Commandment Template | |

|ability to achieve | |7. You shall not steal. |Art Materials | |

|personal goals. | |8. You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbour. |Cold Tea | |

|HWB 1-45b | |9. You shall not covet thy neighbour’s wife. | | |

|I am aware of the need to | |10. You shall not covet thy neighbour’s goods. | | |

|respect personal | | | | |

|space and boundaries and can| | | | |

|recognise | | | | |

|and respond appropriately to| | | | |

|verbal and nonverbal | |Class: Teacher divides the class into ten groups and gives each group a copy of| |Children know that God has |

|communication. | |Commandment Template (attached to planner) printed A3 size and a commandment to| |given us Ten Commandments. |

| | |be responsible for. Children copy their allocated commandment onto the | | |

| | |template and then stain it with cold tea to make it look like an old parchment.| | |

| |GLP | |Honour your Father and Mother Worksheet| |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that God commands us, out of love, to |Art Materials | |

| |I know that God commands me, out of |honour our father and our mother (Fourth Commandment: Honour your father and | | |

| |love, to honour my father and my |thy mother). Teacher discusses the meaning of honour with the children and |Seventh Commandment Story | |

| |mother (Fourth Commandment: Honour |where they have heard the word before- roll of honour, maid of honour, badge of| | |

| |your father and thy mother) and I |honour, etc. Teacher explains that God commands us to respect our father and | | |

| |have been given opportunities with my|mother. Teacher poses the question who else do we respect and why do we | | |

| |teacher’s help to explore what this |respect them? E.g. head teacher, policeman, doctor, etc. Teacher explains to |Seventh Commandment Scenarios | |

| |means for me. |the children that we honour our parents by listening to their advice and | | |

| | |obeying their instructions. What advice do your father and mother give you? |GLP | |

| | |What instructions do your father and mother give you? Do you always listen to |God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 3, | |

| | |their advice? Do you always follow their instructions? How do your parents |Worksheets 2 & 3 | |

| | |feel when you do not honour them? How can you show them that you are sorry for|Following the rules of Circle Time; | |

| | |not honouring them? |agreeing and following class | |

| | | |rules; identifying positive rules and | |

| | |Class: Children complete Honour your Father and Mother worksheet (sensitivity |their benefits – developing | |

| | |may be needed for children who do not live with their parents). |respect for each other, listening to | |

| | | |each other, demonstrating | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that even adults honour their father and |care for each other | |

| | |mother. Teacher may want to share how he/she honours his/her parents. Teacher|Having the opportunity to participate | |

| | |could use famous people who honour their parents as a good example of following|in different ways of | |

| | |the fourth commandment. |working together and taking on | |

| | | |different roles – in pairs, in | |

| | |Home: Children interview their parents about the fourth commandment and how |groups, in teams | |

| | |children can honour their parents. Children feedback to the class about the |Having the opportunity to discuss | |

| | |results of this interview. |different roles through | |

| | | |unscripted drama activities: |Children know that the |

| | |Class: Teacher explains that God commands us, out of love, to respect other |• freeze framing to identify a reaction|fourth commandment commands|

| | |people’s property and not to steal (Seventh Commandment: You shall not steal). |or feeling; |us to honour our father and|

| |I know that God commands us, out of |Teacher reads to the class the Seventh Commandment story (attached to planner) |• hot seating to be able to express a |mother. |

| |love, to respect other people’s |and discusses the story with the children. How did Stevie feel when he |reaction of feeling | |

| |property and not to steal (Seventh |discovered his bike was stolen? Do you think the person who stole the bike |May also be linked to preparation for | |

| |Commandment: You shall not steal) and|will ever be caught? Is it still wrong to steal even if nobody knows it was |the Sacrament of | |

| |I have been |you? |Reconciliation in some dioceses | |

| |given opportunities with my teacher’s| |Diocese of Motherwell Planning | |

| |help to explore what this means for | |exemplar: | |

| |me. | |.uk/our-good-work| |

| | |Class: Teacher discusses with the class why it is wrong to steal and what makes|.html | |

| |GLP |it wrong. Is it wrong to steal one pound from a millionaire? Why is it wrong?|The Ten Commandments | |

| |I have explored the value of rules |Is it wrong to steal food if you are very hungry? Why is it wrong? |The Greatest Commandment | |

| |and I know that they help to keep me | |Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 3 page 36| |

| |safe and secure when I follow them. |Class: Children work in drama groups to act out scenarios involving stealing |GLP | |

| | |(attached to planner). Children perform their dramas and the teacher asks the |Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 3 page 39| |

| |I know the two very important rules |children to think about the drama and the consequences of the theft. Who had |The importance of having sufficient | |

| |that Jesus gave us which help us to |they stolen from? How did the theft make the person feel? What if you were |sleep and physical | |

| |love Him and to love all those people|not caught stealing? How could you make the situation better for the people |exercise. | |

