Archaeometry: General References

Materials of Art and Archeology


Part VII. Dating and Provenance

Norbert S. Baer

Conservation Center

Institute of Fine Arts

New York University

August 2003


Part I. Inorganic Materials (1997).

Part II. Metals (1999).

Part III. Organic Materials (2003).

Part IV. Instrumental Methods (2000).

Part V. Environment (1999).

Part VI. Museology (2003).

Part VII. Dating and Provenance (2003).

Part VIII Library and Archive Materials (1999).

Part IX Stone (1999).

Part X. Dyes and Pigments (2003).

Cumulative Index

May be obtained from:

Conservation Center

Institute of Fine Arts

New York University

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August 2003



Archaeometry: General References 1

Bone and Ivory: Provenance 2

Case Studies: Asyut Hoard 3

Case Studies: Bronze Horse (MMA) 4

Case Studies: Etruscan Warriors (MMA) 4

Case Studies: Getty Kouros 4

Case Studies: Mansoor Collection 5

Case Studies: Metallurgy in Chalcolithic Cyprus 7

Case Studies: Piltdown Man Forgery 7

Case Studies: Riace Bronzes 7

Case Studies: Schliemann and Troy 8

Case Studies: Sevso Treasure 8

Case Studies: Shroud of Turin 9

Case Studies: Thera Eruption 9

Case Studies: Tomb of Ramses II Sons 13

Case Studies: Vinland Map 13

Ceramics: Characterization 13

Ceramics: Firing Chemistry 14

Ceramics: Miscellaneous Methods of Analysis 15

Ceramics: Neutron Activation Analysis 16

Ceramics: Petrographic Analysis 16

Ceramics: X-ray Methods 17

Dendrochronology 17

DNA Profiling 18

Field Methods 19

Forensic Anthropology 19

Geochemistry: Potassium-Argon Dating 20

Glass: Dating and Provenance 20

Glass: Fission Track Dating 20

Glass: Weathering (Glass Layer Counting) 21

Ice Cores 21

Location Methods: Aerial Photography 21

Location Methods: General 21

Location Methods: Magnetic Prospecting 22

Location Methods: Radar 23

Marble Provenance: Cathodoluminescence 23

Marble Provenance: General 23

Marble Provenance: Isotope Analysis 24

Neutron Activation Analysis 25

Obsidian: Dating and Provenance 25

Paleobotany 27

Racemization Dating 27

Radiocarbon Dating: Bone 27

Radiocarbon Dating: General References 27

Radiocarbon Dating: Mortars 29

Rescue Archaeology: Temple of Dendur 29

Stone Provenance: Chemical and Isotopic Analysis 30

Stone Provenance: Desert Varnish 31

Stone Provenance: General 32

Stone Provenance: Petrographic Analysis 33

Stone Provenance: Quarries 33

Stone Provenance: Thermoluminescence Dating 34

Stone Provenance: Ultraviolet Examination 34

Stone Provenance: Wear Analysis 34

Technology and Culture 35

Thermoluminescence Dating 35

Archaeometry: General References

M.J. Aitken, Physics and Archaeology, 2nd Edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1974). viii + 291pp.

M.J. Aitken, Science-Based Dating in Archaeology, Longman, London and New York (1990). xix + 274pp.

T.E. Allibone, Editor, The Impact of the Natural Sciences on Archaeology, Oxford University Press for the British Academy, London (1970). vii + 185pp.

A. Aspinall, "Hard Science: Too Hard for Archaeology," In Archaeology at the Interface: Studies in Archaeology's Relationships with History, Geography, Biology, and Physical Science, J.L. Bintliff and C.F. Gaffney, Editors, BAR International Series, No.3, Oxford (1986). pp.130-132.

R. Berger, Scientific Methods in Medieval Archaeology University of California Press, Berkeley (1970). 459 pp.

S. Binford and L. Binford, Editors, New Perspectives in Archeology, Aldine, Chicago (1968). x + 373pp.

S. Bowman, Editor, Science and the Past British Museum Press, London (1991). 192pp.

R.H. Brill, Editor, Science and Archaeology, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1970). xi + 288pp.

D. Brotherwell and E. Higgs, Editors, Science in Archaeology: A Comprehensive Survey of Progress and Research, Thames and Hudson, London (1969). 595pp.

D. Brotherwell and E. Higgs, Editors, Science in Archaeology: A Survey of Progress and Research, Revised and Enlarged Edition, Praeger, New York (1970). 720pp.

K. Butzer, Environment and Archeology: An Ecological Approach to Prehistory, 2nd Edition, Aldine, Chicago (1971). xxvi + 703pp.

D. Clarke, Analytical Archaeology, 2nd Edition, Revised by B. Chapman, Columbia University Press, NY (1978). xxi + 526pp.

J.S. Dean, "Independent Dating in Archaeological Analysis," Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory 1 223-255 (1978).

R.C. Dunnell, "Why Archaeologists Don't Care about Archaeometry," Archaeomaterials 7 (Part 1) 161-165 (1993).

M. Ferretti, Scientific Investigations of Works of Art ICCROM, Rome (1993).

S. Fleming, "Scientific Measurement of Archaeology: Historical Review," In Archaeometry: An Australasian Perspective, W. Ambrose and P. Duerden, Editors, Australian National University, Canberra (1982). pp.7-21.

M.C. Ganorkar and N. Rama Rao, Editors, International Colloquium on the Role of Chemistry in Archaeology, Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Hyderabad, India (1991). xxiii + 147pp.

Z. Goffer, Archaeological Chemistry: A Sourcebook on the Applications of Chemistry to Archaeology Wiley, New York (1980). xvi+376pp.

J. Henderson, Editor, Scientific Analysis in Archaeology and its Interpretation, Oxford Committee for Archaeology/UCLA Institute for Archaeology, Oxford/Los Angeles (1989). xix + 311pp.

Review: D. Killick, Journal of Field Archaeology 19 117-121 (1992).

F. Hole and R.F. Heizer, An Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology, 3rd Edition, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York (1973). xv + 574pp.

R. Jones, "Ions and Eons: Some Thoughts on Archaeological Science and Scientific Archaeology," In Archaeometry: An Australasian Perspective, W. Ambrose and P. Duerden, Editors, Australian National University, Canberra (1982). pp.22-35.

F.D. Neiman, An Evolutionary Approach to Archaeological Inference: Aspects of Architectural Variation in the 17th Century Chesapeake, Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, New Haven, CT, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI (1990).

H.N. Michael and N.K. Ralph, Editors, Dating Techniques for the Archaeologist, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1971). xi + 226pp.

J.W. Michels, Dating Methods in Archaeology, Seminar Press, New York (1973). xiv + 230pp.

H. Mommsen, Archäometrie: Neuere naturwissenschaftliche Methoden und Erfolge in der Archäologie Teubner, Stuttgart (1986). 304pp.

R.M. Organ, "The Value of Analyses of Archaeological Objects," Archaeometry 13 27-28 (1971).

M.V. Orna and J.B. Lambert, "New Directions in Archaeological Chemistry," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 1-9.

H.L. Peterson, How Do You Know It's Old? A Practical Handbook on the Detection of Fakes for the Antiques Collector and Curator, Scribner, New York (1975). ix + 166pp.

F. Plog, "The Integration of Archaeometry into Archaeological

Research," In Future Direction in Archaeometry, J. Olin, Editor, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. (1982). pp.75-79.

A.M. Pollard, Editor, New Developments in Archaeological Science, Oxford University Press (1992). 293pp.

A.M. Pollard, Report of the Coordinator for Science-Based Archaeology, 1987-1990, Science and Engineering Research Council, Swinton (n.d)..

D. A. Scott and P. Meyers, Editors, Archaeometry of Pre –Columbian Sites and Artifacts, Getty Trust, CA (1994). 432pp.

D.H. Thomas, Predicting the Past: An Introduction to Anthropological Archaeology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York (1974). x + 84pp.

M.S. Tite, Methods of Physical Examination in Archaeology, Seminar Press, New York (1972). xxx + 389pp.

M.S. Tite, "Archaeological Science: Past Achievements and Future Prospects," Archaeometry 33, Part 2 139-151 August (1991).

R.H. Tykot and S.M.M. Young, "Archaeological Implications of Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 116-130.

P. Vandiver, J. Druzik, and G.S. Wheeler, Editors, Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II, Materials Research Society, Symposium Proceedings Volume 185, Pittsburgh, PA (1991). xxviii + 844pp.

M.R. Waters, Principles of Geoarchaeology, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ (1992). 398pp.

W.S. Williams, "Science and the Art Museum: The Analysis of Archaeological Materials," In Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials," S.U. Wisseman and W.S. Williams, Editors, Gordon and Breach, Langhorne, PA (1993) pp. 157-186.

S.U. Wisseman and W.S. Williams, "Why Study Artifacts? An Interdisciplinary Approach," In Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials," S.U. Wisseman and W.S. Williams, Editors, Gordon and Breach, Langhorne, PA (1993) pp. 3-16.

J.E. Yellen, "Archaeometry and the National Science Foundation," SAS Bulletin 15 (Part 2) 2-3, 16 (1992).

Bone and Ivory: Provenance

N.S. Baer, T. Jochsberger and N. Indictor, "Chemical Investigations on Ancient Near Eastern ArchaeoProtein -logical Ivory Artifacts: III. Fluorine and Nitrogen Composition," Archaeological Chemistry II, Advances in Chemistry 171, Edited by G.F. Carter, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. (1978). pp.139-149.

N.S. Baer and N. Indictor, "Chemical Investigations on Ancient Near Eastern Archaeological Ivory Artifacts," Archaeological Chemistry, Advances in Chemistry 138, Edited by C.W. Beck, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. (1974). pp.236-245.

V. Balter, J.-F. Saliège, H. Bocherens, and A. Person, "Evidence of Physico-Chemical and Isotopic Modifications in Archaeological Bones During Controlled Acid Etching," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 315-504 August (2002).

A. Balzer, G. Gleixner, G. Grupe, H-L. Schmidt, S. Schramm, and S. Turban-Just, "In Vitro Decomposition of Bone Collagen by Soil Bacteria: the Implications for Stable Isotope Analysis in Archaeometry," Archaeometry 39, Part 2 415-430 August (1997).

J.C. Barton and C.B. Stringer, "An Attempt at Dating the Swanscombe Skull Bones Using Non-Destructive Gamma-Ray Counting," Archaeometry 39, Part 1 205-216 February (1997).

A. Berzero, V. Caramella-Crespi, and P. Cavagna, "Direct Gamma-Ray Spectrometric Dating of Fossil Bones: Preliminary Results," Archaeometry 39, Part 1 189-204 February (1997).

J.H. Burton, "Trace Elements in Bone as Paleodietary Indicators," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 327-334.

M. Castellano Arroyo and E. Villanueva Canadas, "Study on the Evolution of Lipids in Bone Remains in Relation to the Date. II. Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Free Fatty Acids," Zacchia 14 No.1 61-72 (1978).

A.M. Child, "Amino Acid Racemization and the Effects of Microbial Diagenisis," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 366-377.

M. J. Collins, C. M. Nielsen-Marsh, J. Hiller, C. I. Smith, J. P. Roberts, R. V. Prigodich, T. J. Wess, J. Csapò, A. R. Millard, and G. Turner-Walker, "The Survival of Organic Matter in Bone: a Review," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 383-394 August (2002).

S. Costamagno, "Laboratory Taphonomy - Material Loss and Skeletal Part Profiles: the Example of Saint-Germain-la-Rivière (Gironde, France)," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 495-504 August (2002).

M. Del Pilar Babot and M. C. Apella, "Maize and Bone: Residues of Grinding in Northwestern Argentina," Archaeometry 45 Part 1 121-132 February (2003).

C. Denys, "Taphonomy and Experimentation," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 469-485 August (2002).

T. de Torres, J. E. Ortiz, F. J. Llamas, L. Canoira, R. Juliá, and M. J. García-Martínez, "Bear Dentine Aspartic Acid Racemization Analysis: a Proxy for the Dating of Pleistocene Cave Infills," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 417-426 August (2002).

Y. Fernández-Jalvo, B. Sánchez-Chillón, and Luis Alcalá, "The Fourth International Meeting on Bone Diagenesis," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 315-319 August (2002).

Y. Fernández-Jalvo, B. Sánchez-Chillón, P. Andrews, S. Fernández-López, and L. Alcalá Martínez, "Morphological Taphonomic Transformations of Fossil Bones in Continental Environments, and Repercussions on Their Chemical Composition," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 353-362 August (2002).

E.-M. Geigl, "On the Circumstances Surrounding the Preservation and Analysis of Very Old DNA," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 337-343 August (2002).

A. Götherström, M. J. Collins, A. Angerbjörn, and K. Lidén, "Bone Preservation and DNA Amplification," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 395-404 August (2002).

D.M. Greenlee, "An Electron Microprobe Evaluation of Diagenetic Alteration in Archaeological Bone," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 334-354.

R. E. M. Hedges, "Bone Diagenesis: an Overview of Processes," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 319-328 August (2002).

M. M. E. Jans, H. Kars, C. M. Nielsen-Marsh, C. I. Smith, A. G. Nord, P. Arthur, and N. Earl, "In situ Preservation of Archaeological Bone: a Histological Study Within a Multidisciplinary Approach," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 343-352 August (2002).

J.B. Lambert and J.M. Weydert-Homeyer, "The Fundamental Relationship Between Ancient Diet and the Inorganic Constituents of Bone as Derived from Feeding Experiments," Archaeometry 35, Part 2 279-294 August (1993).

A.G. Latham, "Uranium-Series Dating of Bone by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry: Comment," Archaeometry 39, Part 1 217-220 February (1997).

J. Lee-Thorp, "Two Decades of Progress Towards Understanding Fossilization Processes and Isotopic Signals in Calcified Tissue Minerals," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 435-446 August (2002).

