Geashill National School | Scoil Na Croise Naofa

An LuanAn MháirtAn ChéadaoinAn DéardaoinAn AoinePE: Remember to get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day. Go live with Joe or check out some of the other ideas I have posted.Spellings: Spell Well week 34 pg 70 +71. Complete A on pg 71. Tables: counting in 9s (up to 90).News Time: in your homework copy write at least 10 lines of your news. Draw a picture to go with it. Remember to recheck your work for – capital letters, finger spacing, full stops and neat cursive writing.English: DEAR time. Pick up a book and spend 15 minutes reading. Gaeilge: An nuacht. Try writing your news without looking at the sheet. Use the sheet provided if needed.Maths: Complete the mental maths worksheet. Using your 100 square - count in 9s. Write these numbers in your copy (up to 100). Religion: Revise prayers from your prayer book.Music: The home school hub on rte are doing a Music lesson today at 11 am…tune in!Active homework: complete today’s active task.PE: Remember to get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day. Spellings: Spell Well week 34 pg 70 +71. Complete A on pg 71.Tables: counting in 9s.English: This week we will be revising the procedural writing genre. Read the procedure posted ‘How to make a Glove Puppet’. Using a dictionary look up the focus words; decide, fierce, cheerful, decorate, patterns. Complete Q A+B in your copy.Gaeilge: Dul siar - BiaBí ag léamh agus freagair na ceisteanna.Maths: This week we will be revising addition and subtraction. Revise rules I have posted. Read questions carefully. Always check the sign (+/-). Recheck your work for mistakes. Sphe: Staying safe and making good decisions. Remember reading Sammy’s story? Reread to refresh your memory. Making good choices is all part of staying safe. Complete the worksheet on making good choices. With mammy or daddy’s help fill in the safety passport.Drama: The home school hub on rte are doing a drama lesson today at 11 am…tune in Or Try some of the drama warm-up games I have posted. Complete your own drama. Come up with a drama using puppets or teddies.Active homework: complete today’s active task.PE: Remember to get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day. Spellings: Spell Well week 34 pg 70 +71. Complete A on pg 71.Tables: counting in 9s.English: It is important to always check and edit our work. What does edit mean? It means making changes to our work to improve it. Read the page I have posted on editing. See how it improves the instructions. Complete the questions posted.Gaeilge: Dul siar - BiaBí ag léamh agus freagair na ceisteanna.Maths: Addition and subtraction problems can be tricky. Read the questions carefully and try work out if it is + or -. Reread the question to be sure. Underline any key words in the problem that might help you figure out if it’s add or subtract. Try the problem sheet posted.Sese: Summer! Last week we were looking for lots of different signs of summer. Fill out the template posted on what you learned or complete it in your copy.Art: Try one of the Art activities I have posted. Active homework: complete today’s active task.PE: Remember to get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day. Spellings: Spell Well week 34 pg 70 +71. Write a poem, rap or song using as many spellings as you can.Tables: counting in 9s.English: Grammar time! Bossy verbs tell us what to do e.g. fold, cut, chop, stir, stick etc. Complete the worksheet on bossy verbs.Reread your work from yesterday and see if you can edit it to improve your writing. Gaeilge: Dul siar - BiaBí ag léamh agus freagair na ceisteanna.Use the sheet provided or complete in your copy.Maths: Addition and subtraction. Complete the worksheet posted. Work out the math puzzle I have posted…..I can’t wait to hear your results.Sese: Predicting the weather. Everyone is a weather watcher. Why, do you think, people want to know the weather forecast? Read the worksheet posted and answer the questions in your copy.Active homework: complete today’s active task.PE: Remember to get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day. The home school hub on rte are doing a dance PE lesson today at 11 am…tune in!Spellings: Revise all spellings you learned this week.Tables: revise counting in 9s.*Ask someone at home to test you on your spellings and tables…good luck!English: Read the procedure. Spot the bossy verbs. How many can you find? Underline or list them in your copy. Complete a procedural writing piece for one of the following; 1.How to clean your bedroom. 2. How to wash your hands. 3. How to make hot chocolate. 4. How to a delicious sandwich. Don’t forget to recheck and edit your work.Gaeilge: Litriú – complete the spelling worksheet in your copy. Féach ar Cula4 or “Cúla 4 Ar Scoil” on TG4 every day at 10am.Maths: Fun riddle maths. Crack the message. Be careful and check the sign (+/-). Recheck your work. Sese: Weather forecast. Watch some of the weather forecast clips posted. Today you are a weather lady/man. See if you can forecast the weather to your family. Complete the worksheet posted.Active homework: complete today’s active task.Friday Fun: It’s Fridaaaay!!! Try some of the fun activities I have posted for you. Enjoy the weekend everyone ................

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