| |around us (Matthew 22: 34‐40). |affected by the theft? |Respect for my body and for other |Children know that the |

| | | |people’s bodies as God’s |seventh commandment command|

| |I know that, when I fail to respond | |creations. |us to respect other |

| |to these two very important rules | |Respect for parents / carers /adults |people’s property and not |

| |(Commandments) that Jesus gives us, I|KEY VOCABULARY: choices, honour your father and mother, Fourth Commandment, |Caring for others |to steal. |

| |can say sorry to Him and begin again.|Seventh Commandment |Diocese of Motherwell Planning | |

| | | |exemplar: | |

| | | |.uk/p3-relationsh| |

| | | |ips.html | |

|Strands of Faith : | | | | |

|Experiences and |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

|Outcomes | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| |GLP | | | |

|Mystery of God |I understand that God’s |Class: Teacher reads to the class Genesis 1: 11-13 & 20-25 and explains|Bible | |

|RERC 1-01a |creation shows us something|that God’s creation shows us how much God loves us and wants us to |Clipboards | |

|I am discovering God's |of his truth, goodness, |share in all that he has created. Teacher takes the children a walk |Paper | |

|precious gift of life |beauty and glory and that |around the school grounds/local park to observe creation in their own | | |

|and reflect on how this|God intends us to share all|environment. Children take clipboards and paper and write down all | | |

|reveals God's love for |of this with him. (CCC 319)|the things they see created by God. | | |

|me. | | |Lyrics of All Things Bright and Beautiful | |

| | |Class: Teacher teaches the class the hymn All Things Bright and | | |

|GLP | |Beautiful (lyrics attached to planner). | | |

|HWB 1-50a |I can marvel at God’s | |List of Resources, Instructions and Templates | |

|I am learning about |precious gift of life by |Class: Children work in cooperative learning groups to make a Creation | | |

|where living things |observing the great |Mobile (List of Resources, Instructions and Templates attached to |Internet |Children develop |

|come |diversity of plant and |planner). Adult assistance is required. | |understanding that God |

|from and about how they|animal life created by God | | |wants us to share in |

|grow, develop and |(Genesis 1: 11-13 & 20-25) |Class: Teacher lets the children watch a clip from YouTube which shows |Display Table |the glory, beauty and |

|are nurtured. |and I can help to care for |lots of images of God’s creation and they will also hear the hymn All | |goodness of all that he|

| |it. |Things Bright and Beautiful : |GLP |has created. |

| | | |Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplar: | |

| | | |.uk/p3-gods-beautiful-creation.html | |

| | |Home: Children bring in pictures, books, models etc. from home and |Science topics , e.g., | |

| | |place them on a Creation Table in the classroom. |• Living Things: sorting living and non living things; caring | |

| | | |for | |

| | |School: Children are given a part of the school garden to care for |animals; | |

| | |during the month of September and will be involved in picking up |• Food, Health and Nutrition | |

| | |litter, weeding, watering planters, planting bulbs, etc. |• Seasons: Spring & Autumn | |

| | | |• Farming | |

| | |School: Teacher invites into the class a representative from RSPB, |Glasgow SHRE Programme, P3 Lesson 1 | |

| | |RSPCA, Dog Trust, etc to speak to the class about how we should care |Lanarkshire RSHP Pack primary 3 page 40 |Children develop |

| | |for animals. |languages/english/stories.php |understanding that we |

| | | |• Story 01 (When God made everything) |can help to care for |

| | |Class: Children make a leaflet about how to care for a rabbit, |Canticle of the Creatures (St Francis of Assisi) |God’s creation. |

| | |goldfish, dog, hamster, etc. |canticle.htm | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | |KEY VOCABULARY: God’s precious gift of life | | |

| | | |Paper | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| |GLP | | | |

|In the image of God |I know that God created me, body, mind |Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible Genesis 1: 26-27 and explains that | |Children develop |

|P3 RERC 1-02a |and soul. |God created us in his own image. When He created us, he created our body, our mind | |understanding that God |

|I know that a loving God has | |and our soul and discusses this with the children. What makes up a body? Can you | |created us, body, mind and |

|created me and that my |I know that God has created me in his |see your body? Can you feel your body? What makes up a mind? Can you see your | |soul. |

|uniqueness can develop |image (Genesis 1: 26-27), that he loves |mind? Can you feel your mind? What makes up a soul? Can you see your soul? Can | | |

|according to God's plan for me|me and that his love for me will never |you feel your soul? Teacher explains to the class that a soul is the part of you | | |

| |come to an end. |that never dies. If we love like God loves, our souls will become like God and we | | |

|GLP | |will go to Him. | | |

|HWB 1-10a |I understand that God created all human | | | |

|I recognise that each |beings, male and female, in his own |Class: Children are each given Body, Mind and Soul worksheet (attached to planner) |Body, Mind and Soul | |

