A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America ...
[Pages:6]VOLUME 64
St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Weekly Bulletin
3256 Warren Road Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Phone: (216) 941-5550 Office - Fax: (216) 941-3068 E-mail: st.mary.cathedral@ -
The Most Reverend Archbishop Nathaniel The Right Rev. Vicar Andrei, Bishop of Cleveland
Very Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Dean Rev. Deacon Nick Neagoe
February 20, 2022
SPIRITUAL CALENDAR: 34th Sunday after Pentecost (Prodigal Son) 8:30 Matins (Utrenia). 9:30 am Divine Liturgy (Sf?nta Liturghie).
Tone 2, Mat. Gos. 2, Epis.: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; Gospel: Luke 15:11-32.
ALTAR BOYS: Matthew Muntean, Aiden & Jaiden Ghioda, Aiden Blescu.
NO. 8
Bishop Policarp Morusca
Comemorated in Cleveland
On this Sunday, close to the feast of Saint Polycarp of Smyrna (Feb. 23), we will raise prayers for the soul of our first Romanian Orthodox Bishop in America, His Grace Policarp Morusca (1883-1958). His prominent personality and the sufferings he endured as a Bishop have left a deep fingerprint on the collective memory of our Episcopate.
He was born on March 20, 1883 in Cristesti, Dealul Geoagiului, Alba (Romania), in a priestly family. He served as a teacher and then Parish Priest, military chaplain, a time when his wife was deported during WWI. He was pro-active in the unification of Transylvania with Romania and held significant functions in Sibiu Archdiocese and the Theological Seminary there. He was editor of Theological Review (1921-22). In 1925 he was tonsured into monasticism and became Abbot of Hodos-Bodrog Monastery, until 1935, when he was appointed Bishop for Romanians in America. He was enthroned in 1935 in Saint George Cathedral, Detroit. He is the founder of Vatra Romaneasca and the first editor of Solia. He was an endeared writer and an orator with a cascading voice. In 1939, he traveled to Romania from where he was never allowed to return to his spiritual flock. During the years of WWII he served a locumtenens for the Bishop of Ismail, Basarabia and then, briefly, in Maramures. In the last years of his life he served as the Abbot of St. John Monastery, founded by him in Alba Iulia. Against his detractors, he remained the Bishop of America, till October 26, 1958 when he was called to the Lord.
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Episcopul Policarp Moruca Comemorat
?n Cleveland
?n aceast duminic, apropiat de Sf?ntul Policarp al Smirnei (23 Feb.), vom ?nla pomenire pentru sufletul primului nostru Episcop Rom?n Ortodox din America, P.S. Policarp Moruca (1883 -1958). Proeminenta sa personalitate i suferinele prin care a trecut ca Episcop au lsat o amprent ad?nc ?n memoria colectiv a Episcopiei noastre. El s-a nscut ?ntr-o familie de preot, ?n 20 martie 1883, ?n Cristeti, Dealul Geoagiului, judeul Alba. A slujit ca ?nvtor, apoi preot paroh i capelan militar, soia fiindu-i deportat ?n timpul Primului Rzboi mondial. A colaborat cu Consiliul dirigent la unirea Ardealului cu Rom?nia i a trecut prin funcii ?nsemnate la Arhiepiscopia Sibiului i Facultatea de Teologie. A fost redactor al Revistei Teologice (1921-1922). ?n 1925 intr ?n monahism i devine stare al mnstirii Hodo-Bodrog (1925-35). ?n 1935, a fost numit Episcop pentru rom?nii din America i ?nscunat la Catedrala Sf. Gheorghe din Detroit. Este ctitor al Vetrei Rom?neti i primul redactor al revistei Solia. A fost un scriitor ?ndrgit i un orator cu o voce clocotitoare. ?n anul 1939, a cltorit ?n Rom?nia, de unde nu a mai fost lsat s revin la turma sa. ?n anii rzboiului a fost lociitor de Episcop ?n Ismail, Basarabia, iar apoi ?n Maramure. ?n ultimii si ani de via, a slujit ca stare la mnstirea ?nfiinat de el, Sf. Ioan Botezatorul, din Alba Iulia. Cu toate acestea, ?n pofida detractorilor si, el a rmas ?n continuare Episcop al Americii, p?n ?n 26 octombrie, 1958, c?nd a fost chemat la Domnul. Reinerea sa ?n Rom?nia, ?mpotriva voinei sale i amestecul securitii ?n viaa Episcopiei din America, a
Continuare la pagin 4
Sunday, February 20: 8:30 am Matins, 9:30 am Divine Liturgy followed by Special Collection for IOCC and Parastases IMO Episcop Policarp Moruca & Rozalia Bob; 2:30 pm Wedding Trifu/Mohsen.
