Assessment Rubric for Venn Diagram

Assessment Rubric for Venn Diagram

4 3 2 1

|Concept Arrangement |Each section of the |Each section of the |Each section of the |Each section of the |

| |diagram contains four |diagram contains three |diagram contains two facts|diagram contains very few|

| |facts easily identified. |facts easily identified. |that are somewhat |facts that are not easily|

| | | |identified. |identified. |

|Primary Source Content |Student exhibits mastery |Student illustrates a |Student displays a limited|Student shows little or |

| |of the material as |firmer understanding of |understanding with some |no understanding of |

| |evidenced by attention to |most of the similarities |details pertinent to the |topic. There are few |

| |detail. |and differences |subject matter. |details. |

| | |brainstormed. | | |

|Linking Content together |Reflects factual |Most of the information is|Reflects some factual |Contains non factual |

| |information that |factual and seemingly |information and attempts |information that does not|

| |corresponds with |corresponds with |to put it in corresponding|correspond to the |

| |appropriate section of |appropriate section of |section of diagram. |appropriate section of |

| |diagram. |diagram. | |diagram |

Grading Breakdown

11 (90%) – 12 (100%) =A

8 (80%) – 10 (89%) =B

6 (70%) – 7 (79%) =C

4 (65%) – 5 (69%) =D

0 (0%) – 3 (64%) =F


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