Kingston St Mary Church of England Primary School

22 January 2020

Dear Parents and children, [pic]

You are invited to a French Breakfast Café on Thursday 13th February 7.45am – 8.30am. The children in Robins have designed a menu around research undertaken in class and is taking place to complement our French studies. We will also be holding a French Cheese Picnic raffle in the hall on that morning. If you would like to join us for a delicious breakfast please complete the pre-order form below and send back to school by Friday 7th February.

Many thanks

Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Sebright


Please tick the items you would like to pre-order for the French Café Breakfast below and send back to school with the payment by Friday 7th February.

Name: Class:

| |How many would you like? |Total cost |

|Croissant with butter and jam. £1.00 | | |

|Pain au chocolat £1.00 | | |

|Pancake with various topping. £1.50 | | |

|Muffin. 50p | | |

|Hot Chocolate. 50p | | |

|Coffee. 50p | | |

|Tea. 50p | | |

|Milk 50p | | |

|Orange Juice. 50p | | |

|Raffle ticket for the filled picnic basket. £1 per strip | | |

|Total: | | |


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