Saturday, February 26: Moii de Iarn / Saturday of the Souls - 9 am Divine Liturgy followed by Parastas General & IMO Aurica Nedelcu & George Mohan, Jr.; 5 pm Vespers & Confessions.
Sunday, February 27: Farewell to Meat, 8:30 am Matins, 9:30 am Divine Liturgy followed by Parish Dinner.
Friday, March 4: 4:30 pm Fish Fry Volunteers to stations, 5 pm Fish Fry Drive-Thru.
Saturday, March 5: 5 pm Vespers & Confessions, 6 pm Social Hall rental
Altar Boys for: (Feb. 27): Christopher & Kevin Oancea, Andrei Onciu, Alex & George Tarog.
Nursing Home Radu Petrescu ............................................................................................ Greenbrier Angela Netcu ........................................................................................ Eliza Jennings Maria Melinte ......................................................................................... Lagrange, OH
Rehabilitation Center Viorica Talab ............................................................................................. St. Vincent
Assisted Living Carlotta Miclu ............................................................................. Brighton Gardens
Medical Assistant Job Available
If you have a medical background, follow the link below and apply. For any questions about this job, please call the parish office. lmghr/xmlhttp/shorturl.do?key=9EU
2022 Bulletin Sponsors
The following dates are available to sponsor the bulletin in honor or in memory of someone that you love for a $40 donation ($80 for the following Sundays: New Year, Palm Sunday, Holy Pascha & Christmas): May: 8, 22, 19; June: 5, 12, 19, 26; July: 10, 17, 31; August: 21, 28; September: 4, 11, 18, 25; October: 23, 30; November: 6; December: 4, 18.
Thank you!
Simona Cismaiu ?M tatlui meu Ioan i a tuturor celor decedai din familie. Natalia Toma & Wirtz Family IMO husband &father, tefan. Ioana C?rstescu & Family in loving memory of my mother, Natalia. Mdlina Avram & Familia ?M tatlui, Constantin Avram. Ana Mohan ?M fiului, George Jr., i a soului, George Sr. Bunul D-zeu s-i
odihneasc cu sfinii ?ngeri. Nu-i vom uita niciodat.
Marinela Turc Convery IMO father, Iosif, and brother, Adian Marius. May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu s-i odihneasc!
Marinela Turc Convery for the good health of my mother, Elena, daughter Mirela & family.
Cornelia Bicescu IMO my husband Ovidiu Bicescu; & IMO Natalia & Lelia Maria. Eternal memory! (3)
Simona Cismaiu ?M tatlui meu Ioan i a tuturor celor decedai din familie. Stephanie, Diana & Families IMO dear parents Cornelia & Raymond Fril.
May they be together in God's garden. (2) Afrodita, Irina, Magdalena & Sophia IM prinilor Victor i Paula
Constantinidis. Lucica Fogoro & Famila ?M tuturor celor rposai din familie. Lucreia Ludu & Familia ?M soului i tatlui, Mircea. Natalia Toma & Wirtz Family IMO husband & father, tefan. Emil & Viorica Pora IMO brother-in-law, tefan Toma. Ana Boruz ?M lui Ana, Aftion i a celorlali membri din familie. Mihaela IMO dear aunt, Lucica, newly departed in Romania, and Natalia
Nicolae. May they rest in peace! (2) Paula Ciobota IMO Natalia Nicolae. Venica pomenire. Claudia Mateescu ?M dragului meu so, Gheorghe. Dan & Mirela Rudary IMO grandfather, Iosif, and uncle, Adrian on their
birthdays. May they rest in peace! Andreea Raaber IMO Rodica, Toia, Sandi, Maria; Doina, Ovidiu, Dinu,
Constana, Marin; and, Eleonora, Doina, Gigi. (3) Antoniu ?M lui Lucia & Elena Ilia, and Lucia Dobrin. Carmen Popa IMO Nataliea Nicolae. Venic pomenire. Rodica IMO Rozalia Bob. May God keep her by His side. Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu-Family IMO all family members fallen asleep in
the Lord. Always in our hearts. Memory Eternal! John & Elena Biliboac IMO all family members fallen asleep in the Lord.