E. Leitner-Wild and I. Steffan, "Uranium-series Dating of Fossil Bones from Alpine Caves," Archaeometry 35, Part 1 137-146 February (1993).

T. Matthews, "South African Micromammals and Predators: Some Comparative Results," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 363-370 August (2002).

P.T. McCutcheon, "Thermoluminescent Analysis of Burned Bone: Assessing the Problems," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 311-326.

D.E. Nelson and K.N. Slessor, "Stable Carbon Isotope Measurements of the Carboxyl Carbons in Bone Collagen," Archaeometry 41, Part 1 151-164 February (1999).

A. Nicholls, E. Matisoo-Smith, and M. S. Allen, "A Novel Application of Molecular Techniques to Pacific Archaeofish Remains," Archaeometry 45 Part 1 133-148 February (2003).

C.M. Nielsen-Marsh and R.E.M. Hedges, "Bone Porosity and the Use of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry in Bone Diagenesis Studies," Archaeometry 41, Part 1 165-174 February (1999).

T. C. O'Connell and R. E. M. Hedges, "Isolation and Isotopic Analysis of Individual Amino Acids from Archaeological Bone Collagen: A New Method Using Rp-hplc," Archaeometry 43 Part 3 421-438 August (2001).

D.J. Ortner, D.W. Von Endt and M.S. Robinson, "The Effect of Temperature on Decay in Bone: Its Significance in Nitrogen Dating of Archaeological Specimens," American Antiquity 37 No.4 514-520 (1972).

T. D. Price, J. H. Burton and R. A. Bentley, "The Characterization of Biologically Available Strontium Isotope Ratios for the Study of Prehistoric Migration," Archaeometry 44 Part 1 117-136 February (2002).

I. Reiche, C. Vignaud, and M. Menu, "The Crystallinity of Ancient Bone and Dentine: New Insights by Transmission Electron Microscopy," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 447-460 August (2002).

S. J. Roberts, C. I. Smith, A. Millard, and M. J. Collins, "The Taphonomy of Cooked Bone: Characterizing Boiling and Its Physico-Chemical Effects," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 485-495 August (2002).

M. Shimoyama, H. Maeda, H. Sato, T. Ninomiya and Y. Ozaki, “Nondestructive Discrimination of Biological Materials by Near-Infrared Fourier Transform Raman Spectrascopy and Chemometrics: Discrimination among Hard and Soft Ivories of African Elephants and Mammoth Tusks and Prediction of Specific Gravity of the Ivories,” Applied Spectroscopy 51 No. 8 1154-1158 (1997).

C. I. Smith, C. M. Nielsen-Marsh, M. M. E. Jans, P. Arthur, A. G. Nord, and M. J. Collins, "The Strange Case of Apigliano: Early 'Fossilization' of Medieval Bone in Southern Italy," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 405-416 August (2002).

B.J. Szabo, "Dating Fossil Bone from Cornelia Orange Free State, South Africa," Journal of Archaeological Science 6 201-203 (1979).

I. Taufer and J. Tauferová, "The Design of Evaluation of Assays of Trace Elements in a Fossil Bone," Archaeometry 36, Part 1 93-114 February (1994).

H. S. Taylor, “Part VII, Chemical Investigations on Ivory,” In Mycenne 1939-1954 (1955). pp. 248-250.

C. N. Trueman and D. M. Martill, "The Long-Term Survival of Bone: The Role of Bioerosion," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 371-382 August (2002).

G. Turner-Walker and U. Syversen, "Quantifying Histological Changes in Archaeological Bones Using BSE-SEM Image Analysis," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 461-469 August (2002).

N. Tuross, "Alterations in Fossil Collagen," Archaeometry 44 Part 3 315-504 August (2002).

G. Wessen, F.H. Ruddy, C.E. Gustafson and H. Irwin, "Characterization of Archaeological Bone by Neutron Activation Analysis," Archaeometry 19 (Part 2) 200-205 (1977).

See Also: Amino Acids and Proteins (Part 3); Paleobotany; Racemization Dating (Part 3); Case Studies: Piltdown Man Forgery; and Radiocarbon Dating.

Case Studies: Asyut Hoard

H.A. Cahn, "Dating the Early Coinages of Athens," In Kleine Schriften zur Münzkunde und Archäologie, Archäologischer Verlag, Basel (1975). pp.81-97.

N.H. Gale, W. Gentner, and G.A. Wagner, "Mineralogical and Geographical Silver Sources of Archaic Greek Silver," In Metallurgy and Numismatics, vol.1, W.A. Oddy, Editor, The Royal Numismatic Society, London (1980). pp.3-49.

W. Gentner, O. Müller, G.A. Wagner and N.H. Gale, "Silver Sources of Archaic Greek Coinage," Naturwissenschaften 65 278-284 (1978).

C.M. Kraay, "The Asyut Hoard: Some Comments on Chronology," The Numismatic Chronicle 17 189-198 (1977).

C.M. Kraay, "Hoards, Small Change and the Origin of Coinage," Journal of Hellenic Studies 84 76-91 (1964).

O. Müller and W. Gentner, "On the Composition of the Aeginetan Coins from the Asyut Hoard,"

M.J. Price, "The Uses of Metal Analysis in the Study of Archaic Greek Coinage: Some Comments," Metallurgy in Numismatics, vol.1, D.M. Metcalf and W.A. Oddy, Editors, The Royal Numismatic Society, London (1980).

M. Price and N. Waggoner, Archaic Greek Coinage: The Asyut Hoard, V.C. Vecchi and Sons, London (1975).

M. Thompson, "Hoards and Overstrikes: The Numismatic Evidence," Expedition 21 No.4 40-46 (1979).

Case Studies: Bronze Horse (MMA)

L. Brown, “Two Small Bronze Horses,” Curator 263-292 (1969).

C. Brumel, “Das Bronzepferd in New York ist keine Fälschung,” Die Weltkust Heft 12, p. 568 (1968). (As summarized and translated in New York Times, August 10, 1968).

E.R. Caley, Analysis of Ancient Metals, Macmillan Company, New York, N.Y. (1964). pp. 116-117.

E.R. Caley, “Chemical Composition of Greek and Roman Statuary Bronzes,” In Art and Technology, M.I.T., Cambridge (1970). pp.37-49.

P.T. Craddock, “The Composition of Copper Alloys Used By the Greek, Etruscan and Roman Civilizations: 1. The Greeks Before the Archaic Period," Journal of Archaeological Science 3 93-113 (1976); 2. “The Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic Greeks," Journal of Archaeological Science 4 103-123 (1977); 3. “Origins and Early Use of Brass," Journal of Archaeological Science 5 1-16 (1978).

S. Hemingway, “How Bronze Statues Were Made in Antiquity," The Fire of Hephaistos, Harvard University Art Museums Gallery Series, No. 19, p.2-5.

K.C. Lefferts, L.J. Majewski, E.V. Sayre and P. Meyers, “Technical Examination of the Classical Bronze Horse From the Metropolitan Museum of Art," Journal of American Institute For Conservation 21 1-42 (1981).

S.Z. Lewin, “A New Approach to Establishing the Authenticity of Patinas on Copper-base Artifacts," In Applications of Science in Examination of Works of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1970). pp. 62-66.

C.C. Mattusch, Greek Bronze Statuary, Cornell (1988). pp. 16-30.

J.V. Noble, “The Forgery of Our Greek Bronze Horse,” MMA Journal 26 253-256 (1968).

D.W. Zimmerman, M.P. Yuhas, and P. Meyers, “Thermoluminescent Authenticity Measurements on Core Material From the Bronze Horse of the Metropolitan Museum,” Archaeometry 16 19-30 (1974).

D. von Bothmer, Re: Dating of Greek Bronze Horse, Interdepartmental Letter of Metropolitan Museum of Art, p.1-3.

Case Studies: Etruscan Warriors (MMA)

Anon, “Museum Visitors Smile as They Pass Three Fake Etruscans," New York Times 20 February (1961).

Anon, “Roman Admits Forging Etruscan Sculptures," New York Times 22 February (1961).

Anon, “Fallen Warriors," Time p. 60 24 February (1961).

P. Cellini, “Review," Paragone 65 46-47 (1955).

S.J. Fleming, Authenticity in Art: The Scientific Discovery of Forgery, New York, (1976). p.73.

D.L. Goodrich, Art Fakes in America, New York (1973). pp. 169-175.

S. Knox, “Art Museum Finds it Owns Three Fakes," New York Times February (1961). p. 1.

S. Knox, “3 ‘Old Etruscan’ Soldiers Fade into a ‘Morgue’ at Metropolitan: Frauds Now Accessible Only to Students or Scholars," New York Times 22 January (1962). p. 25.

I.C. Love, “A Stylistic Discussion Concerning the Authenticity of the Three Etruscan Warriors in the Metropolitan Museum of Art," Marsyas IX 14-35 (1961).

A. Muñoz, “Editorial," L’Urbe 2 No. 12 pp. 48 (1937).

H.W. Parsons, “The Art of Fake Etruscan Art," Art News 34-37, 68 (1962).

M. Pollotino, “Editorial," Roma 473-474 (1937).

G.M.A. Richter, Etruscan Terracotta Warriors in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Museum: Papers No. 6 5-18 (1937).

G. Savage, Forgeries, Fakes and Reproductions: A Handbook For the Art Dealer and Collector New York (1964). pp. 141-143.

D. von Bothmer and J.V. Noble, An Inquiry Into the Forgery of the Etruscan terracotta Warrors in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Museum Papers No. 2 7-28 (1962).

Case Studies: Getty Kouros

Anon., "The Truth about Fakes," The Burlington Magazine 132 615 (1990).

E. Doehne, The Weathering of Dolomite Marble on Thasos, Greece Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis (1994). 213pp. UMI, Ann Arbor.

E. Doehne, “Analysis of Weathered Dolomite Marble from Thasos, Greece,” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 179-190

J. Paul Getty Museum, "Getty Museum to Undertake Detailed Comparative Study of Kouros Statues," J. Paul Getty Museum Press Release, Malibu, CA (6 July 1990).

E. Harrison, "Making and Faking Greek Sculpture," Third Richard Hubbard Howland Lecture, Washington Archaeological Society (7 March 1990). Typescript.

J.J. Herrmann, Jr., "Thasos and the Ancient Marble Trade," In Marble: Art Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Ancient Sculpture, J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, CA (1990). pp.73-100.

S. Hochfield, "Ancient Greek of Modern Roman?" Art News 90 No.8 41 (October 1991).

T. Hoving, "The Getty Kouros: Sixth Century B.C. or Twentieth Century A.D.?" Connoisseur 216 100 (September 1986).

T. Hoving, "That Getty Kouros: More Unanswered Questions," Connoisseur 220 170-171 (October 1990).

M. Kimmelman, "Absolutely Real? Absolutely Fake?" The New York Times, 4 August (1991).

S. Margolis, "Authenticating Ancient Marble Sculpture," Scientific American 260 104-110 (June 1989).

S. Margolis and W. Showers, "Weathering Characteristics, Age, and Provenance Determinations on Ancient Greek and Roman Marble Artifacts," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade: , NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Marble in Ancient Greece and Rome, Editors, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1988). pp.233-242.

S. Margolis and W. Showers, "Ancient Greek and Roman Marble Sculptures: Authentication, Weathering, and Provenance Determination," In Marble: Art Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Ancient Sculpture, J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, CA (1990). pp.283-299.

S. Margolis, F. Preusser and D. Dietrich, "Evidence for Dedolomitization in an Archaic Greek (6th Century B.C).. Kouros Statue," Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts 19 760 (1987).

S. Margolis, F. Preusser and W. Showers, "Ancient Marble Sculpture: Geochemical Characterization of Surficial Weathering Products," In Material Issues in Art and Archaeology, Editors, E. Sayre, P. Vandiver, J. Druzik, and C. Stevenson, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA (1988). pp.53-58.

G. Norman and T. Hoving, "The Getty Scandals," Connoisseur 217 99-109 (May 1987).

G. Norman and T. Hoving, "It Was Bigger Than They Know," Connoisseur 217 73-81 (August 1987).

J.C. Podany, "Advances in the Reassembly of Large Stone Sculpture at the J. Paul Getty Museum," In Recent Advances in the Conservation and Analysis of Artifacts, Editor, J. Black, University of London, London (1987). pp.375-382.

G. Richter, Kouroi: Archaic Greek Youths: A Study of the Development of the Kouros Type in Greek Sculpture, 3rd Edition, Hacker Art Books, New York (1988). xvii + 365pp.

J. Spier, "Blinded with Science: The Abuse of Science in the Detection of False Antiquities," The Burlington Magazine 132 623-631 (September 1990).

M. True, "A Kouros at the Getty Museum," Connoisseur 129 3-11 (January 1987).

M. Westerman, "The Last Snowball? Was the Getty's $7 Million Ancient Greek Kouros a Notorious Fake and Simply Revolting?" Art and Antiques 62 (16 February 1987).

Case Studies: Mansoor Collection

C. Aldred, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Exhibition Catalogue, Brooklyn Museum, New York (1973). 231pp.

C. Aldred, The Beginning of the El-Amarna Period,” The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 45 19-33 (1959).

R. Anthes, The Head of Queen Nofretete Verlag Gebr. Mann, Berlin (1958).

R.E. Arnal, "Examination of Sculptures in the Collection of Mr. E. Mansoor," San Jose State College, San Jose, CA (7 March 1959).

J.C. Bard, F. Asaro, and R.F. Heizer, “Perspectives on the Dating of Great Basin Petroglyphs by Neutron Activation Analysis," Archaeometry 20 85-88 (1978).

A.L. Becker-Colonna, Ancient Egypt: An Exhibition of El-Amarna Sculptures and Reliefs of the Mansoor Collection, Exhibition Catalogue, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA (1975). 55pp.