|individual has a unique |image. |and colour it in to represent the whole person God created- body, mind and soul. |Worksheet | |

|blend of abilities and needs. | | |Art Materials | |

|I contribute to | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that God created all human beings, males and | | |

|making my school community one| |females, both in His own image. Teacher discusses the similarities and differences | | |

|which | |between males and females. Can they both have babies? What clothes do they wear? | | |

|values individuals equally and| |What toys do they play with? Do they have different hobbies? | | |

|is a | | | | |

|welcoming place for all. | |Class: Children complete Boys and Girls worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

|HWB 1-47a | | |Boys and Girls Worksheet | |

|I recognise that we have | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that God loves us very much and that one of the | |Children know that God |

|similarities and |GLP |gifts God gives us is the gift of choice, called "free will". Remind children of the| |created all human beings, |

|differences but are all |I know that one of the gifts God gives |Ten Commandments and how we all have to make choices about how to live our life every| |male and female, in his own |

|unique. |us is the gift of choice, called "free |day. Many of these choices affect not only ourselves but others too. God wants us | |image. |

|HWB 1-15a |will". and that this is a sign of his |to use our “free will” to make good choices and when we do this we respond to God’s | | |

|I am developing my |love. |love and become more like Jesus. Discuss how Jesus lived his life when he was on | | |

|understanding of the | |earth e.g. kind, forgiving, fair, and truthful. | | |

|human body and can use this |I know that sometimes we choose to | | | |

|knowledge to |respond to God’s love, and when we do we|Class: Children complete Just like Jesus worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

|maintain and improve my |become more like Jesus, e.g., loving, | | | |

|wellbeing and |compassionate, merciful. |Class: Teacher discusses with the class people in the media who have responded to | | |

|health. | |God’ love e.g. Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and Founder of Mary’s Meals - Magnus |Just like Jesus Worksheet | |

|HWB 1-47b | |MacFarlane-Barrow etc. |Art Materials |Children develop awareness |

|I am aware of my growing body | | |Paper |that when we choose to |

|and I am | |Home: Children are given a homework activity to research someone in the media who has| |respond to God’s love, we |

|learning the correct names for| |responded to God’s love. |Words of prayer |become more like Jesus. |

|its different | | |Our Father | |

|parts and how they work. | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that we can pray to God to help us to make good |Highlighters | |

|HWB 1-48a | |choices and God will always listen to our prayers. We must remember to listen to God|GLP | |

|I am learning what I can do to|I understand that we can pray to God to |and think about what He is saying to us about making good choices. Children write a |Quality Circle Time: | |

|look after my |help us to make good choices. |personal prayer asking for God’s help in making good choices. |Whole school initiatives –| |

|body and who can help me. | | |Hearing Children’s Voices | |

|HWB 1-05a | | |Record of Achievement | |

|I know that friendship, | |Class: Teacher explains to the children that when we say the Our Father |(RoA) Chart | |

|caring, sharing, | |we are saying sorry for the times when we did not make good choices. We are also |Gender: differences and | |

|fairness, equality and love | |saying that we will forgive others when they make choices that affect us in a |similarities | |

|are important in | |negative way. |Learning about my body: | |

|building positive | | |physical differences | |

|relationships. As I develop |I know that, just as Jesus and others |Class: Children work with their shoulder partner and highlight the parts of the |between boys | |

|and value relationships, I |forgive me, I am called to forgive |prayer Our Father (attached to planner) where we say we are sorry and when we say we |and girls | |

|care and show |others even when this is difficult. I |will forgive others. |Learning about keeping my | |

|respect for myself and others.|know that we remember this when we pray | |body clean | |

|HWB 1-04a |the |Class: Teacher leads a prayer time asking God to help us make good choices. Children|Using names of some |Children develop |

|I understand that my feelings |Our Father. |read out their personal prayers that they have written. |genital parts (but not |understanding that we can |

|and reactions | | |learning about |pray to God to help us to |

|can change depending upon what| | |sexual functions) |make good choices. |

|is | |KEY VOCABULARY: created in God’s image, free will, loving, compassionate, merciful |Healthy Food Week | |

|happening within and around | | |Lanarkshire RSHP Pack | |

|me. This helps | | |Primary 3 pages 36 & 37 | |

|me to understand my own | | |GLP | |

|behaviour and the | | |Bounceback: Unit 1 - Core | |

|way others behave. | | |Values | |

| | | |As appropriate, links to | |

| | | |preparation for the | |

| | | |Sacrament of | |

| | | |Reconciliation | |

| | | |Bounceback: Unit 2 - | |

| | | |Bouncing back, E Unit 5 - | |

| | | |Emotions | |

| | | |In Reading of fiction - | |

| | | |discussion of choices | |

| | | |e.g., | |

| | | |• Why does the character | |

| | | |feel/behave/answer this | |

| | | |way? | |

| | | |• What is making her/him | |

| | | |feel/behave like this? | |

| | | |• How might the character | |

| | | |feel/behave after . ? | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | |Class: Teacher shows the class the painting The Baptism of Christ by Andrea del | | |

