K-12 Resources in GALILEO

GALILEO for Elementary Research

|Try these for all categories: |

| |

|Britannica Elementary |

|SIRS Discoverer |

|Searchasaurus: Primary/Elementary |

|Kids Search |

|Book Collection: Nonfiction |

|Category |Topic or Question |Additional |

| | |Databases |

|Art and Music |- Artistic movements and genres, such as impressionism | |

| |- Artists, such as Andy Warhol | |

| |- Instruments, such as stringed instruments or the trumpet | |

| |- Composers, such as Mozart, Schubert, Wagner, or Beethoven | |

|Books and |- Georgia Book Award titles |Also see: |

|Book Reviews |- If you like Cornelia Funke, what other authors might you like? |NoveList K-8 |

| |- Difference between literary genres, such as biography and non-fiction | |

|Biography |- Who invented the crayon? | |

| |- Who was Thurgood Marshall? | |

| |- Did George Washington really have wooden teeth? | |

|Country Reports |- Questions about the population, demographics, economy, education, health, etc. |Also see: |

| |for countries |World Data Analyst |

| |- What are the main food crops in China? | |

| |- How do people in Japan make a living? | |

|Dictionaries |- What is the origin of the word “pizza”? |Also see: |

| |- What is a synonym for “revise”? |Enciclopedia Juvenil |

| |- What is the root of the word “equilibrium”? | |

|Education and Careers |- What are the duties of firemen? |Also see: |

| |- Who are community helpers? |Career Resources Education Network |

| |- Identify careers that combine math and sports | |

|Encyclopedias |- What is the difference between an African elephant and an Indian elephant? |Also see: |

| |- How would you cite an encyclopedia in a bibliography? |Encyclopedia of Animals |

| | |New Georgia Encyclopedia |

| | |Enciclopedia Juvenil |

|Georgia |- What is Stone Mountain made of? |Also see: |

| |- Who was the first governor of Georgia? |Digital Library of Georgia |

| |- Name three animals that live in Georgia |New Georgia Encyclopedia |

| |- What is the history of the capitol building in Georgia? |GeorgiaInfo |

| |- Where was the first settlement in Georgia? | |

| |- How many counties does Georgia have? | |

| |- Famous Georgians | |

|Health and Medicine |- Name the parts of the circulatory system | |

| |- What is diabetes? | |

| |- What does penicillin do? | |

| |- What is DNA? | |

| |- What are the food groups eaten in a healthy diet? | |

| |- How many teeth are in a human adult’s mouth? | |

| |- What are the benefits of taking vitamin E? | |

|History and Government |- What are Georgia’s branches of government? |Also see: |

| |- What side did Georgia fight on during the Civil War? |Annals of American History |

| |- How do you become a U.S. citizen? | |

|Literature |- Genres of literature |Also see: |

| |- Book reports |NoveList K-8 |

|News and |- Current events reports/discussions | |

|Current Events |- Compare today’s temperature to the average temperature on July 4th | |

|Images, Maps, |- What are the colors of the flag of Australia? |Also see: |

|and Flags |- Find an image of a whale shark, panda bear, or a chihauhau |EBSCO Images |

| | |Digital Library of Georgia |

|Primary Source Documents |- Name three interesting facts from Lewis and Clark’s diaries |Also see: |

| |- What is the Declaration of Independence? |Annals of American History |

| | |Digital Library of Georgia |

|Science and Math |- Name three animals that live in the desert or three animals that live in the | |

| |rain forest | |

| |- In which ecosystem would you find a Cyprus tree? | |

| |- What are the characteristics of a marsh? Savanna? Desert? | |

|Social Studies |- What are the requirements to be a registered voter in Georgia? | |

| |- What customs are associated with celebrating the Chinese New Year holiday? | |

|Sports |- Where were the Olympics held in 1996? In 2002? | |

| |- Name three winter or summer Olympic sports | |

|Technology |- How do I create a website? | |

| |- Who invented the Super Soaker? | |

| |- List ways robots and other technologies are used to help persons with | |

| |disabilities | |

|Websites for Kids |- Find safe websites on current events, science and math, fine arts, sports and |Also see: |

| |recreation, and more |Discoverer WebFind |


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