A.L. Becker-Colonna, Akhenaton: La Caduta degli dei. Edizioni C.I.R.U.A., Rome (1990).

A.L. Becker-Colonna, Ancient Egypt Mansoor - El Amarna Collection San Francisco State University, California (1991).

R. Berger, "The Mansoor Amarna Collection: An Evaluation," The University of California, Los Angeles (7 February 1976).

E. Blackwelder, "Comments on the Authenticity of Certain Egyptian Sculptures Submitted by Mr. E.R. Mansoor," Stanford University, Stanford, CA (6 February 1959).

L. Borchardt, Porträts der Königin Nofret-ete J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung (1923).

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K. Lange, König Echnaton und die Amarna-Zeit München: Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft-liches Lichtbild (1951).

C. Mansoor, The Scandal of a Century: The Mansoor Amarna Exposé Carleton Press Corp., New York (1995).

A.P. Middleton and S.M. Bradley, "Provenancing of Egyptian Limestone Sculpture," Journal of Archaeological Science 16 No.6 475-488 (1989).

H.W. Muller, "Expert Opinion," University of Munich (15 February 1960).

G. Nolli, In Defense of the Mansoor Amarna Collection, Rome (1986).

B.H. Parker, Personal Correspondence to Mr. H. Medill Sarkisian (2 February 1959).

T.E. Peet and C.L. Woolley, The City of Akenhaten Part I Egypt Exploration Society, London (1923).

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H.J. Plenderleith, "Memo on Specimens from the Mansoor Collection of Limestone Figurines," International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (1961).

R.R.R. Protsch, Personal Correspondence to Mr. E.R. Mansoor, J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany (2 January 1976).

D. Redford, “Studies on Akenaten at Thebes," Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt pp. 77-94 (1973).

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F.H. Stross and W.J. Eisenlord, A Report on a Group of Limestone Carvings by M.A. Mansoor and Sons, Privately Printed (1965).

F.J. Turner, Personal Correspondence to Mr. E. Mansoor (23 February 1960).

W.J. Young, "Technical Examination of Nine Tel El-Amarna Objects, Property of Mr. W. Mansoor," (14 April 1949).

See Also: World Wide Web: Mansoor Amarna Collection ; Stone Provenance: Desert Varnish.

Case Studies: Metallurgy in Chalcolithic Cyprus

P. Budd, A.M. Pollard and B. Scafe, “The Possible Fractionation of Lead Isotopes in Ancient Metallurgical Processes,” Archaeometry 37 1 143-149 (1995).

D. Frankel, "Inter- and Intrasite Variability and Social Interaction in Prehistoric Bronze Age Cyprus: Types, Ranges and Trends," BASOR 292 59-71 (1993).

N.H. Gale, "Metals and Metallurgy in the Chalcolithic Period," BASOR 282/283 37-61 (1991).

S. Held, "Insularity as a Modifier of Cultural Change: The Case of Prehistoric Cyprus," BASOR 292 25-33 (1993).

P.S. Keswani, " Models of Local Exchange in Late Bronze Age Cyprus," BASOR 292 73-83 (1993).

A. Kingsworth, "Complexities of Complexity: An Anthropological Concern," BASOR 292 107-119 (1993).

B. Knapp, "Social Complexity: Incipience, Emergence, and Development on Prehistoric Cyprus," BASOR 292 85-105 (1993).

S.W. Manning, "Prestige, Distinction, and Competition: The Anatomy of Socioeconomic Complexity in the Fourth to Second Millennium B.C.E.," BASOR 292 35-57 (1993).

J.D. Muhly, "Beyond Typology: Aegean Metallurgy in its Historical Context," In Contributions to Aegean Archaeology: Studies in Honour of William A. McDonald University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis (1985).

G. Nakou, "The Cutting Edge: A New Look at Early Aegean Metallurgy," JMA 8 2 1-32 (1995).

E. Peltenburg, "Local Exchange in Prehistoric Cyprus: An Initial Assessment of Picrolite," BASOR 292 107-120 (1993).

E. Peltenburg, " Settlement Discontinuity and Resistance to Complexity in Cyprus, ca. 4500-2500 B.C.E.," BASOR 293 9-23 (1993).

Z. Stos-Gale, N. Gale, J. Houghton and R. Speakman, "Lead Isotope Data from the Isotrace Laboratory, Oxford," Archaeometry 37 2 407-417 (1995).

Case Studies: Piltdown Man Forgery

Anon., “Arthur Conan Doyle is Piltdown Suspect,” New York Times 2 August (1983).

J. Collins, "Piltdown Man is Termed a Trap Set by One Geologist for Another," The New York Times, 7 November (1978).

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F. Spencer, Piltdown A Scientific Forgery, Oxford University Press, London (1990). 272pp.

Case Studies: Riace Bronzes

J. Alsop, "Warriors From A Watery Grave," National Geographic 163 820-827 (1983).

J. Boardman, Greek Sculpture: The Classical Period London (1991).

L.V. Borelli and P. Pelagatti, "Due Bronzi di Riace," Bolletino D'Arte. Serie Speciale 3 (1984).

A. Busignani, The Bronzes of Riace Firenze (1981).

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D. Finn, Greek Monumental Bronze Sculpture New York (1983).

E. Formigli, "La tecnicadi constrzione delle statue di Riace," In Borelli and Pelagatti 107-143 (1984).

F. Garbassi and E. Mello, "Surface Spectroscopic Studies on Patinas of Ancient Metal Objects," Studies in Conservation 29 172-180 (1984).

E.B. Harrison, "Early Classical Sculpture: The Bold Style," Greek Art: Archaic into Classical Cincinnati (1985).

C.M. Houser, Greek Monumental Bronze Sculpture of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BC Boston (1979).

C. Mattusch, Greek Bronze Statuary Ithaca (1988).

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B.S. Ridgway The Severe Style in Greek Sculpture Princeton University Press, Princeton (1970). 155pp.

B.S. Ridgway, Fifth Century Styles in Greek Sculpture Princeton University Press, Princeton (1981). 256 pp.

B.S. Ridgway, "The Riace Bronzes: A Minority Viewpoint," In Borelli and Pelagatti 313-326 (1984).

C. Rolley, Greek Bronzes, Soetheby's Publications, London (1986). 267pp.

G. Schneider, "Investigations of Crucibles and Moulds from Bronze Foundies in Olympia and Athens and Determination of Provenances of Bronze Statues," Archaeometry (Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium. Amsterdam: 1989).

Case Studies: Schliemann and Troy

K. Akinsha and G. Kozlov, Stolen Treasure: The Hunt for Lost Treasures Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London (1995).

R. Bernstein, “Facts and Myths About the Man Who Found Troy,” New York Times 5 January (1996).

C. Blegen, Troy and Trojans Praeger, Inc., New York (1963).

W. Calder and D. Traill, Editors Myth, Scandal and History: The Heinrich Schliemann Controversy Wayne State University Press, Detroit (1986). 273pp.

D.F. Easton, "The Troy Treasures in Russia," Antiquity 69 11-14 (1995).

D.F. Easton, "Priam's Treasure" Anatolian Studies 34 141-169 (1984).

B. Hoffman, "The Spoils of War," Archaeology 46 6 37-40 (1993).

E. Ludwig, Schliemann: The Story of a Gold-seeker Little, Brown and Company, Boston (1931).

K.E. Meyer, "The Hunt for Priam's Treasure," Archaeology 46 6 26-32 (1993).

C. Moorehead, The Lost Treasures of Troy Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London (1994). 307pp.

J. Ottaway, Jr., “Troy Today: The Ruins are Real, the Horse Isn’t,” Wall Street Journal 27 December (1990).

R. Payne, The Gold of Troy: The Story of Heinrich Schliemann and the Buried Cities of Ancient Greece, Funk and Wagnalls Co., New York (1959). 273pp.

M. Rose, "What Did Schliemann Find?" Archaeology 46 6 33-36 (1993).

Studia Troica Volume 1 (1991). Mainz au Rhein: Philipp Von Zabern, 1991. Volume 2 (1992). Mainz au Rhein: Philipp Von Zabern, 1992. Volume 3 (1993). Mainz au Rhein: Philipp Von Zabern, 1993. Volume 4 (1994). Mainz au Rhein: Philipp Von Zabern, 1994.

C. Schuchhardt, Schliemann's Excavations: An Archaeological and Historical Study Benjamin Blom, Inc., New York (1971). 363pp.

D.A. Traill, "Schliemann's Discovery of Priam's Treasure: A Re-examination of the Evidence" Journal of Hellenic Studies 104 96-115 (1984).

D.A. Traill, Schliemann of Troy: Treasure and Deceit St. Martin's Press, New York (1995). 365pp.

Case Studies: Sevso Treasure

Anon., New York Supplement, 2nd, Vol. 561, p. 566 (Law Journal).

Anon., New York Supplement, 2nd, Vol. 610, p. 263 (Law Journal).

Anon., "Sotheby's is Restrained from Exporting Silver," The New York Times p. 14 7 May (1990).

Anon., "Trial Ordered in Suit Over Silver at Sotheby's," The New York Times 9 November (1990). p. 30.

Anon., "Sotheby's Tries to Leave Oman-Silver Dispute," The New York Times 28 May (1992). p. 18.

Anon., "Court Rules That Silver May Go Back to Owner," The New York Times 22 April (1994). p. 20.

Anon., "2 Nations Lose Claim to Old Silver," The New York Times 23 September (1994).

W. Carley, "In the Art World: Was Silver Horde Smuggled?" The Wall Street Journal 19 March (1991). p. 1.

W. Carley, "They are Lebanese, If You Please," The Wall Street Journal 2 January (1991). p. 7.

C. Chippendale, Editorial, Antiquity 64 204-207 (1990).

J.E. Conklin, Art Crime, Praeger, Westport, CT (1994). 322pp.

D. D'Arcy, "Lord Northampton Wins By Default - For the Moment," The Art Newspaper 4 4 (1993).

D. Darcy, "Shadow of the of the Sevso Treasure," Vanity Fair 56 150-168 (1993).

J. Healy, "Sevso Treasure Dispute," Archaeology 46 24 (1993).

E. Herscher, "International Control Efforts: Are There Any Good Solutions?," The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property Albuquerque, NM (1989).

B. Hoffman, "Sevso Follies of 1994," Archaeology 47 42-43 (1994).

R. Kenner, "Risky Business," Art & Antiques 19 Apr (1990).

R. Kenner, "Risky Business: Sotheby's Takes a Chance on the Sevso Treasure," Art & Antiques 7 19 (1990).

R. Lay, “Marquess Hails £50m Silver Hoard Victory,” Evening Standard 5 November (1993). p. 5.

C. Lowenthal, "Rugs Back, Picassos Restolen," The Wall Street Journal 30 December (1994). p. 1.

B. Macintyre, "Peer Celebrates Sevso Ruling," The Times 6 November (1993). p. 5.

M. Mango and A. Bennett, "The Sevso Treasure," Journal of Roman Archaeology 12 21 (1994).

J.H. Merryman, " The Protection of Artistic National Patrimony Against Pillaging and Theft," Art law: Domestic and International Hackensack, NJ (1975). pp. 241-246.

L.V. Prott, Law and Cultural Heritage 3 London 726-755 (1989).

R. Reif., "Ancient Roman Silver to be Sold," The New York Times 10 February (1990). p. 13.

R. Reif., "Antiques: Roman Silver Fit For the Baths," The New York Times 18 February (1990). p. 38.

R. Reif., "Court Forbids Removal of Disputed Silver," The New York Times 22 February (1990). p. 19.

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Reuters Service, "Hungary to Appeal for the Sevso Silver," The New York Times 11 July (1994). p. 16.

A.M. Sullivan, "Law and Diplomacy in Cultural Property Matters," Museum Management and Curatorship 10 219-143 (1991).

J. Tully, "Battle Over Royal Silver," The Washington Post 30 July (1990). p. 5.

S. Vincent and G. Norman, “Witness in £40 m Treasure Trial Accused of Lying,” The Independent 25 October (1993).

C. Vogel, "The Art Market," The New York Times 26 June (1992). p. 19.

P. Watson, "The Case of the Silver Treasure," The New York Times 28 June (1992). p. 1.

Case Studies: Shroud of Turin

A.D. Adler, "Updating Recent Studies on the Shroud of Turin," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 223-228.

Anon., “The Earliest Photograph?,” Art Newspaper Issue 80, March (1998).

M. W. Browne, “Tests Show Shroud of Turin To Be Fraud, Scientist Hints,” New York Times 22 September (1988). p. A28.

J. H. Heller, Report on the Shroud of Turin, Houghton Mifflin, Boston (1983). 225pp.

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P. S. Zurer, “Science Probes a Religious Mystery: Scientists Clash Over Whether Current Data Show the Shroud of Turin to be an Artist’s Creation,” C & E News 38 20 February (1984).

Case Studies: Thera Eruption

Anon., "Talking about Earth," Earth Science 43 No. 1 11 (1990).

M.J. Aitken, "The Minoan Eruption of Thera, Santorini: A Re-assessment of the Radiocarbon Dates, " In New Aspects of Archaeological Science in Greece, R.E. Jones and H.W. Catling, Editors, British School at Athens, Athens (1988) pp. 19-24.

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M.A. Aston and P.G. Hardy, "The Pre-Minoan Landscape of Thera: a Preliminary Statement," In D.A. Hardy and H.C. Renfrow, Editors, Thera and the Ancient World III, Volume 2, The Thera Foundation, London (1990). pp.348-361.

P. Astrom, "Three Tel el Yahudiyeh Juglets in the Thera Museum," In A. Kaloyeropoyloy, Editor, Acta of the First International Scientific Congress on the Volcano of Thera, Archaeological Service of Greece, Athens (1971). pp.231-234.