|Revealed truth of God |I have been given opportunities to pray |Verrochio (image and information sheet attached to planner). Children look at |Image and Information | |

|RERC 1-04a |to God the Father, God the Son and God |picture and teacher leads by discussion the presence of: |Sheet- The Baptism of | |

|I can describe God as Father, |the Holy Spirit. |God the Father |Christ by Andrea del | |

|Son and Holy Spirit and I have| |God the son |Verrochio | |

|reflected on how God can | |God the Holy Spirit. | | |

|support me in my life. | | |Holy Water Font |Children can describe God as|

| | |Teacher sets up a Holy Water font in the class and allows the children to bless |Holy Water |Father, Son and Holy Spirit.|

| | |themselves taking time to reflect on each part of the prayer - Father, Son, and Holy | | |

| |I have reflected on the narrative of |Spirit. | | |

| |Jesus’ baptism in Mark’s Gospel (Mark: | | | |

| |1: 9-11) and I can identify the presence|Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible Mark: 1: 9-11 and by discussion |Template of Dove | |

| |of the Holy Spirit in this story. |leads the children to identify God the Father and God the Holy Spirit in this story. |Art Materials | |

| | |Teacher explains that the Holy Spirit is often represented in the bible as a dove, | | |

| | |tongues of fire and the wind. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children make a cardboard dove (template, list of resources and instructions | | |

| | |attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| |I know that the Father, Son and Holy |Class: Teacher explains to the class that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are always | | |

| |Spirit are always with me and I can pray|with us and we can pray at any time for ourselves, our families and the needs of the |Our Petitions Venn Diagram|Children know that they can |

| |at any time for myself, my family and |world. Teacher explains that we call these requests petitions. Teacher divides the | |pray to the Father, Son and |

| |the needs of the world. |children into cooperative learning groups and they discuss who they want to pray for | |Holy Spirit. |

| | |and then write these petitions into the correct circle in Our Petitions Venn diagram | | |

| | |(attached to planner) printed A3 size. Teacher discusses with the class the | | |

| | |petitions which belong in the intersections. Petitions are then incorporated into | | |

| | |the daily prayers of the class. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Home: Children ask their family members if they wish to be included in their | | |

| | |petitions. | | |

| |I know that God is sometimes called | | | |

| |"Abba" by Jesus in the scriptures, which|Class: Teacher explains to the class God is sometimes called "Abba" by Jesus in the | |Children know that God is |

| |means "Dad" or "Father" (Mark 14: |scriptures, which means "Dad" or "Father". Teacher reads to the class from the bible|Bible |sometimes called "Abba." |

| |33-36.) and I know that we have the |Mark 14: 33-36 and discusses the distress Jesus was suffering and how he prayed to | | |

| |privilege of doing the same (Galatians |God the Father and called out “Abba.” Teacher explains that we too are given the | | |

| |4: 6). |privilege of calling God “Abba, Father" | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher teaches the class the Hymn Abba Father (lyrics attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: God the father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Abba | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Lyrics of Hymn Abba Father| |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| |GLP | | | |

|Reign of God |I know that Jesus called his twelve |Class: Teacher revises with the class the names of the twelve apostles (see |Apostle Information Sheet | |

|P3 RERC 1-20a |apostles to follow his example of love, |information sheet) and how Jesus called his twelve apostles to follow his example of |Bible | |

|I know that I have been called|justice and peace (e.g., the Washing of |love, justice and peace. Teacher reads to the class from the bible John 13: 1-15 | | |

|by God to grow in love, |the Feet - John 13: 1-15). |when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples and discusses the significance of this | | |

|justice and peace in my | |act. Why were the disciples surprised? What did Jesus tell them? What message is | | |

|relationships with others. |I know that God calls me to show love, |there for us to follow? | | |

| |justice and peace in my relationship | |Paper |Children know that Jesus |

|GLP |with others, throughout my school |Class: Teacher explains to the class that we should follow in the example of Jesus | |calls us to show love, |

|HWB 1-02a |community. |and show love, justice and peace in our relationship with others, throughout the | |justice and peace in our |

|I know that we all experience | |school community. Children divide into active learning groups and write down how | |relationship with others, |

|a variety of | |they will achieve showing love, justice and peace within the school community. | |throughout my school |

|thoughts and emotions that | |Children share their findings with the rest of the class. | |community. |

|affect how we | | | | |

|feel and behave and I am |I can explore the concept of “neighbour”|Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible the Parable of the Good Samaritan | | |

|learning ways of |through listening to the Parable of the |(Luke 10: 25-37) and discusses the story with the children. How do you think the man|Bible | |

