Para 1 - Cengage


America Under Stress: 1967-1976


After you read and analyze this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Analyze the expectations that led Johnson to choose the policy of escalation of America’s role in Vietnam and the military outcome of his decision.

2. Evaluate why women, Latinos, and American Indians chose to become more confrontational in seeking equality in American society.

3. Describe how Nixon’s foreign policy choices differed from those sought by traditional Republican conservatives.

4. Understand how Nixon’s choices in dealing with the economy and environment reflected his “pragmatic conservatism.”


I. Liberal Forces at Work

A. The Warren Court

1. The Court’s decisions in the 1950s redefined race relations and contributed a legal base to the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

2. Between 1961 and 1969, the Court issued over 200 criminal justice decisions that, according to critics, hampered law enforcement.

a) Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

b) Escobedo v. Illinois (1964)

c) Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

3. In Engel v. Vitale (1962) and Abington v. Schempp (1963), the Court applied the First Amendment—separation of church and state—to state and local actions that allowed prayer and the reading of the Bible in public schools.

4. Critics also complained that the Courts’ actions condoned and promoted immorality.

5. The Court’s rejection of statewide gerrymandering, or redrawing voting districts so as to favor one party, was less controversial but equally lasting in importance.

B. The Emergence of La Causa

1. Beginning in the 1960s, Mexican Americans, who were near society’s lowest levels of income and education, also organized to assert their social and political rights.

a) Across South Texas, Mexican Americans banded together to form El Partido Raza Unida to spread the political “revolution” throughout Texas.

b) The Mexican American movement was a local one, born of poverty and oppressive segregation; reflective of this grassroots character was the important role that youths played in the movement.

2. Before and during the 1960s, nearly one-third of all Mexican Americans worked at stoop labor in the fields and were not covered under minimum wage or labor laws.

a) Finally, in 1962, Cesar Chavez created the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) to seek higher wages, better working and living conditions, and dignity for migrant workers.

b) When Chavez called for a strike against the grape growers of central California, it lasted five years until most of the major growers accepted unionization and improved wages and working conditions.

c) But, even today, the majority of Mexican Americans have not achieved social or economic equality in the United States.

C. American Indian Activism

1. American Indians, too, began to assert their rights with new vigor since the 1960s.

a) Indians on and off reservations organized and called for changes in white attitudes and new federal and state policies.

b) Increasingly militant Indian leaders demanded the protection and restoration of their ancient burial grounds, along with fishing and timber rights.

c) Kennedy and Johnson provided some change, ending the termination program and advocating self-rule and cultural pluralism for American Indians, and Nixon continued the process by expanding federal programs.

2. The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act gave tribes control over the operation of many federal programs on their reservations.

a) Indian leaders applauded such efforts but lamented the slow pace of change, continued to complain about the corruption and inefficiency in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and insisted that they still did not control their own lives.

b) American Indians have also protested federal and state regulations that restricted gambling on reservations; it is a source of revenue and jobs.

3. Although some American Indian leaders turned to Washington and the courts to assert Indian rights, others took more direct action.

a) In 1968, the Chippewas organized the American Indian Movement (AIM) to dramatize police brutality toward Indians in Minneapolis and to demand social justice for urban Indians.

II. Johnson and the War

A. Americanization of the Vietnam War

1. Communism presented a direct challenge to American interests in South Vietnam, where the Viet Cong appeared to be beating the South Vietnamese.

a) American advisers saw little hope for improvement, and many agreed that a larger American combat role was required to stabilize Vietnam.

b) President Johnson agreed but worried that it was not politically wise to expand the American combat role in Vietnam during an election year, so it was delayed.

c) While planning continued, the Johnson administration began generating public support for a larger American role in defending South Vietnam.