M.G.L. Baillie, "Irish Tree Rings and an Event in 1628 B.C." In D.A. Hardy and H.C. Renfrow, Editors, Thera and the Ancient World III, Volume 3, The Thera Foundation, London (1990). pp.160-166.

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P.P. Betancourt, The History of Minoan Pottery, Princeton University Press, Princeton (1985). xxi + 226pp.

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P.P. Betancourt, P. Goldberg, R.H. Simpson and C.J. Vitaliano, "Excavations at Pseira: The Evidence for the Theran Eruption," In D.A. Hardy and H.C. Renfrow, Editors, Thera and the Aegean World III, Volume 3, The Thera Foundation, London (1990). pp.96-99.

P.P. Betancourt and H.N. Michael, "Dating the Aegean Late Bronze Age with Radiocarbon: Addendum," Archaeometry 29 (Part 2) 212-213 (1987).

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U. Erikson, W.L. Friedrich, B. Buchhardt, H. Tauber and M.S. Thomsen, "The Stronghyle Caldera: Geological, Paleontological and Stable Isotope Evidence from Radiocarbon Dated Stromatolites from Santorini," In D.A. Hardy and H.C. Renfrow, Editors, Thera and the Aegean World III, Volume 2, The Thera Foundation, London (1990). pp.139-150.

V. Francaviglia, "Sea-borne Pumice Deposits of Archaeological Interest on Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Beaches," In D.A. Hardy and H.C. Renfrow, Editors, Thera and the Aegean World III, Volume 2, The Thera Foundation, London (1990). pp.127-134.

W.L. Friedrich, R. Friborg and H. Tauber, "Two Radiocarbon Dates of the Minoan Eruption on Santorini (Greece)," In Thera and the Aegean World, Volume 2, Thera and the Aegean World, London (1978). pp241-244.

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See also: Ice Cores.

Case Studies: Tomb of Ramses II Sons

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Case Studies: Vinland Map

M. Knight, “Yale Says Prized Vinland Map of North America is a Forgery,” New York Times 26 January (1974). p. 38.

G. D. Painter, “A Trace of Titanium,” TLS 29 November (1991).

Ceramics: Characterization

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J. Buxeda i Garrigós, V. Kilikoglou, and P. M. Day, "Chemical and Mineralogical Alteration of Ceramics from A Late Bronze Age Kiln At Kommos, Crete: the Effect On the Formation of A Reference Group," Archaeometry 43 Part 3 349-372 August (2001).

J. Buxeda i Garrigós, H. Mommsen, and A. Tsolakidou, "Alterations of Na, K and Rb Concentrations in Mycenaean Pottery and a Proposed Explanation Using X-ray Diffraction," Archaeometry 44 Part 2 187-198 May (2002).

A. Castellano, A. D'Innocenzo, C. Pagliara, and F. Raho, "Composition and Origin of Iapygian Pottery from Roca Vecchia, Italy," Archaeometry 38, Part 1 59-66 February (1996).

M. García-Heras, M. J. Blackman, R. Fernández-Ruiz, and R. L. Bishop, "Assessing Ceramic Compositional Data: A Comparison of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis On Late Iron Age Spanish Celtiberian Ceramics," Archaeometry 43 Part 3 325-348 August (2001).

H. Hatcher, M.S. Tite, and J.N. Walsh, "A Comparison of Inductively-coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Analysis on Standard Reeference Silicate Materials and Ceramics," Archaeometry 37, Part 1 83-94 February (1995).

A. Hein, A. Tsolakidou, and H. Mommsen, "Mycenaean Pottery from the Argolid and Achaia - a Mineralogical Approach Where Chemistry Leaves Unanswered Questions," Archaeometry 44 Part 2 177-187 May (2002).

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M. P. Mata, D. R. Peacor, and M. D. Gallart-Martí, "Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Applied to Ancient Pottery," Archaeometry 44 Part 2 155-176 May (2002).

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P. Mirti, A. Casoli, M. Barra Bagnasco, and M.C. Preacco Ancona, "Fine Ware from Locri Epizephiri" a Provenance Study by Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy," Archaeometry 37, Part 1 41-52 February (1995).

P. Mirti, V. Zelano, R. Aruga, E. Ferrara, and L. Appolonia, "Roman Pottery from Augusta Praetoria (Aosta, Italy): A Provenance Study," Archaeometry 32, Part 2 163-176 August (1990).

H. Neff, Chemical Characterization of Ceramic Pastes in Archaeology, Monographs in World Archaeology, Prehistory Press, Madison, WI (1992). ix + 289pp.

H. Neff, "RQ-mode Principal Components Analysis of Ceramic Compositional Data," Archaeometry 36, Part 1 115-130 February (1994).

A.M. Pollard and H. Hatcher, "The Chemical Analysis of Oriental Ceramic Body Compositions: Part 1: Wares from North China," Archaeometry 36, Part 1 41-62 February (1994).

C.G. Sampson and J.C. Vogel, "Anomalous Carbon-13 Values for Fibre Temper in Ceramics," Archaeometry 39, Part 2 407-414 August (1997).

C. Shriner and M.J. Dorais, "A Comparative Eelctron Microprobe Study of Lerna III and IV Ceramics and Local Clay-Rich Sediments," Archaeometry 41, Part 1 25-50 February (1999).

M. S. Tite, V. Kilikoglou and G. Vekinis, "Strength, Toughness and Thermal Shock Resistance of Ancient Ceramics, and Their Influence On Technological Choice," Archaeometry 43 Part 3 301-324 August (2001).

S.O. Troja, A. Cro, A.M. Gueli, V. La Rosa, P. Mazzoleni, A. Pezzino, and M. Romeo, "Characterization and Thermoluminescence Dating of Prehistoric Pottery Sherds from Melina," Archaeometry 38, Part 1 113-128 February (1996).

J.D. Turner, A.C. Keary, and D.P.S. Peacock, "Drawing Potsherds: A Low-Cost Computer-Based Program," Archaeometry 32, Part 2 1177-182 August (1990).

J. van Klinken, "Magnetization of Ancient Ceramics," Archaeometry 43, Part 1 49-58 February (2001).

G. Vekinis and V. Kilikoglou, "Mechanical Performance of Quartz-tempered Ceramics: Part II, Strength, Wear Resistence, and Applications to Ancient Ceramics," Archaeometry 40, Part 2 281-2292 August (1998).

M. Vendrell-Saz, T. Pradell, J. Molera, and S. Aliaga, "Proto-Campanian and A-Campanian Ceramics: Characterization of the Differences Between the Black Coatings," Archaeometry 33, Part 1 109-118 February (1991).

S.U. Wisseman, "From Pots to People: Ceramic Production in the Ancient Mediterranean," In Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials," S.U. Wisseman and W.S. Williams, Editors, Gordon and Breach, Langhorne, PA (1993) pp. 17-40.

C.T. Yap amd Y. Hua, "A Study of Chinese Porcelain Raw Materials for Ding, Xing, Gongxian, and Dehua Wares," Archaeometry 36, Part 1 63-76 February (1994).

See Also: Ceramics: Firing Chemistry; Ceramics: Neutron Activation Analysis; and Ceramics: Petrographic Analysis.

Ceramics: Firing Chemistry

N.A. Eissa, H.A. Sallam and L. Keszthelyi, "Mössbauer Study of Changes in Clays During Firing," Journal Physique (Paris). Colloque 6 569-570 (1974).

J.K. Feathers, "Estimating Original Firing Temperature in Low Fired Prehistoric Ceramics," In Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II, Editors, P.B. Vandiver, J. Druzik and G.S. Wheeler, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh (1990). pp.549-664.

J.K. Feathers, M. Berhane, and L. May, "Firing Analysis of South-Eastern Missouri Indian Pottery Using Iron Mössbauer Spectroscopy," Archaeometry 40, Part 1 59-70 February (1998).

F.H. Goodyear, and "Initial Firing Temperature, Composition, and Provenance of Pottery," Science and Archaeology No.6 12-14 (1971).

J.L. Handy and A.M. Gaines, "The Thermal Behavior of Clays and Possible Methods of Determining Firing Temperatures of Pottery," MASCA Newsletter 11 No.1 4-5 (1975).

J. Hess and I. Perlman, "Mössbauer Spectra of Iron in Ceramics and Their Relation to Pottery Colours," Archaeometry 16 (Part 2) 137-152 (1974).

H. Hodges, Artifacts: An Introductions to Early Materials and Technology, Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, NJ and John Baker, London (1981). 251pp.

J.S. Johnson, J. Clark, S. Miller-Antonio, D. Robbins, M.B. Schiffer, and J.M. Skibo, "Effects of Firing Temperature on the Fate of Naturally Occurring Organic Matter in Clays," Journal of Archaeological Science 15 403-414 (1988).

W.D. Kingery and J.D. Frierman, "The Firing Temperature of a Karanova Sherd and Inferences about South-East European Chalcolithic Prefactory Technology," Proceedings of the Prehistory Society 40 204-205 (1974).

A. Kostikas and A. Simopoulos, "Mössbauer Study of Mycenean and Minoan Pottery," Journal Physique (Paris). Colloque 6 537-539 (1974).

A. Lucas, Ancient Egyptian Materials, Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged Edition by J.R. Harris, Histories and Mysteries of Man, London (1989, c.1962). xvi + 523pp.

F.R. Matson, "A Study of Temperatures Used in Firing Ancient Mesopotamian Pottery," In Science and Archaeology, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA (1971). pp.65-79.

F.R. Matson, "Archaeological Ceramic Study Possibilities with a Thermal Gradient Furnace," In Archaeological Chemistry, Advances in Chemistry No.138, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. (1974). pp.34-37.

F.R. Matson, "The Archaeological Present: Near Eastern Village Potters at Work," American Journal of Archaeology 78 No.4 345-347 (1974).

E.L. Ochsenschlager, "Modern Potters at Al-Hiba: With Some Reflections on the Excavated Early Dynastic Pottery," In Monograph IV: Archaeological Survey, Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles (1974). pp.149-157.

J.B. Wachtman, Editor, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Ceramics, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., National Bureau of Standards (1969). vii + 268pp.

See Also: Clay Mineralogy (Part I).

Ceramics: Miscellaneous Methods of Analysis

G.J.P.A. Anders, C.J.A. Jörg, W.B. Stern and N. Anders-Bucher, "On Some Physical Characteristics of Chinese and European Red Wares," Archaeometry 34, Part 2 43-52 February (1992).

E. Andreopoulou-Mangou, “Chemical Analysis of Faience Objects in the National Archaeological Museum,” In New Aspects of Archaeological Science in Greece, R.E. Jones and H.W. Catling, Editors, British School at Athens, Athens (1988) pp. 15-18.

A.M. Bieber, Jr., D.W. Brooks, G. Harbottle, and E.V. Sayre, "Compositonal Groupings of Some Ancient Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Pottery," (Report, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 18604, 1973), NTIS, Nuclear Science Abstracts 29 No.12 28962 (1974).

J. Boardman and F. Schweizer, "Clay Analyses of Archaic Greek Pottery," Annual of the British School at Athens 68 267-284 (1973).

H.W. Catling, "Analysis of Pottery from the Mycenean Period," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 269 1193 175-178, December 17 (1970).

H.W. Catling and R.E. Jones, "A Reinvestigation of the Provenance of the Inscribed Stirrup Jars found at Thebes," Archaeometry 19 (Part 2). 137-146 (1977).

P.M. Day, “Ceramic Analysis of Pottery Systems: The Case of Minoan Crete,” In New Aspects of Archaeological Science in Greece, R.E. Jones and H.W. Catling, Editors, British School at Athens, Athens (1988) pp. 47-55.

E.G. Garrison, C.R. McGimsey III and O.H. Zinke, "Alpha-recoil Tracks in Archaeological Ceramic Dating," Archaeometry 20 (Part 1). 39-46 (1978).

R.B. Heimann, "A Simple Method for Estimation of the Macroporosity of Ceramic Sherds by a Replica Technique," Archaeometry 19 (Part 1). 55-56 (1977).

R.E. Jones and J.B. Rutter, "Resident Minoan Potters on the Greek Mainland: Pottery Composition Analyses from Ayios Stephanos," Archaeometry 19 (Part 2). 211-219 (1977).

J.B. Lambert, L. Xue, J.M. Weydert, and J.H. Winter, "Oxidation States of Iron in Bahamian Pottery by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy," Archaeometry 32, Part 1 47-54 February (1990).

D.J. Liddy, “A Chemical Study of Early Iron Age Pottery from North Cemetery, Knossos,” In New Aspects of Archaeological Science in Greece, R.E. Jones and H.W. Catling, Editors, British School at Athens, Athens (1988) pp. 29-32.

F.R. Matson, "The Quantitative Study of Ceramic Materials," In The Application of Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Editors, R.F. Heizer and S.F. Cook (1960). pp.34-59.

V.V. Morariv, M. Bogdan, and I. Ardelean, "Ancient Pottery: Its Pore Structure," Archaeometry 19 (Part 2). 187-221 (1977).

I.V. Pinto, M.B. Schiffer, S. Smith, and J.M. Skibo, "Effects of Temper on Ceramic Abrasion Resistance: A Preliminary Investigation," Archeomaterials 1 (Part 2) 119-134 (1987).

T.J. Riley, P. Hopke, R. Martin, and J. Porter, "The Diffusion of Technological Knowledge: A Case Study in North American Ceramic Analysis," In Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials," S.U. Wisseman and W.S. Williams, Editors, Gordon and Breach, Langhorne, PA (1993) pp. 41-58.

Ceramics: Neutron Activation Analysis

R. Abascal, G. Harbottle, and E.V. Sayre, "Correlation between Terra Cotta Figurines and Pottery from the Valley of Mexico and Source Clays by Activation Analysis," In Archaeological Chemistry, Advances in Chemistry No.138, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. (1974). pp.81-99.

M. Attas, L. Yaffe, and J.M. Fossey, "Neutron Activation Analysis of Early Bronze Age Pottery from Lake Vouliagméni, Perakhora, Central Greece," Archaeometry 15 (Part 1). 33-43 (1977).