|managing them. |Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37) and I |felt when he was robbed? Do you think he expected a Samaritan to help him? Who |The Good Samaritan | |

|HWB 1-14a |understand that "neighbour" means more |acted like a neighbour to the man? Children work with their shoulder partner to |Worksheet | |

|I value the opportunities I am|than the people I know. |complete The Good Samaritan worksheet and then share their answers with the class. | | |

|given to make | | | | |

|friends and be part of a group|I have reflected on times when I have |Class: Teacher explains to the class that the greatest commandment of all is “Love | | |

|in a range of |loved others as Jesus wishes me to and I|the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, | | |

|situations |have experienced God’s peace and the |and with all your mind”; and “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Teacher |Paper | |

|HWB 1-44a |happiness that this brings to me and to |poses the question to the class - Who is your neighbour? Children work in active |Art Materials | |

|I am aware of how friendships |other people. |learning groups to make a poster about- Who is Our Neighbour? | | |

|are formed | | | | |

|and that likes, dislikes, | |Class: Teacher teaches the class the hymn A New Commandment (lyrics attached to | | |

|special qualities and | |planner). | | |

|needs can influence | | |Lyrics of Hymn A New | |

|relationships. | |Class: Teacher asks the class to think about times they have loved others as Jesus |Commandment | |

|HWB 1-44b | |wishes us to and have experienced God’s peace and the happiness that this brings to | | |

|I understand positive things | |us and to other people. Teacher asks the children to reflect on how they feel when | |Children develop awareness |

|about | |they have been a good neighbour. Teacher tells the class that there are special | |that "neighbour" means more |

|friendships and relationships | |awards for anyone in the class who exhibits the qualities of a good neighbour as | |than the people we know. |

|but, when | |demonstrated by Jesus. These awards are called Good Neighbour Awards (attached to | | |

|something worries or upsets | |planner) and the children in the class can nominate a classmate for an award. |Good Neighbour Awards | |

|me, I know | | | | |

|who I should talk to. | | | | |

| | |School: Good Neighbour Awards are presented to the children at school assembly. |GLP | |

| | | |Quality Circle Time: Unit | |

| | | |1 - Core Values; Unit 2 - | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: God calls, love, justice, peace; neighbour, relationship, community, |People | |

| | |Good Samaritan |bouncing back | |

| | | |Various Bible resources - | |

| | | |esp. Parable of Good | |

| | | |Samaritan | |

| | | |God’s Loving Plan CD, | |

| | | |Primary 3, Worksheet 1 | |

| | | |Music: singing “In God’s | |

| | | |Circle of Love” | |

| | | |Glasgow SHRE Programme, P3| |

| | | |Lesson 2 | |

| | | |Lanarkshire RSHP Pack | |

| | | |Primary 3 pages 33-34 | |

| | | | | |

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Values and Aims of Saint Andrew’s Primary

School Aims

Our School Aims are founded on the shared values, hope and ambitions of our whole school community. They take account of the needs of the pupils and reflect the improvement objectives of East Dunbartonshire Council. The school aims to give a framework from which priorities in the school Improvement Plan will be developed.

Priorities outlined in the annual Improvement Plan are intended to make a major contribution to raising standards of achievement and to enhance the ambitions of St Andrew’s Primary School.

We aim to foster the Catholic character of the school through the promotion of the Gospel values of:


All members of our school community are valued equally as individuals and excel in different ways, regardless of sex, colour or creed. In order to equip the children to function successfully, now and in later life, the staff of St Andrew’s aim to:

1. Provide a happy, secure and welcoming environment where staff are valued and work in close partnership with parents, community and outside agencies for the benefit of all children.

2. Provide a rich and varied curricular experience which develops and enhances each child’s potential for learning, enabling them to become well rounded and fulfilled individuals, including – the physical, emotional, academic, spiritual and social development.

3. Encourage excellence so all children strive to attain the highest possible levels of achievement in a challenging and motivating environment.

4. Employ a range of teaching strategies which take cognisance of different learning styles, talents and skills, suited to the individual needs of all children.

5. Maximise the use of all available resources, both human and material, to support children’s learning in a stimulating and vibrant learning environment.

6. Develop and promote leadership skills at all levels – staff, pupils and the whole community, to provide the highest quality education.

Popular Logos

How Lucky We Are

How lucky we are

When we can all play together

But we can be sad

On a day with no friends, whatever.

It’s better by far

Together in any weather

We will have more fun

When we are all one

There’s the spirit of joy within us.

We want our school to be

A place for everyone

To do some work and have some fun

Where people feel that they belong

We ask God’s Holy Spirit

To be active here

To make an atmosphere of joy and peace and love

How lucky we are when we do our work together

But it can be hard

On our own trying to find an answer

It’s better by far

In school with our class and teacher

Then we do our best, our folks are impressed

There’s the Spirit of Peace within us

We want our school to be

A place for everyone

To do some work and have some fun

Where people feel that they belong

We ask God’s Holy Spirit

To be active here

To make an atmosphere of joy and peace and love

How lucky we are when we can all pray together

For we can forget to take time to be still and peaceful.