2. Fixed on the domino theory, the White House awaited a chance to ask Congress for permission to use whatever force necessary to defend South Vietnam.

a) The chance came when North Vietnamese torpedo boats skirmished with the American destroyer Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin.

b) The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave Johnson the freedom to take whatever measures he wanted in Vietnam, but he remained cautious and limited bombings to the August retaliatory air strikes.

c) The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and the National Security Council proposed using American airpower against industrial and commercial targets in North Vietnam so that there would be limited need for large numbers of American ground forces.

d) General William Westmoreland, commander of the American forces in Vietnam, disagreed, insisting that the inept ARVN could never defeat the Viet Cong—American troops were therefore necessary.

e) Operation Rolling Thunder, the air assault on North Vietnam, began in March 1965; as the United States escalated the war, so too did the enemy.

f) Reluctantly, Johnson gave the green light to sending more American forces to Vietnam—it had now become an American war.

3. Throughout 1966 and 1967, both sides continued to escalate the war.

a) American aircraft rained bombs on North Vietnam and supply routes south, especially the Ho Chi Minh Trail, but arms and provisions still moved.

b) In the Tet Offensive of January 1968, some of the bloodiest fighting of the war took place as the North Vietnamese attacked 41 cities in the south; American and South Vietnamese forces moved to recapture lost cities and villages.

c) The Tet Offensive was a military defeat for North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. It provoked no popular uprising against the South Vietnamese government, the Communists held no cities or provincial capitals, and they suffered staggering losses in men and material.

d) Tet was, nonetheless, a “victory” for the North Vietnamese in that it seriously weakened American support for the war.

B. The Antiwar Movement

1. In 1965, most Americans still supported the nation’s role in Vietnam, but the largely college-based opposition to the war was more outspoken.

a) Those opposing the war fell into two categories: pacifists and radical liberals opposed the war for moral and ideological reasons, and others opposed the war for more pragmatic reasons—the draft, the loss of lives and money, and the inability of the United States to either defeat the enemy or create a stable South Vietnam.

b) Until 1967, Johnson displayed little concern about the antiwar movement, but as the number of protesters increased, Johnson responded with Operation Chaos, in which federal agents infiltrated, spied on, and tried to discredit antiwar groups.

2. Johnson’s circle of advisers also began to oppose the war.

III. Tet and the 1968 Presidential Campaign

A. The Tet Offensive

1. Tet was a “victory” for the North Vietnamese because it seriously weakened American support for the war.

2. Tet destroyed the Johnson administration’s credibility and inflamed a growing antiwar movement.

3. By March 1968, Johnson and most of his “wise men” had also concluded the war was not going to be won.

B. Changing of the Guard

1. Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy challenged Johnson’s leadership.

2. Quietly, Johnson decided not to run for the presidency.

C. The Election of 1968

1. The Vietnam War and protests against it became the major issues of the campaign.

a) Senator Robert Kennedy’s assassination stunned the nation but ensured the nomination of Hubert Humphrey, since President Johnson was not running.

b) In the streets of Chicago during the Democratic convention, radical factions within the Students for a Democratic Society promised physical confrontation, while Mayor Richard Daley was determined to maintain order.

c) Television cameras broadcast the riots on August 28. Many Americans were disgusted by the chaos and, in turn, associated it with the Democratic Party.

d) Richard Nixon easily won his party’s nomination at an orderly Republican convention.

e) Nixon won a comfortable margin in the Electoral College while receiving only 43 percent of the nation’s votes.

IV. Nixon Confronts the World

A. Vietnamization

1. While the Soviets were an important agenda item in foreign affairs, Nixon and his adviser, Henry Kissinger, also knew that Vietnam was the most immediate problem.

a) It dominated and shaped nearly all other issues: the budget, public and congressional opinion, foreign policy, and domestic stability.

b) Nixon’s solution was Vietnamization, reducing the total American role while enhancing South Vietnam’s military capability; it began in the spring of 1969.

c) Expanding on the theme of limiting American involvement, the president issued the Nixon Doctrine: countries warding off communism would have to shoulder the bulk of the military burden, with the United States providing political and economic support and limited naval and air support.