G. Banterla, A. Stenico, M. Terrani, and S. Villani, "Characterization of Samian Ware Sherds by Means of Neutron Activation Analysis," Archaeometry 15 (Part 2). 209-220 (1973).

G.J. Boulle, "Characterization of South West African Potshards by Neutron Activation Analysis of Trace Elements," Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry 39 No.1 33-44 (1977).

M. Maggetti, H. Westley and J. Olin, “Provenance and Technical Studies of Mexican Majolica Using Elemental and Phase Analysis” In: J. B. Lambert, Editor, Archaeological Chemistry III ACS, Washington, DC (1984). pp. 151-191.

I. Perlman and F. Asaro, "Pottery Analysis by Neutron Activation," Archaeometry 11 21-52 (1969).

I. Perlman, F. Asaro, and H. Michel, "Nuclear Applications in Art and Archaeology," Annual Reviews of Nuclear Science 22 (1972).

E.V. Sayre and P. Meyers, "Nuclear Activation Applied to Material of Art and Archaeology," AATA 8 No.4 112-150 (1971). An annotated bibliography.

R.J. Taylor and V.J. Robinson, "Provenance Studies of African Red Slip Ware Using Neutron Activation Analysis," Archaeometry 38, Part 2 245-256 August (1996).

See Also: Nuclear Analytical Methods (Part IV)

Ceramics: Petrographic Analysis

D.R. Abbott and D.M. Schaller, "Electron Microprobe and Petrographic Analyses of Prehistoric Hohokam Pottery to Determine Ceramic Exchange within the Salt River Valley, Arizona," In Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II, Editors, P.B. Vandiver, J. Druzik and G.S. Wheeler, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA (1990). pp.441-458.

I.W. Cornwall and H.W.M. Hodges, "Thin Sections of British Neolithic Pottery: Windmill Hill - A Test Site," Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology 4 29-34 (1964).

M. Farnsworth, "Greek Pottery: A Mineralogical Study," American Journal of Archaeology 68 221-228 (1964).

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See Also: Stone Provenance: Petrographic Analysis.

Ceramics: X-ray Methods

D. Adan-Bayewitz, F. Asaro, and R.D. Giauque, "Determining Pottery Provenance: Application of a New High-precision X-ray Flourescence Method and Comparison with Intrumental Neutron Activation Analysis," Archaeometry 41, Part 1 1-24 February (1999).

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A. Millard, "Bayesian Approach to Sapwood Estimates and Felling Dates in Dendrochronology," Archaeometry 44 Part 1 137-144 February (2002).

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H.H. von Leuschner and A. Delorme, "Tree-Ring Work in Göttingen: Absolute Oak Chronologies Back to 6255 B.C.," PACT 2 No.5 (Wood and Archaeology). 123-132 (1988).

See Also: Archaeometry: General References; and Radiocarbon Dating: General References.

DNA Profiling

N. Angier, “DNA Test Find Meat of Endangered Whales for Sale in Japan,” New York Times 13 September (1994). p. C4.

Anon., "Spuren im Skelett: Mit Hilfe eines Gentests wurden die Gebeine der Zarenfamelie Identifiziert," Der Spiegel No.9 251-254 (1994).

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C. Cattaneo, K. Gelsthorpe, P. Phillips R.J. Sokol and D. Smillie,

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C. Stringer and C. Gamble, In Search of the Neanderthals Thames and Hudson, New York (1993). 247pp.

K.D. Thomas, “Molecular Biology and Archaeology: A Prospectus for Interdisciplinary Research” World Archaeology 25 1 1-17 (1993).

I. Thuesen, “Paleogenetics: DNA for the Archaeologist” American Journal of Archaeology 99 1 136-139 (1995).

R. Vargas-Sanders, Z. Salazar, and Ma.C. Enriquez, "Ancient Nucleic Acids in Prehispanic Mexican Populations," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 391-400.

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P. Zurer, "DNA Profiling: Judge Bars Unreliable Results," C&ENews 21 August (1989). p.6.

Field Methods

B.D. Dillon, Editor, Practical Archaeology: Field and Laboratory Techniques and Archaeological Logistics, Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles (1982) 125pp.

The University Museum, Preserving Field Records: Archival Techniques for Archaeologists and Anthropologists, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (1985) ix + 102pp.

K. Walker, Guidelines for the Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term Storage, UKIC Archaeology Section, London (1990) vi + 30pp.

Forensic Anthropology

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Geochemistry: Potassium-Argon Dating

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Glass: Dating and Provenance

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Glass: Fission Track Dating

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Glass: Weathering

(Glass Layer Counting)

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Ice Cores

M. W. Browne, “Ice Cap Shows Ancient Mines Polluted the Globe,” New York Times 9 December (1997).

C.U. Hammer and H.B. Clausen, "The Precision of Ice-Core Dating," In D.A. Hardy and H.C. Renfrow, Editors, Thera and the Aegean World III, Volume 3, The Thera Foundation, London (1990). pp.174-178.

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D.M. Pyle, "Ice-Core Acidity Peaks, Retarded Tree Growth and Putative Eruptions," Archaeometry 31 (Part 1) 88-91 (1989).

D.M. Pyle, "The Application of Tree-Ring and Ice-Core Studies to the Dating of the Minoan Eruption," In Thera and the Aegean World III, Volume 3, The Thera Foundation, London (1990). pp.167-173.

M. Ram and R.I. Gayley, "Long-Range Transport of Volcanic Ash to the Greenland Ice Sheet," Nature 349 401-404 (1991).

See Also: Case Studies: Thera Eruption

Location Methods: Aerial Photography

E.T. Avery, Interpretation of Aerial Photographs: An Introductory College Text-Book and Self-Instructional Manual, Burgess, Minneapolis (1962). 192pp.

G. Gumerman and J. Neely, "An Archaeologic Survey of the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico: A Test of Color Infrared Photography," American Antiquity 37 (1972).

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R.S. Solecki, "Practical Aerial Photography for Archaeologists," American Antiquity 22 337-351 (1957).

J.K.S. St. Joseph, Editor, The Uses of Air Photography, New Edition, John Baker, London (1977). 196pp.

Location Methods: General

M.J. Aitken, "Test for Correlation Between Dowsing Response and Magnetic Disturbance," Archaeometry 2 58-59 (1959).

J.C. Alldred, "Fluxgate Gradiometer for Archaeological Surveying," Archaeometry 7 14-19 (1964).

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J.D. Wilcock, "Prospecting at South Cadbury: An Exercise in Computer Archaeology," Science and Archaeology 1 No.1 9-11 (1970).

Location Methods: Magnetic Prospecting

M.J. Aitken, "Magnetic Prospecting I: The Water-Newton Survey," Archaeometry 1 24-26 (1959).

M.J. Aitken, "Magnetic Prospecting: The Proton Magnetometer," Archaeometry 2 40-42 (1959).

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J. Barto Arnold III and C.J. Clausen, "A Magnetometer Survey with Electronic Positioning Control and Calculator-Plotter System," Historical Archaeology 9 26-40 (1975).

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E.K. Ralph, "Comparison of a Proton and Rubidium Magnetometer for Archaeological Prospecting," Archaeometry 7 20-27 (1964).

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A. Tabbagh, "Simultaneous Measurement of Electrical Conductivity and Dielectric Permittivity of Soils Using a Slingram Electromagnetic Device in Medium Frequency Range," Archaeometry 36, Part 1 159-170 February (1994).

D. Walton, "Archaeomagnetic Intensity Measurements Using a SQUID Magnetometer," Archaeometry 19 (Part 2) 192-200 (1977).

Location Methods: Radar

B. Bevan and J. Kenyon, "Ground Penetrating Radar for Historical Archaeology," MASCA Newsletter 11 No.2 2-7 (1975).

N. Clapp, The Road to Ubar: Finding the Atlantis of the Sands, Houghton Mifflin, Boston (1998). 342pp. See Also Book Review: M. Kakutani, “Stumbling Upon the Desert’s Secret,” New York Times 27 February (1998).

D. Goodman, Y. Nishimura, T. Uno, and T. Yamamoto, "A Ground Radar Survey of Medieval Kiln Sites in Suza City, Western Japan," Archaeometry 36, Part 2 317-326 August (1994).

C. Meats, “An Appraisal of the Problems Involved in Three-Dimensional Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging of Archaeological Features,” Archaeometry 38, Part 2 359-379 August (1996).

W. Sullivan, "Radar to Hunt Treasure in a Pyramid," New York Times 23 April (1974).

R.S. Vickers and L.T. Dolphin, "A Communication on an Archaeological Radar Experiment at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico," MASCA Newsletter 11 No.1 6-8 (1975).

J.N. Wilford, “Space Radar to Study Khmer Temples at Angkor,” New York Times 7 February (1995).

Marble Provenance:


V. Barbin, K. Ramseyer, D. Decrouez and R. Herb, "Marbres blancs: caractérisations par cathodo- luminescence," C.R. Académie des sciences 308 série II 861-866 (1989).

V. Barbin, K. Ramseyer, S.J. Burns, D. Decrouez, J.L. Maier and J. ChaMay "Cathodoluminescence Signature of White Marble Artefacts," In Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II, P.B. Vandiver, J. Druzik and G.S. Wheeler, Editors, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA (1990). pp.299-308.

V. Barbin, K. Ramseyer, D. Fontignie, S.J. Burns and D. Decrouez, “Differentiation of Blue Cathodoluminescing White Marbles,” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 231-236.

M. Corazza, G. Pratesi, C. Cipriani, A. Lo giudice, P. Rossi, E. Vittone, C. Manfredotti, E. Pecchioni, C. Manganelli del FÀ and F. Fratini, "Ionoluminescence and Cathodoluminescence in Marbles of Historic and Architectural Interest," Archaeometry 43, Part 4 439-446 September (2001).

D. Decrouez, V. Barbin, K. Ramseyer, J.-L. Maier and J. ChaMay "Tracing of Archaeological Marbles by Cathodoluminescence," In Science, Technology, and European Cultural Heritage, Editors, N.S. Baer, C. Sabbioni, and A.I. Sors, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford (1991). pp.591-592.

Marble Provenance: General

G. Armiento, M. Brilli, M.C. Emanuele, R. Platania, and B. Turi, "Multi-method Marble Provenance Determinations: the Carrara Marbles as a Case Study for the Combined Use of Isotopic, Electron Spin Resonance and Petrographic Data," Archaeometry 42, Part 2 257-272 August (2000).

V. Barbin, J. ChaMay D. Decrouez, J.-L. Meier, K. Ramseyer, "A la recherche de l'origine des marbres blancs utilisées dans l'antiquité," Antike Kunst 32 No.2 155-158 (1989).

J. ChaMay J.-L. Maier, L. Moens, P. de Paepe, V. Barbin, K. Ramseyer, D. Decrouez, P. Roos and M. Waelkens, "L'Origine des marbres blancs de quelques statues du Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Genève: Étude scientifique pluridisciplinaire," Antike Kunst 33 No.2 138-148 (1990).

J. Clayton Fant, "Four Unfinished Sarcophagus Lids at Docimium and the Roman Imperial Quarry System in Phrygia," American Journal of Archaeology 89 655-661 (1985).

L. Conforto, M. Felici, D. Monna, L. Serva and A. Taddeucci, "A Preliminary Evaluation of Chemical Data (Trace Element). from Classical Marble Quarries in the Mediterranean," Archaeometry 17 (Part 2) 201-213 (1975).

D. Cordischi, D. Monna and A.L. Segre, "ESR Analysis of Marble Samples from Mediterranean Quarries of Archaeological Interest," Archaeometry 25 (Part 1) 68-76 (1983).

J.C. Fant, "Four Unifinished Sarcophagus Lids at Docimium and the Roman Imperial Quarry System in Phrygia," American Journal of Archaeology 89 655-662 (1985).

J.M. Heidke and E.J. Miksa, "Correspondence and Discriminant Analyses of Sand Temper Compositions, Tonto Basin, Arizona," Archaeometry 42, Part 2 273-300 August (2000).

N. Herz, "Petrofabrics and Classical Archaeology," American Journal of Science 253 299-305 (May 1955).

N. Herz and W.K. Pritchett, "Marble in Attic Epigraphy," American Journal of Archaeology 57 No.2 71-83 (1953).

N. Herz and D.B. Wenner, "Tracing the Origins of Marble," Archeology 34 14-21 (1981).

G.R. Lepsius, Griechische Marmorstudien, Preussische Akademie der Wissenshaften, Berlin (1890).

R.V. Lloyd, P.W. Smith and H.W. Haskell, "Evaluation of the Manganese ESR Method of Marble Characterization," Archaeometry 27 (Part 1) 108-116 (1985).

V. Mandi, Y. Maniatis, Y. Bassiakos and V. Kilikoglou, “Provenance Investigation of Marbles with ESR Spectroscopy: Further Developments,” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 213-222.

L. Mannoni and T. Mannoni, Marble: The History of a Culture, Translated by P.J. Hammond-Smith, Facts on File Publications, NY (1985). 284pp.

E. Mello, D. Monna and M. Oddone, "Discriminating Sources of Mediterranean Marbles: A Pattern Recognition Approach," Archaeometry 30 (Part 1) 102-108 (1988).

L. Moens, P. Roos, J. DeRudder, P. DePaepe, J. van Hende and M. Waelkens, "A Multi-Method Approach to the Identification of White Marbles Used in Antique Artifacts," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Marble in Ancient Greece and Rome, Editors, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1988). pp.243-250.

L. Moens, P. Roos, J. DeRudder, P. DePaepe, J. van Hende and M. Waelkens, "Scientific Provenance Determination of Ancient White Marbles Sculptures Using Petrographic, Chemical, and Isotopic Data," In Marble: Art Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Ancient Sculpture, J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, CA (1990). pp.111-124.