Memory Eternal! Mihaela Mercer IMO my aunt Nela, Romania. Marcel, Eleonora, George & familia din Rom?nia ?M lui Ion Neagu.
Dumnezeu s-l ierte. May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu s-i odihneasc!
Simona Cismaiu pentru sntatea familiei. Lucica Fogoro & Familia pentru sntatea familiei. Dan & Mirela Rudary IHO Nicholas Michael, 10 months old. May God bless
him and our entire family. Andreea Raaber for the good health of Mdlina, Lorin, Andreea, Cristina;
Rodica, Deniza, Petric; Andreea, George (travelers); erban, Mioara, Rubin; and, Natalia, Matthew, Zoey. (4) Elena & Petre pentru sntatea lui Aydan, Jordan, Nicoleta, Bogdan, Anca, Alin, Alina, Viorica, Luca, Ionu, Andreea, Diana, Bogdan, Iulia, Mike, Lamdon, Logan & grabnica vindecare pentru Ayan, Vasile. Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu-Family for the good health of family and God's blessings. John & Elena Biliboac for the good health of family and God's blessings. Barbu Petru Gabriel pentru grabnica vindecare a lui Constana. Marcel, Eleonora, George & familia din Rom?nia pentru grabnica vindecare a Gabrielei Firea Vr?nceanu.
Ce simbolizeaz citirile dumnezeieti?
Citirile dumnezeieti ale preasfintelor cri, spunea ?nvtorul c indic voile i sfaturile dumnezeieti i fericite ale atotsf?ntului Dumnezeu. Prin ele aflm ?ndatoririle ce le avem de ?ndeplinit, potrivit cu fiecare dintre noi, dup puterea ce este ?nnscut. De asemenea, ?nvm legile luptelor dumnezeieti fericite, dup care rzboindu-ne, ne ?nvrednicim de cununile biruinei din ?mpria lui Hristos.
Sf. Maxim Mrturisitorul, Mistagogia
Parish Council
Ladies Auxiliary
President: Viorel Oancea
President: Maria Tent
(440) 915-9642
(216) 272-5961
Custodian: Marian Ciuta
Financial Secretary: Simona Sarsama
(216) 513-5535
(216) 533-4636
Hall Rental:
Italian Creations
Church Office
(216) 226-2282
(216) 941-5550
Se Apropie Postul Patilor
Venicia, unitatea de msur a cretinului
Omul bisericesc judec fiecare problem ,,sub specie aeternitatis" (din punct de vedere al veniciei) i ?n raport cu universalitatea aspectelor vieii. De aceea, Biserica i omul care i-a performat personalitatea dup spiritul ei, nu-i pierde cumptul, nu exagereaz, nu se grbete nervos, i nu trece dintr-o extrem ?n alta.
M?ntuitorul a postit vreme de 40 de zile ?n pustie. De aceea, ?n fiecare an, ca un exerciiu pregtitor i curitor, postim i noi i ne ?mbarcm la o via de pocin, de rugciune i milostenie. S ne ?nsemnm calendarul personal: Postul ?ncepe ?n 6 martie!
Pr. Dumitru Stniloae, Naiune i cretinism
The Grate Lent is Approaching
Duminic, 27 Februarie, parohia noastr v invit la o mas festiv, care marcheaz ultima zi c?nd ne este ?ngduit carnea. Aceast agap freasc este menit s ne apropie unii de alii, dar i s marcheze hotr?rea fiecruia de a se ?mbarca la "lupta cea bun."
The Savior fasted for 40 days in the wilderness. That is why, every year, as a preparatory and cleansing exercise, we fast and embark on a life of repentance, prayer and almsgiving. Let's mark our personal calendar: Lent begins on March 6!
Fallen Asleep in the Lord in the Past Week
Natalia Nicoale Doina Draganoiu Helen Moga (Hubbard, Ohio)
Condolences to their family and Memory Eternal!
On Sunday, February 27, our parish invites you to a festive meal, which marks the last day when our meat is allowed. This fraternal agape is meant to bring us closer together, but also to mark each other's determination to embark on the "good fight."