2. Adding to the public disillusionment about Vietnam was the publication of the Pentagon Papers, a collection of official documents gathered by former Defense Department researcher Daniel Ellsberg that showed that government officials had deceived the American public about conditions in Vietnam from the 1950s.

3. In 1970, Nixon ordered American troops to cross the border into Cambodia and destroy North Vietnamese and Viet Cong headquarters and supply areas.

a) The Cambodian invasion generated loud protests across the United States, especially on college campuses like Kent State, where four protesters were killed and 11 were wounded.

b) Outraged students responded to these killings as well as those at Jackson State University by shutting down over 100 campuses as thousands of antiwar demonstrators marched through Washington.

c) An angry Senate repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and forbade the further use of American troops in Laos or Cambodia.

d) However, as Nixon had predicted, with American soldiers returning home, opposition to the war shrank, and more Americans supported the administration’s quest for an honorable peace.

4. The cease-fire established in 1973 soon collapsed, and Congress cut aid to South Vietnam.

a) In November 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Act, which required the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of the deployment of troops overseas and withdraw them within 60 days if Congress failed to authorize it.

b) Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, fell to the Viet Cong in March 1975, and the war ended as it had begun—with Vietnamese fighting Vietnamese.

B. Modifying the Cold War

1. As part of his push for an “era of negotiation,” Nixon pursued detente, a policy that reduced tensions with the two Communist superpowers.

a) China was the key to this strategy since Nixon hoped—and correctly so—that American friendship with the Chinese would encourage the Soviets to improve their relations with the United States.

b) Soviet leader Brezhnev increased trade with the West, and the superpowers announced a Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement (SALT I) that restricted antimissile sites and established a maximum number of ICBMs and SCLBMs.

2. In Latin America, Nixon followed closely in Johnson’s footsteps, working to isolate Cuba and prevent any additional Communist-style leaders from gaining power.

a) Nixon used covert operations to destabilize the socialist-Marxist government of Salvador Allende in Chile.

V. Nixon and the Presidency

A. Nixon as Pragmatist

1. Nixon believed that Republicans needed to emphasize conservatism that did not automatically reject social responsibility and executive activism.

2. Nixon’s battle with inflation during his administration was a losing one, in part because of economic events over which he had no control.

B. Building the Silent Majority

1. As a part of the ongoing “southern strategy” to garner the region’s votes, the administration opposed busing to achieve school integration, worked to slow down integration in other areas, and sought to put a southerner on the Supreme Court.

C. An Embattled President

1. Nixon was convinced that he was surrounded by enemies and used the FBI, the IRS, and other government organizations to intimidate and punish his opposition.

a) Seeking inside information on the opposition, the Committee to Reelect the President (CREEP) approved sending burglars into the Democratic National Headquarters office in the Watergate building to copy documents and tap phones.

b) A security guard notified police, but the Watergate break-in had little apparent effect on the public or the 1972 election.

c) The cover-up of these activities, however, proved to be Nixon’s undoing and led to calls for his impeachment or resignation.

d) Nixon resigned the nation’s highest political office on August 9,1974.

D. An Interim President

1. Soon after taking office in 1974, President Ford pardoned former President Nixon for any crimes he might have committed; the pardon was unpopular and unleashed public and congressional protests.

a) Showing that Ford’s political honeymoon was indeed short-lived, Democrats opposed Ford’s policies to deal with the economic problems of inflation, recession, and the federal deficit: he wanted to cut spending, raise interest rates, and cut business taxes.

b) Democrats confronted the president by introducing legislation to create jobs and increase spending for social and educational programs; but, when these programs passed Congress, Ford vetoed them.

c) The consequences of the pardon, rising inflation and unemployment, and thousands of unused Win buttons were a sharp drop in Ford’s popularity and a political stalemate.