D. Monna, P. Pensabene and J.P. Sodini, "L'Identificazione dei marmi: necessità, metodi, limiti," In Marmo restauro: situazione e prospettive: atti del convegno, Carrara, 31 maggio 1983, 4. Fiera marmi e machine, E. Dolci, Editor, Museo del Marmo, Carrara (1983). pp.34-61.

R. Newman, "Weathering Layers and the Authentication of Marble Objects," In Marble: Art Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Ancient Sculpture, J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, CA (1990). pp.263-282.

K. Polikreti and Y. Maniatis, "A New Methodology for the Provenance of Marble Based on EPR Spectroscopy," Archaeometry 44 Part 1 1-22 February (2002).

J. Riederer and J. Hoefs, "Die Bestimmung der Herkunft der Marmore von Büsten der Münchener Residenz," Naturwissenschaften 67 446-451 (1980).

P. Roos, L. Moens, J. DeRudder, P. DePaepe, J. van Hende and M. Waelkens, "Chemical and Petrographical Charaterization of Greek Marbles from Pentelikon, Naxos, Paros, and Thasos," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Marble in Ancient Greece and Rome, Editors, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1988). pp.263-272.

L. Rybach and H.-U. Nissen, "Neutron Activation of Mn and Na Traces in Marbles Worked by the Ancient Greeks," Radiochemical Methods of Analysis 1 105-117 (1965).

H. Wada, "Microscale Isotopic Zoning in Calcite and Graphite Crystals in Marble," Nature 331 7 January (1988). pp.61-63.

M. Waelkens, "From a Phrygian Quarry: The Provenance of the States of the Dacian Prisoners in Trajan's Forum at Rome," American Journal of Archaeology 89 641-653 (1985).

J.B. Ward-Perkins, "The Imported Sarcophagi of Roman Tyre," Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth 22 109-145 (1969).

J.B. Ward-Perkins, "Nicomedia and the Marble Trade," Papers of the British School of Rome 48 23-68 (1980).

H.S. Washington, "The Identification of the Marbles Used in Greek Sculpture," American Journal of Archaeology (Second Series). 2 No.6 1-18 (1898).

L.E. Weiss, "Fabric Analysis of Some Greek Marbles and its Application to Archaeology," American Journal of Science 252 641-662 (1954).

See Also: Stone Provenance: General

Marble Provenance: Isotope Analysis

H. Craig and V. Criag, "Greek Marbles: Determination of Provenance by Isotopic Analysis," Science 176 401-403 (1972).

G. Faure, Principles of Isotope Geology, John Wiley, New York (1977). xii + 464pp.

K. Germann, G. Holzmann and F.J. Winkler, "Determination of Marble Provenance: Limits of Isotopic Analysis," Archaeometry 22 (Part 1) 99-106 (1980).

N. Herz, "Isotopic Analysis of Marble," In Archaeological Geology, G. Rapp, Jr., and J.A. Gifford, Editors, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT (1985). pp.331-351.

N. Herz, "Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Ratios: A Data Base for Classical Greek and Roman Marble," Archaeometry 29 (Part 1) 35-43 (1987).

N. Herz, "The Oxygen and Carbon Isotopic Data Base for Classical Marble," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Marble in Ancient Greece and Rome, Editors, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1988). pp.305-314.

N. Herz, "Stable Isotope Analysis of Greek and Roman Marble: Provenance, Association, and Authenticity," In Marble: Art Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Ancient Sculpture, J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, CA (1990). pp.101-110.

N. Herz, A.P. Grimanes, H.S. Robinson, D.B. Wenner and M. Vassilaki-Grimani, "Science versus Art History: The Cleveland Museum Head of Pan and the Miltiades Marathon Victory Monument," Archaeometry 31 (Part 2) 161-168 (1989).

N. Herz, S.E. Kane and W.B. Hayes, "Isotopic Analysis of Sculpture from the Cryene Demeter Sanctuary," In Applications of Science in Examination of Works of Art, P.A. England and L. Van Zelst, Editors, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1985). pp.142-150.

N. Herz, D.G. Mose and D.B. Wenner, "87Sr/86Sr Ratios: A Possible Discriminant for Classical Marble Provenance," Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 14 514 (1982).

N. Herz and D.B. Wenner, "Assembly of Greek Marble Inscriptions by Isotopic Methods," Science 199 1070-1072 (1978).

L. Lazzarini, G. Moschinia and B.M. Stievano, "A Contribution to the Identification of Italian, Greek and Anatolian Marbles Through Petrological Study and the Evaluation of Ca/Sr Ratios," Archaeometry 22 (Part 2) 173-183 (1980).

L. Manfra, U. Masi and B. Turi, "Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Marbles from Some Ancient Quarries of Western Anatolia and Their Archaeological Significance," Archaeometry 17 (Part 2) 215-221 (1975).

K. J. Matthews, L. Moens, S. Walker, M. Waelkens and P. De Paepe, “The Re-evaluation of Stable Isotope Data for Pentelic Marble,” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 203-212

J.M. McCrea, "On the Isotopic Chemistry of Carbonates and a Paleotemperature Scale," Journal of Chemical Physics 18 No.6 849-857 (1950).

E. Mello, "Studio della provenienza di marmi bianchi mediante analisi degli elementi in tracce e uso della pattern recogition all'elaboratore elettronico," In Marmo restauro: situazione e prospettive: atti del convegno, Carrara, 31 maggio 1983, 4. Fiera marmi e machine, E. Dolci, Editor, Museo del Marmo, Carrara (1983). pp.150-163.

S. Walker, "Marble Origins by Isotopic Analysis," World Archaeology 16 No.2 204-221 (1984).

Neutron Activation Analysis

D.E. Arnold, H. Neff, and M.D. Glascock, "Testing Assumptions of Neutron Activation Analysis: Communities, Workshops, and Paste Preparation in Yucatán," Archaeometry 42, Part 2 301-316 August (2000).

G. Cappanesi, C. Seccaroni, A.F. Sedda, V. Majerini, and S. Musco, "Classification of Fifteenth- to Nineteenth-century Mortars from Gabii Using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis," Archaeometry 33, Part 2 255-266 August (1991).

D.M. Cavagnaro, Editor, Archaeology, Site Studies, Activation Analysis, Preservation and Remote Sensing: A Bibliography with Abstracts, Volume 1, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA (1978).

C. Chapdelaine, G. Kennedy, and S. Uceda Castillo, "Neutron Activation Analysis of Metal Artefacts from the Moche Site, North Coast of Peru," Archaeometry 43 Part 3 373-420 August (2001).

G.R. Gilmore, "Activation Analysis and Archaeometry," Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemistry Society 13 No.4 99-103 (1976).

B. Gratuze and J-N. Barrandon, "Islamic Glass Weights and Stamps: Analysis Using Nuclear Techniques," Archaeometry 32, Part 2 155-162 August (1990).

J. Gunneweg and H. Mommsen, "Instrumental Neutron Actuivation Analysis and the Origin of Some Cult Objects and Edomite Vessels from the Horvat Qitmit Shrine," Archaeometry 32, Part 1 7-18 February (1990).

R.G.V. Hancock, A. Chafe, and I. Kenyon, "Neutron Activation Analysis of Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century European Blue Glass Trade Beads from the eastern Great Lakes Area of North America," Archaeometry 36, Part 2 253-266 August (1994).

M.J. Hughes, M.R. Cowell and D.R. Hook, Editors, Neutron Activation and Plasma Emission Spectometric Analysis in Archaeology: Techniques and Applications, British Museum Occasional Paper No.82, British Museum, London (1991). xi + 248pp.

Review: E.V. Sayre, "Neutron Activation Analysis in Archaeology," Archaeomaterials 7 No.1 173-176 (1993).

J.L. Joron, M. Trevil and H. Jaffrezic, "Trace Elements Archaeochemistry in Different Sigillated Potteries, Using Neutron Activation Analysis," Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry 39 No.1 63-67 (1977).

I. Kenyon, R.G.V. Hancock, and S. Aufreiter, "Neutron Activation Analysis of AD 1660-1930 European Copper-Coloured Blue Glass Trade Beads from Ontario, Canada," Archaeometry 37, Part 2 323-338 August (1995).

M. Kerschner, H. Mommsen, T. Beier, D. Heimermann, and A. Hein, "Neutron Activation Analysis of Bird Bowls and Related Archaic Ceramics from Miletus," Archaeometry 35, Part 2 197-210 August (1993).

A. Schwedt and H. Mommsen, H.-G. Stephan, and D. Gaimster, "Neutron Activation Analyses of 'Falke-Group' Stoneware," Archaeometry 45 Part 2 199-220 May (2003).

B. Tuğrul, "An Application of Neutron Radiography to Archaeology," Archaeometry 32, Part 1 55-60 February (1990).

See Also: Nuclear Analytical Methods (Part IV).

Obsidian: Dating and Provenance

Anon., "Trade in Ancient Peru Traced with Obsidian," Chemistry and Engineering News, January 30 (1978). p.24.

F.R. Beardsley, G.G. Coles, and W.S. Ayres, "Provenance Studies on Easter Island Obsidian: An Archaeological Application," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 47-63.

P.D. Bouey, "Recognizing the Limits of Archaeological Applications of Non-Destructive Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Obsidians," In Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II, P.B. Vandiver, J. Druzik and G.S. Wheeler, Editors, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA (1990). pp.309-320.

H.R. Bowman, F. Asaro and I. Perlman, "On the Uniformity of Composition in Obsidians and Evidence for Magmatic Mixing," Journal of Geology 81 No.3 312-327 (1973).

T.H. Charlton, "Paredon, Mexico: Obsidian Source and Early Formative Exchange," Science 201 807-809 (1978).

R.H. Cobean, M.D. Coe, E.A. Perry, Jr., K.K. Turekian and D.P. Kharkar, "Obsidian Trade at San Lorenzo, Tenochtitlan, Mexico," Science 174 666-671 (1971).

J.E. Dixon, J.R. Cann and C. Renfrew, "Obsidian and the Origins of Trade," Scientific American 218 No.3 38-46 (1968).

J.E. Ericson and J. Kimberlin, "Obsidian Sources, Chemical Characterization and Hydration Rates in West Mexico," Archaeometry 19 (Part 2) 157-166 (1977).

C. Evans and B.J. Meggers, "A New Dating Method Using Obsidian: An Archaeological Evaluation of the Method," American Antiquity 25 523-537 (1960).

I. Friedman and W. Long, "Hydration Rate of Obsidian," Science 191 347-352 (1976).

I. Friedman and N. Peterson, "Obsidian Hydration Dating Applied to Dating of Basaltic Volcanic Activity," Science 172 1028 (1971).

I. Friedman, K.L. Pierce, J.D. Obradovich and W.D. Long, "Obsidian Hydration Dates Glacial Loading," Science 180 733-734 (1973).

I. Friedman and R.L. Smith, "A New Dating Method Using Obsidian: The Development of the Method," American Antiquity 25 476-522 (1960).

I. Friedman and F.W. Trembour, "Obsidian: The Dating Stone," American Scientist 66 No.1 44-51 (1978).

A.A. Gordus, G.A. Wright and J.B. Griffin, "Obsidian Sources Characterized by Neutron-Activation Analysis," Science 161 382-384 (1968).

A.A. Gordus, J.B. Griffin and G.A. Wright, "Activation Analysis Identification of the Geologic Origin of Prehistoric Obsidian Artifacts," In Science and Archaeology, R.H. Brill, Editor, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1971). pp.222-234.

N. Hammond, "Obsidian Trade Routes in the Mayan Area," Science 178 1092-1093 (1972).

D.J. Huntley and D.C. Bailey, "Obsidian Source Identification by Thermoluminescence," Archaeometry 20 (Part 2) 159-170 (1978).

P.I. Kayani and G. McDonnell, "An Assessment of Back-scattered Electron Petrography as a Mehtod for Distinguishing Mediterranean Obsidian," Archaeometry 38, Part 1 43-58 February (1996).

C.A. Key, "Trace Element Identification of the Source of Obsidian in an Archaeological Site in New Guinea," Nature 219 360 (1968).

B.F. Leach, "New Perspectives on Dating Obsidian Artifacts in New Zealand," New Zealand Journal of Science 20 123-138 (1977).

B.F. Leach and A.J. Anderson, "The Prehistoric Sources of Palliser Bay Obsidian," Journal of Archaeological Science 5 301-307 (1978).

B.F. Leach and B. Frankhauser, "Obsidian from the Far North of New Zealand: A Method of Sourcing Based on Natural Radioactive Emission," New Zealand Journal of Science 21 123-128 (1978).

J.W. Michels, "Archaeology and Dating by Hydration of Obsidian," Science 158 211-214 (1967).

J.W. Michels, "The Colonial Obsidian Industry of the Valley of Mexico," In Science and Archaeology, R. Brill, Editor, MIT Press, Cambridge (1971). pp.498-546.

J.W. Michels and C.A. Bebrich, "Obsidian Hydration Dating," In Dating Techniques for the Archaeologist, H.N. Michael and E.K. Ralph, Editors, MIT, Cambridge (1971). Chapter 7.

D.E. Nelson, J.M. D'Auria and R.B. Bennett, "Characterization of Pacific Northwest Coast Obsidian by X-ray Fluorescence Analysis," Archaeometry 17 (Part 1) 85-97 (1975).

K.K. Nielson, M.W. Hill, N.F. Mangelson and F.W. Nelson, "Elemental Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts by Proton Particle-Induced X-ray Emission," Analytical Chemistry 48 1947 (1976).

G.A. Parks and T.T. Tieh, "Identifying the Geographical Source of Artifact Obsidian," Nature No.5046 289-290 (1966).

W.W. Patton, Jr. and T.P. Miller, "A Possible Bedrock Source for Obsidian Found in Archaeological Sites in Northwestern Alaska," Science 169 760-766 (1970).

