Latitude and Longitude Worksheet - Keith Alcock

Latitude and Longitude Worksheet

1. a. Name two countries that the equator passes through.

___________________________ ___________________________

b. Name two countries that the prime meridian passes through.

___________________________ ___________________________

2. The terms in the first table are mixed up. Enter them properly in the second table.

|latitude |equator |range is |how far |x-axis |

| |is axis |0 to 90 |north or south | |

|longitude |prime meridian |range is |how far |y-axis |

| |is axis |0 to 180 |east or west | |

|latitude |prime meridian |range is |how far |y-axis |

| |is axis |0 to 90 |north or south | |

|longitude |equator |range is |how far |x-axis |

| |is axis |0 to 180 |east or west | |

3. Which two locations are written correctly? Circle them.

|10°N 20°S |8°E 30°W |10°S 170°W |100°N 120°E |

|3°N 170°E |7°S 190°W |30°W 57°N |35°E 85°N |

4. Add the continents Australia, Asia, South America, and North America and half of the countries Iraq, Argentina, Canada, Bolivia, Germany, Mexico, Zambia, and New Zealand to the table.

|Quadrant |Continent in quadrant |Country in quadrant |

|NW |North America |Canada, Mexico |

|NE |Asia |Iraq, Germany |

|SW |South America |Argentina, Bolivia |

|SE |Australia |Zambia, New Zealand |

5. Fill in the column for name.

|Description |Name |

|A country straight east of Phoenix | |

|A country straight west of Phoenix | |

|A country straight north of Phoenix | |

|A country straight south of Phoenix | |

6. Make a line on the map connecting the three points below. What are the two missing points?

|10°S 20°W |0°N 10°W |10°N 0°E |20°N 10°E |30°N 20°E |

7. A secret message has been intercepted. It says, "Meet me in 35N45E 60N10E 57N10E 35N55E 30S60W." These coordinates fall in five different countries. The first letters of the countries spell a word. What word is it? India________________

|Location |Country |

|35°N 45°E |Iraq |

|60°N 10°E |Norway |

|57°N 10°E |Denmark |

|35°N 55°E |Iran |

|30°S 60°W |Argentina |

8. Give the name of your artist, the artist's birthplace, and its location.

|Artist's name |Country of birth |Location |

| | | |

9. The combination to my padlock is given by the numbers in the locations of these two countries after each number is divided by 10. What is the combination? 2161________

|Country |Location |

|Niger |20°N 10°E |

|Norway |60°N 10°E |

10. Give approximate locations to the nearest degree for the following cities in the United States.

|City |Location |

|Los Angeles |35°N 118°W |

|Seattle |48°N 123°W |

|Chicago |42°N 88°W |

|Washington |38°N 77°W |

11. Write down a question about latitude and longitude that you would like to ask or that you think your teacher can't answer.


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