2. Ford fared only slightly better in his foreign policies.

a) Keeping Kissinger as secretary of state, Ford continued Nixon’s policies, including Vietnamization, arms limitation, and detente.

b) When North Vietnamese forces seized Saigon in April 1975, Americans were happy the conflict was no longer an American war.

c) Kissinger continued his shuttle diplomacy, and, in September 1975, Israel and Egypt signed an agreement whereby Israeli troops withdrew from some occupied areas and Egypt resigned from the anti-Israeli Arab coalition.


Identify the following items and explain the significance of each. While you should include any relevant historical terms, using your own words to write these definitions will help you better remember these items for your next exam.

1. Cesar Chavez

2. National Farm Workers Association

3. Warren Court

4. Yates v. United States

5. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

6. Escobedo v. Illinois (1964)

7. Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

8. Engel v. Vitale (1962)

9. Abington v. Schempp (1962)

10. Jacobvellis v. Ohio (1963)

11. Griswold v. Connecticut (1964)

12. Baker v. Carr (1962)

13. Reynolds v. Sims (1964)

14. La Causa

15. League of Latin American Citizens

16. PASO

17. Chicano/Chicana

18. Brown Berets

19. Russell Means

20. Alcatraz Island

21. American Indian Movement

22. Indian Self-Determination and Educational Assistance Act

23. Mann Doctrine

24. Pentagon

25. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

26. William Westmoreland

27. Ho Chi Minh Trail


29. Operation Chaos

30. Tet

31. 1968 election

32. Eugene McCarthy

33. write-in campaign

34. Robert Kennedy

35. Hubert H. Humphrey

36. Richard M. Nixon

37. George Wallace

38. Spiro Agnew

39. Henry Kissinger

40. Silent Majority

41. superpower

42. Vietnamization

43. Nixon Doctrine

44. My Lai

45. War Powers Act

46. detente

47. Leonid Brezhnev

48. Strategic Arms Limitation agreement

49. intercontinental ballistic missile

50. Salvador Allende

51. pragmatic

52. EPA

53. stagflation

54. John Mitchell

55. Sunbelt

56. southern strategy

57. George McGovern

58. Committee to Reelect the President

59. Watergate

60. Gerald R. Ford

61. Saturday Night Massacre

62. OPEC



1. The United States intervened militarily in the Dominican Republic in the mid-1960s

a. when the government there seized all property owned by Americans.

b. because President Johnson wanted to resurrect the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

c. to prevent further inroads by communism.

d. to prevent the Soviet Union from establishing another missile base in the Caribbean.

2. According to the terms of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution,

a. Congress gave President Johnson unlimited authority to increase America’s military involvement in Vietnam.

b. the United States declared that it would go to war with China in order to prevent a Communist victory in Vietnam.

c. the United Nations declared that America must leave Vietnam or face condemnation by the world body.

d. South Vietnam was told to assume all responsibility for its own defense.

3. The Tet Offensive can be best described as

a. an unqualified military victory for North Vietnam.

b. undermining support within the United States for the war in Vietnam.

c. the occasion when China and the Soviet Union intervened militarily in support of North Vietnam.

d. the reason that the Johnson administration decided to escalate America’s involvement in Southeast Asia.

4. The war in Vietnam differed from World War II because

a. the Republican Party opposed America’s participation in the Vietnam conflict.

b. during the 1960s, isolationist sentiment once again became widespread and influenced foreign policy.

c. America provided only backup support to its ally in Vietnam.

d. a vocal antiwar movement during the Vietnam conflict decisively affected domestic politics.

5. The combined 57 percent of the vote won by Richard Nixon and George Wallace in the 1968 presidential election indicated that a majority of the electorate

a. favored more civil rights legislation.

b. believed that Hubert Humphrey was intellectually incapable of serving as president.

c. wanted an immediate American withdrawal from Vietnam.

d. supported conservative social principles.

6. Gerald Ford incurred wide disapproval when he

a. tried to reinvolve the United States in Vietnam.

b. fired Henry Kissinger.

c. pardoned Spiro Agnew.

d. pardoned Richard Nixon.