It’s better by far knowing always that God is with us,

Whatever may come, we will be as one,

There’s the Spirit of Love within us.

Catholic Christian


The Seventh Commandment - Thou Shall Not Steal

by Deacon Tom Frankenfield

Once there was a cheerful boy named Stevie who lived on the outside of a great city. This is a story about a heartbreaking event that happened to Stevie on his birthday.

“….Happy Birthday to Stevie, Happy Birthday to you!” The sound of his birthday song was still in Stevie’s ears as he peddled his brand new bicycle to the swimming pool close to his home. This was a great day! Stevie’s smile was beaming and inside his felt a special joy. For a birthday gift, his parents had just bought him the bicycle he had always wanted. Now he was riding it for the first time! It was the perfect birthday gift! He was truly a lucky guy.

Stevie was meeting all his friends at the swimming pool for a great afternoon of splashing, swimming and diving. Plus, his parents had arranged for a pool party with lots of food and balloons. It was his birthday and Stevie felt like the luckiest guy in the whole world.

Stevie pulled his shiny new bike into the pool’s parking lot; leaned his bicycle against the fence and ran to meet those friends who had arrived early. This was a great day and all he could think of was how special he was. When he was inside the pool, his time was spent jumping into the water and somersaulting off the diving board. About an hour into Stevie’s party, his friend Debbie asked about his new bike. Stevie was happy to show off the bike to Debbie.

Debbie and Stevie ran to the outer fence to get a good view. Stevie looked but the bike was not there. A shocked look overcame Stevie’s face. He mumbled in a low gravely voice, “Where is my new bicycle?” He and Debbie ran outside the pool complex and walked all around the parking area. No bicycle! They asked the manager, too. No luck! Before he knew it, everyone the pool had emptied and everyone was looking for Stevie’s new bike.

Now for the bad news! Someone had stolen his brand new bicycle. All Stevie could do was sit and cry! His heart seemed broken. Soon Stevie’s mother came and held Stevie in her arms. Like all mom’s she could feel his pain and she just held him close to her. When the time was right, she began to talk to Stevie.

“Stevie, this is a very sad thing that has happened, especially on your birthday. I am so sorry” said Stevie’s mother. Stevie just snuggled closer and cried harder.

Stevie’s mother said further, “Stevie, when God gave Moses the 10 Commandments, He made a special point to tell us not to steal. Stealing is a very bad thing to do and it causes very much pain for the innocent people who lose their valuables. It also makes the person who steals very evil.

She said further, “God calls us to share things with others but sometimes people break God’s laws and it causes pain. Nobody feels that pain more than you do, my lovely Stephen.”

They returned to the Birthday party but the day was not as wonderful as it had been before the bike was stolen.

My friends, this story does not have a happy ending like most of my stories. Stealing is not a happy subject. Stevie’s heart was broken and a wonderful day was damaged by the greed and bad actions of selfish people. May God bless you and may you never have anything of yours stolen.

Seventh Commandment Scenarios

1. A girl finds a purse in the cloakroom. She opens it up looking for a name and finds a five pound note. Impulsively she takes the five pound note and puts it in her pocket and then leaves the purse in the cloakroom.

2. A teenager waits for a young boy walking home from school. He threatens to beat him up unless he hands over all his money. The boy empties his pockets’ and hands over 80p. The teenager runs away laughing.

3. A boy is in a music shop and sees a CD that he has always wanted but does not have enough money to pay for it. He slips it into his pocket and leaves the shop without paying. The security guard does not notice him and he thinks he has got away with the theft.

4. It is Halloween night and all the younger children in the street are out

trick and treating. They have collected lots of sweets, nuts, money and apples. Some older children see them and demand that they give them what is in their bags. The younger children are frightened and hand everything over and then run home crying.

5. Gran is very forgetful and cannot find where she has left a bag of toffees. She asks her grandson to help her look for them. He finds them in a cupboard and slips them into his bag to eat later. He tells Gran that he cannot find them and she thanks him for helping her to look and she says not to worry she might find them tomorrow.

6. A family is on holiday and is staying in a hotel. It is time to pack up and return home. A girl likes the nice, fluffy towels that belong to the hotel. She packs a towel into her suitcase and thinks the hotel has lots of towels they will never notice one is missing.

All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful,

The Lord God made them all.

Each little flower that opens,

Each little bird that sings,

He made their glowing colours,

He made their tiny wings.

