Genesis- Chapter 27-29

Genesis 27

V41- Esau has a hatred to kill his brother

V46- She must trick Isaac again into letting Jacob leave

Genesis 28

V6- Esau find out that Jacob is leaving

V8- also realizes how much it hurts his family to marry a Canaanite so he goes farther into Egypt and finds Ishmael and marries another Canaanite like woman to spite his parents.

V11- traveling at night was dangerous so Jacob stops to rest

- when it means stones, in the Hebrew understanding among the Rabbis, this meant Jacob made an indention from the rocks to lay his head on

V13-14- God continues with His promise to Abraham in Gen. 12:2-3

V16- in the Hebrew understanding, when it says that Jacob wasn’t aware that God was in that place, it meant that he was tricked by God- ironic.

V21-22- the first glimpse of faith- this will build to levels of faith that are amazing

- Jacob agree that if God will take care of him, then he will honor God

- Jacob could not rely on his parents faith but had to have one of his own


Genesis- Chapter 27-29

Genesis 29

V2- the sheep and flocks would be watered from this cistern

V3- stone covering to keep it clean

V6- Jacob see Rachel’s beauty

V7- … Jacob tries to trick the shepherds into leaving so he can be alone with Rachel

V10- just like Rebekah watered Isaac’s animals so does Jacob water his future wife’s animals

V11- wow. He weeps for her and hardly knows her- that love at first sight

- social identification kiss (Jacob was sly)

V12- if he had not said that then… the other shepherds who were related to her would have Killed Jacob

V13- Laban runs out to meet Jacob (when he finds out that he is a possible prospect for his daughters marriage) and kisses him and brings him home

- Jesus was a student of the Word

- In Luke 15 Jesus creates a parable about a prodigal son

- Possible got this picture from Gen 29:13 of the relative running out, and kissing him, and bringing him home

V16- two daughters fro marriage

-Leah- weak eyes (sorrowful eyes) – not the most attractive girl but the kindest sweetest, kindest girl

-Rachel- so beautiful that Jacob weeps when he meets her

- the eyes were so attractive to this culture- fiery eyes- also found in Egyptian culture (eye make-up in tombs


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