7. According to the New Right, the Warren Supreme Court

a. handed down decisions that favored the criminal.

b. was far too restrictive when it came to individual liberties.

c. had not gone far enough in its decision ordering school desegregation.

d. was the best hope at the federal level for countering liberalism.

8. The term Chicano refers to Mexican Americans who

a. sought greater rights and recognition for their heritage and rights.

b. feared to challenge the status quo in many southwestern states.

c. opposed both Democrats and Republicans and formed their own political party.

d. began a mass migration back to Mexico during the 1960s.

9. The Nixon administration’s policy of Vietnamization

a. required that the United States first establish diplomatic ties with Communist China.

b. was rejected by the government of South Vietnam.

c. prevented the North Vietnamese from seizing control of South Vietnam.

d. phased out America’s military involvement in Vietnam.

10. As part of the policy of detente, the United States

a. embarked on a massive military buildup.

b. established ties with Communist China.

c. declared that the Cold War was over.

d. heavily bombed North Vietnam.

11. Richard Nixon’s southern strategy was most obvious in his attempt to

a. give federal subsidies to cotton farmers.

b. woo black voters away from the Democratic Party.

c. appoint a southerner to the Supreme Court.

d. accelerate desegregation of schools.

12. The presidential election of 1972 resulted in

a. wholesale rejection of the Democrat, George McGovern.

b. a narrow victory for the Republicans.

c. a strong showing by George Wallace’s American Party.

d. a promise by Nixon to include several prominent Democrats in his new administration.

13. CREEP and the Plumbers were part of the

a. Watergate scandal.

b. antiwar movement’s attempts to obtain military information.

c. southern strategy of the Republican Party.

d. successful campaign tactics of the Democratic Party.

14. In domestic policy, the Nixon administration

a. sought to repeal all remnants of the Great Society.

b. adhered to the principle that the federal government has social responsibilities.

c. rejected any role for the federal government in environmental improvement.

d. conceded all leadership to congressional Democrats.

15. The political events in Crystal City, Texas, in 1963

a. convinced many Anglos that they had nothing to fear from Mexican American voting power.

b. encouraged Mexican American involvement in politics.

c. indicated that women were often the determining factor in south Texas elections.

d. foreshadowed new alliances between black and white voters.

Essay Questions


DEVELOPING YOUR ANSWER: The factors that you can cite in your essay include the following:

The protests against the war in Vietnam. They led many to fear the collapse of social order in the country. Examples of such demonstrations worthy of discussion include the clashes at the Democratic Party’s 1968 nominating convention and the confrontations that followed the invasion of Cambodia in 1970.

The era’s violence against political leaders. The assassination of Robert Kennedy occurred during the Johnson presidency, approximately five years after his brother’s death.

The movement for women’s rights. Inspired by Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, this movement stressed more than an end to discrimination against women. Arguing that the usual role of homemaker was a form of servitude, members of the movement advocated new roles for women and rejected traditional definitions of feminine beauty and sexuality. All this, of course, explicitly challenged long-established norms of what constituted the proper place for women in a well-ordered society.

The movements among Mexican Americans and Native Americans for equal rights and equal opportunity. Like women, Chicanos and American Indians organized and began to confront discrimination and second-class treatment. To many Americans, it appeared as if no part of the established social order was going unchallenged, inasmuch as protests were being mounted at the same time by African Americans and by young people who expressed themselves in the counterculture. (See the material in Chapter 30 for the last two groups.)

2. The years between 1964 and 1974 caused many Americans to experience a loss of faith in the institutions of government. Analyze how the administrations of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon contributed to such a sense of distrust.

DEVELOPING YOUR ANSWER: The government’s handling of the war in Vietnam undermined the faith of many. You should explain how the Tet Offensive flew in the face of the government’s assurances of victory. In the end, of course, after the lives of many Americans had been lost, South Vietnam fell to the Communists.