All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful,

The Lord God made them all

The purple-headed mountain,

The river running by,

The sunset and the morning,

That brightens up the sky;

All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful,

The Lord God made them all

The cold wind in the winter,

The pleasant summer sun,

The ripe fruits in the garden,

He made them every one;

All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful,

The Lord God made them all

The tall trees in the greenwood,

The meadows for our play,

The rushes by the water,

To gather every day;

All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful,

The Lord God made them all.

Name_____________________________ Date_____________

We all make choices every day. Complete the Choices Diary below. Write in the choices you had to make and who it affected.

| | | |

|Time of Day |Choice |Who did the choice affect? |

| | | |

|After you wake up | | |

| | | |

|In class before interval | | |

| | | |

|During interval | | |

| | | |

|In class before lunch | | |

| | | |

|Lunch time | | |

| | | |

|Afternoon in class | | |

| | | |

|Arriving home | | |

| | | |

|Evening | | |

Choices Drama Scenarios

1. John and Simon were at a supermarket just looking around. John dared Simon to take some sweets from a bag that was torn open. Simon slipped a couple of toffees and some mint creams in his pocket. Then they walked quickly to the door. Simon was sweating he was so nervous. He knew his mum would be disappointed in his behaviour.

2. Shirley and Stephanie were playing at Becky's house. Shirley really liked the new birthday bracelet that Becky had got for her birthday. Stephanie was jealous of Becky and told Shirley to put the bracelet in her pocket. She said they would give it back later and that they were just going to play a joke on Becky.

3. Mark and Joe are home alone playing video games. When Joe goes to get a snack he notices that his dad left an unopened can of beer in the back of the fridge. He pours a little beer in a cup and asks Mark if he wants a sip.

4. Mary and Susan are best friends and always play together in the playground. A new girl called Jane arrives in their class. Jane looks lonely at playtime and Mary wants to ask her to play with her and Susan. Susan does not want to ask her and tells Mary if you play with Susan I will no longer be your best friend.

5. Dad asks John to look after his little sister Helen because he has to make a phone call. John is annoyed because he wants to play his video game. Helen wants to play with John but he ignores her and she gets upset. Dad hears her crying and asks John what is the matter. John says he doesn’t know why she is crying.

6. Mark wants to try out his older brother George’s new skateboard but his brother says not to take it because he wants to try it out first. Mark sneaks into his bedroom when George is at school and takes the skateboard out into the driveway to try it out. Mark tips the skateboard over and scratches the paint. Mark does not know what to do and decides to return the skateboard to George’s bedroom and say nothing.

Commandment Template

Name_____________________________ Date_____________

Honour Your Father and Mother

Creation Mobile

Adult assistance will be needed

You will need:

• Templates 1-7 printed on cardboard

• Scissors

• Glue

• Wool or String

• Art Materials

• White Cotton Wool

• Feathers

• Glitter


• Colour the pig, star, bird, fish and message templates

• Cut out the templates, fold in half so the pieces line up nicely and glue together

• Decorate the star with glitter and the bird with feathers

• Cut out the cloud templates and stick white cotton wool over the cardboard

• Punch holes in the corners and in the middle of the clouds

• Cut along the dotted lines and slide the pieces together

• Tie string/wool to the animal templates and attach to the corners of the clouds

• Tie a longer piece of string/wool to the message template and attach to the middle of the clouds

• Tie one last piece of string to the top of the cloud and hang from the ceiling!

Pig Template

Star Template

Fish Template

Bird Template

Message Template

Cloud Template - 1

Cloud Template - 2

Name________________________ Date________________

Colour in this person to show that God created us body, mind and soul.

Name________________________ Date________________

Boys and Girls

Complete the table below to show the difference between the choices boys and girls might make.

| |Boys |Girls |

| | | |

|Toys | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Books | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Sport | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Food | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Games | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Fashion | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Name________________________ Date________________

Just Like Jesus

I am like Jesus when

Our Father

Our Father who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be thy name;

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass against us;

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

The Baptism of Christ by Andrea del Verrochio

Information Sheet

The Baptism of Christ by Andrea del Verrochio

The Baptism of Christ is a famous painting made by da Vinci’s master, Andrea del Verrochio at circa 1472 in his studio in Italy. The painting was completed by Verrochio in collaboration with his apprentice, da Vinci who painted and finished the details of some parts of the painting, particularly the angel. The painting was an altarpiece commissioned by the monks of the San Salvi Church near Florence.

The painting of The Baptism of Christ was mainly done by Verrochio using tempera on wood. The painting depicts St. John the Baptist during the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ as according to the Gospels of Luke, Mark and Matthew. Two angels on the left side of the painting complete the four figures in the artwork. The scene illustrated by the painting includes God’s extended arms painted with golden rays and dove with its wings widely spread, a halo with cruciform is painted on top of Jesus’ head and another halo on top of St. John the Baptist. The two angels are holding Jesus’ clothes. The angel on the left side is the part done by Leonardo da Vinci. He used oil, which was at that time a new medium in painting.