AROY Fundraiser
On behalf of the AROY we thank you for the support of their fundraiser from last week.
The canned goods are to be delivered to St. Herman House of Hospitality and the money donations mailed to
IOCC for the "Super Bowl of Caring."
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Bishop Policarp Morusca Comemorated in
Against his detractors, he remained the Bishop of America, till October 26, 1958 when he was called to the Lord.
His retaining against his will in Romania as well as the interferences of the dreaded Securitate in the life of our diocese in America have led to the split of his Episcopate, a wound that persists to this date. As spiritual children, at the feast of his patron saint, we offer due commemoration and raise prayers for his soul, singing thrice: Memory Eternal!
- Fr. Remus Grama
Continuare de la pagina 1
Episcopul Policarp Moruca Comemorat ?n Cleveland
dus la divizarea Episcopiei din America, ran care ?nc persist i astzi. Ca fii duhovniceti, la praznicul sf?ntului su ocrotitor, facem pomenire ?ndtinat i ne rugm pentru sufletul su c?nt?nd de trei ori:
Venica pomenire!
- Pr. Remus Grama
Biserica ? Viaa Noastr
Cretinul tie c este trector, dar nu disper deoarece Biserica, mama noastr a tuturor, ne ajut s devenim venici. Aa cum Fiul lui Dumnezeu se ?ntrupeaz prin umbrirea Fecioarei Maria de ctre Duhul Sf?nt, tot omul botezat se nate de la Duhul Sf?nt, prin Botez, ?n Biseric.
Aadar, Biserica, mireasa lui Hristos, devine Maica noastr. ?n aceste zile de pandemie, chiar dac suntem izolai Biserica se roag pentru tine i pentru mine. Haidei, deci, s nu uitm s ne susinem Biserica, adevrata i venica noastr Mam.
Devino i Tu, iubite frate sau sor, membru rugtor i communicant al comunitii noastre! Dac eti botezat, devino i tu activ ?n cadrul Bisericii. Nu uita: "Credina fr fapte moart este!" (Sf. Iacob, 2,14).
?n efortul nostru de a plti ?mprumutul bancar al bisericii, am fcut un apel ctre enoriaii i prietenii notri, pentru sponsorizare ?mprumutului lunar, ?n valoare de $1500. P?n acum, am avut un rspuns foarte bun (sponsorii notri au fost recunoscui ?n buletinul sptm?nal i ?n raportul nostru pe anual 2021). ?mprumutul este acoperit p?n luna viitoare, Martie 2022.
Dac altcineva mai dorete s ajute ?n urmtoarele luni, v rugm s ne anunai, sau s scriei un cec i s-l trimitei prin pot, sau s-l lsai la Epitropi duminic.
V mulumim tuturor pentru generozitate!
In our effort to pay the church loan, we made an appeal to our parishioners and friends, to sponsor for the monthly loan, in the amount of $1,500. So far, we had great response (our sponsors have been recognized in our weekly bulletin and also in our 2021 annual report). The loan is been covered until next month, March 2022.
If anyone else would like to help with the next coming months, please let us know, write a check and send it by mail, or leave it with the Epitropi on Sunday.
We Thank You All, for your generosity!
The Parish Council decided to be safe and have another Drive-Thru Fish Fry this year. Some of our volunteers (from the past years) are not among us anymore, so we need the younger generation (25+) to step up and volunteer. For this event, we need volunteers for the following stations:
Traffic entrance & Flyers - English language speakers (2 pers.)
Cashier helpers (2 pers.) Traffic exit (2 pers.) Kitchen workers (5 pers.) Food Delivery (5 pers.) Food Delivery Supervisor (2 pers.) Parking set-up before the event (4
pers.) Kitchen and hall set-up on Thursdays
(4 pers.) Kitchen food preparing on Thursdays
(4 pers.) We need about 30 volunteers for every week that we run the fish fry. If you think you can help, please call the parish office. Tell us which department you can help and which day(s). We need the commitment for the entire time, not only one or two hours.
Volunteers need to be at their posts as follows: Thursdays from 10 am to 12 pm Fridays:
Food makers from 10 am to 12 pm Parking set-up at 3 pm Traffic entrance at 4 pm All the other at 4:30 pm.
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