At times, moreover, the government practiced outright deception. For example, President Johnson informed the nation in 1964 that an American ship had been attacked on the high seas, even though he knew otherwise. This deception led to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized the president to expand the military effort in South Vietnam. During the first Nixon administration, publication of the Pentagon Papers revealed that the government’s deceptions about Vietnam had been going on since the 1950s.

Scandal in the Nixon administration also undermined the public’s faith in the government. Vice President Agnew resigned for evading payment of income taxes and for influence peddling. President Nixon also came under a cloud because of underpayment of income taxes.

The worst scandal, of course, was the Watergate affair, which led to the only resignation from office by a sitting president in the nation’s history. You should explore not only what happened at the Watergate building itself but also the elements of the cover-up that followed, including the role played by President Nixon and members of his administration.

3. During the 1940s and 1950s, Richard Nixon built a reputation as a staunch opponent of communism, but as president he proved to be willing to work with the Soviet Union and China to reduce tensions. Do you agree or disagree?

DEVELOPING YOUR ANSWER: The Nixon administration’s foreign policy known as detente looked forward to the reduction of tensions with both the Soviet Union and China. Your essay should focus on how President Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger began a process of working with Communist China and how negotiations with the Soviet Union resulted in agreements for arms reduction.

On the other hand, President Nixon stood tough against Communist forces. Although he had decided to withdraw American forces from Southeast Asia, Nixon did not flinch from taking very harsh steps against North Vietnam in order to obtain the best-negotiated agreement that he could under the circumstances. In this context, you should mention expansion of the war into Cambodia, as well as the bombing campaign that he unleashed against North Vietnam.

Map Exercises

Population changes usually have social, political, and economic consequences. Consult the Chapter 29 opening map and Map 29.1, both of which document important population shifts in contemporary America, and answer the following questions.

1. Which five states most likely required the development of new public resources like schools, reservoirs, and police forces?

2. If the trends reported by these two maps continue, which five states are the most likely to send more Latino congressmen and senators to Washington, D.C., after the year 2000?

3. Which five states are probably the least attractive to a foreign businessman with capital to invest?

Individual Choices

Cesar Chavez

To answer the following questions, consult the Individual Choices section at the beginning of the chapter.

1. Explain the significance of Viva la huelga!”

2. What is the NFWA? Why is it significant to many Mexican Americans?

3. Identify Cesar Chavez.

4. Describe the typical work conducted by a migrant worker.

5. Why is 1965 a significant year in the history of the NWFA? Why are the actions started in that year significant to American history?

Individual Voices

Examining a Primary Source: Striking Grape Workers Proclaim Their Goals

To answer the following questions, consult the Individual Voices section at the end of the chapter.

1. Identify El Malcriado.

2. What do the writers of the proclamation mean when they call themselves “pilgrims”?

3. What changes in society are the strikers seeking?

4. According to the document, why did the traditional tool of labor, the strike, fail, and why did the strikers turn to using a boycott?

5. How do the sentiments in the document compare with Cesar Chavez’s goals for La Causa?

RUBRIC: Conduct further research on civil rights protests for minority groups in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Think about how the various groups accomplished their goals. Had their tactics and/or approaches changed since the 1950s? Explain.


|African Americans |  |  |  |  |

|Native Americans |  |  |  |  |

|Hispanic Americans |  |  |  |  |

Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions


a. The spark that led to intervention was a rebellion by the followers of a deposed president against the pro-American regime. See page 934.

b. The Roosevelt Corollary warned European nations not to intervene in the Western Hemisphere. None were trying to do so in 1964. See page 934.

d. The Soviets made no such attempt after the Cuban Missile Crisis. See page 934.

2. a. See pages 934-936.

b. It gave the president the means to increase American involvement in South Vietnam. See pages 934-936.

c. It was a declaration by the U.S. Congress. See pages 934-936.

d. It opened the door for the United States to defend South Vietnam. See pages 934-936.

