Mr. Shanley US History www.professionalpathwayshighschool ...

Name:_________________________________________________________Close Read: Union vs Confederacy CRObjective On the eve of the US Civil war, what were the quantifiable differences between the Northern and Southern states? CR IntroductionPrior to the start of the US Civil War, the nation was already divided by sectional differences. From population, to railroad track mileage, to industrial development, many different parts of the nation had unique characteristics, leading to unique need and wants. These states clashed repeatedly in the political arena, contributing to the rise of Sectionalism, eventually leading to the US Civil War. Thus, to better understand the war, it is vital to understand some of the quantifiable differences between the Union and Confederacy. Figure 1 - Map of the Union and Confederacy The states that seceded from the United States of America all joined the Confederate States of America. List the states in the Confederate States of America. The states that are shaded blue and yellow all remained in the Union or the United States of America. List the states in the Union. How many total states are there in the Union? How many total states are there in the Confederacy? What does this comparison suggest to you about which side might have an advantage in the war? Support your claim with reasoning. Figure 2 - Population in the Union and Confederacy Using the data in this graph, predict whether the Union or Confederacy will have a larger army. Explain how you arrived at this prediction. Figure 3 - Union & Confederate Armies Given the information about population in Figure 2, are you surprised by the number of soldiers each side had (as represented in Figure 3)? Why or why not? Figure 4a - Railroad Mileage Figure 4b - Railroad track mileage 1860 map Based on figures 4a & 4b, which nation has greater railroad track mileage - the Union or Confederacy? How could greater railroad track mileage be an advantage in a war? Figure 5 - Farm Acreage in the Union & Confederacy Who seems to have more farm acreage in 1860 - the Union or Confederacy? How could having more farmland provide an advantage during a war? Figure 6a - Manufacturing Output Figure 6b - Number of Factories Based on 6a & 6b, does the Union or Confederacy have a greater manufacturing capacity? How could this be an advantage during war time? CRAnalysis Task Union vs Confederacy: Predictions based on Data Directions: Using information from the documents, you will now write a response to the task with regards to excerpts from the documents provided above.Task: Using the information from the documents above, and your knowledge of US History complete the following writing prompt: Based on the data available in the provided graphs, tables and maps, who do you predict will win the Civil War? Provide at least three reasonsEnsure that all three of your reasons are supported by evidence from the provided graphs, tables and maps________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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