Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees ...

Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

MILLIE DILLMOUNT: Millie is a very appealing, honest, feisty, and unique young Woman. Undeterred by her mid-western upbringing and very much a naiveté, she arrives in New York determined to acquire big city sophistication and a rich husband. She is a pragmatist who dreams big.

Age- 18-30 (Looking)

Accent- Kansas city/Southern American

Range- Mezzo Soprano

Audition Song- Gimme Gimme

**Must Dance** (Tap)

Audition dialogue

“Hey, I’m broke, not poor. There a big difference. Poor sounds permanent, broke can be fixed. I have a plan so far ahead of its time it’s almost too bold, too daring, too new woman!

I’m going to marry my boss. I don’t know when. As a matter of fact, I haven’t got one yet. Love has nothing to do with it!

Don’t you read Vogue? This month’s issue clearly states that modern marriage is a business arrangement. Love comes later, occasionally with the man you’re actually married to.

I’m looking for him in the classifieds. I’ve been interviewing boss after boss, but so far, married, married, engaged, married, single-and-I-can-see-why… I even read in the tabloids “Manhattan’s most eligible bachelors, the movers and shakers that make Manhattan tick!” ... all of them need wives... and at least one of them must need a


Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

JIMMY SMITH: An irrepressible, buoyant personality. Full of the headlines of the era – classic roaring twenties – he loves to have a good time. Jimmy wants to be Millie’s beau, but lacks an important credential; money. Despite his lack of finances he possesses the assurance, savvy, and poise of a well-born young man.

Age- 21-35 (Looking)

Accent- Light new York/American

Range- Tenor

Audition song- What do I need with Love

Audition Dialogue

Jimmy (after bumping into Millie on the streets of NYC for the first time)

Hey, I feel for you. I’ll cross to the other side of the street the next time I see you, but I feel for you. Girls like you arrive here everyday, so full of dreams you may as well be sleepwalking. Well, now that you’re awake, why not ask yourself, “Do I belong here?” ‘Cause New York is great, but the cost of living is high, and I’m not talkin’ cash. And I can’t help thinking if I were in your shoe (Millie’s other shoe was stolen), I’d make beeline back to Keokuck or Gopherville or where did you say you’re from? Kansas? You got a place to stay? (Millie: no), Any friends or family nearby? (Millie: no, but), and you don’t have a job? (Millie: no,but) No buts! You ain’t got nothin’! (starts to walk away). Kansas, was it? You’ll soon say to yourself, “Well I had my big adventure, but is sure is good to be back in my own bed.”

Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

MISS DOROTHY BROWN: Millie’s best friend, classic old-fashioned beauty who checks into the Priscilla looking for life, “raw and real”, as preparation for a career on the stage. She has lived in a glass bubble of extreme wealth her entire life, but her cluelessness in the ways of the real world is in no way haughty or snobbish; it is her Charm.

Age- 21-30 (Looking)

Accent- Southern American

Range- Soprano

Audition Song- How the other Half Lives

Audition Dialogue

Millie, wasn’t Muzzy’s party heaven? Who knew how soon I’d be plunged into the depths of Hades! Oh, Millie, I feel so dirty! That man that approached me had this peculiar grin on his face as he went to shake my hand…only it wasn’t my hand he wanted to shake. He.. he… he pounced! I couldn’t breathe. And this morning when I went to my audition with David Belasco …it was fine, until he… pounced. Millie.. do I look like the sort of girl who would allow a man to take liberties?

Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

TREVOR GRAYDON: Millie’s boss, Confident, Big character, Full of himself, rich, Mr perfect. The original Arrow Collar Man with a yen for efficiency.

Age- 30-40

Accent- Light New York/American

Range- Bass-baritone

Audition Song- Speed Test and Opening of

I’m falling in Love with Someone.

Audition Dialogue

Miss Dillmount, may I see your references…. No references? How about your previous employers?… You don’t have any of those either? (beat) I like that! Absolutely, this is the land of opportunity, Miss Dillmount, a place where the right combination of aptitude and enthusiasm can take a girl from nowhere straight to the top. So let’s do this the American way. (removing his jacket). Bolt the door, take off your things, let’s have a taste. (Millie: excuse me?) Take a letter. To Mr. John Hudson, Hudson’s Floor Wax. You’ll find an invoice in the file for the address. “Dear Mr. Hudson,” Colon.

Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

MUZZY VAN HOSSMERE: Glamorous, big-hearted, fun loving, and wise. A diva who knows how to have a good time while never losing sight of what really matters in life: love.

Age- 40-50

Accent- American

Range- Belt (Alto)

Audition Song- Only in New York

Audition Dialogue

Sit down, Millie, sit down. Now, I know you’re not going to believe me, but when I first met Mr. Van H. I had no ideas he was a real multi-millionaire. I really hadn’t. He was just another one of those darling daddies hanging around the stage door. True, cross my heart. And he drank beer. Fact be known, I truly prefer beer. Oh, he was a great and wonderful man. Affection, that’s what he had. Affection. Well, we became engaged and Mr. Van H., he gave me this great big old green glass brooch. And I lent it to my girlfriend one night so she could impress a new beau. Well, as fate would have it, the new beau turned out to be a jeweler! And the green glass brooch turned out to be emeralds. I’ve got to admit, in this case, I truly do prefer emeralds. But I was heartsick. I thought Mr. Van H. had stolen it, so I begged him to take it back and go straight. Well, he just laughed and laughed and laughed and then he told me that he really was a real multi-millionaire, even if he didn’t look like one.

Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

MRS MEERS: Striking and sinister, with a barracuda smile. Think “Cruella de Ville”. Mrs Meers owns the Hotel Priscilla, residence of young ladies – a mere front for her highly profitable side-line, white slave trading. She pretends to be Chinese. Some lines are in Mandarin Chinese. Does not need to sound authentic!

Age- 40-50

Accent- Chinese & Theatrical American (Mix between English Rep and American)

Range- Belt (Alto)

Audition song- They Don’t Know

Audition Dialogue

Mrs. Meers (For example, this line, “Sad to be all alone in the world. Though none of you need worry, what with your big warm families.” would sound something like this:

“Sad to be awe arone in da whirld. Dough none of you need wolly, not with your beeg, warm famiries.”

See what you can do with the following lines:

Sad to be all alone in the world. But step into my office and enjoy a soothing cup of green tea. One of the mysteries of the Orient! By the time you finish, you’ll be calm and quiet and ready for a very long nap.

(on the phone in a regular voice)

Hello, Buddah? Butterfly here. I got one for you. A southern belle your customers will wanna ring! Four hundred bucks, cash only. What’s there to think about? This offer good for a limited time only, so order now! Attaboy, Buddah!

Phone rings again and she answers it with her Chinese accent:

Hotel Priscilla. How may I help you? What’s that? Millie Dillmount? Job?!

Mmmm, aha. Oh I see! Yes, I’d be delighted to give her message. Bye

(Hangs up phone and turns nasty on a dime. Real dragon lady)

You didn’t get it. I give you two minutes to pack your things or you find them on the street. The other girls are paid in full. You had one week on credit and time run out!

Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

BUN FOO: One of the two Chinese immigrant henchmen in the employ of Mrs Meers’ white slaving business. The brothers reluctantly help Mrs Meers in exchange for bringing their mother to America. They speak only in Mandarin Chinese. Should be able to sound authentically Chinese! Comic character. Need to be athletic.

Age- 20-30

Accent Chinese (speak Chinese through entire show

with subtitles projected for translation)

Range- Baritone- Tenor

Audition Song – Muqin

Audition Dialogue

I don’t like woman. She got good head for business but heart of steel. If that American Dream, wake me up when over. Money, that all I care about. Damn right, the faster I earn it, the sooner I bring Mama here from Hong Kong.

Won’t she be proud. “My son, the kidnapper.” At least it better than returning to Hong Kong, no money, no future.

Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

CHING HO: An unwilling associate to Mrs Meers, Ching Ho, brother to Bun Foo, falls hard for Miss Dorothy and saves her from a life of prostitution in South East Asia. He speaks only in Mandarin Chinese. Should be able to sound authentically Chinese! Comic character. Need to be athletic.

Age- 20-30

Accent Chinese (speak Chinese through entire show

with subtitles projected for translation)

Range- Baritone- Tenor

Auditon Song- Muqin

Audition Dialogue

I don’t like woman. She got good head for business but heart of steel. If that American Dream, wake me up when over.

Money, that all I care about. Damn right, the faster I earn it, the sooner I bring Mama here from Hong Kong.

Won’t she be proud. “My son, the kidnapper.” At least it better than returning to Hong Kong, no money, no future.

Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

MISS FLANNERY: Runs the office like a very tight ship for Trevor Graydon. Strong, loud and in charge. Character/cameo actress.

Age- 40-50

Accent- Light New York/American

Range- Belt

Audition Song- Only in New York (Not her song but gives an idea of vocal ability)

**Must Dance** (Tap)

Audition Dialogue

(Millie: I’m looking for a Miss Flannery)

You’re looking at a Miss Flannery, You are? Which Mr. Graydon do you wish to see, Senior, Junior or the Third? Theoretically, it’s the Third that’s hiring. He’s looked at every stenog in the tri-state area. Not a one of ‘em is fast enough. I don’t like Moderns, missy, and you’re as up-to-date as they come. (Millie: thank you!)

It wasn’t a compliment! And you’d better be fast, if you want the job.

Mr. Graydon? A Miss Dillmount here to see you, sir. Move it!

Thoroughly Modern Millie Auditions – Newcastle Glees Musical Society

AUDITION DATE: Tuesday 19th November 2013 @ 7.30pm

Please see below for a list of all principal roles, character synopsis and audition material. Please note minor roles will be allocated after the audition process.

PRISCILLA GIRLS: Lucille, Rita, Alice, Gloria, Ruth, Mary, Ethel Peas. Aspiring actresses who are a tight knit group.

They sing and dance often.

Age 18-30

Accent American/Southen

Range- Alto- Soprano

**Must Dance** (Tap)

Audition Dialogue

“Hey, I’m broke, not poor. There a big difference. Poor sounds permanent, broke can be fixed. I have a plan so far ahead of its time it’s almost too bold, too daring, too new woman!

I’m going to marry my boss. I don’t know when. As a matter of fact, I haven’t got one

yet. Love has nothing to do with it! Don’t you read Vogue? This month’s issue clearly states that modern marriage is a business arrangement. Love comes later, occasionally with the man you’re actually married to.

I’m looking for him in the classifieds. I’ve been interviewing boss after boss, but so far, married, married, engaged, married, single-and-I-can-see-why… I even read in the tabloids “Manhattan’s most eligible bachelors, the movers and shakers that make Manhattan tick!” ... all of them need wives... and at least one of them must need a



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