When was my marlin made


When was my marlin made

? Discussion Starter ? #1 ? Mar 24, 2010 I have a marlin model 60 22LR..serial number 25391935..how do I determine the date if it? ? Welcome to G&G Gary. We love pics of your shootin irons. ? now the ser. number is on the left side on the top side of the reciever right? mine starts with 06 on the side there but when i look it up on the site it says it was made pre 1883? is this the

wrong number? its a marlin 60 btw ? now the ser. number is on the left side on the top side of the reciever right? mine starts with 06 on the side there but when i look it up on the site it says it was made pre 1883? is this the wrong number? its a marlin 60 btw Try 1994 ? My Glenfield model 60. Is 71467379. If I am correct this is a 1971. There is a semi circle on the barrel where the

older ones had a date code that has a jm stamped inside it. ? Timbo68: Sir, my research. An example was included. "Welcome from NC" On Marlin-branded Model 60 rifles, the first two digits of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture. For example, if the serial number starts with 18... The 18 is significant, for subtracting it from 2000 gives the date of manufacture for the

rifle, 1982. Likewise, a serial number starting with 17 would be a rifle manufactured in 1983. Therefore your Model 60 was manufactured in 1978. . This method has not been uniformly followed. It is valid only from 1971 through 1999. Prior to 1971, the first two digits indicated the year of manufacture. For example, a rifle with a serial number starting with 70... would have been made

in 1970. Starting in 2000, this same old method has returned; the first two digits once more indicate the year of manufacture directly, with no subtraction required. ? Timbo68: Sir, my research. An example was included. "Welcome from NC" On Marlin-branded Model 60 rifles, the first two digits of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture. For example, if the serial number

starts with 18... The 18 is significant, for subtracting it from 2000 gives the date of manufacture for the rifle, 1982. Likewise, a serial number starting with 17 would be a rifle manufactured in 1983. Therefore your Model 60 was manufactured in 1978. . This method has not been uniformly followed. It is valid only from 1971 through 1999. Prior to 1971, the first two digits indicated the

year of manufacture. For example, a rifle with a serial number starting with 70... would have been made in 1970. Starting in 2000, this same old method has returned; the first two digits once more indicate the year of manufacture directly, with no subtraction required. Neophyte. . Are you telling me that my rifle was made in 1978? That is incorrect. My serial number begins with 71.

Rifles made between 1968 & 1971 (including some of the models made in 68&71) use the first 2 digits to reveal the date with no subtraction necessary. I can vouch for this as my father kept the receipt. He bought this rifle on March 1st 1971 for my birthday ? Neophyte. . Are you telling me that my rifle was made in 1978? That is incorrect. My serial number begins with 71. Rifles

made between 1968 & 1971 (including some of the models made in 68&71) use the first 2 digits to reveal the date with no subtraction necessary. I can vouch for this as my father kept the receipt. He bought this rifle on March 1st 1971 for my birthday Let's just say that if the SN is lower than 71XXXXXX than you need to subtract the first 2 digits.... from 2000 ? Hi, I'm trying to figure

out the manufacture date of my Marlin 22 model 60. The serial number is 05186562 Any help would be appreciated. Thanks ? serial number 05186562 was made in 1995 2000 - 05 = 1995 ? I have a Glenfield Model 60 no serial numbers how do I determine the year ? 9344092 I punch in this number and it's telling me that it's outside than manufacture dates ? View attachment 84281

I have a Glenfield Model 60 no serial numbers how do I determine the year On that same side of the barrel, close to the reciever, should be a two-letter code that is NOT JM in a circle. That's the Date Code of the barrel. Put the date code into the Marlin converter and it'll give you the answer, or you can post it here, or a pic of it, and we'll tell ya ? I have a marlin 60w .22LR series

number begins with 0935. How do I know the date of manufacturing? Would it be 2000-9, or 9+2000? ? QUOTE="Timbo68, post: 1971477, member: 55785"] My Glenfield model 60. Is 71467379. If I am correct this is a 1971. There is a semi circle on the barrel where the older ones had a date code that has a jm stamped inside it. Cam you tell me there year of this serial number for

a marlin.. 72201137 ? Could a marlin model 60 .22 long rifle still be operable if it was cut down to a 13in length sbr? The Marlin Firearms brand -- a famous line of lever-action rifles, bolt-action hunting rifles, and .22 rimfire semi-automatic long guns -- became the property of Sturm, Ruger & Company (NYSE:RGR) as the final step in an acquisition that began earlier this year. Marlin