C.S. Ross and R.L. Smith, "Water and Other Volatiles in Volcanic Glasses," American Mineralologist 40 1071-1089 (1955).

F.H. Stross, H.R. Bowman, H.V. Michel, F. Asaro and N. Hammond, "Mayan Obsidian: Source Correlation for Southern Belize Artifacts," Archaeometry 20 (Part 1) 89-93 (1978).

F.H. Stross, D.P. Stevenson, J.R. Weaver and G. Wyld, "Analysis of American Obsidians by X-ray Fluorescence and Neutron Activation Analysis," In Science and Archaeology, Part 2, R.Brill, Editor, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1971). Chapter 15, pp.210-221.

M.S. Tite, "Obsidian Dating," In Methods of Physical Examination in Archaeology, M.S. Tite, Seminar Press, New York (1972). pp.154-160.

M.E. Wheeler and D.W. Clark, "Elemental Characterization of Obsidian from the Koyakuk River, Alaska, by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry," Archaeometry 19 (Part 1) 15-31 (1977).

O. Williams-Thorpe, "Obsidian in the Mediterranean and the Near East: A Provenancing Success Story," REVIEW ARTICLE Archaeometry 37, Part 2 217-248 August (1995).


J. Greig, Editor, Archaeobotany, Handbooks for Archaeologists 4, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg (1989) iv + 93pp.

K.A. Jakes, "Clues to the Past: Further Development of the Comparative Plant Fiber Collection," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 202-222.

P.J.P. McGeorge, “Health and Diet in Minoan Times,” In New Aspects of Archaeological Science in Greece, R.E. Jones and H.W. Catling, Editors, British School at Athens, Athens (1988) pp. 47-54.

M. van de Guchte, "Plants and People: An Introduction to Paleoethnobotany," In Ancient Technologies and Archaeological Materials," S.U. Wisseman and W.S. Williams, Editors, Gordon and Breach, Langhorne, PA (1993) pp. 99-120.

J.N. Wilford, "Clues to Food Crops are Found in Africa," New York Times 27 October (1992).

See also: Bone and Ivory: Provenance; Forensic Anthropology.

Racemization Dating

J.L. Bada, "The Dating of Fossil Bones Using the Racemization of Isoleucine," Earth and Planetary Science Letters 15 223-231 (1972).

J.L. Bada and R.A. Schroeder, "Racemization of Isoleucine in Calcareous Marine Sediments: Kinetics and Mechanism," Earth and Planetary Science Letters 15 1-11 (1972).

M.L. Bender, "Reliability of Amino Acid Racemisation Dating and Palaeotemperature Analysis in Bones," Nature 252 378-380 29 November (1974).

P.E. Hare, "Amino Acid Dating - A History and An Evaluation," MASCA Newsletter 10 No.1 (1974).

P.E. Hare, "Organic Geochemistry of Bone and Its Relation to the Survival of Bone in the Natural Environment." Preprint.

B.J. Johnson and G.H. Miller, "Archaeological Applications of Amino Acid Racemization," REVIEW ARTICLE Archaeometry 39, Part 2 265-288 August (1997).

G.E. Pollock, C-N. Cheng and S.E. Cronin, "Determination of the D and L Isomers of Some Protein Amino Acids Present in Soils," Analytical Chemistry 49 2-7 (1977).

K.M. Reese, "Claims of Great Age Face Test by Dating Technique," C & EN June 25 (1979). p.88.

Radiocarbon Dating: Bone

C.M. Batt and A.M. Pollard, "Radiocarbon Calibration and the Peopling of North America," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 415-433.

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R.E. Taylor, "Problems in the Radiocarbon Dating of Bone," In Nuclear and Chemical Dating Techniques: Interpreting the Environmental Record, Editor, L.A. Currie, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. (1982). pp.453-474.

Radiocarbon Dating: General References

T.C. Aitchison, E.M. Scott, D.D. Harkness, M.S. Baxter and G.T. Cook,” “Report on Stage Three of the International Collaborative Program,” Radiocarbon 32 No. 3 271-278 (1990).

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Radiocarbon Dating: Mortars

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Rescue Archaeology: Temple of Dendur

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Metropolitan Museum of Art Conservation Files, Bubble File: Interdepartmental letters and memoranda; Temperature and humidity reports; Letters from various contractors (Kevin Roche, John Dinkerloo and Associates, et al)..

Metropolitan Museum of Art Conservation Files, Conservation File: Status report from Brown, Lawford and Forbes.

Metropolitan Museum of Art Conservation Files, Restoration File: Interdepartmental letters and memoranda; Assorted letters and reports (Seymour Lewin, Norman Weiss, Brooke Astor, President Lyndon Johnson, Senator Jacob Javits, et al).; Status reports from Metropolitan Museum employees and contractors.

M.A. Murray, Egyptian Temples, AMS Press, New York (1977). x+246pp.

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J.A. Wilson, "Letter," New York Times, 8 February (1968).

Stone Provenance:

Chemical and Isotopic Analysis

R.O. Allen, A.H. Luckenbach and C.G. Holland, "The Application of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis to a Study of Prehistoic Steatite Artifacts and Source Materials," Archaeometry 17 (Part 1) 69-83 (1975).

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Stone Provenance: Desert Varnish

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R.G. Bednarik, "A New Method to Date Petroglyphs," Archaeometry 34, Part 2 279-292 August (1992).

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P. Bierman and A. Gillespie, “Accuracy of Rock Varnish Chemical Analyses: Implications for Cation Ratio Dating,” Geology 19 196-199 (1991).

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R. Dorn and M. De Niro, “Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios of Rock Varnish Organic Matter: A New Paleoenvironmental Indicator,” Science 227 1472-1474 (1985).

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D. Dragovich, “Desert Varnish and Problems of Dating Rock Engravings in Western New South Whales,” Archaeometry: Further Australasian Studies 28-35 (1987).

C. Elvidge and C.B. Moore, "Restoration of Petroglyphs with Artificial Desert Varnish," Studies in Conservation 25 108-117 (1980).

J.W. Estes, P.P. Hearn Jr., C.S. Breed and J.F. McCauley, “Weathering of a Metal Artifact in a Saharan Environment: Evidence for a Novel Form of Desert Varnish,” Applied Spectroscopy 42 827-831 (1988).

C. D. Harrington, D. J. Krier, R. Raymond and S. L. Reneau, “Barium Concentrations in Rock Varnish: Implication for Calibrated Rock-Varnish Dating Curves,” Scanning Microscopy 5 55-62 (1991).

C. D. Harrington and J. W. Whitney, “Scanning Electron Microscope Method of Rock Varnish Dating,” Geology 15 967-970 (1987).

W.A. Ilger, M. Hyman, J. Southon, and M.W. Rowe, "Radiocarbon Dating of Ancient Rock Paintings," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 401-414.

Z. Iskander, “Desert Varnish and Mortar of the Rhomboidal Pyramid at Dahshûr,” Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Egypte 52 271-274 (1954).

M. Lanteigne, “Comment on Age Determinations for Rock Varnish Formation Within Petroglyphs,” Rock Art Research 6 (No. 2). 145-149 (1989).

M. Lanteigne, “Comment on Age Determinations for Rock Varnish Formation Within Petroglyphs,” Rock Art Research 8 (No. 2). 127-130 (1991).

J.D. Laudermilk, “On the Origin of Desert Varnish," American Journal of Science 21 51-66 (1931).

R. Potter and G.R. Rossman, “Desert Varnish: the Importance of Clay Minerals," Science 196 1446-1448 (1976).

S. L. Reneau, T. M. Oberlander and C. D. Harrington, “Comment on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Radiocarbon Dating of Rock Varnish,” Geological society of American Bulletin 103 310-314 (1991).

S. L. Reneau and R. Raymond, “Cation Ratio Dating of Rock Varnish: Why Does it Work?,” Geology 19 937-940 (1991).

S. G. Wells and L. D. McFadden, “Comment on Isotopic Evidence for Climatic Influence on Alluvial-Fan Development in Death Valley,” Geology 15 1178 (1987).

See Also: Case Studies: Mansoor Collection.

Stone Provenance: General

G. Armiento, D. Attanasio, and R. Platania, "Electron Spin Resonance Study of White Marbles from Tharros (Sardinia): A Reappraisal of the Technique, Possibilities, and Limitations," Archaeometry 39, Part 2 309-320 August (1997).

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V. Barnin, K. Ramseyer, D. Decrouez, S.J. Burns, J. Chamay, and J.L. Maier," Cathodoluminescence of White Marbles: An Overview," Archaeometry 34, Part 2 175-184 August (1992).

M.A. Bello and A. Martin, "Microchemical Characterization of Building Stone from Seville Cathedral, Spain," Archaeometry 34, Part 1 21-30 February (1992).

B.V. Bothmer, "The Head that Grew a Face: Notes on a Fine Forgery," Miscellanea Wilbouriana 1 25-31 (1972).

R. Grahmann, "Die Venus von Bautzen und ihre Fundstätte," Mannus 274 (1933); Note: cited in Rieth.

P.S. Hossfeld, "Patination or Weathering?" Mankind 6 No.6 269-274 (1965).

A. Rieth, Archaeological Fakes, Translated from the German by D. Imber, Praeger, New York (1970). 183pp.

A. Rosenfeld, "The Identification and Dating of Rocks and Minerals in Archaeology," In The Inorganic Raw Materials of Antiquity, Praeger, New York (1965). Chapter 8.

J. Schmid, M. Ambühl, D. Decrouez, S. Müller, and K. Ramseyer, "A Quantitative Fabric Analysis Approach to the Discrimination of White Marbles," ," Archaeometry 41, Part 2 239-252 August (1999).

A.F. Skinner and M.N. Rudolph, "Dating Flint Artifacts with Electron Spin Resonance: Problems and Prospects," In Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis, M.V. Orna, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1996) pp. 37-46.

O. Williams-Thorpe and R.S. Thorpe, "Magnetic Susceptibility Used in Non-Destructive Provenancing of Roman Granite Columns," Archaeometry 35 185-195 (1993).

See Also: Marble Provenance: General

Stone Provenance:

Petrographic Analysis

F. Antonelli, G. Nappi, and L. Lazzarini, "Roman Millstones from Orvieto (Italy): Petrographic and Geochemical Data for a New Archaeometric Contribution," Archaeometry 43, Part 2 167-190 May (2001).

D. Brotherwell, "The Study of Archaeological Materials by Means of the Scanning Electron Microscope: An Important New Field," In Science and Archaeology, D. Brotherwell and E. Higgs, Editors, Thames and Hudson, London (1969). pp.564-566.

E.D. Evens, I.F. Smith and F.S. Wallis, "The Petrological Identification of Stone Implements from Southwestern England," Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 38 No.1 235-237 (1970).

C. Gorgoni, I. Kokkinakis, L. Lazzarini and M. Mariottini, “Geochemical and Petrographic Characterization of ‘Rosso Antico’ and Other White-Grey Marbles of Mani (Greece),” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 155-166

N.H. Hartshorne and A. Stuart, Practical Optical Crystallography, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, New York (1969). ix + 326pp.

P.H. Kerr, Optical Mineralogy, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York (1977). xvi + 492pp.

R. Kozlowski, "Microscopic Authentication of a Slavonic Heathen Idol in Limestone," Studies in Conservation 10 27-34 (1965).

C.W. Mason, Handbook of Chemical Microscopy, Volume I, 4th Revised Edition, Wiley, New York (1983). xv + 505pp.

T. McClough and B. Green, "The Petrological Identification of Stone Implements from East Anglia," Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 38 No.1 108-155 (1972).

W.W. Moorhouse, The Study of Rocks in Thin Section, Harper, New York (1959). 514pp.

A. De Myttenaere, "Gesteinsdünnschliffe und ihre Herstellung," Mikrokosmos 50 54-60 (1961); IIC Abstracts 5 No.3 5031.

R. Newman, "Applications of Petrography and Electron Microprobe Analysis to the Study of Indian Stone Sculpture," Archaeometry 34, Part 2 163-174 August (1992).

A. Renzulli, F. Antonelli, P. Santi, P. Busdraghi, and M. Luni, "'Via Consolare Flaminia' Pavement (Central Italy) Using Petrological Investigations," Archaeometry 41, Part 2 209-226 August (1999).

A.N. Winchell, Elements of Optical Mineralogy: An Introduction to Microscopic Petrography, 3 Volumes, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Son, New York (1949-56).

A.N. Winchell and N.H. Winchell, The Microscopical Characters of Artificial Inorganic Solid Substances: Optical Properties of Artificial Substances, 3rd Edition, Academic Press, New York (1964). xiii + 439pp.

Stone Provenance: Quarries

F.A. Cooper, "The Quarries of Mount Taygetos in the Peloponnesos, Greece," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1988) pp. 65-76.

B. C. Cullen, F. A. Cooper and M. E. Bauer, “Satellite Imaging: A Preliminary to Prospecting for Quarries and Natural Resources,” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 61-72.

E. Dolci, "Marmora Lunensia: Quarrying Technology and Archaeological Use," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1988) pp. 77-84.

J.A. Harrell, "Ancient Egyptian Limestone Quarries: A Petrological Study," Archaeometry 34, Part 2 195-212 August (1992).

N. Herz, "Geology of Greece and Turkey: Potential Marble Source Regions," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1988) pp. 7-10.

E. Kolaiti and L. G. Mendoni, “The Relation Between a Quarrying Site and City-Center. The Case of the Ancient City of Karthaia, Keos Island, Greece,” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 29-36.

T. Kozelj, "Extraction of Blocks in Antiquity: Special Methods of Analysis," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1988) pp. 31-40.

T. Kozelj and M. Wurch-Kozelj, “The Military Protection of the Quarries of the Aliki Area During the Byzantine Period,” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 43-60.