3. b. American public opinion shifted strongly against the war in Vietnam. See pages 937-938.

a. The North Vietnamese and their Viet Cong allies were defeated militarily. See pages 937-938.

c. See pages 937-938 (At no time during the war did they do so.)

d. It had the adverse effect; it weakened Johnson’s determination to seek a military solution. After the Tet Offensive, Johnson’s advisers moved toward a political settlement. See pages 937-938.

4. d. See pages 937-939.

a. The Republican Party was not part of the antiwar movement. See pages 937-939.

b. Although many Americans opposed the war in Vietnam, they did not advocate isolation. See pages 937-939.

c. The United States participated with many thousands of troops and massive bombing campaigns. See pages 937-939.

5. d. Wallace opposed the antiwar movement and civil rights legislation. Nixon appealed to conservatives by attacking lawlessness and permissive personal behavior. See page 941.

a. Wallace fought desegregation in the 1960s; he opposed federal civil rights legislation. See page 941.

b. There were no such doubts about Humphrey’s abilities. See page 941.

c. Wallace favored victory in Vietnam. Nixon said he would end the war, but he gave no explanation as to how he would do it. He did not advocate immediate withdrawal. See page 941.

6. d. See pages 952-953.

a. See pages 952-953.

b. See pages 952-953.

c. See pages 952-953.

7. a. The Court’s decisions in fact expanded and protected the rights of accused individuals. See page 928.

b. They objected to the widening of such liberties in cases that involved accused criminals and the dissemination of sexually explicit materials. See page 928.

c. On the contrary, the New Right believed that the Supreme Court had gone too far in matters of civil rights. See page 928.

d. On the contrary, they objected that the Court was too liberal. See page 928.

8. a. See page 929.

b. They organized and participated in protest movements. See page 929.

c. The two major political parties supported Mexican American candidates. See page 929.

d. They began to organize in order to achieve social and political rights within American society. See page 929.

9. d. Under Nixon’s plan, the United States gradually reduced its involvement in South Vietnam. See pages 942-946.

a. Vietnamization was introduced in 1969; the process of establishing relations with Communist China did not begin until later. See pages 942-946.

b. It went into operation in 1969. See pages 942-946.

c. Eventually, North Vietnam did triumph in South Vietnam. See pages 942-946.

10. b. Relations with China proved to be the cornerstone of the policy. See pages 946-947.

a. Such a buildup was contrary to the concept of detente. See pages 946-947.

c. It sought to reduce Cold War tensions. See pages 946-947.

d. It involved improving relations with China and the Soviet Union. See pages 946-947.

11. c. In the process, Nixon had to suffer the humiliating rejection of two southern nominees. See page 950.

a. This was not even included among the tactics of the “Southern Strategy,” which relied on political rather than economic methods. See page 950.

b. The political strategy required slowing down integration in the South and revising the Voting Rights Act of 1965. See page 950.

d. The Nixon administration hoped to slow the pace of desegregation. See page 950.

12. a. Yes. McGovern was beaten in 49 states. See pages 951-952.

b. Nixon won overwhelmingly. See pages 951-952.

c. See pages 951-952.

d. Nixon made no such offer. See pages 951-952.

13. a. Yes. See page 951.

b. See 13a. See page 951.

c. See 13a. See page 951.

d. See 13a. See page 951.

14. b. Consequently, food stamps became more available, medical insurance payments rose, and the Job Corps grew. See pages 947-949.

a. Nixon believed in social responsibilities for the federal government, and he acted accordingly. See pages 947-949.

c. Nixon signed environmental bills into law. See pages 947-949.

d. There is no evidence for this. See pages 947-949.

15. b. Mexican Americans there ousted the established powers and elected their own slate to the city council. See pages 929-930.

a. On the contrary, Mexican American voters succeeded in defeating the traditional political forces. See pages 929-930.

c. There is no evidence that gender played a role in the Mexican American electoral victory there. See pages 929-930.

d. Mexican Americans comprised the minority group that was involved. See pages 929-930.


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