St Andrews Church St Andrew’s Catholic Church, Tenterden ...

2226099-47349800T E N T E R D E N K E N TParish Priest: Fr Behruz Rafat Telephone 01580 762785 Mobile: 07903 986646Address: The Presbytery, 47 Ashford Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6LL. Parish E-mail Parish Website: Deacon: Rev. Jolyon Vickers Telephone: 01580 766449 Email: Hire of Parish Hall: Lesley McCarthy?07791 949652 E-mail: bookings.standrews@Newsletter Editor: Patricia Sargent 01233 850963 E-mail: sargentpat51@Newsletter for the week commencing 20th September 2020Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary time (A)Entrance antiphon: I am the salvation of the people, says the Lord. Should they cry to me in any distress I will hear them, and I will be their Lord forever.First Reading: Isaiah 55: 6-9Psalm 144 Response: The Lord is close to all who call him. Second Reading: The letter of St Paul to the Philippians 1: 20-24, 27Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Blessings on the King who comes, in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heavens! Alleluia!Gospel: Matthew 20: 1-16Communion antiphon: You have laid down your precepts to be carefully kept; may my ways be firm in keeping your statutes.Father Behr writes:Dear ParishionersOn Monday 28 September we will have a meeting of our parish council.? Due to social distancing measures it will only be possible for council members to attend.? However, I would like you to feel free to write to me with any suggestions you have for improving our parish.? Please feel free to write to me in confidence and let me know what you find positive about our parish and what you would like to see improved.? I will consider carefully what every parishioner has to say.At the meeting I want to discuss the possibility of bringing back our 6pm Saturday evening Mass.? This will depend on having stewards available for the Mass.I also want us to consider whether we should be 'live streaming' our Sunday Mass for the benefit of those who are housebound and for all those who do not currently feel able to return to Mass.? This would involve a substantial set up cost but may be a worthwhile investment for the future.As this is my first meeting as your parish priest I am relying on members of the council and you to let me know what has worked well in the past and what we can improve in the future.? ?I look forward to your comments and suggestions.??Your Prayers are asked for:Those recently deceased.Those ill or infirm: Charlotte Elliot (daughter of Maureen Davidson), Jennifer Jorden, Joe Adams, Ellie Lawrence, Anne Bryant, Eric Booth, Patricia Hook, Elena Peck (senior), Marjorie Dumbleton, Josie Payne, Joe Venables. Pat Holland and all those self-isolating or suffering from COVID-19.Those whose anniversaries of death occur at this time: Josie Parsons, Sheila Allen, John Cregan, Hugh Blake, Dorothy Whiting, Juliet O’Hea, Christine Carney, Terence Price, Tony Russell and Angela Drummond-Brady.This weekThis week’s services (20th – 26th September) until social distancing is relaxed:Mass will be held daily at 10am except on Wednesday when there will be a Service of the Word and Holy Communion at 10amFeasts during the weekSunday 20th September 10am Mass as normal12 midday Traditional Latin Mass25th Sunday (A)Home Mission DayThursday 24th SeptemberOur Lady of WalsinghamMonday 21st SeptemberSt Matthew, ApostleFriday 25th SeptemberFeriaTuesday 22nd SeptemberFeriaSaturday 26th SeptemberFeriaWednesday 23rd SeptemberSt Pius of Pietrelcina, PriestSunday 27th September26th Sunday (A)In these strange times the only rota which is operational is the flower rota so …For Sunday 27th SeptemberFrancien FosterSecond Collections - Given Covid -19, the programme of Second Collections in the Archdiocese has been rescheduled. Therefore, there will not be a second collection this week. These collections will be amalgamated with others later on in the year. There will be a collection for CAFOD on 4th October for Harvest Fast Day.Ride & StrideVery many thanks to all who were able to take part in the Friends of Kent Churches Ride and Stride this year. Please now don't forget to collect your sponsorship money and leave it in the porch (preferably as a single cheque rather than cash)?and your sponsorship forms?(these are very important) for Rachel Heinrichsmeier by?24th October. Please make cheques payable to: Friends of Kent Churches. Thank you! A message from Deacon Jolyon:-Dear Friends,You will understand that we are sometimes near to exceeding a safe number for this service, so your co-operation in following all the guidance re face masks and hand sanitisers and social distancing; following the guidance at the distribution of Holy Communion and post communion reflective meander and letting us know that you are attending or not attending is appreciated.In the light of the facts that:The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays is currently relaxedThere will be an extra-ordinary form (EF) Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12:00 Midday here in Tenterdenit would be really appreciated if some folk would opt to attend Mass on Saturday at 10am instead, for the time being, or support the EF Mass on those weekends. If there are a number of people, who would be happy to do this, I will prepare a seating plan for Saturday too. Could you also indicate if you would be willing to steward or clean on a Saturday?I am extremely grateful to those people who are kindly cleaning and stewarding on Sundays at the moment.Sadly, the Remembrance Sunday, Christmas Market and Town Carol Services are all suspended for this year, but we are actively exploring ecumenical ways of observing these events. We will keep you posted.With kind regards,Jolyon ................

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