L.M. Mallory-Greenough, J.D. Greenough, G. Dobosi, and J.V. Owen, "Fingerprinting Ancient Egyptian Quarries: Preliminary Results Using Laser Ablation Microprobe-inductively Coupled Plasma-mass Spectometry," Archaeometry 41, Part 2 227-238 August (1999).

J. Papageorgakis and E. Kolaiti, “The Ancient Limestone Quarries of Profitis Elias Near Delfi (Greece),” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 37-42.

J. Papageorgakis, N. Mourtzas and A. Orfanoudaki, “Bronze Age Quarries on the Eastern Coastal Zone of Crete (Greece),” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 21-28.

D.P.S. Peacock, "The Roman Quarries of Mons Claudianus, Egypt: An Interim Report," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1988) pp. 97-102

N. Türk, S. Çakici, D. Mustafa, S. Akça and K. Geyik, "The Geology, Quarrying Technology and Use of Beylerköy Marbles in Western Turkey," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1988) pp. 85-90.

M. Waelkens, “Bronze Age Quarries and Quarrying Techniques in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East,” In Ancient Stones: Quarrying, Trade and Provenance, M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens, Editors, Leuven University Press (1992). pp. 5-20.

M. Waelkens, P. De Paepe and L. Moens, "Quarries and the Marble Trade in Antiquity," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1988) pp. 11-28.

O. Williams-Thorpe, M.C. Jones, A.G. Tindle, and R.S. Thorpe, "Magnetic Susceptibility Variations at Mons Claudianus and in Roman Columns: a Method of Provenancing to Within a Single Quarry," Archaeometry 38, Part 1 15-42 February (1996).

R.J.A. Wilson, "Ancient Granite Quarries on the Bocche di Bonifacio," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1988) pp. 103-112.

M. Wurch-Kozelj, "Methods of Transporting Blocks in Antiquity," In Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade, N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1988) pp.55-64.

Stone Provenance:

Thermoluminescence Dating

V. Mejdahl, "Progress in TL Dating at Riso," Archaeometry 14 (Part 2) 245-256 (1972).

S. Srirath and J.H. Fremlin, "Nonuniformity in the Thermoluminescence of `Pot-Boilers'," In Thermoluminescence of Geological Materials, D.J. McDougall, Editor, Academic Press, New York (1968). pp.427-430.

A.G. Wintle and M.J. Aitken, "Thermoluminescence Dating of Burnt Flint: Application to a Lower Palaeolithic Site, Terra Amata," Archaeometry 19 (Part 2) 111-130 (1977).

Stone Provenance:

Ultraviolet Examination

F. Brommer, "Falsche Köpfe," Archäologische Anzeiger 439-450 (1963).

F. Brommer, "Auge oder Lampe," Archäologische Anzeiger 552-553 (1965).

J.A. Radley and J. Grant, Fluorescence Analysis in Ultraviolet Light, 4th Edition, Chapman and Hall, London (1959). xvi + 560pp; see p.384.

J.J. Rorimer, "Stone," In Ultraviolet Rays and Their Use in the Examination of Works of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (1931). Chapter 2.

J.J. Rorimer, "Ultra-Violet Rays and a Mino da Fiesole Problem," Technical Studies 2 No.2 October (1933).

D. von Bothmer, "The Head of an Archaic Greek Kouros," Archäologische Anzeiger 615-627 (1964).

Stone Provenance: Wear Analysis

J.V. Dumont, "A Preliminary Report on the Mount Sandel Microwear Study," In P.C. Woodman, Excavations at Mount Sandel 1973-1977, Northern Ireland Archaeological Monographs No.2, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Belfast (1985). pp.61-67.

R. Grace, Interpreting the Function of Stone Tools: The Quantification and computerisation of Microwear Analysis, BAR International Series No.474, Oxford (1989). 255pp.

L.H. Keeley, Experimental Determination of Stone Tool Uses: A Microwear Analysis, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL (1979). xiii + 212pp.

L.H. Keeley and M.H. Newcomer, "Microwear Analysis of Experimental Flint Tools: A Test Case," Journal of Archaeological Science 4 29-62 (1977).

K. Knuttson, Making and Using Stone Tools, Societas Archaeologica Upsaliensis, Uppsala Sweden (1988). 206pp.

R. Kozlowski, "Technological Examination of a Statue of `Swiatoroid' from the Archaeological Museum in Cracow," Materialy Archeologiczne (Cracow). 3 61-67 (1964).

I. Levi-Sala, "Experimental Replication of Post-Depositional Surface Modifications on Flint," In Early Man News 9-11 Part 1, R.L. Owen and G. Unrath, Editors, Tübingen, Germany (1986). pp.103-110.

H. Plisson and M. Mauger, "Chemical and Mechanical Alteration of Microwear Polishes: An Experimental Approach," Helinium 28 No.1 3-16 (1988).

M.B. Schiffer, "The Place of Use-Wear Sudies in Behavioral Archaeology," In Lithic Use-Wear, B. Hayden, Editor, Academic Press, New York (1979). pp.15-25.

A.L. van Gijn, The Wear and Tear of Flint: Principles of Functional Analysis Applied to Dutch Neolithic Assemblages, Analecta praehistorica leidensia No.22, University of Leiden, Institute of Prehistory, Leiden, Netherlands (1989). 182pp.

Technology and Culture

G.V. Beckwith, "Science, Technology, and Society: Considerations of Method," Science, Technology, and Human Values 14 No.4 323-339 (1989).

S.H. Cutcliffe and R.C. Post, Editors, In Context: History and the History of Technology: Essays in Honor of Melvin Kranzberg, Research in Technology Studies, Volume 1, Lehigh University Press, Bethlehem, and Associated University Presses, London (1989). 278pp. Review: L. Marx, Technology and Culture 32 No.2 (Part 1) 394-396 (1991).

H. Lechtman and A. Steinberg, "The History of Technology: An Anthropological Point of View," In The History and Philosophy of Technology, G. Bugliarello and D.B. Doner, Editors, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL (1977). pp.135-169.

A.J. Osborn, "Limitations of the Diffusionist Approach," In The Transfer and Transformation of Ideas and Material Culture, P.J. Hugill and D.B. Dickinson, Editors, Texas A & M University Press, College Station, TX (1988). pp.23-44.

C.S. Smith, "Art, Technology, and Science: Notes on Their Historical Interaction," Technology and Culture 11 493-549 (1970).

Thermoluminescence Dating

M.J. Aitken, "Thermoluminescent Age Evaluation and Assessment of Error Limits: Revised System" Archaeometry 18 (Part 2) 233-238 (1976).

M.J. Aitken, Thermoluminescence Dating, Academic Press, London and Orlando (1985). xi + 359pp.

M.J. Aitken, P.R.S. Moorey and P.J. Ucko, "The Authenticity of Vessels and Figurines in the Hacilar Style," Archaeometry 13 89- Princeton University Press, Princeton 142 (1971).

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W.T. Bell and D.W. Zimmerman, "The Effect of HF Acid Etching on the Morphology of Quartz Inclusions for Thermoluminescence Dating," Archaeometry 20 (Part 1) 63-65 (1978).

S. Bowman and D.J. Huntley, "New Proposal for the Expression of Alpha Efficiency in TL Dating," Ancient TL 2 6-11 (1984).

T. Cairns, "Archaeological Dating by Thermoluminescence," Analytical Chemistry 48 266A ff (1976). Reprint.

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P.A. Clark and R.H. Templer, "Thermoluminescence Dating of Materials Which Exhibit Anomalous Fading," Archaeometry 30 19-36 (1988).

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S.J. Fleming, "Thermoluminescent Authenticity Testing of Ancient Ceramics: The Effects of Sampling by Drilling," Archaeometry 13 59-69 (1971).

S.J. Fleming, "New Techniques of Thermoluminescent Dating of Ancient Pottery. II. Predose Method," Dan. A.E.C. Risoe Rep. 249 Part 3 895-929 (1971).

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S.J. Fleming, "Thermoluminescent Testing of Pottery and Bronzes," Octagon 9 No.4 14-16 (1973).

S.J. Fleming and B.E.B. Fagg, "Thermoluminescent Dating of the Udo Bronze Head," Archaeometry 19 (Part 1) 86-88 (1977).

S.J. Fleming, H.W. Moss and A. Joseph, "Thermoluminescent Authenticity Testing of Some `Six Dynasty' Figures," Archaeometry 12 59-70 (1970).

S.J. Fleming and D. Stoneham, "New Techniques of Thermoluminescent Dating of Ancient Pottery. I. Subtraction Method," Dan. A.E.C. Risoe Rep. 249 (1971). Part 3.

S.J. Fleming, H. Tucker and J. Riederer, "Etruscan Wall Paintings on Terra-cotta: A Study in Authenticity," Archaeometry 13 143-168 (1971).

M.C. Han, "Effects of Alpha and X-ray Doses and Annealing Temperatures upon Pottery Dating by Thermoluminescence," MASCA Newsletter 11 No.1 1-3 (1975).

R.E.M. Hedges and M. McLellan, "On the Cation Exchange Capacity of Fired Clays and its Effect on the Chemical and Radiometric Analysis of Pottery," Archaeometry 18 203-207 (1976).

R.A. Johnson, J.J. Stipp and M.A. Tamers, "Archaeological Sherd Dating: Comparison of Thermoluminescence Dates with Radiocarbon Dates by Beta Counting and Accelerator Techniques," Radiocarbon 28 719-725 (1986).

B. Keisch, "Dating Pottery: Thermoluminescence and Fisssion Recoil Tracks," in Lost Worlds: Nuclear Science and Archaeology, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Office of Information Services, Oak Ridge, TN (1973).

M.J. Lynott, "Thermoluminescence Dating of Prehistoric Ceramics in Southeast Missouri: A Progress Report," In Work in Progress, Midwest Archaeological Center, National Park Service, Lincoln, NA (1986). pp.2-5.

C.L. Melcher and D.W. Zimmerman, "Thermoluminescent Determination of Prehistoric Heat Treatment of Chert Artifacts," Science 197 1359-1362 (1977).

J.W. Michels, "Thermoluminescence Dating of Pottery"

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P. Müller and M. Schvoerer, "Les Verres Anciens: La Question de la Databilité par Thermoluminescence," Archaeometry 32, Part 2 205-211 August (1990).

P. Müller and M. Schvoerer, "Factors Affecting the Viability of Thermoluminescence Dating of Glass," Archaeometry 35, Part 2 299-304 August (1993).

A.S. Murray and M.J. Aitken, "The Measurement and Importance of Radioactive Disequilibria in TL Samples," PACT 6 155-169 (1982)

E.K. Ralph and M.C. Han, "Dating of Pottery by Thermoluminescence," Nature 210 No.5033 245-247 (1966).

E.K. Ralph and M.C. Han, "Potential of Thermoluminescence Dating," In Science and Archaeology, R.H. Brill, Editor, MIT Press, Cambridge (1971). pp. 244-250.

J.P. Rappolt, "Analyses and Thermoluminescent Dating of a `Chung'," MASCA Newsletter 11 No.1 5 (1975).

M.L. Readhead, "Thermoluminescence Dose Rate Data and Dating Equations for the Case of Disequilibrium in the Decay Series," Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements 13 197-207 (1987).

M.L. Readhead, R.C. Dunnell and J.K. Feathers, "Recent Addition of Potassium: A Potential Source of Error in Calculating TL Age," Ancient TL 6 No.1 1-4 (1988).

F.E. Rogers, "Chemistry and Art: Thermoluminescence and Forgery," Journal of Chemical Education 50 No.6 388 (1973).

P.D. Shaplin, "Thermoluminescence and Style in the Authentication of Ceramic Sculpture from Oaxaca, Mexico," Archaeometry 20 (Part 1) 47-54 (1978).

S.R. Sutton and D.W. Zimmerman, "Thermoluminescence Dating: Radioactivity in Quartz," Archaeometry 20 (Part 1) 67-69 (1978).

R.H. Templer, "Auto-regenerative Thermoluminescence Dating Using Zircon Inclusions," Archaeometry 35, Part 1 117-136 February (1993).

H. Valladas, "On the Magnetic Separation of Quartz for the Thermoluminescent Dating of an Ancient Kiln," Archaeometry 19 (Part 1) 88-95 (1977).

P.B. Vandiver, R. Kaylor, J. Feathers, M. Gottfried, K.A. Yener, W.F. Hornyak, and A. Franklin, "Thermoluminescence Dating of a Crucible Fragment from an Early Tin Processing site in Turkey," Archaeometry 35, Part 2 295-298 August (1993).

G. A. Wagner, M. J. Aitken and V. Mejdahl, Handbooks for Archaeologists, No. 1: Thermoluminescence Dating, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg (1983). 49pp.

S.E. Warren, "Thermoluminescence Dating of Pottery: An Assessment of the Dose-Rate from Rubidium," In Archaeometry 20 (Part 1) 71-72 (1978).

J. Winter, "Thermoluminescent Dating of Pottery," In Dating Techniques for the Archaeologist, H.N. Michael and E.K. Ralph, Editors, MIT Press, Cambridge (1971). Chapter 4.

D.W. Zimmerman, "Thermoluminescence Dating Using Fine Grains from Ancient Pottery," Archaeometry 13 29-52 (1971).

D.W. Zimmerman, "Uranium Distributions in Archaeologic Ceramics: Dating of Radioactive Inclusions," Science 174 818-819 (1971).

D.W. Zimmerman, "Thermoluminescence from Fine Grains from Ancient Pottery," Archaeometry 10 26-28 (1967).

D.W. Zimmerman and J. Huxtable, "Thermoluminescent Dating of Upper Palaeolithic Fired Clay from Dolni Vestonice," Archaeometry 13 53-57 (1971).

D.W. Zimmerman and M.P. Yuhas, "Thermoluminescence Authenticity Measurements on Core Material from the Bronze Horse of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art," Archaeometry 16 19-30 (1975).

See Also: the newsletter Ancient TL.


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