Firearms was previously owned by Remington Outdoor Company, which went bankrupt and was fully liquidated in September 2020. Marlin's lever-action rifles became popular with the rising use of scopes in the last two decades of the 20th century, with their side ejection making scope mounting easier. The rifles' sturdiness also allowed chambering in heavier calibers than many

competing lever-action long guns. When the company received bankruptcy court approval for the acquisition on Sept. 30, Ruger CEO Chris Killoy noted that Marlin's brand "aligns perfectly with ours," and that "the Marlin product portfolio will help us widen our already diverse product offerings." Image source: Getty Images. Marlin's quality suffered after its initial 2010 acquisition by

Remington Outdoor; much original manufacturing information was lost when Remington declined to hire Marlin's experienced personnel for its facilities. Product manager John Fink noted Remington's workers "had never built lever-action rifles before, so there was a learning curve," as reported by Shot Business. Thousands of what many firearm enthusiasts consider to be subpar

rifles were made between 2010 and 2014, damaging Marlin's reputation. In Ruger's latest press release, CEO Killoy says the company looks "forward to reintroducing Marlin rifles in the latter half of 2021." If Ruger can produce quality Marlin lever-action rifles -- a task presumably made easier by the painstaking technical drawing, research, and development Remington carried out a

decade ago -- it may add an additional revenue source to its current fast-paced sales. LONG LIVE THE LEVER GUN Visit the help section or contact us Forums > The Range > Firearms Chat > Thread in 'Firearms Chat' started by Just me, Aug 30, 2016. Marlin Lever Action Rifle Serial Numbers 1883 to 1906 (Including Models 1881, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895 and

1897.) Note that records are chaotic as all models were numbered in a single serial number range, and numbers are often duplicated, and the dates recorded are apparently shipping dates, not dates of manufacture. Brophy studied the records and came up with the following as dates of manufacture. MARLINS MADE 1948 and LATER Marlin Model 336 and Models 39-A and 39-

M manufactured from 1948 to 1968: A one or two letter code was used to designate the year of manufacture. All Marlins (except lever action) manufactured from 1962-1968 A two letter code was used to designate month and year of manufacture. All Marlins manufactured from 1969 to 1990: The first two digits of the serial number designate the year of manufacture, either as the

last two digits of the year (in 1969-71) or as a number code (1971 and later).. Enter ONLY the LETTER CODE or the FIRST TWO digits of the serial number below. MARLIN Manufacturing Date Code FIREARMS INFORMATION 22 caliber bolt action and semi-autos were not serial numbered prior to 1969 (when the 1968 Gun Control Act was implemented). Firearm serial

numbers were date coded by a prefix within the s/n, as signified below. For example a Marlin model 39A with a serial number of N12478 would have been made in 1955 while a 1894 in 44 magnum with a serial number of 25105098, would have equated to 1975 LEVER ACTIONS ALL FIREARMS 1941 = B

1941-44 ***

1945 = C 1957 = R 1968 late = 68 1981 =

19 1993 = 07 2005 = 95 1946 = c ** 1958 = S 1970 = 70 1982 = 18 1994 = 06 2006 = 94 1947 = D 1959 = T 1971 = 71 1983 = 17 1995 = 05 2007 = 93 1948 = E 1960 = U 1972 = 72 1984 = 16 1996 = 04 2008 = 92 1949 = F 1961 = V 1973 = 73 & 27 1985 = 15 1997 = 03 2009 = 91 1950 = G 1962 = W 1974 = 26 1986 = 14 1998 = 02 2010 = 90 1951 = H

1963 = Y 1975 = 25 1987 = 13 1999 = 01 2011 = 89/MR 1952 = J 1964 = Z 1976 = 24 1988 = 12 2000 = 00 1953 = K 1965 = AA 1977 = 23 1989 = 11 2001 = 99 1954 = L 1966 = AB 1978 = 22 1990 = 10 2002 = 98 1955 = M 1967 = AC 1979 = 21 1991 = 09 2003 = 97 1956 = N 1968 early= AD 1980 = 20 1992 = 08 2004 = 96

*** No commercial

manufacture from sometime in 1941/'42 until 1945, due to WWII production & retooling ** Small c, NOT CAPITOL MR, production started in Remington plant with proof mark REP However, Marlin like Winchester in the early years may have done a few special orders that do not fit. OR the gun was returned to the factory for repairs & ??? For more information CLICK HERE

Originated 05-11-02 Last updated 11-01-2020 Contact the author

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