Distributors Wanted! - ShowMe

Distributors Wanted!

The Business Opportunity

Competitive Advantage

? Proven track record for 20 years ? Very unique in the industry ? Fulfilling a true need ? Consumable item ? Must be purchased over and over again ? No competition in an un-tapped market ? Typical Return on Investment (ROI) is 300% ? Saving the Environment ? Works on all combustible engines using any carbon based fuel ? Comprehensive fuel treatment ? Only additive that addresses inefficient combustion ? Highly concentrated (? oz of XFT treats 20 gallons of fuel ? 1 gallon of XFT treats 10,000 gallons of fuel)

Market Conditions

? 2nd Largest industry in the world (Fuel & Energy) ? Global demand is increasing exponentially ? Fuel prices are predicted to sky rocket


? Currently pre-positioning in the company ? Ground Floor Opportunity

Global Expansion

? Officially operating in 11 countries- NOW IN SOUTH AFRICA ? Pre-positioned in 13 additional countries


? Lucrative Binary/Unilevel Dual Compensation Plan ? 11 different ways to get paid ? 25% Personal Customer Volume Monthly Residual Commissions ? 10% Binary Group Volume Residual Commissions ? 20% Uni-Level Group Volume Residual Commissions ? 8 Additional Bonus Programs ? Car Allowance Program

Training, Support and Retention System

? Conference calls ? Live Webinars ? Pre-recorded Webinars ? Pre-recorded audio calls ? Replicating websites with choice of landing pages ? Automated training 3-step training system (15-20 minutes) ? World-class back office

Getting Started Marketing Concepts

? You save more money than it costs to buy the product ? This is a green product that will change the world with reduced pollution ? Nothing comes close to what this product can do If you use all the product in this kit for yourself you will save the cost of what the kit cost you. So, even if you never build the business you still make money! Distributor Costs ? Distributor enrolment fee: +-R490.00 ? Distributor kits: R3550 or R7700 ? Replicating website: R160.00 monthly (1st month is free) ? Optional Monthly Auto-ship: 50PV R750 or 100PV R1600 ? Optional Commercial Sales Certification Program: R600 As a Customer auto-ship is a less expensive way to purchase the product (wholesale vs. retail price ? On Auto-ship you pay 25% LESS) As a Distributor auto-ship is optional: Once you have enough customers, their purchases will count toward your Personal Volume (PV) every month and you will never have to purchase an auto-ship to qualify!


8 Ways to Earn Income Syntek Global has one of the best compensation plans in the Network Marketing industry. There are 8 ways to earn income with Syntek Global! Syntek has created a Dual Commission System which maximizes the earning potential of Distributors. The hybrid two-fold commission system from Syntek Global consists of the Binary Tree System and the Uni-Level Enrollment Tree System. The 8 ways to earn income with Syntek Global are: 1) 25% Preferred Customer Residual Commissions from sales 2) 10% Team Residual Commissions 3) 6%-8% MVP Check Match Residual Commissions 4) $25-$50 Fast Start Bonus 5) $25-$50 Infinity Bonus 6) MVP Rank Bonus Program ? 5 Levels 7) Leadership Bonus Pools ? 1% of the Gross Volume divided between qualified distributors: 8) Multiple Business Centers ? 4 Possible Business Centers each maxing out at R400 000/month residual income.

Let's look at the 8 ways to earn income with Syntek Global one at a time:

1) The Preferred Customer Commission pays the Distributor 25% of whatever his personally referred customer spends on products at Syntek Global.

The customer logs on to the website and buys the product, the company ships the product directly to the customer and the Distributor gets paid by the company.

If the customer is on Auto-ship, which means that they receive their XFT every month automatically from Syntek then the Distributor will receive a monthly residual income from this and every other customer that's on Auto-ship!

We have an 85% retention rate!

2) The Team Commission pays the qualified Distributor 10% of the Gross Volume generated by his entire downline organization on the lesser leg of his Binary Tree.

3) The MVP Check Match Commission allows the qualified Distributor to earn a percentage of the Team Commissions on every Distributor he personally enrolls and on the Distributors they enroll to 7 levels deep.

4) The Fast Start Bonus pays the Distributor R250 or R500 respectively whenever he enrolls a new Distributor who purchases an Infinity or MVP Starter Kit.

5) The Infinity Bonus is similar to the Fast Start bonus in that it pays whenever new Distributors enroll with a Starter Kit. But the Infinity Bonus only starts paying the qualified Distributor after he has his first two enrollees.

It pays R250 and R550 respectively on the Infinity or MVP Starter Kits purchased by the first two enrollees of his third enrolled Distributor and the first two enrollees of those 1st level enrollees, and the first two enrollees of those 2nd level enrollees and the first two enrollees of those 3rd level enrollees... this pays to infinite depths, hence the term, Infinity Bonus!

Not only this... but this same scenario is played out over and over again with every new Distributor that the primary Distributor enrolls... to infinite width!

Syntek Global pays this bonus to infinite width and infinite depth.

MVP Rank Bonuses

Sapphire ? Syntek Watch

Ruby - 47 Flat Screen TV

Emerald ? Leadership Fly-in to Syntek Corporate Office in Utah, USA

Diamond ? Syntek Custom Made Diamond Watch

Blue Diamond ? R5000 Allowance for a Free Car

7) The Leadership Bonus Pool has 3 categories and works like this:

a) The Customer Sponsorship Pool.

Each month, 1% of the company's total customer volume is divided amongst qualifying distributors according to their shares earned in this pool.

5 Customers = 1 Share

10 Customers = 2 Shares

15 Customers = 3 Shares

25 Customers = 5 Shares b) The Distributor Sponsorship Pool. Each month, 1% of the company's total Group Volume is divided amongst qualifying distributors according to their shares earned in this pool. Distributor earns 1 share for every new enrolee but must sponsor at least 4 new Distributors to qualify! Example: $10,000,000 total company Group Volume at 1% = $100, 000 40 distributors with a total of 200 shares in pool Each share is worth $500 ($100, 000 divided by 200) Distributor sponsors 4 new distributors (4 shares) = $2,000 bonus Distributor sponsors 6 new distributors (6 shares) = a $3,000 bonus

How to Join this company: 1) Contact Ferdinand Directly : 082 921 3596 2) Enroll Online: bezzi. 3) Visit us at a weekly meeting in your area for more information


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