Verrochio was an artist whose artistic talents were shown in his paintings, metalwork and sculptures. He was running his own workshop along with his apprentices who turned out also to be great artists of the Renaissance era along with da Vinci. His apprentices, aside from Leonardo da Vinci, were Botticini, Botticelli, and Lorenzo de Credi. According to history, The Baptism of Christ is the last painting by Verrochio who then focused his artistic gift on sculptures and metalwork. It is from this fact that gossips were passed saying that Verrochio was so ashamed of himself because Leonardo’s painting of the angel was superior to his. He said that a boy’s understanding of colours was far superior to his and swore to never touch colour again.

Dove Template

How to make a Dove

You will need:

• Template printed on white cardboard

• Scissors

• Glue

• Art Materials


• Colour the pieces of the body as appropriate

• Cut out all the pieces of the dove

• Glue the large rectangle to make a cylindrical shape for the dove’s body

• Glue the head onto the front of the body

• Glue the wings and tail onto the back of the body

• Fold the feet and glue the tabs to the inside of the body

Our Petitions


Abba, Father, send your Spirit

Glory Jesus Christ!

Abba, Father, send your Spirit

Glory Jesus Christ!

Glory, Hallelujah

Glory Jesus Christ!

Glory, Hallelujah

Glory Jesus Christ!

I will give you living water...

If you seek me you will find me…

If you listen you will hear me…

The Twelve Apostles

The original twelve apostles may be considered, with one exception (i.e. Judas), to be some of the most fortunate people that ever lived. Often referred to simply as "The Twelve," they were chosen by Jesus Christ Himself, and actually lived and worked with Him during His Ministry.

The names of The Twelve are listed in 4 places in The Bible(Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:12-19, Acts 1:13) with some minor differences due to the various uses of first, family, or nicknames at different times.

• Simon. More generally known as Peter. The brother of Andrew. A fisherman from the Sea of Galilee. Considered to be the most impulsive of the group, always ready to speak up, and swing a sword on occasion (e.g. the cutting off of a man's ear at the time of Jesus' arrest). Some traditions hold that he was eventually crucified, upside down, by the Romans. There has been a very long debate as to whether or not he was actually the first pope.

• Andrew. He was active in bringing people to Jesus, including his brother Peter.

• James. James was the older brother of John. He was the first of The Twelve to be martyred.

• John. See The Apostle John and The Island Of Patmos

• Philip. From Bethsaida, as were Andrew and Peter. Eventually martyred, possibly at Hierapolis.

• Bartholomew. He was one of the disciples to whom Jesus appeared at the Sea of Tiberias after His resurrection. He was also a witness of the Ascension.

• Thomas. He was also called Didymus which is the Greek version of his name. Not easily convinced, he has the nickname "Doubting Thomas" because he wanted to actually see and touch Jesus after His Resurrection. Certainly a good witness for us today, because he wanted indisputable proof of what he was expected to report about, and he got it.

• Matthew. Formerly a tax-collector at Capernaum, he became one of the more prominent apostles.

• James. Known as James the Younger, or James the Less, he wrote the epistle which bears his name.

• Thaddaeus. Also known as "Judas the brother of James;" while John probably referring to the same person speaks of "Judas, not Iscariot."

• Simon the Zealot. The Zealots were a nationalistic sect with very strong political views. There seemed to be a wide variety of personalities among the apostles.

• Judas Iscariot. The traitor.

• Matthias. To bring the number back up to twelve after Judas fell away, Matthias was chosen by the remaining eleven apostles.

Name ___________________________________ Date _________

The Good Samaritan

Match the questions with the answers you choose.

Lyrics of a New Commandment

A new commandment

I give unto you,

That you love one another

As I have loved you,

That you love one another

As I have loved you.

By this shall all men know

That you are my disciples,

If you have love one for another.

By this all men know

That you are my disciples,

If you have love one for another.

Good Neighbour Award

I ______________

Present this Good Neighbour Award






1. Belonging to a Catholic School

2. God made People in His image

3. The 4th and 7th Commandments

4. The Holy Trinity

5. The Parable of the Good Samaritan












Draw yourself beside Jesus.


Complete the sentence

I honour my father and mother when I

The Needs of the World

Our Needs

Draw a picture here of your mother and father.



All Things Bright and Beautiful


h+#¸mH sH

hI@ØmH sH "hI@Øh†oÕ5?>*[pic]OJQJmH sH 0jh+#¸5?>*[pic]OJQJU[pic]mHnHsH tH u[pic]hI@Ø5?>*[pic]OJQJmH sH hç 5?OJQJmH sH hê,p5?OJQJmH sH hI@Ø5?OJQJmH sHThe Needs of Our Families

How would

you feel?

Have you ever helped anyone who was hurt and upset? Write the story and say how you think you were a real friend, just as Jesus taught.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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